Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 30, 2015 in

Conan O’Brien has done a lot of video game-inspired stuff on his show over the years… he definitely seems to have an appreciation for them. Minecraft is still pretty popular (although perhaps the peak has been reached), so it’s not really surprising that Conan has done an entire bit in Minecraft. Conan claims that they wanted to do an entire episode in Minecraft, but that after an initial approval the “creators” backed down and said no. So rather than a whole episode, they did a this video. It’s not bad… I wonder how many interns they had working on this? Read more…
Tags: Conan, Minecraft
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 16, 2014 in

These days, everyone’s on board with Batman being a dark, gloomy character. The movies have shaken off Schumacher’s stench and gone gritty and realistic. But there was a time when Batman was downright camp: the 60s live-action Batman TV series. DC sometimes revisits this time with things like the Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon, but there’s really nothing quite like the original. Through Conan O’Brien (whose show Conan shoots right on the WB lot near my apartment), WB has confirmed that they are releasing Batman — presumably all 120 episodes — in a complete box set later in 2014. Conan tweeted the news with a picture of him and the Batmobile, which was retweeted by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. There are no further details yet, and I’m not sure if the 1966 Batman movie with nearly the same cast from the TV show will be included. Regardless, it’s good that this is finally getting a release so we can see Adam West, Burt Ward, Cesar Romero, and all the other wacky actors. Would a Blu-ray version be asking too much? Read more…
Tags: Batman, Conan, Warner Brothers
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2013 in

Conan O’Brien has been checking out video games more and more recently, and while he doesn’t seem to understand them all that well, his outside perspective is both hilarious and refreshing. In this video he visits E3 and takes a look at both the PS4 and Xbox One. Perhaps the most telling thing is that he immediately tunes out all of the gritty, violent shooters and action games, and finds true happiness with Mario Kart 8 (and Bayonetta). He also makes a quick stop to talk with the voice of Mario, Charles Martinet, which is simultaneously funny and depressing. Watch the whole video below. Read more…
Tags: Conan, E3 2013
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 27, 2012 in

Poor Jason Momoa – he was a good Conan, stuck in a bad movie – and now he’ll never get a second chance. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed on with Universal Pictures to return and play Conan in a new film called (to everyone’s surprise, I’m sure) The Legend of Conan. I’m sure Arnold has been missing the cameras, but this whole situation seems hilarious to me. This movie better be amazingly terrible or actually good, because no one wants another middling Conan film. Funnily enough, the producer went out of his way to say this new film skips the second Conan (1984). Just smile and nod, I suppose. Read more…
Tags: arnold schwarzenegger, Conan