Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 15, 2015 in
Star Wars

Okay, maybe we should call it an interlude? A post-Return of the Jedi comic? A pre-Awakening story? Whatever you want to call it, a new Star Wars comic is coming in September, titled Shattered Empire. The tale will take place between the sixth and seventh Star Wars films, and will be told from the perspective of C-3PO. The first image of it (presumably a cover) has been revealed by Disney and Lucasfilm and… it’s a nice drawing of the final scene of Jedi! Hope you weren’t hoping for anything more spoiler-y! This is just one of 20 books planned to come out this fall and also with The Force Awakens in December, all as part of the new canon. So there will be more on the way soon! Check out the cover below. Read more…
Tags: Comic Books, The Force Awakens
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 1, 2012 in
Comic Books,

Perhaps I’m just out of the loop, but I must admit: I didn’t even know you could purchase comics on your PSP or Vita. The service will be shutting down October 30th, and anything you own on the service will be available to download until mid-January 2013 (licenses permitting). I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, you could download a huge variety of stuff on the PS Store. Still, it’s a little sad to see another option go, especially since a digital manga store is opening up for Vita owners in Japan around the same time this one closes! As usual, Japan gets everything cool. Read more…
Tags: Comic Books, Playstation Vita, PSP
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 10, 2012 in
Comic Books

I’ve always been a proponent of digital comics, so I’m pleased whenever a major publisher decides to embrace the new medium. Don’t get me wrong, I love mom & pop comic shops as well, but I’ll be perfectly honest — I have enough clutter as it is. I’d just rather keep my comic collection both clutter-free and portable at the same time. As if they read my mind, Marvel Comics recently launched their brand new digital comic store. I know what you’re saying, “Didn’t they already launch one of these last year?” Well, they did, but this one’s better, and here’s why:
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Tags: Comic Books, Marvel
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 25, 2012 in
Comic Books

I’ve never been fond of collage work myself, mostly because I associate it with stalkers and psychopaths. That said, if I were going to make a collage, it’d have to be of something awesome — like my favorite comics. I imagine some of you can probably get past the whole stalker thing, but wouldn’t know where to find one of these awesome collages. Well, you’re in luck. Meet Mike Alcantara, an artist who spends his free time crafting these awesome comic-themed collages. His canvas pieces range in size from 12″ x 12″ to 24″ x 36″ and vary in price between $100 to $400 each. That said, they’re all one-of-a-kind. Currently he only has one piece, featuring Green Latern, valued at $250, but plans on crafting more pieces for sale in the near future. To purchase the piece or keep up with his future releases, be sure to check out Mike’s Etsy store, as he plans to keep it updated.
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Tags: Comic Books, Fan Art
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 20, 2011 in
Comic Books

I might have procrastinated a bit this holiday season, but thanks to the magic of the world wide web, and the recent proliferation of digital content, I’ve been able to fulfill most of the leftover shopping without having to leave the comfort of my house. Of course, I’m not sure that’s a good thing but I digress. If, like me, you’ve grown fond of your fireplace and would rather curl up next to one than fight those last minute lines, here’s a nice alternative. It might not be the answer for any of your Comic purists, but Marvel is currently offering 30% off their annual digital subscription service. Find out how to save after the jump.
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Tags: Comic Books, Marvel
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 2, 2011 in
Comic Books,
Star Trek

If you’re a fan of the Trek and also happen to enjoy the occasional comic, you might want to check out GIT Corp’s Star Trek: The Complete Comic Book Collection. Produced back in 2008, this digital collection covers over 500 issues from 1967 through 2002. That said, the title might be a bit misleading — I’d hardly call it a definitive or complete collection — but it’s certainly a lot of content. To top it off, Amazon is currently offering the collection for 90% off its list price. Rather than paying the full $30, you can snag this collection for only $7. At that price, it’s practically stealing. Check the Amazon listing for a detailed list of comics included in this package.
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Tags: Comic Books, Star Trek
Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 26, 2010 in
Comic Books

Having managed to run the most popular X-Men characters into the ground in a mere four films (“mere” given the sheer volume of characters to make use of), Fox’s X-Men: First Class is starting to look like one of those movies that’s the fourth or fifth flick in a popular movie franchise, where the movie gets released directly to DVD and stars an entirely different (and cheaper) cast than the original. Read more…
Tags: Comic Books, X-Men, x-men: first class
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 22, 2010 in
Comic Books,
Pulp Fiction,
Star Wars

Last week, famed comic-artist and illustrator Al Williamson passed away at the age of 79. I do find it difficult to sum up my feelings regarding his passing, but perhaps I can provide some perspective for those of you who may not already be familiar with the man. As both an artist and inker, Williamson’s work meant a great deal to both readers and fellow artists alike, and I feel it’s safe to say it has had a tremendous impact on comics as we know them today.
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Tags: Comic Books, EC Comics, Pulp Fiction
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 18, 2010 in
Comic Books,

Sure it’s not Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or even IDW, but if you haven’t read any of Boom! Studios’ comics since its inception back in 2005, you’ve really missed out on some amazing work. With licensed works based on films like Die Hard and 28 Days Later you really can’t go wrong — not to mention their outstanding line-up of original content that spans a variety of different genres. However, missing out can be easily remedied thanks to their recently released iPad app which promises to deliver roughly 50 titles straight to your iPad for a reasonable price. The app itself is built on the comiXology engine, the same engine used by other publishers such as Marvel and IDW. To download the app, or to learn more, check out the app store website. Read more…
Tags: Apps, Boom! Studios, Comic Books, iPad
Posted by Gia Manry on May 22, 2010 in
Comic Books

Recently comic creator Hope Larson, of the tween girl series Chiggers and the romantic Grey Horses, recently released the results of an informal study she conducted with 198 teenage girls and women, all comic readers. The results were interesting and, true to form, many pundits reporting on the finding missed the point entirely. Read more…
Tags: Comic Books
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 20, 2010 in
Comic Books

So I find myself looking through the dozens of previews that DC Comics has lined up — and I see cover after cover of the same old mediocre prancing over posed lackluster superheroes. But alas one jumped out at me, it’s the cover for Batman: The Widening Gyre which goes on sale in September. The first thing that hit me is that the draftsmanship of the drawing itself is just stunning. There’s a great deal of action going on, yet the drawing style is very loose but not cartoony. And then there’s the color and specifically the texture of the drawing which is so much more sophisticated than the typical coloring book job you see on almost every other DC Comics cover. So of course I go to check out the illustrator and the artist is the master himself: Bill Sienkiewicz.
Tags: Bill Sienkiewicz, Comic Books, DC Comics
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 26, 2008 in
Comic Books

This cover by Juan Doe for Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #3 (which is due out in January) has a nice poster quality to it. The contrast between the art deco coloring of the Blue Marvel in the foreground makes for a nice contrast with the post-psychedelic hypnotic swirling backdrop.
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Tags: Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel, Comic Books, Juan Doe, Marvel
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 25, 2008 in
Comic Books

Art Baltazar shows off his sense of humor on this cover of Tiny Titans #12 which is due out in January. In this illustration Baltazar is already in a land of cute with his characters, but I like the fact hat he takes it a step further by having those with super powers in training doing something mundane like the wash — and failing at it so well!
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Tags: Art Baltazar, Comic Books, DC Comics, Tiny Titans
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 24, 2008 in
Comic Books

In January 2009 Marvel will be putting out the second issue of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz which features cover art and pencils by one of my favorite artists Skottie Young. One of the nice things that Skottie did with this cover is that he’s reinvented the visual look for Oz which has such a well known history – by ignoring the books and the famous MGM film he’s given the title a fresh start. It’s also great just how cartoony this cover looks too, which is something that you don’t associate with typical Marvel comics which seem so obsessed with Photoshopped realism. Speaking of Photoshop notice how good the coloring is? Young has a very washed out water-colored looking palette instead of the over saturated primary tones you see too often today. And all of this is just the background to the character designs which have a wonderful whimsy to them. Read more…
Tags: Comic Books, Marvel, Skottie Young, Wizard of Oz
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 23, 2008 in
Comic Books

Recently someone spoiled this film for me by telling me that the ending was different than the comic book, and in a huff I promised myself that I’d boycott watching it in public. However upon seeing this new poster for Watchmen I know full well that ‘ll be waiting for hours on line with every other fanboy…
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Tags: Alan Moore, Comic Books, Dave Gibbons, DC Comics, Poster, Watchmen, Zack Snyder