No More “Super” Updates For Capcom’s Fighting Games, For Now

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2012 in Videogames


Capcom is notorious for the way they release their fighting games. Popular staples like Street Fighter or Marvel vs. Capcom will get many minor updates before a proper sequel is even considered. I understand why, since reinventing the wheel over and over again would throw players off their game, but it also smacks of a cash-grab. When asked why Capcom doesn’t just release a stream of updates instead of more expensive boxed copies, Senior VP Christian Svennson revealed the company’s reasoning. Read more…

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Capcom Announces Ace Attorney 5 For 3DS

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 5, 2012 in Videogames

Phoenix Wright

It’s been a while since the last official numbered sequel to Capcom’s courtroom drama game, Ace Attorney. Though the third game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, was released on DS in 2007, it was originally released only in Japan on GBA in 2004. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney hit America in 2008, and since then, there have been some additional rereleases and two spin-offs that served as interquels. Now, the time has come for the next Ace Attorney game, or Gyakuten Saiban 5 in Japan. Read more…

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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Almost Done, But Will It Leave Japan?

Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 21, 2012 in Videogames

Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney

In spite of all the problems they have, fans love crossovers, and I’m no different. I conveniently ignore the fact that crossovers often contain cheesy catchphrases, obvious confrontations, and a cliche team-up plot, usually about saving the world — all in the name of making fans giddy with excitement. The stakes might not be that high in Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, but that doesn’t make the crossover any less enticing for fans of the two cult DS series. Read more…

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Resident Evil 6 Features Zombie Butterflies?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 16, 2012 in Horror, Videogames

Resident Evil 6 C-Virus Cocoon

Earlier this evening, some more details regarding Resident Evil 6 surfaced. It’s already been revealed that both Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield will be playable for the first time in the same game, and that the game will take roughly 30 hours to complete, featuring three 10-hour-long chapters. However, this latest bit of news might seem a bit more exciting for fans of the earlier entries in the series — Zombies are back. While the previous two entries dealt with an infectious parasite, Resident Evil 6 introduces the C-Virus. This latest strain pits our heroes against a new breed of zombies, capable of running, jumping and using basic weapons.

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Ace Attorney HD Trilogy Looking Sharp

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 8, 2012 in Videogames
Ace Attorney HD screenshot 1

Following last month’s announcement of the latest installment in Capcom’s Ace Attorney series, and the release of Ghost Trick for Apple’s iOS, Japanese fans were pleasantly surprised to hear that the first three titles from the series would also be released in HD. While Capcom USA hasn’t made any announcements regarding the localization of either Ace Attorney 5, or the HD iOS collection, some recently posted screenshots show just how beautiful the games can look in high definition.

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Yikes; Capcom’s Mega Man X iOS Port

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 21, 2011 in Videogames

Feast your eyes on this travesty. Its not often that I find a video with so many views and dislikes. Earlier today, TouchGameplay released some in-game footage from the upcoming iOS port of Mega Man X. Based on a previous mobile phone version of the title, the graphics have been enhanced, along with the addition of touch controls. Suffice to say, fans are not happy — many of whom have questioned Capcom’s definition of “enhanced.” Read more…

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Phoenix Wright Live-Action Full Length Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 8, 2011 in Cinema, Videogames

I’ve noticed that many sites seem to be posting a short thirty second trailer for Takeshi Miike’s live-action adaptation of Phoenix Wright, so here’s the latest full length trailer. As far as I’m concerned, they’ve really hit the nail on the head. Everything seems so spot on, from the overly dramatic acting to the gaudy costumes. It seems as though Miike decided to stick as close to the source material as possible, and I’m sure everyone who plans on watching it will be extremely grateful as a result. As some of you may recall, this isn’t his first attempt at adapting a game to film. Back in 2007, he directed Ryu ga Gotoku Gekijōban, a live-action take on Sega’s Yakuza franchise. The film won’t be released until February, s0 don’t expect to see it fan-subbed anytime soon.  With any luck, someone might decide to license it for domestic distribution sometime next year.

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Has Capcom Killed Mega Man?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 19, 2011 in Videogames

Mega Man Legends 3

Tonight Capcom announced that Mega Man Legends 3 has been officially cancelled. With no other Mega Man titles in development, and the recent cancellation of Mega Man Universe — a shame really, I had high hopes after playing a closed-doors demo at Tokyo Game Show last year — the franchise has come to a screeching halt. While I never had a chance to sit down and play Mega Man Legends 3 while it was still being developed, that specific series has a decent cult following and will no doubt leave many fans disappointed. So, what was Capcom’s excuse for giving the game the proverbial axe?  The titled failed to meet the criteria for which the company deemed necessary to proceed with development based on the input from various sectors of their staff. Suffice to say, the quality wasn’t there.

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Buy Some iOS Games; Help Japan

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 17, 2011 in Videogames

 Sonic 4 for iPhone

Both Capcom and Sega have announced plans to donate a portion of their profits to disaster relief efforts in Japan. For the rest of the week through Monday, Capcom has discounted the iOS version of Street Fighter 4 to just $0.99, and will donate all sales — this is in addition to the 100 million yen they’ve already contributed. Sega has also discounted all their Sonic the Hedgehog iOS titles, along with their Football Manager 2011 app, and are likewise offering all proceeds to disaster relief through Tuesday. For their part, Sega has already contributed 200 million yen to the Red Cross.

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Okamiden Gets a Release Date, Facebook App and More

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 3, 2010 in Videogames

 Okamiden art

Back in June, I touched on Capcom’s Okamiden, the upcoming sequel to their modern-cult classic Okami. I’ve had the opportunity to spend some time with the title at the various trade shows I’ve attended and I have to admit it was a lot more fun than I had expected. Well, it would seem Capcom has finally settled on the North American release date of March 15th, 2011. I know that seems a ways off, but they’re looking to make up for that by offering several limited edition pre-order bonuses if you purchase the game through GameStop. the first 20,000 pre-orders will recieve a special stylus for their DS in the shape of a brush, and a custom screen cleaner that’ll feature art of the main characters. Capcom has also created a Facebook app that lets you try your hand at painting a goblin mask. The app will allow users to enter contests to win a Nintendo 3DS, a copy of the game and several other Okamiden-related prizes. Exciting, right?

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Dr.Light’s Latest Creation? Kubrick Man

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 10, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Kubrick Megaman

I love it whenever my favorite toy and figure companies pick up a videogame license, so it’s no surprise that I’m excited about this little venture I’ve stumbled upon. Capcom and Medicom have recently teamed up to create a line of Mega Man inspired Kubricks and Be@rbricks! Each Kubrick, Mega Man and Protoman respectively, come packed with their own 1Up Be@rbrick. Each set will be limited to 500, and are currently available exclusively through the Capcom US online store. Now, they won’t be available until August 12th, but you can pre-order them now for $39.95 each, and if you buy both sets together, you can save $5 off your total. Sure, they might be a little expensive, but they’re limited edition. Besides, if you’re any fan of those classic Nintendo games, you owe it to yourself to pick one up — I know I will.

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Okamiden; the Sequel We Never Thought We’d See

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 24, 2010 in Videogames

Okamiden art

Back in 2006,  Clover Studios developed one of the most innovative and beautiful titles to have ever graced to the Playstation 2 — Okami. The studio, who had been funded by Capcom Japan, had been riding off the success of their Viewtiful Joe franchise. While their previous games had featured similar cell-shaded graphics, Okami received crtical acclaim for its combination of beautifully rendered visuals and innovative gameplay. Unfortunately the game failed to sell and ended up being a contributing factor in the studio’s subsequent dissolution at the hands of Capcom’s board of directors the following year. As a result many fans who had enjoyed the game were left wondering if a sequel would ever be possible. Read more…

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It Just Won’t Stay Dead; Resident Evil Afterlife Gets a Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 2, 2010 in Cinema, Videogames

Here’s the first full trailer for the latest addition to the Resident Evil film franchise, Resident Evil: Afterlife.  I’m sure some of you might be cringing after reading that headline, after all, Resident Evil: Extinction — the last entry in the series — failed on so many levels. After its predecessor ended with so much promise — at least, as much promise as a Hollywood video game adaption could — Extinction  simply delivered more of the same, and as a result, many people, myself included, weren’t exactly looking forward to a fourth. Read more…

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Lost Planet 2: A World Worth Finding

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 27, 2009 in Videogames

This is the latest gameplay trailer for Lost Planet 2 which was shown at the Tokyo Game Show. The game is published by Capcom and looks amazing — after seeing this trailer I don’t have much of an idea what the gameplay is like, but the universe Jun Takeuchi and Kenji Oguro have created looks wonderfully rich in detail.

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Tatsunoko vs. Capcom vs. Marvel: The Game I’d Like to See!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 14, 2009 in Animation, Videogames

I really love the latest rage of kit-bashed character universe games that are coming out — shwn above is the latest video for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and below is a preview of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. And why are these videogames so cool? Because there’s a silly sort of honesty top them! Let’s face it: Every fanboy has always had those X-Men vs. Superman type of arguments, granted they’re silly but we all love that at heart. Read more…

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Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Old School Anime Meets Retro Gaming

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 5, 2009 in Animation, Videogames

In the great tradition of Marvel vs. Capcom comes Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars! Old school anime fans will be very familiar with Tatsunoko as the animation studio behind Battle of the Planets, which was a watered down version of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. Other Tatsunoko properties featured in this game are characters from beloved classics like Tekkaman and Yatterman and more recent titles like Karas. And of course on the Capcom side you can pick from characters from Street Fighter and Mega Man. This title has already come out in Japan, but I’m very pleased to see that they’ll be bringing it over to North America for the Wii. Read more…

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Monster Hunting Cats on the Prowl

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2008 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Airu DX

The minute I came across these two cats I was impressed: There’s something ever so cool about outfitting two elegant felines in medieval attire and then giving them the most silly accessories that you can imagine. The two kitties in this case are from the Capcom title Monster Hunter, and in the game they do everything from mundane chores like cooking to the more exciting gigs like distracting giant creatures. On the left is Airou who carries an oversized paw on a stick, and on the right is Merarou who prefers a giant tooth on a stick.

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