Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 17, 2015 in Cinema

While everyone was busy freaking out over the new Star Wars trailer, Alcon Entertainment decided to put out a press release announcing that Ryan Gosling has signed on to star along side Harrison Ford in Blade Runner 2, which will be directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Enemy). The press release doesn’t detail who Gosling will be playing, leaving us wondering what the script currently looks like. This does seem to imply that the movie won’t be entirely shouldered by Ford, who’ll now have some new faces to bolster the film. I’m still curious about what the plot will be, but will Villeneuve behind the wheel and Gosling stepping up, I’m way more interested than before. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 28, 2015 in Cinema

If you were wondering the most likely candidate would be to direct the Blade Runner sequel now that Ridley Scott had offered it up, wonder no longer! Denis Villeneuve, the director behind such films as Prisoners, Enemy, and Incendies, is in negotiations to direct the cyberpunk movie. The production company sent out a press release about it, which basically means it’s already official. Harrison Ford is also confirmed to return to his role as Rick Deckard, which I’m not entirely sold on yet. Still, one of the original co-writers of Blade Runner, Hampton Fancher, has written the script with Michael Green (Green Lantern, The River). The film will begin filming in summer of next year. Villeneuve is one of the best directors out there right now, so this suddenly set my hopes a tad bit higher. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Denis Villeneuve, Harrison Ford
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 14, 2014 in Cinema

Ridley Scott is making headline a lot these days, eh? With his latest film, Exodus: Gods and Kings, fully whitewashed and ready to release, he’s also been chatting about Blade Runner 2. Scott has leaned away from the idea of directing it in the past month or so, but he apparently heard back from Harrison Ford on his impressions of the script: “I sent him [the script] and he said ‘wow, this is the best thing I’ve ever read.’ It’s very relevant to what happened [in] the first one.” High praise, it seems. I hope it actually is as good as Scott portrays it to be. In lieu of him, who do you think should direct the film? I’m not 100% sure, but I think a good name to suggest would be Nicolas Winding Refn. Since we can’t replicate the success of the original, why not try something totally unique and different? Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Harrison Ford, Ridley Scott
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 27, 2013 in Cinema, Fandom

Sigh. We’d all like to forget the Star Wars Christmas Special, wouldn’t we? What if other beloved movies had gotten something just as terrible? Well, Nerdist decided to subject us all to the hilarious pain of imagining what a Blade Runner Christmas Special might look like. Yes, it’s as silly and terrifying as you might guess. Santa, Jesus, and elves that “just do toys” are involved… although I’m not sure what the point was of the random Chuck Norris joke? Maybe I’m missing a deeper level of meta-commentary. Check out the video below. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 17, 2013 in Cinema

Blade Runner isn’t just a fantastic sci-fi film (particularly if you watch Ridley Scott’s final cut), it’s a neo-noir detective story. YouTube user Chet Diamond decided to cut a new trailer to emphasize its noir style, putting it in black-and-white and focusing on certain dialogue. It’s actually cut more modern than an actual noir film’s trailer would be, but it’s still an interesting take on the film that makes me want to watch it all over again. Now if only someone would give The Big Lebowski a noir trailer, seeing as it’s basically a noir film in disguise. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 10, 2013 in Cinema

Against better judgment, Ridley Scott wants to make a sequel to Blade Runner. The man has made some fantastic films, but his work of late hasn’t been quite as good (see: Prometheus). What’s even worse? Harrison Ford has considered returning to the role of Rick Deckard. During promotion for Ender’s Game, IGN asked Harrison Ford about the potential sequel. Ford revealed that not only was he interested in playing the human/replicant/whatever-you-think, but he has talked with Ridley Scott about it. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Harrison Ford, Ridley Scott, Science Fiction
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 17, 2013 in Cinema, Fandom

This video calls itself 8-bit, but trust me, this is way closer to 16-bit than 8. Now with that out of the way, feel free to check out this cool video from CineFix that takes the world of Blade Runner and transposes it into a video game. Well, a video game with lots of dialogue. There’s not a lot of action, instead it adapts iconic scenes from the film into simple vignettes made from pixels. I’d be interested in seeing some of these scenes laid out as hi-res wallpapers, too. Check out the video below! Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 30, 2012 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

Flickr user _Tiler has been getting some attention recently, and rightly so: his small LEGO models, while made of only a few parts, have a striking amount of detail and character! Ranging in subjects from The Dark Knight Rises, Blade Runner, and The Fifth Element, I’d hope LEGO would take note of these, as they’d make great sets, especially as stocking stuffers or the like. Click through for a mini-gallery! Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Lego, The Dark Knight Rises, The Fifth Element
Posted by Michael Pinto on May 29, 2012 in Cinema

And now Ridley Scott wants Harrison Ford for Blade Runner II? The saddest thing an artist can do is to be forced to go back to their past to amuse the masses. This was the trap that poor George Lucas fell into: Try-and-try as he did to remake Star Wars he couldn’t pull it off. The result? Of course we all stood in line and watched Jar Jar Binks, but now that it’s been more than a decade since The Phantom Menace and today fanboys still yearn for the real thing — Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. And sadly I fear Ridley Scott is going down the same path to schlockdom. Read more…
Tags: Alien, Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 10, 2012 in Cinema

I’ll take any opportunity to write about Blade Runner, and the last week has been filled with speculation and rumors. It all began with Twitch posting an article claiming they learned that Harrison Ford was in talks to join the sequel. Two days later, the head honchos at Alcon (the company financing the sequel) said this wasn’t true at all. Now, AICN posted an Entertainment Weekly article in which Ridley Scott himself speaks out on the film. What did he have to say? Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 27, 2011 in Cinema, Science

While reading an interesting interview with a medical ethicist and I was suddenly struck by how much this premise reminded me of the 1982 classic film Blade Runner: “Do you think that granting corporations the rights of people in the Citizens United case is disturbing? Then contemplate the fact that corporations have been patenting human genes and tissues at alarming rates — in the last 30 years, more than 40,000 patents have been granted on genes alone.” Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Cinema

I just came across this amazing short film made by Stargate Studios which is a tribute to Blade Runner. If they had done nothing but the opening animation here I would have been blown away, but they took it to the next step and work with some live actors. If you’re a film snob it’s too easy to forget that the original film was done on a budget of $28 million, but just remember that what you’re seeing here was done with no budget and you’ll be impressed: Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 7, 2011 in Cinema

Many of us were psyched when Ridley Scott announced plans for an upcoming film set in the Blade Runner universe, but until recently, news has scarce. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Scott gave us a bit of an update regarding the project. In addition to stating that it’ll be the next film on his plate, Scott hinted that the film would actually serve chronological sequel, though it won’t feature any of the original cast, or even the character of Richard Deckard. I’m not sure how I feel about that, especially since the first film left so many unanswered questions. The film, of course, was loosely based on the Phillip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and while there have been several novelized sequels that try to bridge the gap between the two, it’s hard for anyone to really consider them cannon. Considering this new film will take the series in a new direction, I wonder if we’ll ever see a proper sequel. Still, it’s pretty awesome that we’re even going to get one in the first place.
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Tags: Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 19, 2011 in Cinema

Ridley Scott is not just a brilliant director but a great storyteller — and to me that’s why him trying to make a new Blade Runner film is a waste of time. What made Blade Runner so brilliant was that Scott made it in the early 80s when everyone’s idea of science fiction was Star Wars. While Alien was a bleak film, it still had that off in the distant future feeling to it — on the other hand Blade Runner seemed like something that could take in your lifetime. And the film drove home that point by making use of 40s film noir and punk rock. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Michael Sacco on May 28, 2011 in Cinema

Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is a scifi staple, and its unique look continues to be an inspiration for other genre works. But it’s just a movie, made by real people, which is easy to forget. Periodically we’ll get some behind-the-scenes footage or photos that help us put film production into perspective, though, like these Blade Runner set Polaroids from actress Sean Young, who played Rachel in the film. If you want to see Harrison Ford making googly eyes at a camera, or just want to see Sean looking particularly glamorous, her collection is definitely worth a look. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 5, 2011 in Cinema

Alcon Entertainment, an investment group owned by Warner Brothers, recently acquired the rights to create new Blade Runner films, though it appears the films must be prequels or sequels, thus ruling out unnecessary remakes. This could be good news for fans of the original Blade Runner, or it could put you into a state of abject terror. Sequels to older movies generally don’t work that well. The good news is, there’s still a lot of time for popular opinion to coalesce — it doesn’t appear that the rights-owners have the slightest idea what kind of film they want to make right now, what material it would feature, anything like that. It’s almost comforting that no one involved with the project has yet piped up and said “I was thinking the best way to make this movie would be to add GIANT REPLICANTS. Squid replicants, dinosaur replicants. Transforming car replicants. That’s Blade Runner, man.” Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 20, 2009 in Cinema

On paper it sounds like a good idea: Why not take the Philip K. Dick book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and make a graphic novel out of it? And that’s what BOOM! Studios has been trying to do for about seven issues of this comic book and they just can’t get it right. I’ve been looking at the previews for a while and something has always set me off about them. Then it struck with this latest issue — this isn’t a graphic novel based upon the novel, but a bad xerox copy of Blade Runner which was the famous film which was based upon the novel. Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Boom! Studios, Ridley Scott
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 18, 2009 in Cinema, Design

On this day in 1933 visual futurist Syd Mead was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He started his career in 1959 working for Ford Motor Company, but for us fanboys our love affair with his work really starts 70s when he started to make the jump from slick looking industrial design to science fiction. His early film work in Hollywood includes credits on the film Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 2010, Tron, Aliens and even the comedy Short Circuit (yes that was his robot design!). However his triumph for me was his preproduction work on Blade Runner: Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner, Science Fiction, Syd Mead
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 8, 2008 in Science

It might be quite a leap from going to making synthetic single celled creatures by 2011 to full blown Blade Runner replicants by 2019 — but it does make one wonder if we might see that Brave New World of genetic engineering in our lifetime: Read more…
Tags: Artificial Life, Blade Runner