Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 12, 2013 in
Dr. Who,

The time has come to say goodbye to Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor. But before Peter Capaldi takes over as the Twelfth Doctor, Eleven has one more chance to go out with a bang. It’s “The Time of the Doctor,” the Doctor Who Christmas special, and BBC America has a nice little trailer. Watch as The Doctor takes on, like, all the enemies ever. Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, the Silence, it almost seems like overkill. I’m sure it will be cool, but can any regeneration ever top The Caves of Androzani, Peter Davison’s last serial as the Fifth Doctor? I’d argue no. Read more…
Tags: BBC, BBC America, Doctor Who, Twelfth Doctor
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 16, 2012 in
Dr. Who

For Doctor Who fans lucky enough to live within spitting distance of Manhattan, BBC America is planning a special season premiere screening on August 25th. While they haven’t nailed down an exact venue quite yet — they’ll be updating us with details via their official blog — attendees will be shown a special screening of the series 7 opener “Asylum of the Daleks,” followed by a Q&A with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and executive producer Caroline Skinner! Ironically, tickets will be sold for just $0.11, along with a dollar surcharge. I know you can just stay home and watch the series premiere for free, but who would want to pass up a chance to chat up the 11th Doctor or the beautiful Amy Pond? You have no idea how jealous I am of you New Yorkers.
Tags: BBC America, Doctor Who
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 25, 2012 in
Dr. Who,

BBC America will be airing four all-new Doctor Who documentaries leading up to season premiere of Doctor Who next month. The line-up starts on August 4th with The Science of Doctor Who. I’ve been seeing plenty of ads for it while trying to catch mid-day reruns of Battle Star Galactica, so I’m already a little excited. Next up is The Women of Doctor Who, set to air on the 11th, followed by The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who and The Destinations of Doctor Who on the 18th and 25th respectively. Is it just me or does the “timey-wimey” bit seem like a reach? I’d like to think the science would pretty much cover all that, but perhaps they realized that a little too late. Oh well, I know I’ll be watching them either way.
Read more…
Tags: BBC America, Doctor Who