Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 21, 2015 in
Comic Books

Jason Momoa and Zack Snyder promised that Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v Superman film would be “badass,” a term that not many non-comic fans would associate with the character. However, given that they cast Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and going by this first image of his costume, I have to say: he does look pretty badass. When they announced Momoa as the actor to play him, I definitely pictured a more Khal Drogo-esque Aquaman, and this fits the bill. It remains to be seen how much of a part he’ll play in the film, but hopefully Aquaman will be handled well and become a fan favorite. Read more…
Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 2, 2014 in
Comic Books

Now that DC has sorted out their animated movie universe to be more in line with The New 52 comic initiative they’ve had going on, it’s time for more New 52 adaptations! Justice League: Throne of Atlantis is the sequel to Justice League: War from earlier this year, the movie that basically adapted the origin of the new Justice League in The New 52. Aquaman is going through his own origin in this movie, as he didn’t appear in the previous one. It seems they’re going with the more “bad-ass” version of Aquaman from recent years instead of the joke everyone remembers from the Super Friends. Good on ’em, but I still can’t stand the bright orange and green outfit. (It clashes!) No date on the movie yet, but the release date shouldn’t be far off. Read more…
Tags: Aquaman, DC Comics, Warner Brothers
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 9, 2014 in

In a radio show on CBS Detroit, Zack Snyder took some time to defend Aquaman. By calling in. Yes, according to SlashFilm, this is really Snyder and not some impostor calling into the radio show. He doesn’t confirm Aquaman in in Batman v Superman (“Anyway, not to say he’s in my movie or anything like that […]”), but it’s the worst-kept secret in the industry right now. He goes on to say, “The cool thing with Aquaman is he’s Triton so you have to realize that could cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact. That’s a thing that’s in the canon.” I believe you, dude! I mean, you have Jason Momoa playing him, so by default he’s already the best Aquaman yet. The full quote is below or listen to the call here.
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Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman, Zack Snyder
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2014 in
Comic Books

It’s official, folks, after months of rumors and frequent denials by Jason Momoa, HitFix has confirmed that he’ll be playing Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v. Superman film. Momoa even recently complained about everyone bothering him as to whether he’d play the watery hero, but it seems he’s just sworn to secrecy by Warner Bros. and DC. It looks like all that destruction by Superman in Man of Steel will be a springboard for the story, as HitFix claims that both Batman and Aquaman will be pissed about the damage done. Aquaman still won’t have a huge part, but they’re definitely setting him up for the eventual Justice League film. Plus, at the very least, this is going to be the most badass incarnation of Aquaman yet! I think a Khal Drogo-style Aquaman would be very entertaining. Read more…
Tags: Aquaman, Batman v. Superman