Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 24, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

It’s summer! I’ve got my hat on backwards and it’s time to watch a whole bunch of superhero movies. Here are two new clips Marvel movie clips: one from Ant-Man, and another from Avengers: Age of Ultron. Both are a tad spoilery, so go no further if you want to stay untarnished! The first clip features Scott Lang breaking in and stealing — what else? — the Ant-Man suit. It’s an interesting setup! The second clip is for folks who can’t wait: it’s a brief look at Vision in action from further in the film, when he’s first activated. I hear he’s one of the best elements of Age of Ultron! Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 14, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

I’m surprisingly interested in Ant-Man, considering that Marvel’s Phase Two “epilogue” comes across like an afterthought after Avengers: Age of Ultron. But that teaser trailer was incredibly uninteresting, showing some cool visuals without explaining what makes this different than other Marvel movies. The first “real” trailer has dropped, and it makes up for most of the teaser trailer’s faults. The comedy could still use more of a presence, but at least the jokes land better. And we have an idea of what Ant-Man is about, including a good look at the villain Yellowjacket. I get the feeling it will still be an uphill battle to sell people on the movie after Age of Ultron, but this is a good start. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 7, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

First promised back in 2006, Ant-Man has been on Marvel’s back-burner for years before going through several changes to the creative team. But surprisingly, not much has changed besides the loss of Edgar Wright. Ant-Man still promises to be a comedic heist movie in a superhero shell, though sadly, that doesn’t really make it across in this first teaser (human, not ant-sized). While the footage looks good, there’s little humor, with the trailer being cut like a normal superhero film. The shrinking bits look well-done, but I’ll admit, I was expecting more from this first look. Nothing looks wrong, but for a film about a more obscure superhero with a strange name/power, Marvel really needed to sell this better to those who have doubts. Still, have a look, and hope that the next trailer is more suited to the film they’re promoting. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 3, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Actually, yes it is. Marvel has released a teaser… for the teaser trailer… for Ant-Man. It’s all very silly, and it’s also very, very small. The teaser for the teaser trailer has been released at an ant-sized resolution, making it not very useful if you want to make out any details, but incredibly useful for generating hype. The teaser trailer itself (in a human size) will air during the series premiere of Agent Carter on January 6th at 8PM ET on ABC… But that’s not the only teaser for a trailer Marvel released! They also teased a new Age of Ultron trailer which will arrive on January 12th during the College Football Playoff National Championship at 8:30pm ET. If you’re a Marvel fan, the next week or so should be pretty good! Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 4, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books, Television

Alongside a young Howard Stark, Hayley Atwell’s character Peggy Carter is becoming synonymous with the early days of S.H.I.E.L.D., at least in Marvel’s movies and TV series. After first appearing as Captain America’s girlfriend in Cap’s first film, she has appeared as an old woman in the sequel, garnered her own short film Agent Carter, and now has an Agent Carter TV series airing this January based on the prior short. She even cameos in the first episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s second season, as well as a flashback in Avengers: Age of Ultron. So where is she showing up next? Supposedly Ant-Man, which raises a few questions. Read more…
Tags: Agent Carter, ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 28, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Things are still looking rosy over in Mavel-land! At their panel at Comic-Con, they teased the next few film they have lined up, namely Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. They showed footage for both as well, but Ant-Man’s footage was concept footage as opposed to Ultron’s mostly-finished clips. Also released was some cool concept art for both films, one a piecemeal poster featuring the Avengers fighting a crowd of Ultron bots, the other featuring… ants! Check them out below. Lastly, James Gunn came out and announced that he’ll be directing Guardians of the Galaxy 2, scheduled for July 28th, 2017. The whole cast will be returning, too. Nice! Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel, San Diego Comic-Con 2014
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 8, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Ok, ok, maybe that’s a bit cynical of me. But Peyton Reed did direct the movie Yes Man, so it’s an easy joke to make, especially given that Marvel seems to want one of those right now. Adam McKay, who was in the running to direct Ant-Man previously, will be contributing to the script, but the directing is all Reed. Now it’s up to them to steer this project back to safety. I’m just not sure if you can save this movie in the eyes of the hardcore fans now — they are the ones most upset by Edgar Wright’s departure. But as long as the mass audiences like it, that’s all the matters now. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 1, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

So who have Marvel found as their replacement for Edgar Wright? It’s hard to tell. AICN was reporting the Adam McKay (the director of Anchorman) was directing it early yesterday, but then McKay claimed it wasn’t happening. Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland) and Rawson Thurber (We’re The Millers) were also in the running. Whoever they pick will need to appease Paul Rudd, as a director leaving a film 8 weeks before shooting isn’t exactly a good thing. I’m sure whoever they hire will do an alright job on the film, but I still can’t help but wonder what Wright’s original vision would’ve looked like, completed. The Marvel film I was probably most excited for is now the one I’m most cynical about. What a shame! Read more…
Tags: ant-man
Posted by Ben Huber on May 25, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man was one of my most anticipated upcoming Marvel films. Everything about it seemed like a perfect match, from Wright’s directorial sensibilities to the unique take on the character he’d offer. It was great to see Marvel on board with a riskier project too, and they were behind it for the better half of a decade as Wright finished other films! But very abruptly, Wright has left Ant-Man and will no longer be directing it, due to “differences in vision.” Odd, considering Marvel had a script in hand for years. Latino Review claims that Marvel brought in two writers to rewrite the script significantly, which caused Wright to leave. Joss Whedon and Simon Pegg also tweeted out their support for Wright, so it definitely appears to the public that Marvel handled this poorly. I wonder where this will go next? Read more…
Tags: ant-man, edgar wright, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 7, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Fresh off of her work in The Hobbit, Evangeline Lilly is doing well — and it looks like things might be getting better. THR is currently reporting that Lilly is in talks to star opposite of Paul Rudd in Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man. Her role would not be a one-off appearance, so many fans are speculating that she’d be playing the Wasp (which would also make her a likely candidate to show up in the third Avengers film). I’m all for more female roles to balance out the Avengers! It also helps that Lilly was one of the best parts of the second Hobbit film. Let’s hope this rumor works out. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, edgar wright, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 14, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Paul Rudd will play Ant-Man in Edgar Wright’s Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 film, fittingly called Ant-Man. But he’s not playing Hank Pym, the classic character. No, Marvel has clarified that Rudd is playing Scott Lang, the second Ant-Man who steals equipment from Pym. Of course, it makes sense for Pym to be in the movie, so Michael Douglas has been cast in that role. Now that we finally know which Ant-Men are involved, I can make some guesses as to some plot points. I’d imagine that in this universe, Hank Pym might just be a scientist instead of also being Ant-Man. Scott Lang steals his equipment for some reason, uses it to become Ant-Man, and eventually gets mentored by Pym. I’m still curious as to what the conflict will be. Could it be related to Ultron in The Avengers 2, since Pym created him? Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 3, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

I’m still having a bit of a hard time believing that Ant-Man is actually becoming a movie (set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe). I admittedly haven’t ever read any Ant-Man comics, but I know the concept of the character and some story beats through the years, and it seems like a weird choice to follow up The Avengers: Age of Ultron from a mass-market perspective. But god dammit, I’m happy that something comparatively smaller and weirder can be made into a big movie in this day and age! And because Edgar Wright is directing it, it has my attention. Wright even tweeted this picture to show that, yes, his long-in-production movie is finally filming, making this the first picture from the set. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 21, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Remember last summer’s San Diego Comic Con, when there was test footage shown from Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man film? Well, it’s finally leaked out online. Granted, it’s shot from a balcony and some guy’s head is in the shot, but you can still see a dude shrinking, getting bigger, and taking out two other dudes. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Disney, Marvel
Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 13, 2010 in Comic Books

…And by “brief,” we mean “IRC.” Based on the original comics’ founding, not the movie version. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, captain america, Iron Man, the wasp, thor