Posted by Ben Huber on May 23, 2014 in

Alfonso Cuarón is a popular guy — and everyone wants him to direct their next film. Warner Bros. is now trying to get Cuarón to direct two of its next films: the Harry Potter spinoff, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and The Shining prequel, The Overlook Hotel. Yes, you read that correctly: a prequel to The Shining. I’m not sure if that needs to happen. It’s not related to Doctor Sleep, Stephen King’s sequel to The Shining, so I’m not sure how exactly it’ll fit into the story. Could Alfonso do both? Possibly, if scheduling permits. Apparently he’s much further in talks for Fantastic Beasts, so that’s the most likely candidate right now, but who knows what could happen in the future! Read more…
Tags: Alfonso Cuarón, harry potter, The Shining
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 21, 2013 in

It’s made the festival circuit, but chances are you haven’t seen Aningaaq, a seven-minute companion short to Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity. That film is one of the best science fiction (in the literal sense: fiction about science) films in a long time and a sure-bet for a Best Picture nomination at the next Oscars. Without spoiling too much for those who haven’t seen the film, Aningaaq is about a titular Inuit man in Greenland who is contacted by Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) at a critical point in her story. It’s a great scene in the movie, but what’s interesting is how this short so perfectly matches the themes of isolation and survival found in the movie, but in different circumstances. Even grounded on Earth, the scene is touching in its poignance, regardless of whether or not you have seen the movie. Read more…
Tags: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity, Science Fiction, Warner Brothers
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 29, 2013 in

Gravity will finally arrive on October 4th, and I want you all to go see it. Alfonso Cuaron’s latest has been getting rave reviews everywhere but it seems Warner Bros. is worried that people might not be into it, as they’re releasing clip after clip for the movie. Well, I hope we all prove them wrong and the turnout is solid, if not great. I really appreciate the dedication to realism, like the lack of sound in space, which is demonstrated in this clip here. Sandra Bullock’s character, Dr. Ryan Stone is on her first space mission and is attempting a repair when things go very wrong. Get ready, it’s going to be intense! Read more…
Tags: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 6, 2013 in

Alfonso Cuarón’s latest film, Gravity, is arriving October 4th. That means you can probably just skip this trailer and wait until the movie comes out in a month. If your excitement for the Children of Men director’s next film hasn’t reached a fever-pitch (like me) then perhaps you should watch it. Just get a handle on things, you know? I love the attention to real detail here. There’s no sound in space. Finally! The only sounds you hear are what Sandra Bullock and George Clooney would actually hear in their helmets. James Cameron called this the “best space film ever,” which is clearly hyperbole, but still makes me even more excited. One month, people. Read more…
Tags: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity
Posted by Ben Huber on May 11, 2013 in

Children of Men is one of my favorite films ever – definitely in my top 10. So hopefully you can understand why I am so excited to see the director of that film, Alfonso Cuarón, return to the big screen finally. His new film is titled Gravity, starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as two astronauts working on the International Space Station when tragedy strikes. Aside from the setup, many details about the movie are vague, but I’m expecting an intensity not exactly common in theaters right now. There’s also a possible 17-minute long shot, which also has me very intrigued. Check out the trailer below! Read more…
Tags: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity