Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 14, 2009 in
Comic Books

I think it’s safe to assume that by now most fanboys are going to their second showings of Watchmen or waiting on the DVD at this point. The one thing I’m noticing is that as time goes on I start to notice more and more plot holes and mistakes in the film. So without further ado here’s my laundry list (warning: this list will contain some plot spoilers, so if you still haven’t seen the film please don’t read ahead): Read more…
Tags: Alan Moore, DC Comic, Watchmen
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 23, 2008 in
Comic Books

Recently someone spoiled this film for me by telling me that the ending was different than the comic book, and in a huff I promised myself that I’d boycott watching it in public. However upon seeing this new poster for Watchmen I know full well that ‘ll be waiting for hours on line with every other fanboy…
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Tags: Alan Moore, Comic Books, Dave Gibbons, DC Comics, Poster, Watchmen, Zack Snyder