Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

With short previews for upcoming films attached to current films becoming more and more popular, Marvel has decided that stingers at the end of films just aren’t enough. If you decide to drop the extra cash to see Thor: The Dark World in 3D (out November 8), you’ll be able to enjoy five minutes of footage from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which won’t be out until April 4, 2014. It’s just a shame the footage won’t be attached to 2D showings, since I make a point of avoiding “3D” movies that were shot in 2D and converted in post (as opposed to the 3D cameras used in movies like Avatar). But if that doesn’t bother you and you want more Cap after that recent trailer, you’ve got the option. Read more…
Tags: 3D, captain america, Disney, Marvel, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 12, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television

I would have thought that Doctor Who mania would be in full swing, since 2013 is such a major milestone in Doctor Who history. It’s been 50 years since the broadcast of the first episode, “An Unearthly Child,” but other than a 60-minute anniversary special, there are only a few minor things being done. And what’s the deal with one 60-minute special? There should be some two-hour extravaganza, with as many Doctors returning as possible, a la the 25th anniversary’s The Five Doctors. (Plus, the season leading up to it featured the return of previous villains.) Ah well, at least the special will…be in theaters…and in 3D? Read more…
Tags: 3D, Doctor Who
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 29, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Were you one of the few people excited about the entirety of the Star Wars series — well, as of now — being converted into 3D and returned to theaters? Then prepare to be disappointed, as Lucasfilm has officially dropped plans to continue with the remaining five films. Apparently, the 3D version of The Phantom Menace last year did poorly, only pulling in $23 million domestically. In addition, all the hardcore fans it was being marketed to treated it like a blatant cash grab. Attack of the Clones would have followed this September, with Revenge of the Sith in October. Read more…
Tags: 3D, Disney
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 16, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

So how better to watch The Avengers this summer than in 3D? Depends on your preference I suppose. As a glasses-wearer myself, I find 3D glasses and 3D films as a whole very clumsy, but it’s hard to argue when people are swarming into 3D films. So it looks like the new promotional tie-in for 3D films will be custom 3D glasses, like these Avengers-themed glasses. It’s hilarious to see people mistake the Thor glasses as Spider-Man glasses on the Facebook page, though. Read more…
Tags: 3D, The Avengers
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 14, 2012 in Star Wars

Some of you may be excited for the upcoming February re-release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3D. I don’t really fall into that camp, but I’m still interested in the process behind it and the fan reaction to it. I like observing pop culture and fanbases. I also enjoy a solid poster, and with movie releases come movie posters. So what have we got to promote Episode I 3D? 2 cool posters and 3 over-Photoshopped posters. Read more…
Tags: 3D, Poster, The Phantom Menace
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 25, 2011 in Cinema, Star Wars

Earlier today, LucasFilm released the official trailer for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D. I’d post it here, but 20th Century Fox has spent most of the day removing it from YouTube. Besides, you’re not missing out on much since it only displays in 2D. That said, I’m not sure how many of you are really looking forward to seeing it again in 3D, especially given Lucas’ penchant for altering his films. Arguably, I don’t think The Phantom Menace could get any worse, but if anyone were to find a way, it’d be him — or Uwe Boll. Still, there still seems to be a market for these 3D conversions, so I’m sure there are some of you out there who just can’t wait. I’m skeptical, and just curious enough to give it a chance myself, and if the film ends looking good enough, I’m sure I’ll see the rest when they eventually hit the original saga. Sorry, I just don’t have any love of Anakin. If you still want to see the trailer, click here. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D opens nationwide on February 10th.
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Tags: 3D, Star Wars
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 1, 2011 in Cinema

Looks awesome, doesn’t it? It’s not exactly everyday wear, but Hasbro’s Dark of the Moon Robo Power Cine-Mask — yeah, the name is a bit of a mouthful — is the coolest pair of 3d theater glasses we’ve seen yet. The mask actually contains the same RealD technology you’d find at theaters nationwide, so it won’t work with your home theater system, or that fancy new 3D LED you’ve been saving up for, but on the other hand, it’ll only set you back $10. Another catch is that the mask is actually designed for children ages 6 and up, so I’m not exactly sure it’ll fit just anyone. If you’re curious there’s a matching Bumblebee mask similar to the Optimus Prime one pictured here. Finally, Hasbro has also decided to throw in a set of standard red/blue stereoscopic glasses in case you need them for whatever reason. For $10, it’s a neat novelty at the least. Check Hasbro’s official website for more info.
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Tags: 3D, Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 6, 2011 in Tech, Television

Get ready to toss those 3D glasses sooner than you expected. That’s right, Toshiba has announced plans to debut their glasses-free 3D televisions worldwide come April. They’ve already been selling the technology to Japanese vendors since December, however those sets were limited to the 12 to 20 inch range. Instead, the TVs hitting North America in April will reportedly be 40 inches on up — so expect a hefty price tag.
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Tags: 3D, CES
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 18, 2010 in Animation, Cinema

So as the end credits start to roll in the theater my friend turns to me and says “that sucked!” But my reaction was “Well they did about as good of a job that they could have…” The original Tron was an impressive film on a number of levels, but the heart of the film was that it represented a breakthrough of computer animation on the big screen — but as a film it was quite average. So the problem is that if you’re going to make a sequel over 25 years later everything that was great about the first film is going to be dated. Read more…
Tags: 3D, Syd Mead, Tron, Tron Legacy
Posted by Gia Manry on May 14, 2010 in Cinema

Her name may not be Mary, but one Jennifer Jhonson (if that’s a typo, I can blame it on TechEye) claims to have conceived a child in a fashion that could be called…”immaculate”? Or perhaps just “desperate.”
See, when her hubby Erick came home from a tour in Iraq he found his wife pregnant– but according to her, there was no earthly father. But rather than laying the child at the feet of a holy deity, Jennifer claimed to have been impregnated as the result of watching a 3D porno flick.
Perhaps even more amazingly, Erick has proven as willing to take this explanation was as Joseph a couple thousand years ago. But let’s face it– 3D films have been around longer than the current trend. In fact, many of the following films are old enough that they could theoretically have “fathered” you and me. So without further ado: five 3D flicks that might impregnate a female viewer! Read more…
Tags: 1953, 1962, 1970, 1983, 1999, 3D, Retro Movies