Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 25, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom
I love Indiana Jones – it’s my favorite adventure film trilogy (shhhh!) and has some of the most recognizable, iconic imagery of any film. Maxime Pécourt realized that, and made three fantastic posters featuring all the various items and objects from the films, formed into the important relics that Jones went after. If you’re interested in these posters, you can check out Pécourt’s Society6 page. And his blog has more creative geek-related work on it as well, so take a look at that as well! Read more…
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self about the future of videogames, what would you mention? The improvement in graphics? Being able to play online with other people? Maybe the motion controllers? That’s what Freddie wants to warn his past self about – well, that, and also the plague of Just Dance. I didn’t realize that we lived in such a dark, terrible time for videogames.
Big news for Avatar fans out there: today, on Korra Nation, you can watch the premier of The Legend of Korra, the new sequel to The Last Airbender. It’s up now, giving you an introduction to the story and characters. Personally, I think it looks great, so let’s hope Nickelodeon treats it right. The premier will be on TV April 14th, but no dates yet for the following episodes. Read more…
Dr. Grordbort has been around recently: new weapons, Team Fortress 2 promotional items, and now a student film! This nearly-7-minute video made by 11 students at Media Design School was officially endorsed by Weta Workshop and the creator of Dr. Grordbort, Greg Broadmore. It’s a very impressive piece and if this is who is doing our next generation of CGI, then we’re in good hands. Check it out! Read more…
Ok, maybe not, but who doesn’t want to see an Animal House version of the Mass Effect 3 ending? TuneIntoTheRock and some buddies realized after a night of revelry that this combination was one the world needed to see, and now it exists here. It’s quite funny, even for me as someone who isn’t a big Mass Effect fan. The little jab at the writers at the end is cute, but I think we’ve all had enough of that by now. Still, great video, TuneIntoTheRock!
Another creative giant has passed away: Noboru Ishiguro. He was 73. The famed director has had his hands in much of the beloved anime of the 70s, 80s, and beyond: Space Battleship Yamato, Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Do You Remember Love?, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Megazone 23, and recently, Tytania. This is only his most well-known work – he’s had a lot of influence in other shows as well, as his studio, Artland, animated shows such as Mushi-shi and Demon King Daimao. Truly, he was one of the greats, and he will be missed. Read more…
Yesterday, Doctor Who series producer Steven Moffat stunned everyone when he unveiled The Doctor’s latest companion would be played by soap star Jenna-Louise Coleman. It pains me to say that Coleman character will be replacing Amy Pond and Rory Williams mid-season, but she’ll be making her debut immediately following their departure from the series.
At last weekend’s WonderCon in Anaheim, fans were treated to a short trailer for Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome — a proposed prequel to the recent series, taking place during the first Cylon war. A 90 minute pilot had been filmed with the intent of pitching the series to Syfy, but just yesterday the network announced they would be passing on the series. Although it won’t air on a regular basis, Syfy’s Mark Stern did confirm that they intend to air the 90 pilot as a TV movie at a later date, with the rest of the series produced as webisodes. At least a webseries is better than no series, but I can’t imagine what kind of budget cuts they’ll have to make as a result.
While watching this trailer for Kinect Star Wars, a few choice words came to mind, but if I had to choose one, I think I’d just ask why. Of course, I think it’s pretty obvious why LucasArts and Microsoft have done this. They’ve said it themselves — they’re appealing to the lowest common denominator. Well, congratulations, mission accomplished. More embarrassing footage after the jump. Read more…
I’m sure some of you might already know about Square Enix and their annual rewards program, but for those of you who don’t, you’ll probably want to. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve opened a new game, only to pull out the disc, toss the box to the side and ignore the rest of its contents. I always justify it by thinking I don’t need a instruction manual, or that I couldn’t care less about some pre-formatted health warnings I’ve read a million times, but in doing so, I often miss that little sheet asking me to register the game. I know what you’re thinking — why bother? Find out why after the jump.
It’s a niche series, but I’ve always loved Falcom’s Ys saga. The series has been a staple of staple of the action role-playing genre for as long as I can remember with countless entries in the series, not to mention the numerous remakes or re-releases over the years. It’s not as popular outside of Japan, but niche as it is, Ys has some of the most dedicated fans I’ve ever seen, and Ys: The Oath in Felghana stands as testament to that.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 20, 2012 in Design, Fandom
I have more t-shirts than any other type of clothing, and though I ultimately blame myself for being terrible with money, the internet isn’t helping matters. Sites like Threadless, TeeFury, Red Bubble, and so many more keep letting artists design these amazing graphic tees, and my bank account takes hit after hit. To make matters worse, Threadless is currently in the midst of a 48-hour sale, with almost every shirt marked down to $9.99 — they usually retail for twice that. Read more…
If you’re a fan of giant robot anime, this trailer might make you wet your pants. It features footage from 2nd Super Robot Wars Z Saisei, a PSP game that features characters and mechs from practically every giant robot series to grace Japanese airwaves is like an otaku’s dream come true. Unfortunately, despite having developed a countless number of these Super Robot War titles over the years, not a single one has been localized outside of Japan. Why? The trailer speaks for itself, check out the list of copyrights at the end. Now imagine the nightmare of trying to secure those rights for an international release. It’s a shame, but who knows, maybe it’ll be a possibility someday… maybe… probably not.
I remember a time when the only thing Michael Bay did to ruin a film was add a few too many explosions. Now he seems content ruining our favorite Saturday morning cartoons — I’m not sure how we let it come to this, but something tells me it’s all you who went to see Transformers in the theaters, just to stare at Megan Fox. Earlier today, Michael Bay caused a bit of a stir when he let slip that his upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film wouldn’t feature any mutants, but rather aliens. Yeah, that’s right, he actually said they’d be from an alien race, so let me ask — was sitting through three of films starring Shia LaBeouf really worth this? Read more…
Here’s a short and sweet teaser trailer to promote the upcoming Walking Dead video game from Telltale Games. Not much happens in it, but it seems to be a pretty good indicator of the tone for the game – heavy and depressing. Which is fine by me, considering most recent adventure games deign towards the humorous end of things. A full trailer is supposed to come out Monday, so if you like what you see, watch Telltale’s site for all the details!
I have to admit that as a jaded fanboy the idea of revisiting the Alien universe leaves me feeling a bit jaded — but this trailer that Ridley Scott could pull this thing off: Read more…
Now this is an awesome LEGO MOC (My Own Creation). Julius von Brunk recently created this delightfully clever Game Boy Transformer – and wow is it detailed. First, it actually transforms. Second, the game cartridge transforms too. Third, he even made batteries for it that integrate into the “battle” mode! Now if only it could get submitted and approved on LEGO CUUSOO… Read more…
I gotta say, flash mobs are interesting to me. They sit in a unique place in my heart, nestled right between ‘awkward’ and ‘awesome.’ On one hand I love that a bunch of people can just go out and do something, purely for fun. On the other, sometimes the hassling of other people looks like it might be a bit much. Here, a bunch of cosplayers dressing up as Street Fight and Mortal Kombat characters dance it out in New York. This one seems to be just a bunch of silly fun, and it left a smile on my face. Fun stuff!
All tongue-in-cheek of course. College Humor joined together with a large list of TV celebs from your favorite shows like True Blood, Walking Dead, The Wire, and Dexter. Normally I’m not too big a fan of CH’s videos, but this one keeps it simple and delivers. The actual rules listed for spoilers actually aren’t too bad either, but let’s face it, we’re not going to get everyone to agree. Especially when someone so badly wants to tell you about whatever last episode they watched, but you’re not caught up yet. It’s just going to happen.
So how better to watch The Avengers this summer than in 3D? Depends on your preference I suppose. As a glasses-wearer myself, I find 3D glasses and 3D films as a whole very clumsy, but it’s hard to argue when people are swarming into 3D films. So it looks like the new promotional tie-in for 3D films will be custom 3D glasses, like these Avengers-themed glasses. It’s hilarious to see people mistake the Thor glasses as Spider-Man glasses on the Facebook page, though. Read more…
This film looks like a great deal of fun — they could have made it super serious, but my first impression is that by setting it in the early 70s and having fun that Tim Burton did the right thing.
After much vagueness and waiting, the release date for The Legend of Korra (sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender) has finally been announced: April 14th at 11am. Sooner than you thought, right? It could be even sooner as Nickelodeon is running a Facebook promo to unlock the premier episode early. If they garner 100,000 likes on their Facebook page, they’ll release the episode on March 24th, presumably on their website. They also released a new trailer to hype the announcement as well, so check it out after the jump! Read more…
Hey, it’s uprfront time again, when the TV networks do their best razzle-dazzle to get the advertisers excited over their new and returning shows. Nickelodeon’s particularly good at this (not that I’ve been to that many all told) and yesterday’s was no exception. Once again the network took over the Jazz at Lincoln Center venue on Columbus Circle and invited several hundred ad agency folks and a few media reporters (hi mom!) to the event. Read more…
If you’ve been curious about Star Wars: The Old Republic, but don’t want to commit to purchasing a subscription right away, starting today and throughout the rest of the weekend, the MMORPG will be free to play. In order to access the free weekend pass, you’ll have to live in a territory in which the game has been officially released. In addition, only users who have never had an active Star Wars: The Old Republic account will be eligible. Read more…