Advertising to the Undead: Walking Dead Mad Men

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 7, 2012 in Fandom, Television

What’s the best way to market to a target audience that only wants one thing? Brains are on the top of the undead’s list of “things I want,” so Don Draper and his cohorts have to figure out the best way to sell to this decaying group of potential customers. Of course, when zombies are involved, so is Rick Grimes. This funny little skit by BarelyPolitical combines two of the biggest TV series into one crazy amalgamation of death, marketing, and brains. And Hershel is spot-on!

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World of Warcraft Mega Bloks Are Both Block-y and Warcraft-y

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 6, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames


I have to admit, these Mega Blok sets don’t look too bad! Looks like MB has teamed up to create World of Warcraft sets, and if you’re a fan of building blocks, then these sets might just scratch that itch. I was always a LEGO kid, and Mega Bloks just seemed like a rip-off brand to me when I was younger. They’re certainly better now, but it still seems like a lot of large pieces. Check out more pics below! Read more…

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Game of Thrones Minecraft World is Mighty Impressive

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 6, 2012 in Fandom

People make tons of crazy things in Minecraft. It’s one of those games where you can honestly make anything as long as you put your mind to it. Heck, people have made 8-bit computers in Minecraft. The latest creation catching the internet’s eye is a replication of important locations and lands from Game of Thrones within Minecraft. Best part is that you can visit this world on the creator’s Westeros server. Now you can finally walk through Winterfell for real! Well, mostly. Great work guys!

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Gaming, Entitlement, and the Consumerist

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 5, 2012 in Videogames

The Consumerist and EA

It’s a bit of a hot topic right now, but everyone seems to be up in arms over this “Worst Company in America” poll that recently named Electronic Arts the worst company in America. From what I’ve gathered, over 250,000 people voted to determine the winner of the not-so-prestigious title with Electronic Arts receiving 64% of the votes, with Bank of America trailing at 36%. There’s no question that gamers are passionate about their games, or that Bank of America destroys the lives of countless households on a daily basis with foreclosures, or questionable banking practices, but for whatever reason my twitter feed seems to have exploded with debates backing both sides of the coin, and the tweets aren’t pretty.

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Catching Up With Star Trek Phase II

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 5, 2012 in Star Trek

Star Trek Phase II Logo

It’s been awhile since we checked in on Star Trek Phase II, the fan-produced fourth season of Star Trek‘s original series. Formerly known as Star Trek: New Voyages, the premise was simple, pick up where the show left off, finish the crew’s five year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations while remaining faithful to the look and feel of the original production. Sets were built to resemble the originals with as much accuracy as they could muster, along with everything from outfits and props to make-up and hair. It remains one of the best fan series I’ve ever seen, despite only having completed seven episodes over the past few years. This evening marks the release of their latest episode, “The Child.” Check out the trailer after the jump, and be sure to visit the Star Trek Phase II official site for more info. The full episode is available here.

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College Humor’s Doctor Who in 16-Bit

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 4, 2012 in Dr. Who, Videogames

College Humor is at it again. Some of you might recall their Game of Thrones video game parody from last year. This time they’ve given the 11th Doctor and crew a 16-bit JRPG makeover.  The video follows the fifth and sixth seasons of Doctor Who, so if you haven’t been keeping up you’ll be in for some spoilers — that said, they don’t actually do a great job of summarizing the series, not that they ever intended to. Just try to appreciate the cute references, like the group squaring off against a Weeping Angel with the only commands available being “blink” or “don’t blink.” The soundtrack is a real treat, though.

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Recalling Total Recall

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 4, 2012 in Cinema

Total Recall 1990

The first trailer for Len Wiseman’s Total Recall hit the net this week, and surprisingly, it really looks good. Given Hollywood’s current fetish for reinventing classic films, I had plenty of reservations when plans were announced a year ago, especially after hearing that Colin Farrell would be cast as Douglas Quaid, a character we’ve only ever associated with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Farrell isn’t unknown to the action genre but for a time, Schwarzenegger defined it. So how do they plan on tackling it? The answer is simple, believability.

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Want Toonami Back? Here’s Your Chance

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 3, 2012 in Anime, Television

Adult Swim Twitter Feed

The other day, Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim played a little April Fool’s joke by bringing back their Toonami anime block for an evening. They caught a lot of fans off guard, by marathoning classic Toonami programming like Astro Boy, Big O, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing and more — they even had Steve Blum return as the voice of T.O.M. the robot, going as far as reviewing Mass Effect 3. When Toonami left the air a few years back, I remember fans calling it as an end of an era, well now it looks like they might get a chance to revive it. Adult Swim is asking its fans to voice their desire via twitter with the hash tag #BringBackToonami. Read more…

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Nerdist Gets its Own YouTube Channel

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 3, 2012 in Fandom

Nerdist Logo

The guys over at Nerdist may be famous for their fandom, but we’re not jealous. Sure, Hardwick and the gang happen to rub elbows with some of our favorite stars on a regular basis, even convinced BBC America to fund a series of television specials, but the truth is he’s as much of a nerd as the rest of us. With that in mind, I thought it’d be nice to mention the launch of their brand new YouTube channel. While I’m not sure if they plan on transitioning any of their podcasts to videocasts, I’m sure they’ll have plenty of interesting content to keep you entertained. Read more…

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ThinkGeek, Please Make These Peeps

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 2, 2012 in Star Trek, Videogames

Marshmallow Creeps

Every year ThinkGeek likes to tease us with a wonderful array of fake products we’d love to waste money on. Well, some of us any way, and this year was no exception. Some of their better gag gifts this year included a Skyrim electronic dragon shout hoodie, Minecraft-themed green marshmallow peeps, or ‘Creeps,’ and even an inflatable Star Trek Captain’s chair. Okay, so that last one is actually a real product they’re selling. Still, a Skyrim dragon shout hoodie? I’d totally get one for Halloween next year. Read more…

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Elecom’s Portable Lazer Keyboard

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 2, 2012 in Tech

Elecom Lazer Keyboard 2

There are so many awesome gadgets out there, many of which I can’t afford. The latest to catch my eye is a portable, projection-based Bluetooth keyboard for iOS and Android devices. The Elecom TK-PBL042BK — catchy name, I know — is a self-contained, rechargeable unit that projects a red wire-frame keyboard onto the surface of your choice. The keyboard itself comes with adjustable brightness settings to save battery life, and features up three levels of sensitivity, clocked up to 350 characters per minute. There’s even a mouse-mode built-in. Impressive, isn’t it?

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Gentle Giant Making Spider-Man Busts, Faces Not Quite Right

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 1, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


These busts from Gentle Giant for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man film look pretty good. They have a fair attention to detail and have nice poses. The Lizard looks menacing, and Spider-Man is leaping in action from buildings – it’s all good stuff. But the alternate version with Spidey’s mask off isn’t quite there yet: I think it needs another revision or two, mainly because it doesn’t look like Andrew Garfield at all. Am I the only one thinking this? Read more…



Easter Eggs Abound in 8-bit Google Maps

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 1, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


By now you’ve probably heard of Google’s fantastic April Fools joke: 8-bit Google Maps. They partnered with Square Enix to Dragon Quest-ify the entirety of Google Maps, and even produced a fake commercial for a cartridge version of the software. Given that this is Google, though, they hid tons of little items and cute references within the joke (like the adorable pixel art, seen above, found at the Google HQ). Don’t want to go hunting yourself? Hit the jump for a few cool easter eggs! Read more…

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Fantastic Shaun of the Dead LEGO Model Needs Your Support

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 31, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


The LEGO CUUSOO site has been a big focus of the internet recently. The ability to vote up neat ideas to become official LEGO sets is too cool to pass up for many, so we’ve seen an explosion of popularity, especially with the recent Minecraft set. So what’s the latest? Shaun of the Dead! It’s a great model of the Winchester from the zombie film, in ‘Modular’ form which is LEGO’s line of buildings aimed at adult collectors. It needs 10,000 supporters for LEGO to begin the process to make it a set (it has around 8200 currently), so get on over to the CUUSOO site and sign up! Read more…

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Newest Property Coming to Broadway? Mars Attacks

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 31, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


Was “Turn Off the Dark” not enough for you? Need a few more geek-related musicals in your life? Well thank Broadway, Topps, and IDW, because they’re bring you a musical adaption of Mars Attacks, the popular sci-fi trading card set, and it’s set to debut next year. Not only that, IDW will be releasing a Mars Attacks comic book series this June. The full title of the musical is Mars Attacks: 21st Century Slaughter, and I’m sure it will be interesting… but will it be good? Read more…

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Marketing Gotham City Has Got to be Rough

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 30, 2012 in Comic Books, Fandom

A scenic trip to Gotham City? Maybe scenic isn’t the best way to describe “getting robbed at gunpoint.” I don’t want to spoil the jokes here – Awkward Spaceship has put together a cute little video emulating the classic tourism commercial, only this time the city that’s begging for your visit is Gotham, a crime-riddled hive of scum and villainy. I certainly don’t recommend going to the opera and the walking out via the alleyway… Read more…



First Trailer for Genndy Tartakovsky’s Feature Film “Hotel Transylvania”

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 30, 2012 in Animation, Cinema

I’m a big fan of Genndy Tartakovsky’s work – and I bet many of you are too. Just the mention of Samurai Jack, Dexter’s Laboratory, or the Clone Wars series are enough to get people excited, so I like to keep an eye out for whatever he works on next. We’d gotten teasers and small bits of info about “Hotel Transylvania” here and there, but here’s the first official trailer. Yes, it’s CGI. I’m a little wary, but also hoping that Tartakovsky magic will pull through. Read more…



Wheaton & Pegg Trade Trekkie Tweets

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 29, 2012 in Fandom, Star Trek

Wil Wheaton & Simon Pegg

The guys over at TrekMovie recently chronicled an interesting, albeit hilarious conversation between Star Trek‘s Simon Pegg and Wil Wheaton via Twitter. As the story goes, Pegg was set to make an appearance on Conan promoting the upcoming video release of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Wheaton just happened to be shooting an episode of The Big Bang Theory on an adjacent set, and as soon as he caught wind that Pegg would be on the same lot, hilarity ensued. While the two ultimately didn’t meet, the tweets they shared are absolutely priceless. Check out the tweets after the jump, and if you want to hear more about Pegg’s visit with Conan O’Brien, click here.

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Tokyo Disney, the Anime? I Wish

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 28, 2012 in Animation, Japanese TV

Japan has its fair share of strange commercials, but this latest one for Disney’s Tokyo resort has to be one of the most adorable ads I’ve ever seen — so much, that the animated short has me convinced that I’d sit through an entire animated series centered around it. The 30 second anime short tells the story of a little girl and her time spent visiting the theme park over the years, from her first time as a kid, to meeting her future husband, eventually growing old together. It’s well animated, and the cute rendition of “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” fits it so well. Am I weird for wanting them to make more of these? I’ve included a bunch of screenshots from it after the jump.

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Doctor Who & a Fist Full of Daleks

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 28, 2012 in Dr. Who

Last week the BBC promised to release their first trailer for the upcoming season of Doctor Who, and now they’ve delivered. Oddly enough, it includes quite a bit of Amy and Rory, which leads me to believe that most of what we’re seeing takes place within the first half of the season. If that’s the case, then we’re in for a hell of a ride. It also seems like the Daleks will be making their return — I’d call it triumphant, but when is it ever when The Doctor’s involved. Also, any else notice Cleopatra? What’s that about?

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning DLC Dated

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 27, 2012 in Videogames

Lightning in Final Fantasy XIII-2

By now, it’s no secret that Final Fantasy XIII-2 leaves us with a cliff-hanger. It was announced a few months back that the story would continue via downloadable content, and that there were no plans for a Final Fantasy XIII-3 at this time. The first significant piece of DLC to expand the story featured former cast member Sazh Katzroy, and while it added a few casino games, it was much more of a side-story, and didn’t actually progress the plot. I’m hoping the latest piece of DLC to be announced, the much anticipated Lightning chapter, will do just that. According the Japanese gaming mag Dengenki PlayStation, that particular chapter be made available this May. Read more…

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Netflix Axes Terra Nova Deal

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 27, 2012 in Television

Terra Nova Poster

The last few weeks have been absolutely brutal for Sci-Fi fans. First, Fox decides to drop Terra Nova despite relatively strong ratings, then SyFy opts to pass on the latest Battlestar Galactica prequel, even though it looked far more interesting than Caprica. While we had hoped Netflix would provide some light at the end of that tunnel, it now seems as though talks to revive Terra Nova have ceased. I’m sure many of you had your fingers crossed, especially after Netflix managed to pick up Arrested Development the other month. The rumor seemed promising, but perhaps its for the best — the show’s budget would need to be slashed, and I couldn’t begin to imagine what Terra Nova would even be like without it.

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HBO’s Game of Thrones in 22 Minutes

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 26, 2012 in Television

HBO has thrown together a twenty two minute special summarizing the entire first season of Game of Thrones. If you’ve already seen the series or read the book, the video provides a decent refresher course, but otherwise, there’s quite a few spoilers. If you plan on watching the series in its entirety, or reading the book instead, you’ll want to steer clear. For me, it’s the first time I’ve had a chance to catch Emilia Clarke sporting her natural brown hair. It’s a real shame she has to dye it blonde or wear a wig for her role of Daenerys, she’s quite stunning as a brunette. Season two premieres April 1st on HBO. Read more…

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An Otaku Musical Seeks to Kickstart Production

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 25, 2012 in Anime, Fandom

Maison Ikkoku

Joe Vecchio has been working diligently to create a musical based on the romantic comedy manga Maison Ikkoku which was created by Rumiko Takahashi. When I first heard about this project I had my doubts, however at Anime Central in 2011 Joe managed to get a read through of his play for his fellow otaku. And now he’s on a quest to take his dream to the next level via the website Kickstarer: Read more…



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