Passing the Time;’s Top 5 Doctor Who Audiobooks

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 18, 2012 in Dr. Who

Doctor Who Audiobooks

It can be hard for Whovians having to wait for the next series of Doctor Who to start. With the season premiere still months away, you’ll probably need something to pass the time. While you’ve probably watched every episode on Netflix or Amazon’s instant video service, we tend to overlook the numerous novels, audiobooks, and radio dramas the BBC churns out on a regular basis. I’m sure some of you might not have known about the plethora of content available via Amazon or Audible, but there’s quite a bit of it t0 choose from, and fans of The Doctor both past and present will likely find a fair share of adventures starring their favorite incarnation of the Time Lord. One word of advice however, keep in mind the intended audience of these stories can vary from children to adults, so make sure to read the reviews before you spend your cash.

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Mind-Controlled Cat Ears Street-Dated

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 17, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Tech

neurowear vol.1 necomimi

Remember these? Last May we posted a video for Nuerowear’s mind-controlled fashion accessory “necomimi” — or cat ears. That right, they’re a pair of car ears you can control with a thought. Until now, they haven’t been made available for sale. The first batch will go on sale at the Nico Nico Super Conference being held in Chiba later this month for just 7,900 yen — that’s about $100 a pair. Of course, that’s a special price just for the event. They’ll actually retail for about $112 after that. I still can’t imagine anyone wanting to sport a pair of these on a daily basis, but once again, I’m sure they’d make for a fantastic addition to any cat-girl cosplay. Read more…

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New Trek Game Gets a Teaser

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 17, 2012 in Star Trek, Videogames

IGN recently released an exclusive teaser for Digital Extreme’s upcoming PS3/360 title Star Trek. Set in the Abramsverse, this co-operative 3rd person shooter lets you take control of Kirk and Spock and will reportedly serve as a tie-in for the upcoming sequel currently being filmed. I have to say, in comparison to most Star Trek titles out there, this one doesn’t look half-bad. Of course, that isn’t saying much. Namco Bandai will be co-publishing the title, due out early next year. Read more…

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Resident Evil 6 Features Zombie Butterflies?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 16, 2012 in Horror, Videogames

Resident Evil 6 C-Virus Cocoon

Earlier this evening, some more details regarding Resident Evil 6 surfaced. It’s already been revealed that both Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield will be playable for the first time in the same game, and that the game will take roughly 30 hours to complete, featuring three 10-hour-long chapters. However, this latest bit of news might seem a bit more exciting for fans of the earlier entries in the series — Zombies are back. While the previous two entries dealt with an infectious parasite, Resident Evil 6 introduces the C-Virus. This latest strain pits our heroes against a new breed of zombies, capable of running, jumping and using basic weapons.

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Avengers Extras to Include 30 Minutes of Deleted Scenes

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 16, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Joss Whedon Avengers Set

The Avengers hasn’t officially premiered yet — save for a few early screenings — but director Joss Whedon is already discussing some of the extras we can expect with the eventual DVD and Blu-ray release. As he revealed in previous interviews, Whedon ended up filming quite a few scenes, with his first cut weighing in at a hefty 3 hours in length. Back in March, Whedon revealed that he managed to cut that time down to 2 hours and 15 minutes. Admittedly, it would be a bit of a pipe dream to expect all forty five minutes of deleted footage to be included as extras, but in a recent interview with Collider, Whedon stated his intent to include at least half an hour worth. By industry standards, that’s a whole hell of a lot.

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Neat E-paper Watch Kickstarter: Pebble

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 15, 2012 in Tech

I try not to share too many Kickstarters, if only for the fact that most are pie-in-the-sky dream ideas with poor planning or bad concepts. There are still plenty of good ones (ie, Double Fine) that have had success, but as always, remember: you are donating. Anyway, enough from me – instead, here’s a solid-looking Kickstarter called Pebble. It’s an e-paper watch with bluetooth support to hook up to your smartphone, and thus can run useful apps and display notifications (it vibrates, too). Another neat fact: the battery lasts roughly 7 days – not bad! Read more…



Incredible Star Wars Diorama Also Plays Music

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 15, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars

This is really impressive: to help promote The Phantom Menace’s 3D re-release in Germany, LEGO model creators Rene Hoffmeister and Lorenz Lnggrtnr made something amazing. An enormous diorama featuring 4 Star Wars settings (Hoth, Tatooine, Naboo, and the Death Star) and then hooked it up to a keyboard. The highest bricks rotate around the barrel and bump little sensors that then hit the correct key on the keyboard, thus playing the Main Theme of Star Wars. Watch the video above to see it in action! Read more…



Shout at Your TV: Kinect Support Coming for Skyrim

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 14, 2012 in Videogames

I’m sure in some office at Bethesda, a developer was thinking to himself, “Man, I wish there was a way to actually yell shouts from Skyrim in real life.” Then Microsoft laid piles of money on the table and they arrived at the next best thing: Kinect support for Skyrim. You still play the game with a controller, but now you’ll be able to yell (literally) each shout without swapping it in a menu. Silly? Yes. Are you going to do it anyway? Probably! Read more…

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Wait, What Do Otaku Say?

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 14, 2012 in Fandom

I think the whole “Sh*t X Say” has been a little done by now. But sometimes one hits a little close to home. Many of us anime/manga/J-culture fans have gone through a “weeaboo” phase at point or another. Most grow out of it. Sometimes, you don’t — and that’s when you get “Sh*t Otaku Say.” Tofugu has put together a video compiling all the silly a ridiculous things otaku might say on a daily basis. It’s all tongue-in-cheek, so don’t take it too seriously. Read more…



A Quick Look at the New Tron: Uprising Series

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 13, 2012 in Animation, Television

On Disney this June, it looks like we’re getting some more Tron in our lives. Tron: Uprising will be a new CGI cartoon (with the main character being voiced by Elijah Wood) set in the existing Tron universe in which they’re searching for a new Tron. This could either be very cool or very bad – that said, this short teaser does look nice. At the very least, CGI is a perfect artstyle for this series given the setting!
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New Teaser Poster for Django Unchained Channels Saul Bass

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 13, 2012 in Cinema


We’ve received very few looks at Quentin Tarantino’s new film, Django Unchained, so far. It’s coming out this Christmas but all we had to show for it were a few leaked set images, one featuring Christoph Waltz in costume. Well, we’ve finally got a little taste, in the form of a teaser poster. Now I’m going to state the obvious here and say that this poster looks very Saul Bass-esque – and given Tarantino’s love of film, this should be no surprise. Check it out below. Read more…

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Ni No Kuni Gets an English Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 12, 2012 in Anime, Videogames

If you haven’t had a chance to catch this brand new English trailer for Studio Ghibli & Level 5’s upcoming role-playing epic Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, prepare to be amazed. Initially, I was a bit worried when I heard the game had been delayed until 2013, but after viewing the trailer, I’m convinced they’ve done it for the right reasons. Some things are just worth waiting for, and I wouldn’t want anyone to rush such a wonderful looking game. It’s better they take their time and really make everything shine. The voice-overs, for example,  fit so well, I’m convinced I wouldn’t want to settle for a Japanese language track, and subtitles. The game is still scheduled to ship sometime in the first quarter of next year for PS3. Hopefully someone plans to pick up its DS counterpart at some point.

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Masi Oka Bringing a J-Drama to the US

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 12, 2012 in Japanese TV, Television


I’m actually really excited about this. Former Heroes star-turned-producer Masi Oka plans to adapt Keizoku 2: SPEC for US television. For those who might not be familiar with the series, Keizoku 2: SPEC is a Japanese television drama about a pair of detectives who investigate cases often labeled unsolvable using special abilities. In a sense, it kind of reminds me of Sherlock or House M.D. but with a bit more intrigue. As far as I’m aware, this will mark the first time a Japanese drama is being adapted by Hollywood, so its kind of a big deal. The American cast should be announced later this May. Read more…

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Pokemon Black & White 2; Same Colors, New Content

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 12, 2012 in Videogames

Pokemon black & white 2

A few months back, Nintendo stunned us all when they announced a direct sequel to last year’s Pokémon Black & White, instead of opting for a new set of colors. Today, a few more details have emerged regarding the upcoming sequel. Set in the same region as the first game, Pokémon Black & White 2 will start in a new city located in southern Unova, featuring an entirely new cast, and story. Two new protagonists, male and female respectively, have also been announced, both clad in the usual active-wear, with the female protagonist reportedly sporting Princess Leia-esque hair buns. Read more…

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Star Wars: Heir to Empire, Unabridged

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 11, 2012 in Star Wars

Heir to the Empire Audiobook

Back in September, we wrote about the special 20th Anniversary Edition of Timothy Zhan’s Star Wars: Heir to the Empire. Often cited as the father of the extended Star Wars universe,  Heir to the Empire is the first entry of a series many fans consider to be the closest we’ll ever come to a proper sequel trilogy for the Star Wars saga. It’s introduced so many memorable characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn, and enigmatic Mara Jade, who’ve appeared in subsequent works, and even influenced Lucas to include elements from the novels in his recent prequels.  Although we’ll likely never see a film adaptation of what has now become known as “The Thrawn Trilogy,” a full unabridged audio performance has finally become available for the first time since the book was initially published in 1991. Read more…



Tennant, Tivo and Time Travel

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 11, 2012 in Dr. Who, Television

I truly miss David Tennant’s stint as Doctor Who‘s Tenth Doctor. He was so brilliant in that role that it actually took me awhile to accept Matt Smith as a suitable replacement — a topic that’s debated after two full seasons in the role. Recently, Tennant starred in an television ad with Virgin’s Sir Richard Branson to market their Tivo on-demand service. Read more…

Tags: , Presents: The Fanocracy Podcast – Episode 0

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 10, 2012 in Podcasts


Episode 0: It’s like Patient 0, but with less biting and blood.

It’s the premier episode of’s Fanocracy Podcast! Tim and Ben talk about the latest topics of the week, such as Star Wars Kinect, Lupin III, Kid Icarus, Google Glasses, and more! Tune in each week for discussion and news… or ranting and raving! Click here to subscribe to us via iTunes and listen on your iPod, iPad, or computer! Or, hit the jump and stream it directly in your browser! Read more…



Will the 12th Doctor be a Woman?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 10, 2012 in Dr. Who, Television


Probably not, but it’s a possibility. Earlier this week, UK tabloid The Express published a juicy rumor regarding the upcoming 50th anniversary series of Doctor Who. Reportedly, a source close to the production is claiming plans are in place to have Matt Smith regenerate during the climax of the season finale, to be replaced our the first female Doctor. They also indicate that Sherlock star Lara Pulver is among the front-runners being considered for the role. Read more…

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TrekMovie Premieres TNG Webcomic

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 10, 2012 in Star Trek

The Outer Light preview image

If there had ever been an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that deserved a sequel, Morgan Gendel’s “The Inner Light” would be at the top of the list. Over the course of its seven seasons, we were treated to several such episodes, almost all of which served as a season finale. Instead, the studio felt single episodes would befit the series’ syndicated format. While it’s a shame we never had a chance to revisit any of our favorite plots while the series was airing, Gendel recently decided to pen a sequel to published online as a series of webcomics. Read more…

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Super Best Friends Forever: Second Clip Leaves You in Stitches

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 10, 2012 in Animation, Comic Books

The last time I looked at a show with comic timing this good was when I was watching Ren & Stimpy back in the day. I have no idea if an entire episode of Super Best Friends Forever can keep up this sort of pace — but if it can it may be the best thing in a long time!

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Facebook Buys Instagram; People Whine

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 9, 2012 in Tech


This morning, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Facebook’s impending billion dollar purchase of the popular photo app Instagram. With its built-in social networking features and easy-to-use interface, such a sale would seem like a no-brainer, but it wasn’t long before my twitter-feed  lit up with complaints and negativity in response. Many of them were quick to brag about how they’ve never used the app, claiming that the Facebook acquisition only strengthens their resolve. Perhaps the most annoying tweet I’ve seen on the subject insists Facebook’s purchase proves there’s a market for “pretentious hipster bullshit.”

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How to Play Skyrim in Real Life

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 8, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames

I think it’s a testament to Skyrim’s longevity that we’re still seeing so much fan-made material for the game, even long after its release. This recent video from YouTube user Timtimfed is very clever in its literal interpretation of Skyrim’s game mechanics. “Uninterrupted” indeed! Thankfully it doesn’t overstay its welcome like most fan videos. All that said, as cool as this video is, this is still my favorite Skyrim fan video. You’ll never guess why.



Google Invites You to Explore the White House

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 8, 2012 in Tech

Sometimes you’re laying in bed, relaxing, and think to yourself: I want a tour of the White House. But you can’t, because you’re in bed, and the White House isn’t very close at the moment. Kind of inconvenient, right? Why can’t you have the entire White House at your fingertips? Thankfully, Google has teamed up with the White House, the President, and the First Lady to create a virtual tour of the White House. Secret bunker rooms not included. Click here to try it out, or watch the video above to get a taste!



Kids on the Slope to Stream Online via Crunchyroll

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 7, 2012 in Anime


Online anime streaming has slowly been getting better over the years, and we’ve been getting shows released closer and closer to their air dates in Japan. Back in January I mentioned the upcoming anime Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollo) from famed Cowboy Bebop director Shinichiro Watanabe, and how Yoko Kanno would be handling the music. Well, Crunchyroll has announced they’ll be streaming it online, and the first episode will launch April 12th. That’s less than a week away! Watch a new trailer for the show here. Read more…

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