Firefly & Serenity fans, feast your eyes on this 1:1 scale, screen-accurate reproduction of Malcom Reynolds’ sidearm! Just how accurate is it? The prop is crafted from the same mold of the stunt gun carried by Nathan Fillion himself while on set. That being the case, no it doesn’t fire real bullets, and that’s probably a good thing. On the other hand, this polystone prop makes for a great display piece, and would look great in the hands of any Browncoast cosplayer, or even a Steampunk enthusiast. It has that lovely antique-brass paint that lends itself so well to that aesthetic. At just $80, it’s an affordable addition to any fans arsenal, and although it’s currently sold out, ThinkGeek should have more in stock any day now. If you want, you can sign up to have them notify you as soon as they’re in stock by clicking here.
If you’re a Spider-Man fan, there might be a reason to catch the IMAX 3D midnight showing of Men in Black 3 on Thursday, or at least, sit through the trailers before getting up to leave. Attendees will be treated to a special six minute preview of The Amazing Spider-Man. Marvel has released its fair share of footage over the past few months in efforts to promote the film, but this special six minute preview will feature the most footage to date. Hopefully, it won’t be enough to spoil the film for those of you who choose to attend.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 21, 2012 in Videogames
Meat Bun has unveiled Check Point, their latest line of gaming-inspired fashion tees. The first part of the series feature designs inspired by classic racing titles like Mario Kart, Out Run and Daytona USA. For whatever reason, there also appears to be a design called Ninja Magic featuring what I imagine would be the ninja from Shinobi on a skateboard, the only commonality being that both were incredibly popular in the 80s. That said, it’s kind of strange but awesome design.
LEGO CUUSOO, where were you my whole life? I may not get the chance to build that many LEGO sets these days, but I can always count on others to provide innovative new designs worth checking out. Recently, a LEGO CUUSOO user Sheepo submitted this slick design for a fully functional remote-controlled LEGO Land Rover Defender 110. It’s got everything you’d expect — doors that open and close, full suspension, working motor, and even a removable chassis. I cant imagine how much they’d charge for the set if it were to actually be approved for full production, but if the model strikes you fancy, head over to LEGO CUUSOO and let them know. The sooner it hits 10,000 supporters, the sooner LEGO will actually consider licensing it.
You gotta admit, that helmet is pretty nifty – and given Loki’s huge female fanbase, I’m going to guess that a lot of them will be looking at picking this amazing figure: Hot Toys has returned to their Avengers line with another super-detailed model, this time of Loki. Once again, the face is the star here, with an incredible attention to detail. The eyes, though, those piercing eyes! They follow me around the room, it’s slightly unnerving. Still, if you’re a Loki fan or know one, you can pre-order him now for $219.99 for when he releases in December later this year. Read more…
Here’s the latest ‘supercut’ birthed from the internet’s vast collection of video clips and collections: Abed, the geeky, reference-filled character from Community says ‘cool’ a lot. And I mean a lot. If you ever wanted to hear a word slowly turn to mush in your brain and never regain its original meaning, then this video is for you, because ‘cool’ will never be the same. Many fans are feeling that way too, as Community showrunner Dan Harmon was dropped by Sony Pictures Television. A sad event, to be sure, but at least (for now) the writers are still on board, which is also important. Hopefully the quality can still stay the same despite his absence.
In their quest to create a new hit superhero show, CW has tried a lot, but maybe they’ve found their mark: a Green Arrow show. Simply titled “Arrow,” it follows Oliver Queen as he adopts the guise of vigilante Arrow. He’s defending Starling City now (instead of Star City) and will attempt to right his family’s wrongdoings. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by all this good television recently, but this isn’t really striking me as interesting. The voiceover was very dull and the average “TV CGI” was present as well, particularly the bouncing tennis balls. That said, perhaps CW will have an excellent story to surprise us with when Arrow starts this fall.
While an Elder Scrolls MMO has already been announced, many people just want co-op Skyrim. Thankfully, as with previous Elder Scrolls games, the modding community is stepping up and creating exactly that. While it’s still buggy and imperfect, you and your buddies can hop around in your Skyrim world and explore a bit. The team promises to continue to add more features, eventually allowing most of the game to be played with your friends. It’s mighty impressive what modders can do and if I can eventually battle Alduin with my girlfriend, that’ll be a blast. Check out the video above for the latest features and download the mod on their site. Read more…
No, not literally stored on floppy drives – better than that. The Game of Thrones theme has been played on just about every instrument and object imaginable, but this is one of the most unique versions I’ve seen: floppy drives. MrSolidSnake745‘s excellent floppy drive musical renditions have been floating around the internet for quite a while, and as far as “pro floppy drive musicians” go, I’m pretty sure he’s the best. The rest of his songs are pretty well-done, and there’s something delightfully retro about hearing songs played on aging computer parts.
Community just wrapped up, and you may have missed the last three episodes that aired all in one evening, but here’s a taste of what you should be catching up on: 16-bit Community (they call it 8-bit, but I think everyone has forgotten exactly what 8-bit is). Anyway, I think this is a pretty fantastic way to cap off their third season, and I can only hope more geeky jokes show up in the fourth!
Here’s our first look at the latest cover art for IDW’s Star Trek x Doctor Who crossover series Assimilation². This fourth issue in the eight-part seriesfeatures a cover by series artist J.K. Woodward, and depicts an Enterprise away-team along with the Doctor and Amy, as they stumble across the skeletal remains of several Borg drones, set against the visage of a Borg cube within the clutches of a Cyberman. To find out what that’s all about, we’ll have to wait until the issue hits shelves this August. Hit the jump to catch a glimpse of the issue’s variant covers by artist Francesco Francavilla!
Nintendo has decided to promote the upcoming Japanese release of Pokémon Black & White 2 with a lengthy animated short. Like the Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC trailer we posted earlier this week, the audio is in Japanese only, but the animation itself is pretty gorgeous and worth watching. Japan’s getting their hands on both sequels next month, but we’re stuck waiting till fall for own localized copies. Before you ask, no the game won’t feature any animated cut-scenes like this, but that’s alright since we’re getting to view this online free of charge. I just hope Nintendo of America takes the time to dub the short in the months leading up to our North American release later this year.
With the recent release of Blizzard’s latest cash cow, Diablo 3, BioWare hopes to rekindle gamers’ interest in their Star Wars MMORPG, The Old Republic by announcing another free pass weekend. The move is designed to bolster their subscriptions, following a sharp decline in users from 1.7 million to 1.3 in the last two months alone. Needless to say, that news alone doesn’t bode too well for the fledgling title. That said, EA has suggested in the past that the game could remain profitable with as low as 500,000 subscribers, and seem convinced that the recent declines consist primarily of casual gamers, and not their hardcore MMO base. I’m not as easily convinced — but then again, I don’t play MMORPGs either, so I’m not sure I can offer an informed opinion on the matter. That said, the numbers alone don’t lie. If you want to try The Old Republic for free this weekend, I’ve included details after the jump.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 16, 2012 in Television
It’s true, NBC’s Community has been picked up for a fourth season. I suppose I should just be happy the show is even coming back, especially considering NBC’s penchant for cancelling their programming at the drop of a hat, but there’s something bittersweet about the whole thing. First there’s the reduced order of thirteen episodes. While it shares that fate with 30 Rock‘s final season, both The Office and Parks & Recreation will be receiving 22 episodes this fall. This either implies the show will also be coming to an end, or that a mid-season pickup will be contingent on it doing well — which brings us to the next problem. NBC has decided to move Community to Friday nights — traditionally known as “the place television shows go to die.”
If Vader’s trip to Bespin has taught us anything, it’s that not every station in the galaxy comes designed with Stormtroopers in mind. In response to recent increase in low-hanging-corridor-related concussions, the Imperial Safety Administration has launched a new campaign in an effort to improve occupational safety amongst its troops! Featuring a design by R-evolution GFX, this awesome shirt is currently available on TeeFury for the rest of the evening for just $10 plus shipping. If by chance you miss out but still want it at a later date, or, if you just want to browse some of R-Evolution GFX’s other designs, you can find more of their shirts available via Red Bubble.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 15, 2012 in Videogames
Square Enix has released a preview trailer for their upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning Prologue DLC Requiem of the Goddess. If you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s worth your time, you’ll probably want to watch the clip and decide for yourself. On the other hand, it might be a bit spoileriffic for others — fortunately, the dialog you’ll hear during this trailer is in Japanese, without English subtitles. Other than that, the most it might spoil is an actual in-game battle sequence between Lightning and Caius, complete with cut-scenes. Personally, I think it looks pretty awesome. Let’s just hope the new chapter actually provide more answers than questions. At this point, I think fans deserve a proper ending. I’ve included some screens from the trailer after the break.
Disney XD’s upcoming TRON animated series TRON: Uprising, won’t be airing until June 7th, but for those of you who don’t want to wait, you can catch the entire first episode online. Although it’s not a live-action sequel, the animated series seems promising enough. It certainly has everything you’d expect from a TRON series, from Light Cycles and Identity Discs to spandex outfits, so its about as close as you’ll get to a sequel — at least, for the time being. They even managed to snag decent stars for the voice cast, including Elijah Wood, Mandy Moore, and Pee-wee Herman himself, Paul Reubens.
Instant kills are a common thing in games, and they’re blast when you’re the one executing them. However when you’re on the receiving end, they can be pretty frustrating. Corridor Digital combined many of the most well-known insta-kill attacks into one silly video, excellent for your weekend entertainment. Everyone from Master Chief, to the Spy, to a Combine officer hop into the battle and Corridor Digital does a great job re-creating them in live-action. Great work!
Want your own Iron Man outfit? Anthony Le did, so he did what any cosplayer would do: he made his own. With working flaps, mask, and lights – which are probably more features than the outfit for the film. Too bad you can purchase a suit like this… I’d probably just end up wearing it around the house, using it to mess up everything. Iron Man better watch out for that creeper in the background, though!
This latest featurette on Ridley Scott’s upcoming Prometheus really gives a good look at how big and detailed the sets they made really are. Especially that impressive-looking chair that Michael Fassbender settles down into – it makes me sad that there’s less and less of that happening. I hope this shows studios that traditional sets still have a place in sci-fi films. The recent R rating news also gives me some hope that Scott was given free reign with the entirety of the film, which is always good. This short video gives a glimpse into the amount of work put into Prometheus, but it might be a little spoiler-y for some people, so beware!
The arguments over piracy are never-ending. From the legality to the methods, people will continue to argue over downloading copyrighted content till winter comes (and then some). The debate just got a boost recently, when news started making the rounds singling out Game of Thrones as the most-pirated show this year. In fact, the April 30th episode received 2.5 million downloads in the first day it was up. Erik Kain called out HBO themselves, saying “they have only themselves to blame.” In addition, HBO co-president Eric Kessler’s quote from November has been brought back up, where he stated that “cord-cutting” is a fad and that customers will flock back to cable once the economy settles. Read more…
The Minecraft money train keeps on rolling: on Wednesday, Minecraft released for the Xbox 360. Pretty cool, right? Especially for Notch and Microsoft as the game has already sold more than any other digital game on Xbox Live Arcade, in just the first 24 hours. Notch reported that the game has already become profitable, which is no surprise. It isn’t even updated to the same version as the PC game (it’s based on a year-old update of Minecraft and will be getting the other content later in updates), which just goes to show how popular Minecraft still is. 400,000 players popular, that is. Read more…
I’m not a huge Assassin’s Creed fan – I always had a hard time getting into the series. This trailer for Assassin’s Creed III, though, has me intrigued. The new animation engine for the game looks great as the main character, Connor, dashes about enemies and skewers them with ease. I’m also interested in escaping through buildings and ditching pursuers, as shown in the trailer. Can you do this with almost any house, or are they specific events? Oh, and fix some of those tree branches, Ubisoft: they’re much too straight.
Earlier today, Collider posted the latest teaser for Hasbro’s Star Trek Kre-O playsets to be released next year. No doubt, their release will be timed to help promote the release of J.J. Abram’s Star Trek 2, set to hit theaters in May 2013. While this new teaser pic is far more detailed than the concept image that had been floating around the next since February (see below), I can’t help but feel that Kirk’s chiseled jaw actually resembles a young Shatner more than Pine. Obviously that’s not suppose to be the case as the figures are wearing the sporty active wear uniforms seen in the recent film. Nevertheless, these are looking better and better and I can’t wait to see what they come up with when the sets are ready for store shelves next year.