Glorious Tekken Tag 2 Fight Lab Screens

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 14, 2012 in Videogames

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Screen Lee Chaolan 1

I’ve always had a soft spot for Tekken. I know it’s not everyone’s fighting game of choice, but the series has remained successful throughout the years due in large part to its dedicated fan-base, of which I consider myself a member. While I love the gameplay, and even some of the zany story elements, I’ll be the first to admit that that the plot can be incredibly confusing. Thankfully the upcoming Tekken Tag Tournament 2 won’t be adding to that. Instead, the game is considered non-cannon, allowing gamers to simply have fun with the Tekken universe. One of the modes to be included in the upcoming console release is the “Fight Lab Mode” — what’s that, you ask? Find out after the jump.

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BBC’s Latest Doctor Who Promo Photos

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 14, 2012 in Dr. Who


Although Steven Moffat’s remained rather tight-lipped about the upcoming season of Doctor Who, its been known that production on the latest episodes featuring Jenna-Louise Coleman has been underway. While we’re still at loss as to what to expect beyond the departure of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the 5th episode of new series, these latest promo photos from the BBC gives us  a small glimpse of what to expect. The Doctor has some sharp new threads and Coleman looks to be dressed in your everyday street clothes, so perhaps her character might not be too far from the norm. The TARDIS can also be seen in the background. A few more photos are available after the jump.

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Star Trek 2 Panel at SDCC? Probably Not

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 13, 2012 in Cinema, Star Trek

Star Trek Panelists Comic-Con 2007

We’ve all been on the edge of our seats, hoping to catch a small glimpse of Bad Robot’s next Star Trek film at San Diego Comic-Con International. Although Prometheus butcher — yeah, I said it — and Star Trek 2 producer Damon Lindelof had stated that they hoped to have something to show us by SDCC,  chances of that happening are now slim to none — the safe bet being none. According to various sources, and subsequently confirmed by TrekMovie, Abrams and company have decided to wait until they’ve polished their project a bit more before showing it off to fans. It’ll be interesting to see if they opt instead for a WonderCon panel next year, but who knows. Abrams could just want to keep things under wraps for the foreseeable future. Read more…

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The Greatest 3DS Game You’ll Never Play

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 13, 2012 in Videogames

Nintendo would like to remind us that the latest Culdcept game is headed to the 3DS in Japan with these new commercials. Unfortunately, like other the portable entries in the series, we’ll probably never see them released here in America. Seeing as it’s basically a cross between Magic the Gathering and Monopoly, you’d think everyone would want to get their hands on it. However, the last time someone took the time to localize a version, it failed to sell enough copies. Couple that with the sheer amount of text one would have to translate — it’s a card game and a board game in one, after all — and trying to find a publisher willing to take a chance on the series becomes impossible, despite the fact that it’s one of the best party games I’ve ever played. To put it simply, it’s the Arrested Development of video games. Don’t believe me? Check out the demo for the Xbox 360 version of the game.

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Tags: , Presents: The Fanocracy Podcast – Episode 5

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 12, 2012 in Podcasts


Episode 5: Promethean Leagues Under E3

Another new episode! Ben and Tim tackle the behemoth that is E3 and give their opinion on the latest games and systems! Justice League and other upcoming films get a run-down, with Ben reviewing the new Ridley Scott film: Prometheus. Tune in each week for discussion and news… or ranting and raving! Click here to subscribe to us via iTunes and listen on your iPod, iPad, or computer! Or, hit the jump and stream it directly in your browser! Read more…



The Clone Wars Will Never End

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 12, 2012 in Star Wars, Television

Here’s the trailer for the upcoming season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars! Five seasons in, and I’m astonished that Star Wars: The Clone Wars remains on the air. Not because it’s a terrible series, but simply because I had so little faith in it to begin with. I must admit that I’ve never really given it a chance — especially since  its clearly geared towards a younger audience. Its fans are a dedicated bunch, not all of which are kids, and the very fact that its lasted this long seems to imply that I must have overlooked something. I’d venture that I owe it to myself, and to everyone else out there, to at least give it a try, starting with this trailer right here. Likewise, if you’ve seen the series and think its worth everyone’s time, please let us know.



So, You Want a New DeLorean?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 12, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Delorean Bicycle

Well, if we’re talking about a brand new DeLorean car, then you’re out of luck. If you’re a bit more environmentally conscious however, we have an alternative, and no, it isn’t cheap. Check out these official DeLorean bicycles! At with the first model retailing for $5,500, this classy one-of-a-kind bike features an 11-speed internally geared hub, a slick Italian-made Columbus XCR frame, and high-end front and rear hydraulic disc breaks. It also comes with a comfy Italian gel saddle so you won’t need to bother with a custom seat. Finally, the wheels feature a special coating that creates a luminescent effect when headlights hit them during low-light conditions in order to keep you visible on the road.

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Final Fantasy III Gets a PSP Port

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2012 in Videogames


In case it might still be alive, Square Enix has taken to beating the dead horse that is Final Fantasy III by porting it one more time. This time, the lucky platform happens to be Sony’s PlayStation Portable — not the Vita mind you, although I’m sure it’ll be compatible. While I’m sure nobody really needed another port of this game, the PSP edition will at least boast cleaner visuals than its Nintendo DS counterpart, and might even run smoother than the recent iOS ports for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Read more…

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Joel McHale Makes Fun of His Job in Prometheus Parody

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

You remember the ‘David’ viral videos for Prometheus? Telling you all the features of the wonderful android known as David? Well, here’s a little parody video featuring Joel McHale (from The Soup and Community) making fun of his own job and other clip show hosts’ jobs. It’s kind of clever and makes me wonder if many people really did catch on to the viral promotions for Prometheus – as in, will we see people continue to talk about them in the future? Still, I’ll take it anyway, as I will use any opportunity to bring up Ryan Seacrest jokes… and this video has them.



What in the World is Going On With DC’s Justice League Film?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


The Justice League is an interesting beast to tackle. Mainly because Warner Bros. can’t seem to make up their mind one way or the other what they want to do with the property. Most recently, news came out that Warner had picked Will Beall to script the Justice League film, and in fact it’s implied that this was last year this happened. So with a script finally on the way, and a new Superman film from Zack Snyder peeking over the horizon, what will Warner’s strategy be? Read more…

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Now You Can Own a Life-Size Iron Throne

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2012 in Television


Ever wanted to sit on your own Iron Throne, from Game of Thrones? HBO knows you want to, and has made a life-size, fibreglass and resin throne just like the one in the show, for the low, low price of $30,000. It runs seven feet high and five and a half feet wide, so yes, it’s very life-size. Who would buy this though? Fans of the series with money to burn, I assume. Where would you even keep this? In your garage? Make a dedicated “throne room?” Oh, to have a house large enough for my own throne room – that’d be the life. If any of you readers picks one of these replicas up, let us know. Because I want to see where you will be keeping it. Read more…



Mamoru Hosoda’s Latest, The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki, Looks Great in New Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2012 in Anime

I’m a big fan of Mamoru Hosoda’s work – you probably know him from his popular anime films like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars. His films always have a very distinctive look, and this new trailer shows that his next film is no exception. The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki tells of a girl named Hana who falls in love with a werewolf and has two children, the Ame and Yuki of the title. When the father abruptly dies, Hana moves to the countryside with her children to provide a better place for them to live. The art and animation look to be great as before, so I’m excited to see what kind of a story Hosoda pulls off, to match it. The film will open in Japan on July 21st… let’s hope it travels across the pond sooner rather than later.



Django Unchained Trailer Features Guns, Jokes, and DiCaprio Laughing It Up

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 8, 2012 in Cinema

Have I told you I’m really excited for Quentin Tarantino’s latest, Django Unchained? Because I am. And this trailer just shot up and cemented its position as one of my most anticipated films this year. Jamie Foxx plays Django, a slave in the south who partners up with a German bounty hunter (the always enjoyable Christoph Waltz) to track down the man who took his wife. Leonardo DiCaprio plays an insane plantation owner and honestly, it just looks like he’s having the time of his life hamming it up. It’ll be worth it just to see DiCaprio play a villain for once! Django Unchained arrives Christmas Day – so it looks like I’ll be up late Christmas Eve checking this out.

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Wreck-It Ralph to Be Disney’s First CGI Animated Video Game Film

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 8, 2012 in Animation, Videogames

Disney has certainly experimented with the world of video games in its films before, but their upcoming Wreck-It Ralph looks to be a nostalgic romp through classic games (or their knock-off equivalents). Ralph is a riff on Donkey Kong, and his “Mario,” Fix-It Felix, has left him feeling unappreciated and stuck in the repetition of the game. So, he leaves and begins hopping from game world to game world, hoping to find a new place to fit in. The trailer unveils a truly amazing scene, though: Bowser, Dr. Robotnik, Bison, and Zangief along with other popular game “bad guys” sitting in a “bad guys anonymous” meeting. Trust me, if that doesn’t get you excited, just to see those characters interact for one scene, then I don’t know what to tell you. Wreck-It Ralph arrives in theatres November 2nd.



Redshirts Audiobook Feat. Wil Wheaton

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 7, 2012 in Fandom, Star Trek

Redshirts cover (small)

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Star Trek and found yourself wondering why anyone would ever agree to be on an away team, let alone wear a red uniform, then this book is for you. Author John Scalzi does a fantastic job of parodying the genre we’ve all grown to love with his latest novel Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas. While it can’t outright label itself a Trek novel, the inspiration for the novel remains apparent throughout, and Scalzi manages to keep the novel entertaining by referencing everything you’d expect from such a novel — everything from away team selection, comic conventions, ridiculous aliens, and even the convoluted rules surrounding time travel.  Furthermore, the audiobook edition is read by none other than Wesley Crusher himself, Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Wil Wheaton. His narration is spot on, so don’t expect to nod off while listening. Both the novel and audiobook should be available at your local book store, or, however you can also pick up the audiobook  via

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Final Fantasy XIV’s 2.0 Makeover

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 7, 2012 in Videogames


This week, Square Enix unveiled some screenshots from their upcoming 2.0 update for their would-be flagship MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV. After its launch in September 2010, Final Fantasy XIV was met with universally negative reviews, scrutinized for a lack of polish, terrible interface, incomplete quest-lines, and unbalanced gameplay. As a result of this, Square Enix made the decision to reshuffle the games development team with the aim of improving every aspect. With that task in mind, Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 is set for release early next year — a beta will become available this October. As you can see from the screenshots below, the visuals are quite stunning. Let’s just hope all the improvements they have planned will make it worth your time.

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Warner & Weta team for Hobbit Merch

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 6, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections


If you’re big on memorabilia, props or other great collectibles, you’ll be pleased to know that Warner Brothers has partnered with the award winning Weta Workshop for their upcoming Hobbit franchise. With the first pieces set to debut at San Diego Comic Con next month, Weta will begin selling a line of props, replicas and more, from and inspired by the upcoming film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey set for theatrical release this holiday season. Read more…

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Latest Star Trek Game to Feature Gorn

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 6, 2012 in Videogames

Namco Bandai's Star Trek - Gorn Screenshot

Everyone love the Gorn — after all, who doesn’t have fond memories of Kirk battling a Gorn with styrofoam rocks? I know I do, and that’s why I was excited to hear they’ll be making an appearance in Namco Bandai’s upcoming Star Trek third-person platformer. The game takes place in the Abramsverse, between the first and second film, which is currently in post production. Not surprisingly, Kirk and Spock’s appearance in the game are modeled after actors Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto respectively. We were treated to a fresh trailer during Namco Bandai’s Game Day 2012 conference the other month, but even though E3 is currently full swing, we haven’t seen any new footage just yet. They have, however, release a few more screenshots on the official website, one of which features Kirk confronting a Gorn at phaser point. Star Trek should hit consoles sometime in early 2013.

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The Last of Us E3 Gameplay Inspires

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 5, 2012 in Videogames

It’s been a lukewarm E3 so far. Today, Nintendo will be showing off its good at their press conference, but as of this writing, I haven’t had a chance to see much beyond their initial pre-E3 offerings. Microsoft had a solid showing of first party sequels, interactive features, and third party treats here and there, and while all of that seemed interesting, most of it will be finding its way to another platform. In fact, the whole Smart Glass thing seems a bit like a desperate attempt to replicate the experience offered by Nintendo’s upcoming WiiU tablet interface. That said, there were a few gems that shined slightly brighter than the others yesterday. Chief among them was this bit of gameplay from Naughty Dog’s upcoming PS3 exclusive, The Last of Us.

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Making it Happen; Space Command

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 5, 2012 in Cinema, Pulp Fiction

I don’t often write about Kickstarter projects. It’s not that I don’t support independent artists, or productions, but within the last year, we’ve seen a proliferation of mediocre projects that often over-promise and under-deliver.  There’s, of course, those projects out there which could easily be produced on shoe-string budget, but for whatever reason, the artist or individuals responsible would rather take a chance with other peoples money. Fortunately, Space Command is not one of them. No, instead, it’s an effort by insanely talented individuals who have an extensive background in creating science fiction for television and film to bring us a brand new science fiction saga, while Hollywood sits on its proverbial thumbs. So what sets this project apart from the rest? Find out after the jump.

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Hello Kitty is Chun-Li: Street Fighter Meets Sanrio

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 4, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Street Fighter vs. Sanrio t-shirt has just released a very cute series of t-shirts that combine Street Fighter with beloved Sanrio characters like Hello Kitty and Badtz-Maru: Read more…


The Outer Light: The Latest Chapter

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 4, 2012 in Star Trek

The Outer Light: The Latest Chapter

The latest chapter of The Outer Light has just been posted at For those of you Star Trek fans not in the know The Outer Light is a wonderfully done graphic novel sequel to the ST:TNG episode The Inner Light and is well worth checking out (previous chapters are posted).


Revengeance is a Dish Best Served Cold

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 4, 2012 in Videogames

In case you haven’t had a chance to catch the latest trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance — yes, that’s a real word, I know — then feast your eyes. Konami recently uploaded this latest trailer in preparation for E3, later this week. Mind you, it’s incredibly violent and there’s plenty of blood, so if that’s not your sort of thing, you might want to skip it. On the other hand, it’s pretty wicked stuff. How well it’ll actually play remains to be seen, especially considering the project has been outsourced to Platinum games, but if its anything like Bayonetta, then I imagine we’re in for a treat. Otherwise, it’ll be a bit of a toss up. To be honest, there just seems to be too much going on, but who am I to doubt Hideo Kojima? I’m sure if it was so terrible, he’d be the first to state so. He’s been candid about that sort of thing in past, after all.

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Save Big on Star Trek TNG in HD

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 4, 2012 in Star Trek

Star Trek The Next Generation Season one Blu-Ray HD

For the longest time, I’ve been wanting to see Star Trek: The Next Generation receive its much-needed facelift, and after picking up a copy of Star Trek: The Next Generation -The Next Level Blu-ray sampler earlier this year, I’ve become conflicted. Not because I don’t want them to finish remastering the series, but because I honestly loathed the first two seasons — at least, in comparison to the series as a whole, which I found brilliant. The writing was often sub-par, the acting absolutely atrocious at times, and the visuals (props, sets, costumes) — yikes, do we really need to see those in high definition? Read more…

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