Nathan Sawaya to Demo Live LEGO Brick Building at San Diego Comic-Con

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 10, 2012 in Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections


Ex-lawyer, and renown brick artist Nathan Sawaya will be in town for San Diego Comic-Con this year. Apparently Nathan plans on teaming up with artist Jim Lee for a special live exhibition where he’ll recreate one of Jim’s Batman portraits using standard LEGO bricks. As part of the larger Darkness & Light: Art Inspired by Heroes & Villains, Hope & Heroism exhibition that’s currently on display, the live event will take place on Friday, July 13th from 11 am to 4 pm at Michael J. Wolf Fine Art Gallery. Read more…

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What’s There For Trekkies at SDCC?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 10, 2012 in Star Trek


There won’t be an official Star Trek panel at San Diego Comic Con, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be plenty of Star Trek-related content this year. CBS is handing out 1701 free Star Trek the Next Generation 25th Anniversary posters throughout the weekend. To find out how to pick one up, you’ll have to swing by their booth (#4129) for more info. They’ll also have collectible postcards available. Alternatively, you can follow the official twitter feed for updates on when they’ll be handing both the postcards and prints out. Read more…

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Kick Reason to the Curb & Buy This Gurren-dan Shirt!

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 9, 2012 in Anime

Spiral: Gunmen Repair Tee

There was once a time when trying to find a decent looking shirt featuring your favorite anime was nearly-impossible. You could either settle for an over-sized beefy tee, or one of those awful lounge-shirts with a design that covered entire front side, and sometimes even wrapped around. Times have certainly changed,  and fortunately enough, we have other options. Recently, our fellow writer, Ben Huber, recently designed this awesome Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann shirt. Once again, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can choose a variety of sizes and colors — including a women’s fit — or you can even pick up a hoodie. Each shirt is made to order and is available for order directly from Ben’s Society6 store. Read more…

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Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod Allows You to Blow Everything Up With Friends

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 8, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames

The best part about Just Cause 2 was how the whole game revolved around you doing what you already wanted to do: blow up everything, everywhere. Now, a group of modders has finally released their first public beta that lets you do this with your buddies, simply called Just Cause 2 Multiplayer. After much silence they have opened it up and people are flocking to it! If you’d like to try it out yourself, head over to their site and download the mod and visit their server.



Game of Lightsabers: Jaime Lannister vs. Eddard Stark

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 8, 2012 in Star Wars, Television

Here’s an excellent little video to cap off your weekend: YouTube user Joel935M decided to do some rotoscoping in After Effects and combined two already awesome properties into one. Star Wars and Game of Thrones should go together pretty well, right? How about that fight from season 1 between Eddard Stark and Jaime Lannister? But now, they have lightsabers. I think that’s all that needs to be said. Hey Joel, you should try this with more scenes, or why not go the whole way and just give everyone in GoT lightsabers? One can dream!



Pixelcards Playing Cards Are Colorful and Classy

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 7, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


Here’s an easy geek gift or a neat conversation starter to have on your coffee table: Pixelcards, made by Jamie Vicente and Maria Herrera Vicálvaro. They’re a Spanish deck of cards remade in bright pixel art, and they’d make a great way to add a little spice to your game collection. They’re very well done. At 8.00€ they’re an easy pick-up, so check them out on Fatbottom! Read more…



New Sailor Moon Anime Coming in 2013

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 7, 2012 in Anime


Great news for Sailor Moon fans everywhere! At a recent event celebrating the 20th anniversary of Naoko Takeuchi’s incredibly popular magical girl manga series, it was announced that a new Sailor Moon anime will be released in 2013. While details are vague, we do know it is a broadcast anime, and that they plan to release it around the world simultaneously. Momoiro Clover Z will perform the theme song, as well. Sounds like great news for fans everywhere! Read more…



Star Wars Battlefront III Could’ve Brought Balance to the Force

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 6, 2012 in Star Wars, Videogames

Not to bring everyone down, but you really should see this: leaked footage of Star Wars: Battlefront III, the game that never was. Despite critical acclaim and solid sales, the Battlefront series never made it to a third iteration. But at least you can watch some video of what could’ve been – maybe pop Battlefront II back in for old time’s sake. Hopefully Lucasarts will one day hear our pleas? Read more…



Pick Your Favorite Team in Westeros!

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 6, 2012 in Fandom, Television


Want to wear the proud lion of the Lannisters? Or maybe sport the sharps antlers of the Baratheons? Society6 user Vanadium has created some very bold designs made to look like sports team logos, but featuring the various houses from the series A Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones). They’re nicely done and look excellent on the various shirts available – these will definitely stand out in any t-shirt collection! Check out all the designs on his page! Read more…

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Are These the Droids You’re Looking For?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 5, 2012 in Animation, Star Wars

Recently Brad Murphy, a self-proclaimed Star Wars fanboy, penned and directed this awesome Star Wars fan-film, featuring C-3PO and R2D2. The duo find themselves trapped when a group of Jawas decide to hijack an experimental Mon Calimari starship.  It’s not quite on par with Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but that’s because it was pieced together in just three months by the recent graduating class of DAVES (Digital Arts and Visual Effect School). An impressive effort, all things considered — especially for a student film! I hope they all move on to successful careers in the industry.

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A Preview of William Shatner’s Documentary on Star Trek Fans

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 4, 2012 in Star Trek

This is a new trailer for William Shatner’s documentary on Star Trek fandom called “Get a Life”. This film looks quite sweet and touching from the clip. “Get a Life” can be seen on Xbox Live Wednesday July 25, 2012 and on EPIX TV on Saturday July 28, 2012 at 8PM ET.



Augmenting Reality with Spider-Man

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 4, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Spider-Man AR screenshot

Sadly, The Amazing Spider-Man doesn’t seem to be amazing enough for many critics and fans alike. True, not every reboot can be as successful as the last, but you can’t really blame Sony for trying. It’s been years since the last Tobey Maguire film and even I have to admit I was a little sick of the kid. Nevertheless, we’ve got ourselves a new Spidey, so we may as well learn to cope. The first step might be to picking Marvel’s The Amazing Spider-Man Augmented Reality App for your favorite iOS device — mind you, an iPhone 4, 4s, or iPad 2 on up, is required.

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Racing with the Force

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 4, 2012 in Star Wars


Next week, Lucasfilm LTD., Octagon and Nerdist Industries will be teaming up to host Course of the Force, a relay run benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Star Wars-themed race will take place over four days down the course of Southern California, starting on July 7th and finishing in San Diego on Wednesday July 11th, aka San Diego Comic-Con’s preview night. Each leg of the race will be capped off with special Star Wars events, parties, and live Nerdist broadcasts which can also be viewed remotely via YouTube or To register for the event, visit the official website.

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Playdead’s Limbo Gets Physical

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 3, 2012 in Videogames

Limbo special edition

One of the artsier puzzle-based platformers to be released in recent years, Playdead’s Limbo, has finally received a physical release. Originally published as a digital-only release for Xbox Live! arcade, and later ported to steam, Limbo was met with critical acclaim and has since garnered quite a few awards while maintaining an impressive aggregate score of 90/100 on metacritic. While it’s not exactly a lengthy game, the praise its received might justify the hefty $25 price tag this physical edition carries. If that’s not enough, they’ve included a few extras to sweeten the deal. The set features a DRM-free copy of the game for both PC and Mac, a stand alone soundtrack, seven art cards, sticker, a free steam gift key and a pair of 3D glasses!

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The Definitive Indiana Jones

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 3, 2012 in Cinema

Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures Blu-Ray

It’s been a long time coming, but the wait is almost over. Set for release this September, Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures delivers all four Indy films in stunning high-definition for the very first time. Each film will feature full 1080p restorations, and new 5.1 DTS-HD audio tracks. They even restored Raiders of the Lost Ark using a 4k scan of the original negatives, so I’m sure it’ll look absolutely stunning. Unfortunately, the collection also includes Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but as if to make up for that fact, Amazon has discounted the box set from its list price of $100 to just $75. Read more…

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WETA Preps Exclusive Specials for SDCC

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 2, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


With San Diego Comic-Con just a week away, WETA Workshop, one of our favorite stops for Hollywood props & collectibles, is getting ready set up shop. If you’re a collector, you know how important it can be to plan ahead. This year, you can find their booth located at #3513B, next to Gentle Giant. In addition to having a much larger booth space this time around, Weta is once again planning to drain your wallet by offering a few exclusive deals. For a list of exclusive specials they’ve announced so far, hit the jump.

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Making Toast in Slow-Motion Must Be Rough on Max Payne

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 1, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames

Did you enjoy the latest Rockstar game, Max Payne 3? I found the design and style of the game very cool (although I miss that stronger film noir styling). But with all that slow-motion and bullets flying everywhere, you have to wonder when Max finds time to breathe. What’s his daily life like? Timtimfed avoids all the usual ‘Payne’ word puns and jumps right into (literally) Max’s daily life. Watering the garden while diving in slow motion? Sure, it makes sense… right?



Ghost in the Shoes: Tachikoma Sneakers From Reebok

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 1, 2012 in Anime, Fandom


Looking for something to show off your love for Ghost in the Shell, all the time? Why not sneakers? Reebok has teamed up with MegaHouse to created a set of limited edition sneakers themed after the Tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell. They actually look pretty slick, and definitely evoke the feeling of the Tachikoma without literally making the shoes resemble the AI units. You better get ready to hunt if you want them, though: only 500 will be made. That’s a collector’s item right there. More images after the jump! Read more…



RZA’s The Man With the Iron First Looks… Ridiculous

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 30, 2012 in Cinema

When I say ridiculous, I mean it in a good way. RZA will be directing a new film that looks to be equal parts insane and awesome – and it’s being produced by Quentin Tarantino. Co-starring with Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu, The Man With the Iron Fist is set in 19th century China as a blacksmith must protect his village from traitorous threats. Who knows if the film will be good, but I will bet on one thing: it’s sure to be entertaining. No news on a specific release date yet, but hopefully we’ll see the film come out sometime this year.

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Marvel Studios to Announce Guardians of the Galaxy At Comic-Con?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 30, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


News has been slowly tickling out of Marvel, hinting at a possible feature film of Guardians of the Galaxy, and the most recent tidbit from Latino Review seems to confirm it. We may indeed see Marvel announce the film at Comic-Con in July – and if this happens, will we get to see Rocket Raccoon on the big screen? That’d be my number one request. Will this be the 2014 mystery film from Marvel? We’ll have to wait till their panel to find out. Read more…

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Total Recall Remake Trailer Confirms That, Yes, It’s Total Recall

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2012 in Cinema

There’s not a whole lot to say here. The (probably unnecessary) remake of Total Recall has a new trailer, and while it doesn’t show off much more than our first looks, it still looks more solid visually than most needless remakes. Still no word on if it’ll actually be good, though. However the question on your minds, I’m sure, is whether the woman with three breasts makes a return, and of course, the answer is yes. What film wouldn’t use that in their marketing?



Meet the Pyro Lets You See the World Through the Pyro’s Eyes

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2012 in Videogames

Valve’s final Meet the Team animated short has finally been released, nearly five years after the game first came out. Given the omnipresence of “Valve Time” (the frequently mentioned joke that Valve operates on a different clock than the rest of the world) it should be no surprise it took this long. Yet, this video is certainly worth it. The latest update also came out, delivering Pyro-vision goggles, a Robot Chicken hat, and a new game mode in which you launch a monkey named Poopy Joe into space. Don’t tell me that doesn’t sound like a blast (and it’s free-to-play). Read more…

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Surprise, Iron Man 3 Coming to SDCC

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 28, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Iron Man 3 Patriot

Like you’re even surprised — If you’re planning on going to San Diego Comic-Con International next month, you’ll want to save the date. Marvel will be holding its “Hall H Comic Con Panel” on Saturday, July 14th from 6:00 PM  to 7:00 PM. The description for the event? “Marvel Studios presents Iron Man 3. Join Producer Kevin Feige and special guests as they provide an inside look at the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.” So there you have it, mark your calenders and show up early. Read more…

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Galaxy Tablet’s Fate in Question, Again

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 28, 2012 in Tech

iPad Girl

It’s been awhile since we’ve touched on Apple’s on-going legal dispute with rival Samsung over alleged patent infringement. We last left off with Apple having lost its request for a preliminary injunction against Samsung’s sale of the Galaxy 10.1 Tablets here in the US, however it now seems as though Samsung simply delayed the inevitable. Just today, Judge Lucy Koh — the same Judge who initially denied the preliminary injunction — ruled in favor of Apple to halt the sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 for violating the design patent after all.

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