First Man of Steel Teaser Trailer Features 1.7 Seconds of Superman

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 22, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

You may have caught it in front of your Dark Knight Rises screening this weekend, but here it is online and easy to catch: the first teaser trailer for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, the new Superman reboot. There’s not much happening here, aside from giving us a look at Clark Kent’s journey across the world, and it’s very nicely shot. However, Snyder being the director makes me a little hesitant – yet, perhaps Christopher Nolan (producer) can reign in Snyder’s over-the-top style. We’ll find out next year.

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Rumor: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Cancelled?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 22, 2012 in Videogames


Alright everyone, I’ve got some bad news: it seems that Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been cancelled. Wait, what’s that? You’re not surprised? That look of apathy and disinterest you’re giving me is surely the result of something else, right? After six years of waiting, I suppose people just gave up hope, especially with so little news on every front. While this is still a rumor, let’s just say it the most obvious and sensible rumor we’ve heard in a while. Read more…

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Watch Colin Mochrie Play With Kenner Star Wars Figures

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 21, 2012 in Star Wars

We all love Whose Line Is It Anyway, right? I enjoy Colin Mochrie’s delightful sense of abrupt humor, and what could be a better way to lift your spirits this weekend than to see him goofily reenact Star Wars with Kenner action figures. It’s perfect. Also, George Lucas being an Ewok is now canon – I will accept no other explanations. Read more…

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A Life-Size LEGO Forest in the Outback

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 21, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


How much do you like your cool and unique art installations? What if they’re LEGO-inspired? As part of LEGO’s Festival of Play event, the brick-building company has been bringing life-size LEGO trees and flowers to various locations around Australia to give people the experience of living in a LEGO world. The latest stop, early this month, was in Broken Hills and suffice to say, it offered up some great photographs! I hope LEGO expands this to other areas of the world as well, as this is a very cool idea. Read more…



In Memory of Those in Murdered in Colorado

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 20, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

Denver Shooting

By now you’ve heard it all, so I won’t recap the story. My heart goes out to the family and friends of those who were murdered in Denver last night. The opening night of a film is an event that many fans look ahead to for months on end, and for someone to exploit this is a very depressing thought. In the days ahead many folks in media will focus on the madman that did this and his motives, but I’d ask that everyone think of those who are the victims of this crime.



Batman Has a Hard Time With Faces

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 20, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

You’ve just got to give him a break, crimefighting can take a lot out of you. Although I would think recognizing faces is an important part of being the “world’s greatest detective” and all that. Anyway, College Humor has done it again and made a high production-value parody of The Dark Knight that’s also funny. Speaking of the Dark Knight, how many of you went to go see The Dark Knight Rises already? If not, I bet you’ve got some plans this weekend.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson Declares Star Trek’s Enterprise the Best Starship Ever

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 20, 2012 in Fandom, Star Trek

Here a fantastic little video to start your weekend: at San Diego Comic-Con last week, the annual Starship Smackdown was in full swing. All of the starship experts and fans were debating the best starship, when a new challenger stepped up to the plate, and renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson took the mic and delivered the coolest and most passionate argument in favor of Star Trek’s Enterprise I’ve ever heard. I think we might just have a winner!

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Fez and the $40,000 Patch

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 19, 2012 in Videogames

Fez 07

A few weeks back, Polytron decided to release a patch for their Xbox 360-exclusive puzzle platformer Fez. The patch was meant to address a number of issues from being unable to run the game on older consoles, to simply fixing a series of crashes that can occur in specific situations. Unfortunately, while the patch seemingly eliminated the majority of the issues being experienced by players, a new bug was introduced which rendered certain end-game save files unusable. The patch was quickly pulled but after reviewing the issue with Microsoft, Polytron has opted to once again release the patch as is. According to some sources, Microsoft would charge them nearly $40k just to implement a new one!

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Trent Reznor Returns to Games

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 18, 2012 in Videogames

A year after winning an academy award for his work on The Social Network, Trent Reznor has returned to the gaming industry to score the main theme for Call of Duty Black Ops 2. It’s the first videogame he’s participated with since his ill-fated attempt to engineer Doom 3 came to an abrupt halt during the game’s production. His most memorable contribution to the industry remains his involvement with Id Software’s other hit title, Quake, in which he, along with Nine-Inch-Nails, helped to score the soundtrack and design many of the sound effects heard throughout the game. I’m not sure how excited I am for Black Ops 2, or any FPS these days, but one thing’s for sure — its theme song will probably rock.

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Zicree’s Space Command is Go

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 18, 2012 in Cinema, Pulp Fiction

space command concept art

When we first mentioned Marc Zicree’s Space Command kickstarter back in June, the project had already hit its goal of $75,000. I knew early on that the project would prove popular but I didn’t expect the fundraiser to be quite this successful. By the time the kickstarter came to its conclusion, Zicree had managed to collect nearly three times that amount for a total of $221,267 — a rousing success to say the least. Not only will they be producing the first film, but hopefully this outpouring of support will allow them to continue to create more down the line. Now, all we have to do is hope they deliver what we’ve all come to expect — a task Zicree and his team are more than suited for. For more information on the project, check out their kickstarter page or click here.

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Own the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 17, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


If you’re a big enough fan, you likely own every one of these films already, but now Marvel’s giving you a reason to buy them all again. Introducing the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled! This ten disc set comes with the six films that make up the current Marvel universe and is loaded with all kinds of extras. In case you’re unsure which films we’re talking about, its The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger and finally, The Avengers. Oh, and did I mention it comes with a Tesseract?

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Tekken Tag 2 Looks and Plays Beautifully

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 17, 2012 in Videogames

Last week, during an event at San Diego Comic-Con International, I had the opportunity to sit down with a recent console build of Namco Bandai’s upcoming fighter, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting to be stunned by the visuals, and I hadn’t expected any significant improvements in terms of actual gameplay. Much to my surprise, however, the game offers quite a few enhancements over its predecessor, Tekken 6.

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Space:1999: The Swift Recreated

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 16, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Television

Space:1999: The Swift — fan made model

Alexandre Dumas is the talented Space:1999 fanboy behind this handmade model of the Swift spacecraft. The Swift was one of the cooler spaceship designs from Space:1999 and was featured in the episode Brian The Brain. In the series the Swift was a support shift which could make an interstellar trip: Read more…



Is Pluto a Binary Planet?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 16, 2012 in Science

Is Pluto a Twin Planet?

A few years ago Pluto suffered the public humiliation of being demoted from being a planet, but perhaps things are looking up for the little guy: Last week a fourth moon was discovered to be orbiting around Pluto and Charon which is starting to make some folks feel that Pluto may in fact be a binary planet. Although there is still a larger debate on where to draw a line between double-planet and a planet–moon system, so poor Pluto may have to wait a bit longer…



SDCC: Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer Gives Hope to Zombie Fans

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 15, 2012 in Television

I watched Walking Dead for two seasons and I enjoyed it. Although I enjoyed picking it apart and chuckling at some of the silly decisions made. So perhaps I didn’t truly enjoy it, but when it picked up the pace it wasn’t half bad – and this new trailer from Comic-con seems to indicate that the staff are doing their best to keep it going. The introduction of the Governor will be especially fun, as he’s a cut-throat villain to the end, and an antagonist the show desperately needed. Walking Dead returns October 14th.



SDCC: Give the Casting Director of Game of Thrones Season 3 an Award

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 15, 2012 in Television

Because the new cast members for the upcoming season 3 of the wildly popular HBO fantasy TV series are pretty much perfect (especially Paul Kane as Thoros of Myr and Dianna Rigg as Olenna Tyrell). SDCC also brought us news of the date for the start of the new season, which will be on March 31st. It seems so far away, but I’m sure it’ll be here before you know it.

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SDCC: Exciting Trailer for Raimi’s Oz: The Great and Powerful

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 14, 2012 in Cinema

I had wondered what Sam Raimi had been up to, and now I know – Oz: The Great and Powerful. Based off of L. Frank Baum’s Oz books, it sets out to tell the story of how one man, (James Franco) who eventually becomes the Wizard of Oz. It’s giving me some Alice in Wonderland vibes, but truth be told, I have more trust in Raimi than Burton. I’m interested in how the final film will turn out, but you certainly can’t say it doesn’t look gorgeous!



SDCC: Mass Effect Anime Trailer Looks… Alright

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 14, 2012 in Anime, Videogames

Excited about that Mass Effect anime announced a little while ago? Here’s a good look at it, with a full-length trailer being released at Comic-Con this week. FUNimation is partnering up with Production I.G. and T.O. Entertainment to create the film and, well, it looks simply average. There are a few interesting shots in the trailer but for the most part it fails to excite me. Paragon Lost will be all about James Vega’s battle with the Collectors, so essentially this is something that will probably not grab most people unless they’re die hard Mass Effect fans.

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SDCC Toy Pileup: LEGO Hobbit Toys Take all

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 13, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


Just look at that beautiful image up there. That’s a new LEGO set due this holiday season based on Bag End, from the Hobbit. And it’s amazing. I doubt there is a more perfect LEGO set on the market right now. Like I said, you’ll have to wait till Christmas to grab it, but San Diego Comic-Con has brought us this first look. We’ve also got some Star Wars LEGOs and Kenner Alien figures after the jump! Read more…

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Steam Summer Sale for 2012 Begins!

Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 13, 2012 in Videogames


It seems gamers everywhere were chomping at the bit for Valve to initiate their Summer Sale this year – more so than usual! It’s honestly no surprise as Valve always does a great job setting up excellent prices for everything. It runs from now until July 22nd, so remember to watch the daily deals, as prices will only go down. However, why would they run it during SDCC? That’s a pretty big conflict, in some ways! Oh well, when you can own every Valve game ever for $50, that’s what I call a sale.

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Lego Cthulhu Knows How to Throw an Awesome Block Party

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 12, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections

Lego Cthulhu Throws a Block Party

You know I have to wonder what H.P. Lovecraft would have thought if he could see his beloved mythical creation Cthulhu recreated in Lego? Imagine Rigney did a smashing job of bring this scene to life — I really love the level of detail that was put into this project: Read more…

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Danboard: A Cult Cardboard Character Captured in Plastic

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 12, 2012 in Anime, Hobbies and Collections

danboard plastic model kit

If you aren’t familiar with Danboard he’s a cardboard action figure who is based on an issue of the Yotsuba&! manga. The original model kit that became popular in Japan was produced by Revoltech, but this newest kit caught my eye because it’s made out of plastic! What;s nice about this new kit is that the cover features an illustration by the japanese artist Hidetaka Tenjin who is famous for his beloved illustrations of Mobile Suit Gundam and Macross. Shown below are a number of examples from Japan of local hobbyists who had fun with this kit: Read more…

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The Original Star Trek Exploration Set Recreated in Lego

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2012 in Star Trek

Original Star Trek Exploration Set Recreated in Lego

Growing up as a child one of my prized possessions was my AMT Star Trek Exploration Set — a full scale model kit which included a tricorder, phaser and a communicator. Fanboy Tommy Williamson has done amazing job of recreating this set in LEGO! I really love how the Tricorder has moving parts: Read more…

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Tatooine Headgear: A Cute Knitted Tusken Raider Hat

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

A Knitted Tusken Raider Hat from Etsy

This very nicely crafted Sandy Person Hat was designed by Michigan based artist BeeBeeKins and is available on Etsy. Below is an additional photo which shows off the attached scarf: Read more…

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