Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 26, 2012 in Television

Playing cards are a dime-a-dozen, so you have to really stand out with cool artwork or designs to catch people’s attention. Jim Tuckwell did just that, with his excellent and stylish Game of Thrones-themed playing cards. He’s only just begun, with Ned Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, and Tyrion Lannister, but they look great so far. His plans include all four card suits, with Varys and Littlefinger as Jokers. I hope he finishes the whole set – because I’d like them! Click through to see the cards he’s done. Read more…
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 26, 2012 in Star Wars, Television

That new Star Wars TV show is starting finally! No, not the live-action one. No, not that other one with the seedy underbelly of Coruscant. The one from the Robot Chicken guys! But CGI! Remember that one? …No? Oh. Well, here’s the trailer for it. Honestly, I’m sure kids will eat this comedy up and enjoy this more than I ever will – because I’m not the target audience, clearly. But it just looks so average, with nothing really new brought to the table. Many of these Star Wars jokes have simply been done to death. Oh well, at least Seth MacFarlane seems to still be doing a good job as the Emperor. Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, Star Wars Detours
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 25, 2012 in Videogames

NeoGAF user Durante was annoyed that the PC version of From Software’s popular Dark Souls wouldn’t run in 1080p, so he modded it to work as desired. The catch? The game just came out. His fix involves an “interception .dll framework” that he developed in a week of preparation for the game’s release. Using this, he then was able to successfully mod the game to run in 1080p (and higher!) in just 23 minutes after its launch. Talk about speed! You can check out the details of the fix in his thread, here. And check out some of those high-res screenshots! Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 25, 2012 in Fandom

While we might not have the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier from the Avengers in real life yet, Russian RCDesign forum user native18 took it upon himself to create a full-functioning RC replica of the flying behemoth. Obviously it’s more made for action figures than real people, but it coasts on water and flies too! Mighty impressive work, even if the music is a little too dramatic for the video. Still, I hope we see something similar as a product one day, because who wouldn’t want to own their own S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier? Video after the break. Read more…
Tags: The Avengers
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 24, 2012 in Design

When designer Darrin Crescenzi got into A Song of Ice and Fire, aka Game of Thrones, he did what many of us did: look for awesome posters! Ok, maybe not many of us, but it’s what I did. Darrin found that there weren’t many compelling designs featuring the sigils of each house, so he made one himself – and it looks fantastic! It’s 18″ x 24″ with gold foil stamp, which gives it a little pop, and is available from his online store for $35. It’ll look right at home on your wall, and probably get a few Game of Thrones discussions going too! Read more…
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Prints
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 24, 2012 in Fandom

When I saw these awesome custom-made hoodies from Rarity’s Boutique on Etsy, I simply had to bring them to your attention. Lisa Lou has been creating some great-looking hoodies inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender and My Little Pony, from the Earth Kingdom to Rainbow Dash. There’s even a Doctor “Whooves” hoodie, which is sure to appeal to plenty of fanboys out there! The hoodies, being custom-made, are in the $150 range and take about 7 weeks from the order date. Definitely worth it for a unique piece of clothing like this! Read more…
Tags: avatar: the last airbender, Doctor Who, My Little Pony
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 23, 2012 in Anime

This October, you can once again watch the strange stories of samurai living in alien-conquered Edo. A magazine scan has revealed that Gintama is returning with another series after ending its previous run in March 2012. After 201 episodes of the first series and 51 episodes of the sequel series Gintama’, the fate of the anime franchise was undecided, with the final episode’s preview trailer literally showing the word “undecided.” Now we know for certain that Gintama is returning to TV on October 4, 2012. Read more…
Tags: Gintama
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 23, 2012 in Dr. Who, Television

The seventh season of Doctor Who is right around the corner, on Saturday, September 1. But that’s still more than a whole week away! Should fans really have to wait even longer for more of the Doctor? The BBC doesn’t think so, as they will be releasing five webisodes of a miniseries they’re calling Pond Life. Read more…
Tags: Doctor Who
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 22, 2012 in Videogames

Weren’t zombie games played out a while ago? At the start of this console generation, the world was experiencing a zombie renaissance, with the previously cult creatures starting to appear all over the place. But a few years back, it seemed like the zombie market was over-saturated. Zombies were just getting tossed in anything, showing up even in unexpected games like Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption. There have been less zombie games lately, since anyone not experiencing zombie burnout is playing DayZ or The Walking Dead, but that won’t stop Microsoft from tossing another zombie game out there!
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Tags: Microsoft, Xbox 360, zombies
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 22, 2012 in Videogames

One of the earliest US gaming magazines is finally going out of print. Nintendo Power, the official magazine of Nintendo, will no longer be published. Circulation has dropped as much as 10% in the first half of 2012, and with other once-popular game magazines like EGM and GamePro disappearing from newsstands in the past few years, it’s just not a good time to be in print. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 21, 2012 in Videogames

In spite of all the problems they have, fans love crossovers, and I’m no different. I conveniently ignore the fact that crossovers often contain cheesy catchphrases, obvious confrontations, and a cliche team-up plot, usually about saving the world — all in the name of making fans giddy with excitement. The stakes might not be that high in Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, but that doesn’t make the crossover any less enticing for fans of the two cult DS series. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Capcom, Level-5, Nintendo
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 21, 2012 in Videogames

The Pokémon train keeps rolling, with Nintendo releasing the first numbered sequels in the series this fall, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2. However, no matter how diligent fans were at catching them all in the original Black and White, there is no way they actually managed to catch all the Pokémon coded into the games. Why? Because some Pokémon are only distributed at special events, and it’s about time for another one of those! Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Pokémon
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 20, 2012 in Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

The other day, on their Facebook page, Kotobukiya revealed their latest New 52 ArtFX+ figure: The Flash! It looks to be in line with their other ArtFX+ figures, at 7.5 inches tall. It’s a pretty nice sculpt, nothing too fancy, but my first thought was “isn’t he supposed to be moving?” It seems the Flash would lend himself to a more dynamic pose easily. I know, I know, he has to match his pose with the rest of the figures. The Flash will be available in February 2013. More images below! Read more…
Tags: Action Figures, Flash
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 20, 2012 in Cinema

I was just devastated to read that director Tony Scott has committed suicide. Of course most fanboys know his bother Ridley Scott who directed Blade Runner, however Tony Scott has always had a special place in my heart. Scott hit Hollywood gold with Top Gun in 1986, but my favorite film of his was The Hunger which he made in 1983. And of course I also loved True Romance which featured a script by Quentin Tarantino and some great scenes — my favorite being the one between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken: Read more…
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 20, 2012 in Videogames

Sony’s Playstation Vita has been languishing a bit, but several excellent-looking games are showing up to boost the little handheld’s library. Most notably, fresh out of Gamescom, Media Molecule (the studio behind LittleBigPlanet) has announced Tearaway, a delightful platforming and puzzle game. Most unique is the way they use the rear touch pad on the Vita: you can poke your fingers into the paper-filled world to mess with enemies, solve puzzles, or change the map. It seems very clever, and the art style is adorable. Watch the trailer after the jump! Read more…
Tags: Media Molecule
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 19, 2012 in Anime, Hobbies and Collections

In Japan Sharp is showing off two robot vacuum cleaners which have been given a Mobile Suit Gundam theme. Apparently these are variations on their existing Cocorobo robot cleansers which include a voice recognition system. Here they are on display: Read more…
Tags: Japan, Mobile Suit Gundam, Robots
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 19, 2012 in Videogames

That’s because it probably won’t come out here! While the 3DS XL is only coming out today in the US, Nintendo has already been hard at work making special edition versions of the console exclusively for Japan. Starting August 25th, pre-orders will be taken only at Pokemon Centers in Japan for an adorable Pikachu-branded version of the popular handheld. The actual system will be released on September 15th, but only those who pre-ordered will be able to get one. Perhaps some import stores will have them for sale, but my guess is that this 3DS will be hard to come by for US Pokemon fans. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Pokémon
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 19, 2012 in Television

Hype for Season 3 of Game of Thrones has been building slowly but surely, and one of the most-awaited casting announcements was who would play Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall. Well the news finally broke: Ciarán Hinds will be tackling the role! He’s probably most well known for his work in the excellent TV series Rome, but he’s also been in films like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Munich, to name a few. I imagined Mance a bit younger, perhaps, but I have no doubt of Hinds’ talent – I think he’s an excellent choice. May 31st, 2013 can’t come soon enough. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones, HBO
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 18, 2012 in Science

With the success of the Curiosity rover, Mars is hot right now. NASA wanted to create a series of artwork about life on the red planet, and artists Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick delivered. Their collection of photographs, titled Mars: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea, depicts two women exploring the Martian landscape and ruins, empty from the apocalypse of a human colony or possibly some earlier civilization. Read more…
Tags: Mars, NASA
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 18, 2012 in Videogames

Dota 2 (Defense of the Ancients) is hugely popular online. The action real-time strategy game genre is a massive industry with an enormous player-bases, and Dota 2, despite still being in beta, is already a major force and one of the most-played games on Steam. Valve, after picking up the creators of the original mod, made it into a polished, full-fledged game and now they want to document it. Not the game development, though – the players themselves. The doc will follow the lives of 5 professional gamers, their struggles and triumphs. Watch the full trailer after the break! Read more…
Tags: documentary, Dota 2, Valve
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 18, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Television

How would you like to have Game of Thrones-favorite, Tyrion Lannister, as a statue for your desk or display case? Dark Horse will soon be releasing a 10-inch figure of “the Imp” on February 20th featuring Tyrion in his ‘battle pose’ as he leads the defense of King’s Landing. While it’s great to see a model of Tyrion, it still looks a little off in the face to me. Perhaps I’m just spoiled by Hot Toy’s face sculpting! Tyrion Lannister will retail for $199.99 and can be pre-ordered here. Read more…
Tags: Action Figures, Game of Thrones
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 17, 2012 in Cinema, Science, Television

Though sci-fi is an incredibly broad genre, modern sci-fi can occasionally feel pigeonholed into following the most popular franchises. That’s why this map by Ward Shelly is so fascinating, even if it’s been around for a while. It charts the growth and many off-shoots of fiction to show where science fiction came from and its relation to other genres and its own subgenres. From the horror of Frankenstein to the fantastic ideas of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, through the pulp magazines and dystopian novels, all the way to the Star Trek and Star Wars explosion, it’s an intriguing look at where some of our most popular stories come from. Read more…
Tags: Science Fiction
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 17, 2012 in Videogames

Remember that gorgeous Zelda art book released in Japan, Hyrule Historia? It unveiled, after all the long years of debate, the official Zelda timeline, and most shocking of all, it made sense. Mostly. Sadly it was only for Japan, leaving you with the options of importing it or reading about it online. However now Dark Horse has production descriptions listing the book for January 29th, 2013 at $34.99, confirming it will come out here in the US. That’s still a ways away, but confirmation is always great. The full product description is below, if you’d like to hear more. Read more…
Tags: Art Books, Legend of Zelda
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 17, 2012 in Animation, Videogames

Two big games got new cinematics this week to promote their updates! World of Warcraft has upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion, and their opening video is mighty impressive – no matter how much you complain about Kung-Fu Panda. On the other end, Team Fortress 2’s Mann VS. Machine update went live recently and the new short featuring Red and Blu Team partnering against a robot menace is also quite cool. When will Blizzard and Valve just make us some straight-up CGI feature-length films? Come on! Read more…
Tags: Team Fortress, World of Warcraft