Park Chan-Wook’s Stoker Arrives With its First Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 30, 2012 in Cinema


Did you know that Oldboy director Park Chan-Wook is making a film here in the US? And it stars Nicole Kidman and Mia Wasikowska? Well now you do. You know what else you should know? The first trailer for the film has come out, and lets just say this movie looks insane – in the best way possible. It tells the story of a girl named India who, after her father dies, learns of her Uncle Charlie. He comes to live with her mother, a lady who is a little off-kilter herself. India’s uncle seems increasingly suspect but to make matters worse she is also a little attracted to him. Seems like a Park Chan-Wook film through and through! Check out the trailer below. Read more…



The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray Arrives December 4th in Special Edition Box Set

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 30, 2012 in Cinema


Did you like Christopher Nolan’s latest, The Dark Knight Rises? So did millions of others, I think I remember it did alright in the box office… Probably not a very big release, either way. Still, the Blu-ray is coming out December 4th, just in time for Christmas, so you can buy it for yourself and justify it a little easier. The special edition box set will include a bunch of extras, such as a documentary about the Batmobile, 17 featurettes about the making of the film, and a short on how they demolished an entire city street. Of course, most importantly, it comes with a broken Batman cowl, just like the one the film. No word on if it’ll fit on your face and shatter properly when a friend punches you. Read more…

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LEGO Version of Foster the People’s Houdini Rocks Out!

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 29, 2012 in Fandom


YouTube user Insomniac has been making some amazing LEGO videos for a while now, but his latest music video featuring Foster the People and their song Houdini is probably my favorite. I’m really amazed at how much time he spent working on it, getting all the camera angles correct and making the lighting really work – it’s incredibly good. And fluid, too! Hopefully he’ll post a video on his site soon showing off the behind-the-scenes work done on it. Till then, click through the break to see an awesome music video featuring cute plastic yellow people jamming out. Read more…

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Assassin’s Creed III Will Let You Take Part in the Boston Tea Party

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 29, 2012 in Videogames


Ubisoft is rolling out the big guns for Assassin’s Creed III – it seems like every week they’re running a new video or trailer to promote the game. This new one is pretty neat though: a look at how you can participate in the Boston Tea Party, the historical event that led to the revolution. I love the promotional art for this as well, they did a great job emulating paintings made of historical America, but I almost wish the game looked a bit closer to that.  Oh well, the game still looks fun, and will probably still feature a ridiculously complex story and bizarre sci-fi twists at the end that leave you hanging till the next game! Read more…

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Take a Look at How the Special Effects in Game of Thrones Were Done

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 28, 2012 in Television


You may have heard that Game of Thrones episode Valar Morghulis won an Emmy for best special effects, done by Pixomondo. Ever wondered how they were done? The CGBro has posted a video featuring swipes at how Pixomondo built the world of the Seven Kingdoms, and how they made it seem so believable. And, of course, the dragons. Everyone wants to see more about the dragons. Must be hard working with invisible co-stars! Read more…



Like Looper? How About Animated?

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 28, 2012 in Cinema


Are you ready to see Rian Johnson’s latest film, Looper, which stars Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt? It’s out today in the US, and from initial impressions it seems to be a pretty solid flick! Here’s something cool about Johnson though: he collaborates with two of his cousins for his films. Nathan Johnson does the score, and Zachary Johnson made posters and an animated trailer for the film. And let me tell you, this animated trailer is really something special. I think it just convinced me to go see Looper, in fact. I’d love to hang some of these frames up on my wall! Watch the video after the break. Read more…



EA Brings Together Mass Effect Trilogy For November Release

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 27, 2012 in Videogames

Mass Effect Trilogy

The awesome thing about holding off on buying major trilogies is that you know they’ll be bundled together down the line for cheap. Less than a year after the release of Mass Effect 3, the Mass Effect games are getting that bundle. Mass Effect Trilogy will be available come November 6 on Xbox 360 and PC for only $59.99. The bigger news, however, is that this bundle is eventually coming to PS3. Read more…

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Patrick Stewart Will Once Again Play Professor X

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 27, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Professor X

It’s been a while since Patrick Stewart played Charles Xavier, a.k.a. Professor X, in the X-Men films. X-Men: The Last Stand was his last take, with subsequent films focusing on Wolverine and then recasting James McAvoy in the role for X-Men: First Class. Of course, First Class did pretty well, so there’s a sequel planned — and Stewart is back on board. Read more…

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New Kingdom Hearts Trailer Shows Off Original Game In HD

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 26, 2012 in Videogames

Kingdom Hearts

I was pretty thrilled when I first heard about Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix. The collection gathers Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and the cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and puts them all in HD on PS3 with trophy support. Now there’s a trailer to show off what the game looks like, and it definitely gets me pumped. Read more…

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Andy Serkis Reads “The Hobbit” As Gollum

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 26, 2012 in Cinema


The hype machine has started working in full force for The Hobbit, and despite my best efforts to remain cautiously optimistic about certain controversial decisions, I can’t help being swept up in the excitement. The trailer whet my appetite, but it’s seeing the fans get involved that really gets me going. In particular, a recent book reading grabbed my attention. Read more…



Project X Zone’s Opening Comes With Hope For Western Release

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 25, 2012 in Videogames

Project X Zone

Project X Zone (pronounced Project “Cross” Zone) is a massive crossover game being made by Namco Bandai for 3DS. While Namco has previously worked with Capcom on the crossover games Namco x Capcom, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the upcoming Tekken X Street Fighter, this is the first time that Sega is being brought into the mix. The game features characters from a long list of various game franchises, which is usually a good indication that the game would remain in Japan; for example, Namco x Capcom was never localized. However, that has the potential to change. Read more…

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Mix Alpacas With Pokemon To Get…Alpacamons

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 25, 2012 in Anime, Videogames


File this under “cute,” “strange,” and “why the hell not”: Inspired by a bunch of bootleg alpacasso plushies, artist DeviantArtist “yuumei” created these fusions of alpacas (essentially cuter llamas) and pokemon (essentially cuter anythings). The notable aspects of various popular pokemon are appended to a baby alpaca’s fuzzy, cute body. Read more…

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The Wonderful 101 Shows Off in a New Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 24, 2012 in Videogames


Remember Project P-100 from E3? Platinum Game’s upcoming Wii U game directed by Hideki Kamiya features super heroes that recruit ordinary citizens into their growing posse of super-individuals, and use them to create larger-than-life guns, hang gliders, or swords. It’s a little bit of Pikmin mixed with the aesthetics of Viewtiful Joe, which in my book is a big win. The name of the game is now The Wonderful 101, and Nintendo is showing off a new trailer – and it still looks great. The Wonderful 101 is coming out sometime after the Wii U’s launch, but before March 2013, so it won’t be too long of a wait! Read more…

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The Turtle Shell: A Speaker for Adventure and Exercise

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 24, 2012 in Tech


If you’re like me, you like to work and move around with music on your iPod, but hate when your headphone cables get tangled in your arms or on a stray bush. The Turtle Shell by Outdoor Tech seems to target this exact problem, and it solves it by simply getting rid of the cord. It wirelessly connects via Bluetooth to your phone or iPod, and can be attached to your bike handle, clipped onto your waistband, or connect to a stroller. ‘Hands-free’ is the buzzword here, and it looks to be a solid piece of equipment, although perhaps a one-trick pony. If you like it, you can help Kickstart it here! Read more…



Sony’s Puppeteer Looks Like a Play Come to Life

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 23, 2012 in Videogames


Something slipped under my radar, with all the news from Tokyo Game Show: Sony’s new game by their SCE JAPAN Studio, Puppeteer. It was announced at Gamescom, but we’re getting a new trailer here – and wow, does it look cool. It’s a platforming game where you play as a boy named Kutaro who has been transformed puppet, and the world itself is a stage, complete with audience reactions and strings holding everything up. It really looks unique and stands out from the other games at TGS, so I’m hoping we hear more about it soon! Read more…



Two New Trailers for Yakuza 5

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 23, 2012 in Videogames


Any Yakuza fans out there? SEGA has released two new trailers to ride of the wave of news coming out of Tokyo Game Show 2012, and they look crazy – in the good way. The videos will give you a look at the open-world gameplay, as well as the assortment of mini-games. You know, I don’t think there are many other games out there that have dancing mini-games, bear hunting, baseball, and hitting on girls… in addition to all the usual gangster entertainment. I’m really hoping this comes westward, so until it’s announced I’ll glare angrily at SEGA. Read more…

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Portal 2 Fan Creates Animated Version of the Game

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 22, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


Have you ever wondered what Portal might look like if it was animated by Disney? Here’s your first look at a work made by Chelsea GR (username NQN), a Portal fan who re-created a scene from the beginning of Portal 2 in a unique style. This animated short takes audio from the game and matches it up with art she created, and suffice to say, it’s an impressive work for a single individual. So, now that’d you’ve seen this, who wants an official Saturday morning cartoon of Portal 2? Hello? Valve? Read more…



Japanese LEGO Fan Builds Huge ‘Great Ball Contraption’

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 22, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections


Remember those wonder ball contraptions, shuttling marbles or other small round objects around various mechanical means of transportation? Well a Japanese LEGO fan recently uploaded a video of his most expansive Great Ball Contraption yet, and it’s mighty impressive. Useless? Yes. But still impressive. There are lots of great details included in it, and astute LEGO fans will pick out lots of clever brick usage. I really love the mechancial arms that poke in quickly and yank the balls into the next stage – very fun to watch. Beware of watching the “Suggested Videos,” you might not return! Read more…



New Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Trailer from TGS 2012

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 21, 2012 in Videogames


I’ve been loving all the new Ace Attorney news lately, as I am a huge Phoenix Wright fan. So I was particularly interested in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, a game announced last year that crosses two of the most popular Nintendo DS/3DS franchises into one story. At TGS this year, Level 5 and Capcom showed off a new trailer for the game, and suffice to say, it looks great. While the trailer is all in Japanese, you can catch a subbed version here if you’re curious. The game comes out November 29th in Japan. Chances are high it will be localized, but nothing solid yet. Level 5, I’m counting on you! Read more…

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Check Out 4 Different Endings to the New Hobbit Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 21, 2012 in Cinema


“I’m going on an adventure!” The new trailer for The Hobbit hit all the right notes for me: excitement, some epic scenery, fantasy characters, and a solid dose of humor and light-heartedness. I’m sure most of you have seen it by now, but what you might’ve missed is that this new trailer had 4 other endings different from the one featuring the dwarves in the main release. Appropriately called Gandalf, Bilbo, String, and Gollum, all of these alternate ends are quite funny, especially the clip with Gollum conversing with Bilbo. Watch them below! Read more…

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Ace Attorney 5 Moves Into 3D With TGS Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 20, 2012 in Videogames

Ace Attorney 5

It was good to hear that Capcom was making Ace Attorney 5 for 3DS, considering the series felt like it was dying in the US. But I wasn’t quite sold on the fact that the game was moving from sprites to 3D graphics, despite the 3DS’s improved graphical capabilities over the DS. I worried that the charm and personality of Phoenix Wright and friends would be lost. Read more…

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Square Rereleasing Kingdom Hearts in HD

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 20, 2012 in Videogames

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

When I heard that Square Enix was rereleasing Final Fantasy X in HD, my first thought was “I hope they do that for Kingdom Hearts.” We may still be waiting on that version of FFX, my dream looks like it’s coming true, as Famitsu is reporting on a new HD collection announced at this year’s Tokyo Game Show. The original Kingdom Hearts is back, but there’s more to it. Read more…

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No More “Super” Updates For Capcom’s Fighting Games, For Now

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2012 in Videogames


Capcom is notorious for the way they release their fighting games. Popular staples like Street Fighter or Marvel vs. Capcom will get many minor updates before a proper sequel is even considered. I understand why, since reinventing the wheel over and over again would throw players off their game, but it also smacks of a cash-grab. When asked why Capcom doesn’t just release a stream of updates instead of more expensive boxed copies, Senior VP Christian Svennson revealed the company’s reasoning. Read more…

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New Pictures From The Hobbit Celebrate The Book’s 75th Anniversary

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2012 in Cinema

The Hobbit - Bilbo

I’m still quite wary of Peter Jackson’s decision to split The Hobbit into not just two, but three films. It seems like the pacing might move as fast as a glacier, with tons of details expanded upon that don’t need the additional exploration on film. However, I can’t deny that every other bit of PR is getting me really excited. This whole week is being called “Tolkien Week,” in honor of not only the book’s 75th anniversary on Friday, but both Bilbo and Frodo’s birthdays on September 22. First up on the celebration: new pictures! Read more…

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