Bizarre (and Awesome) Real-Life Futurama Sculptures

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 3, 2011 in Animation, Television

Dr. Zoidberg sculpture by Artanis One

It’s been a good weekend for Neat Futurama Stuff. Via io9, we learned about these totally cool and completely bizarre Futurama character busts with a real-life twist by DeviantArt user Artanis One. I actually really like this Dr. Zoidberg; he looks like he’d be right at home in a Mass Effect game in this particular iteration. Honestly, I don’t think Professor Farnsworth even looks that out-of-place as a a real person; he’s already so old that there’s only so much exaggeration you can even do. As for Leela, well, I think it’s a little weirder to see a cyclops with a realistic human head than it is to see one with the Groeningian Overbite. Read more…


A Teenage George R. R. Martin’s Letter to Stan Lee

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 2, 2011 in Comic Books

George R R Martin letter to Stan Lee

You may know George R. R. Martin from his blockbuster fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, and its current television adaptation as A Game of Thrones, but his written work from before that series is actually quite good, I think. In fact, if you look back to his teenage years, you can find what may be his best work — this letter to Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee. In it (click above for a bigger version), he praises Avengers #9 as a masterpiece, recommends some other villains for reappearances in the comics, and has some harsh words about villains like Diablo and the Moleman. It’s pretty adorable. And it doesn’t even have any sex or violence in it. Or page-long descriptions of food, for that matter. Who knew? Read more…



Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 2, 2011 in Animation, Television

Futurama Monopoly board

According to the much-loved cartoon Futurama, a lot has changed in the year 3000, but at least one thing remains the same: greed is still alive and well! And you can take 80s Guy’s financial advice to heart when you pick up the Futurama edition of Monopoly, which comes out in November. Everything has been given a Futurama makeover, including the railroads (now modes of travel like the Travel Tube and Robot Santa’s Sleigh) and locations (own New New York and Robot Hell, among others). Even the player pieces are now show staples like Leela’s Boot, the Planet Express Ship, and Fry’s Dog (nooooo!). Just don’t be surprised when invaders from Omicron Persei VI invade your board and enslave you. I don’t think that’s actually part of the game, but then again, this is Futurama. Read more…



A Sonic Screwdriver That Actually Screws

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 31, 2011 in Dr. Who


I’ve been wanting my own sonic screwdriver for awhile but I’ve been having trouble deciding on which model to go with. While I love slick silver design of  Eccleston and Tennant’s model, it lacks the nifty little claw grip. On the other hand, Smith’s has a bit too much bronze for me. I suppose I could have just bought the interchangeable model that Michael mentioned the other month, but then it dawned it on me — what good is a sonic screwdriver if it doesn’t actually work? It won’t stop a Christmas tree from spinning out of control, or open a locked door at the touch of a button, but this sonic screwdriver screwdriver might do the trick! In addition to being a perfect replica of the Eleventh Doctor’s screwdriver, it comes with an interchangeable phillips and flat-head attachments, allowing you to actually use it to fix things. Brilliant, right? The best part, is that it only retails for $30, that’s only $5 more than the standard replica. Better yet, it still lights up and buzzes. Head over to ThinkGeek to order yours today.

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Ground Control to Major Tom … You’re in a Children’s Book

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 28, 2011 in Fandom

Space Oddity book by Andrew Kolb

So, I absolutely adore when great artists and writers take very adult subject matter and turn it into a children’s book. This particular children’s book, designed by Andrew Kolb, takes David Bowie’s classic tune “Space Oddity” and gives it a whimsical makeover, with Kolb providing fantastic art to go along with Bowie’s lyrics. However, Kolb doesn’t change the lyrics or content, making it unusually grim for a children’s book. Then again, I suppose that’s probably the point. There’s nothing you can do, after all. Read more…



Avengers, Assemble On this Promotional Art

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 27, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Avengers Group Shot

Marvel is just about to wrap up filming for The Avengers, so that means that soon we’ll be in the middle of an advertising blitz that can only accompany the biggest blockbuster in recent memory. Teasers, stills, TV spots. And, of course, tie-ins! In this case, we’re talking about a comic that sheds some more light on the Avengers team members, for which Disney and Marvel released this promotional image of the team (mostly) assembled. Maria Hill and Agent Coulson unfortunately don’t make an appearance here, but we do get a pretty good look at the Hulk, minus the strangely bushy eyebrows that plagued his Comic-Com poster appearance. Is it just me, or does Black Widow look really surprised to be in this shot? Read more…



Supernatural Creator Bringing Unlikely (and Undead) Superhero to TV

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 27, 2011 in Comic Books, Television

Deadman by Bruce Timm

The CW has the record for longest-running superhero TV show in Smallville, but now that Superman’s formative years are up, they want to bring another DC Comics property to television. This time, it’s Deadman, the body-jumping ghost hero. And who better to bring him to life on TV than former Supernatural showrunner Eric Kripke? Nobody, that’s who, and CW execs agree. Details are scarce, but the series is definitely being developed, and may indeed be only one of several DC properties the CW is pursuing for an adaptation. Read more…

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Third Earth? Pfft, That’s So Mainstream

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 21, 2011 in Animation, Television

Hipster Thundercats by Zano

“Yeah, we live on Fourth Earth now. You haven’t heard of it? Yeah, of course you haven’t. It’s really indie. It’s like Third Earth before it sold out, you know?” That’s the conversation I figure I’d be having with these hipster Thundercats, drawn up by Zano over on DeviantArt. It’s got all the quality ingredients of a hipsterized character — your thick-rimmed glasses, your sloughing-off-the-shoulder girls’ top, your v-neck. I think the only thing we’re really missing here is a keffiyeh. But I’ll take it. Man. Imagine the kind of vinyls you could find with Sight Beyond Sight.

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Stained-Glass Superheroes

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 20, 2011 in Comic Books

Stained Glass Comic Book Covers

Mixing superheroes with religious iconography? Well, I’m sure it’s not the first time this has happened, but this may be the first time that someone has made stained-glass versions of comic book covers.  These awesome (and slightly bizarre) iterations come from Brandon Michael Barker of Man or Monster Studios, who clarifies that the pieces are actually painted glass, which is different than stained glass, but I don’t think that makes them any less cool, personally. “When there were no sets of footprints, that is when I was carrying you while we swung from a web.”

Michael Sacco is a freelance editor and writer, currently working as senior editor at WoW Insider, part of the Joystiq network.


Doctor … Mew?

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 20, 2011 in Dr. Who, Television

Doctor Who Cats

Doctor Who — a worldwide phenomenon. A genre classic. A pop culture treasure. It only makes sense that, eventually, someone would convert all of the series main characters to cats. I think it’s some kind of fandom law nowadays. These particular cats come from artist Jenny Parks, who’s recreated all of the eleven Doctors in eerily accurate feline form. The Tom Baker Cat is particularly spot-on, I think. I think I’ve met that cat. And the Christopher Eccleston one is, of course, the black … er, cat of the family.  Read more…



Rebuilding a Post-Potter World

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 14, 2011 in Cinema


The Britain (and world at large) of the Harry Potter series has a lot of rebuilding to do after Voldemort’s defeat. How can the Ministry of Magic reclaim its good name? What can the leaders of both the Muggle and magical governments do to prevent the same thing from happening again? Those questions and more drove the creation of Post-Conflict Potter, an article by Foreign Policy magazine, wherein real experts on foreign policy suggest the ways that post-Potter Britain could fix itself. Honestly, I loved the Harry Potter books, but my larger questions about how the magical society presented in the books could even function put kind of a damper on Rowling’s otherwise meticulous world-building. Post-Conflict Potter is a great read that helps address some of those very questions. Read more…



Thunderbirds Are Nihon-Go!

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 13, 2011 in Television

Thunderbirds Lab

Sometimes by boss sends me links via email with a request to feature them on the site. Normally they’re self-explanatory — here’s a cool Star Wars case mod someone made, or here’s a neat artist — but sometimes they’re mystifying even to me. Take the Thunderbirds Lab, for example. It’s a website for a pharmaceutical group that lets you take some Thunderbirds-inspired tests, play a game or two, and create a neat custom Thunderbirds badge for yourself. Of course, it’s also nearly 100% in Japanese, which made the process a little more difficult for me, admittedly. But if you speak Japanese, you’ll be in puppet heaven, and you may be able to fumble your way through (as I did) even if you don’t. Thunderbirds are go! Read more…



Walter Bishop Gets His Own Science Show

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 12, 2011 in Science, Television

Err, you know what I mean. Another science show. It’s totally different than the other one; this one deals with horrific experiments, fringe science, and … okay, okay, I get it. But this one’s about real science! That’s right, Fringe‘s John Noble will be hosting a new show on the Science channel called Dark Matters, dealing with the dark side of science using real historical examples. The first six episode descriptions read like Fringe summaries, which is, of course, wildly appropriate. Expect to see body transplants, reanimation, and more, with Noble’s trademark mug to guide you through the creepiness. Who could ask for anything more? Read more…

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Nice Coat

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 7, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Dark Knight Rises set photo

Marion Cotillard was long ago confirmed as having been cast in The Dark Knight Returns, the third film in Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy, but her character didn’t appear to be anyone particularly special; not with the name “Miranda Tate.” But there were rumors that perhaps her real role in the film was being obfuscated and that she was actually playing Talia Al Ghul, daughter of the main villain from Batman Begins. Well, those rumors may be right, if this set photo from the movie’s Chicago filming session has anything to say about it. I don’t think just anybody walks around in clothes like that, and certainly not with armed guards. At least, you could extrapolate that, anyway. Me, I’m far too busy just enjoying the feeling the merest glance at Miss Cotillard gives me.

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Rise of the Review Scores of the Planet of the Apes

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 6, 2011 in Cinema

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Look, let’s face it. I don’t think any of us were really expecting a lot out of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The series, which started off with a perfectly fine sci-fi film, suffered from a few too many sequels, and Tim Burton’s bizarre (obviously) 2001 remake certainly wasn’t a critical success, even if it did make a bunch of money. And yet, here we are, ten years later, with a prequel/reboot to the series released in theaters. But here’s the really shocking thing: it’s apparently pretty good. Roger Ebert gave it three stars, and review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes places it at a very healthy 80%. Don’t believe the action-packed trailer that makes it look like there’s some ape war, though — it’s a thriller, not an action movie. Damn you marketers all to hell! Read more…

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It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Your New Man of Steel

Posted by Michael Sacco on Aug 5, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Henry Cavil as Superman

Zack Snyder and his team have been hard at work filming the new Superman film The Man of Steel recently, and star Henry Cavill has been spotted on set in his new superhuman physique and trademark Supes hair. But until today, we didn’t know what he’d look like in the suit! To that end, Warner Bros has released this promotional shot of Cavill in full Man of Steel getup, replete with long cape, comic-styled boots, and (apparently) no red undies this time! The colors in the photo seem oddly washed-out, but I suppose you can probably blame Zack Snyder for that; look at 300. I personally love the suit, but if you’re worried, don’t be — don’t forget that Christopher Nolan of Batman Begins and Inception fame helped pre-produce the film. Maybe we’ll finally get the Superman movie we deserve! Read more…

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Jack Kirby’s Heirs Out of Luck

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 31, 2011 in Comic Books

The Thing

Jack Kirby was responsible for the creation of dozens of characters in the Marvel universe, from the Fantastic Four to Thor to Spider-Man. While his style and creations are as close to immortal as you can get in comic books, the sadly-mortal Kirby died in 1996. His heirs, though, are very much alive, and have been attempting to wrestle the rights to his characters back from Marvel. Marvel claims that any of Kirby’s work was done as “work for hire,” meaning that the company owns whatever he created during his tenure. And a judge agrees — the case was decided in Marvel’s favor. Kirby’s heirs have vowed to fight the ruling, but the judge implied that there was no real evidence in their favor, so their chances of success are pretty dubious at this point.

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Get Ready for a (Sort of) Entirely New Ghost Rider

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 30, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

If you’re a fan of good comic-book cinema, then, well, you probably aren’t a very big fan of Ghost Rider. You may or may not tangentially aware, then, that there’s a new Ghost Rider movie coming from Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine, the creators of the ridiculously over-the-top Crank. Titled Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, it’s said to be a new take on the character, far different from the first film, despite starring the perpetually financially-troubled star of the first film, Nicolas Cage. “We didn’t really consider the first film at all while making this,” Taylor said in an interview with Collider. Let’s hope so! Ghost Rider’s appearance in the upcoming console fighting game Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is no doubt tied to the resurfacing of the film franchise (if you can call it that), so perhaps that can drum up some good will from the public at large. And at least we know that a film by Taylor and Neveldine will be completely insane, if nothing else. Read more…



Convention Superheroes Help Lost Boy

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 29, 2011 in Comic Books

Flash and Wonder Woman help lost boy

This is a secondhand story to this photo I can’t really verify, but I thought the implications were too adorable not to share. Wandering a comic-book convention, a young boy gets separated from his dad in the crowd. Scared, he goes to the two people who could definitely help him out: the Flash and Wonder Woman. Sure, the photo seems conveniently snapped, but if it’s true, it really does speak to the feeling of good will behind most conventions. As a commenter on the image said, “99% of the people in costume at conventions like this are the nicest, most considerate people you’ll ever meet.” Because, after all, if you can’t trust the Justice League, who can you trust? Read more…

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Marvel Set to Conquer Television

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 24, 2011 in Animation, Comic Books, Television

The Hulk

Marvel’s film universe is working out pretty well for them, with all of the Avengers setup films released and the team-up flick ready to go for 2012, but Marvel’s not getting complacent. They’re ready to go after another media format: television! Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con that four live-action shows are currently in development: The Hulk, AKA Jessica Jones (otherwise known as Alias), Cloak & Dagger, and Mockingbird. Imprint fans will be happy to know that Luke Cage and Carol Danvers will indeed be making appearances in AKA Jessica Jones. But wait! There’s more! There’s also new Marvel animation hitting the small screen, like Ultimate Spider-Man, an animated version of Joss Whedon’s well-received run on Astonishing X-Men, and a Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H series. That last one will have pretty much every Hulk permutation imaginable, from Red Hulk to She-Hulk, all on the same team. Whole lotta smashin’ goin’ on. Read more…

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Comedy Central Gives Us the Gift of More Futurama

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 24, 2011 in Animation, Television


Futurama is definitely a rare breed of television show, in that it survived cancellation and returned to the airwaves as a great success. What makes it even more amazing, of course, is that it had been canceled for seven years. After its wildly popular comeback season, Fox granted the show another year on the air, and as of right now, interest in the show shows no sign of petering off. In fact, Fox announced at San Diego Comic-Con today that Futurama was renewed for not one, but two more seasons. It’s heartening to know that in an age of brilliant shows canceled before their time, a show like Futurama can succeed and even thrive. Read more…



Hold Onto Your Butts! Jurassic Park 4 is On the Way

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 23, 2011 in Cinema

Jurassic Park logo

Steven Spielberg is responsible for many great films in the past few decades, but my generation probably has a standout favorite among them: the film adaptation of Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. We got a sequel in 1997’s The Lost World, which was a box office success, if not a critical one. The Rocketeer‘s Joe Johnston then brought us the troubled Jurassic Park III, which is most people’s least favorite entry into the series. But there’s good news for series fans — Spielberg himself announced at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend that he’s developing a fourth film for the series himself, and it could be coming in as few as two years. “We have a story,” he says. “We have a writer who is writing the treatment and hopefully we are going to make Jurassic Park 4 in all of our foreseeable futures, hopefully in the next two or three years.” The sooner the better, Steve! Do you think this one will have dinosaurs in it? I’m hopeful. Read more…



The Federation of Planets Meets the Legion of Superheroes

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 22, 2011 in Comic Books, Star Trek

Legion of Superheroes/Star Trek crossover

Two intergalactic peacekeeper groups that taste great together! IDW Comics announced at San Diego Comic-Con that they’ll be producing a six-issue limited comic book series in which the crew of the USS Enterprise and the Legion of Superheroes work together to battle a common threat. Honestly, I don’t know that much about the Legion, but it’s no small wonder that this has never happened before. Of all of the planets the Enterprise crew has beamed aboard, you’d think one of them would have been the home base of a bunch of dudes and ladies wearing capes and firing energy blasts, or eating matter, or something. Those eager to see which superhero Kirk seduces (my money’s on the Charlie’s Angels-lookin’ gal) can buy the first issue of the series in November. Read more…



Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Goes Ultimate with 12 New Fighters

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 22, 2011 in Comic Books, Videogames

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 isn’t even a year old, but Capcom has already announced its value-priced followup, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Besides gameplay tweaks like new moves for current fighters and a direly-needed spectator system for online matches, Marvel and Capcom have also added a dozen new (and bizarre, in some cases) fighters to the fray. The original announcement showed Hawkeye and Ghost Rider for the Marvel side, with Firebrand and MvC fan-favorite Strider Hiryu repping Capcom. A accidental leak from the Capcom website, however, revealed the entire list of new brawlers, relieving us of the suspense of several months of slow-drip character reveals. Marvel fans can now also look forward to playing as Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Nova, and Rocket Raccoon (?!); Capcom fans get their pick of Dead Rising‘s Frank West, Resident Evil 3‘s Nemesis, Dante’s brother Vergil from Devil May Cry, and Phoenix Wright (?!). See what I mean about bizarre? Mega Man fans reeling from the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 will no doubt be disappointed that the Blue Bomber is skipping this iteration of the fighting game yet again. UMvC3 is slated for release in November of this year, with an MSRP of $39.99. Read more…

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