Mark Hamill Plays The Trickster Once More On The Flash

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 9, 2014 in Comic Books, Television

The Trickster

I love in-jokey meta references in TV series, and The Flash has a cool one coming up. Not content to cast John Wesley Snipp, the star of the 1990 one-season live-action adaptation Flash, as the father to the new show’s Flash, the producers are bringing back Mark Hamill as James Jesse, the Trickster. Hamill played the character in a Joker-like fashion, and ended up voicing the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. But in this series, the Trickster is an “anarchist terrorist con man” in jail for life; he ends up helping the Flash to stop the attacks of a Trickster copycat, a possible reference to the second Trickster from the original comics. I have a feeling Mark Hamill will play this version much straighter, but I’d love if they snuck in a glimpse of that comical clashing costume from the old series. Read more…

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Explore More In No Man’s Sky

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2014 in Videogames


The Playstation Experience 2014 also featured the debut of a new trailer for No Man’s Sky. This game has been a bit of an enigma, promising incredible worlds and tons of space to explore, all randomly generated and unique to each player. It’s a pretty bold statement, if you’re a AAA developer, and Hello Games (makers of No Man’s Sky) employ 10 people. So it’s definitely going to be impressive if they pull off all that they’re promising. Visually, it looks pretty good, with lots of neon colors and bright, saturated skies. And spaceships! It all tickles my sci-fi bone, I just hope they can deliver. I want nothing more than for this game to succeed! Read more…

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Here’s Some Gameplay Footage of Uncharted 4!

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2014 in Videogames


At Sony’s Playstation Experience, they pulled out all the stops. Lots of great games to play, see, and announce (of course). One of the biggest items shown that evening was gameplay footage of Uncharted 4, featuring Drake jumping across rocky cliffs and shooting up a bunch of enemies. I’ve enjoyed the Uncharted series in the past, but I’ve grown a bit tired of it since 3. I would prefer more adventuring than shooting, mainly. There’s a lot of cool things going on in this gameplay trailer, especially the gorgeous graphics, but I basically tuned out once gunfire started going off. The new grappling hook does look like a lot of fun, though! Check it out below. Read more…

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Gone Home Developers Announce Next Game: Tacoma

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 7, 2014 in Videogames


Fullbright, the impeccable group of people behind Gone Home, one of 2013’s best games, period. Critics derisively called it a “walking simulator” due to its focus on story rather than immediate game play feedback, but I found its methodical pace and realized area (an empty house you explore) incredibly compelling. At The Game Awards, Fullbright teased their next project, titled Tacoma. The teaser trailer doesn’t show much, and the game isn’t scheduled to arrive until 2016, but I’m already intrigued, as the plot appears to be about a woman exploring some sort of space station or base. More space games is always good in my book! Read more…

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Nintendo Reveals New Footage of Zelda for Wii U

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 7, 2014 in Videogames


Surprising just about everyone, Nintendo brought several big announcements and trailers to Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards. They’re really opening up, aren’t they? At the TGAs, Nintendo showed off new Mario Maker footage, a new Project S.T.E.A.M. trailer, and lastly, brand new footage of the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U (and Miyamoto casually confirms that Star Fox will arrive before it in 2015). This new footage finally gives us an in-game look at the world, and it looks very impressive. It’s still pretty early though (those copy-pasted trees), but with a year left to go, I’m certain we’ll see even more amazing visuals once it’s out. Big props to Nintendo for showing a game this early! Check out the footage below. Read more…

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Ryan Reynolds Is Deadpool (Again) And Other Marvel Tidbits

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 6, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Yes, that Deadpool movie is really happening now. Ryan Reynolds will definitely return to play the merc with a mouth, the LA Times has confirmed. Not too surprising, since we knew Reynolds wanted to return to the role. In other news, Benedict Cumberbatch has also been officially confirmed as Doctor Strange. Surprise! And also on the plate: Krysten Ritter will play Jessica Jones in an upcoming Marvel Netflix series (essentially, she’s a washed-up superhero who opens up her own detective agency, which is a great concept for a show). Tons of casting, although Reynolds will probably never meet up with the other two. What a shame! Read more…

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Say Hello To Street Fighter 5

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 6, 2014 in Videogames


It leaked out a little early, but there were some rumblings about it anyway: Street Fighter 5 has been confirmed. Surprisingly (or not?) the game will be coming “exclusively to PS4 and PC,” which is certainly intriguing. Who knows how they’re using the word “exclusively,” though. We’ll be sure to get more details soon, but for now you can check out the promotional trailer below, which features footage of Ryu and Chun Li duking it out interspersed with clips of the fighting game community and various tournaments. Visually, it looks similar to SF4, but there’s definitely some changes and it looks better overall. Exciting! Read more…



AMC Orders Preacher Pilot

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 5, 2014 in Television

Garth Ennis Preacher image

Yes, Preacher fans, after much waiting and agonizing, AMC has finally ordered a Preacher pilot. They struck the deal with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who had been pushing for this for a long time, and will begin filming the pilot in summer 2015. Rogen and Goldberg released a statement regarding the announcement, saying, “Garth Ennis is one of our idols and it’s an incredible honor to be working on this. We promise we won’t make too many dick jokes and ruin it.” Good to know! Now, you’re finally much much closer to having a Preacher TV series. It’s still not final, but aside from ordering the show itself, this was the final hurdle. Let’s hope the pilot turns out well! Read more…

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Bond 24’s Title Is… Spectre

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 5, 2014 in Cinema


The fictional terrorist organization Spectre has been an important part of the James Bond franchise (Dr. No), but a messy rights battle kept the movies from using them in the last few films (this is also why  the group Quantum was introduced, to take its place). Last year, the rights were finally settled, and now it appears that they have wasted no time integrating Spectre back into the films. In particular, Christoph Waltz has been cast as the main villain, named Oberhauser, but practically everyone assumes him to actually be Ernst Blofeld, the leader of Spectre. Now, the title of “Spectre” has been confirmed, and first teaser poster definitely resembles the Spectre logo quite a bit… Hmm! In addition to Daniel Craig and Waltz, Spectre will also feature Andrew Scott, Dave Bautista, Monica Bellucci, Léa Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, and Noami Harris. Read more…

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First Terminator: Genisys Trailer Features T-1000

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 4, 2014 in Cinema

Terminator: Genisys

We’ve got the first footage of Terminator: Genisys, the reboot of the franchise that also sees Arnold Schwarzenegger return to his iconic role. Apparently, not just the T-800 is back, as we get a glimpse of a T-1000. I don’t think Robert Patrick is returning for this one, but since the T-1000 could look any way it wants, that’s not an issue. Honestly, everything looks solid, and that time machine is particularly cool, but I just don’t see reboots like this getting as much play as the originals. Read more…

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Sony Honors PlayStation’s 20th Anniversary With Special PS4

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 4, 2014 in Tech, Videogames

PS4 20th Anniversary Edition

It’s been 20 years since the PlayStation first launched in Japan on December 3, 1994. To celebrate that important date, Sony is producing a special gray PS4, just like the PS1. The gray extends to the DualShock 4 controller, which brings back even more memories of gray controllers, as well as the vertical stand and camera accessories. There’s no mention of the cost, but if you’re a collector, you’ll want to pay whatever they’re asking: only 12,300 units will be made available worldwide. US gamers should watch the PlayStation Experience keynote on Saturday, December 6 at 10AM PT to learn how to buy one of these rare systems. For the rest of us, we’ll have to settle for the detailed video below, which shows off details, such as etchings of PlayStation button symbols. Hey Sony, how about a gray controller for those of us who already own a PS4? Read more…

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Steam Adds Streaming Ability To Every Game

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 3, 2014 in Videogames


Out of nowhere, Steam has decided to enter the game-streaming arena currently dominated by Twitch and Ustream. They’ve announced the beta of Steam Broadcasting, which allows you to watch your friend’s game as they’re playing it. When someone starts watching, the player automatically starts broadcasting, with the broadcast ending once no one is watching. Naturally, there are privacy settings, which range from only sending invites to allow viewers to letting your friends actively creep on you. The highest setting lets anyone watch and shows your broadcast on the game’s hub, allowing built-in streaming with no need for extra software/hardware. Lowering barriers always results in more people streaming, which is always great for the activity. Read more…



Will Smith, Tom Hardy, And Jared Leto Announced For Suicide Squad

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 3, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Suicide Squad

Can we admit that despite WB’s questionable direction of their DC Cinematic Universe, the Suicide Squad movie actually sounds good? WB just put out a press release announcing the stars of the film, and it is a very solid cast. We’ve got: Jared Leto as the Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney is Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, and Tom Hardy as Rick Flagg. They haven’t picked their actress for Amanda Waller yet, but rumor says that Oprah Winfrey is their top pick, with Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer also being considered. With Fury‘s David Ayer writing and directing, Suicide Squad may survive having Man of Steel‘s Zack Snyder as its producer. Read more…

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Nintendo Discontinues 3DS XL In Japan

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 2, 2014 in Videogames


With the New 3DS and New 3DS XL out in Japan (and for some reason Australia), it was inevitable that Nintendo would eventually discontinue the original 3DS and 3DS XL models. But surprisingly, Nintendo has already announced that it was soon ending production on the 3DS XL (actually called the 3DS LL in Japan). In the past, Nintendo has left previous models in production, as a low-cost option for consumers. (For example, at one point the DS Lite, DSi, and DSi XL were in production, partially because the larger DSi XL didn’t truly replace the previous models because many consumers want a smaller device.) But with the New 3DS systems effectively replacing the old 3DS systems around the same price, it’s not surprising that the previous models would disappear much quicker. The only thing strange about this is that Nintendo is still keeping the original 3DS in the marketplace. It’s a strange choice for what was easily the weakest design of them all, with small issues that suggested it was rushed to market. Get that thing out of here! Read more…

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Broken Age Act 2 Is Now Releasing In 2015

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 2, 2014 in Videogames

Broken Age

Double Fine may have helped pioneer game development funded by fans, earning over $3.3 million back in 2012 for Broken Age, then titled Double Fine Adventure. After making much more than they originally expected, the studio were able to increase the scope of what they had planned, even hiring voice actors like Elijah Wood. But as a result, the game was split into two halves, so they could sell the first half to finish funding the second half. Now even Act 2 has been pushed back to early 2015, but at least the game looks to have its alpha done by the end of 2014, as both characters’ stories are in alpha and only the finale remains, with one character already on the way to beta. It’s been a strange release process, but at least Broken Age is finally getting out there, even if many later crowd-funded games have already released in the interim. Read more…

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Last Chance To Check Out The Steam Exploration Sale!

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 1, 2014 in Videogames


The most recent Steam sale is wrapping up, so now is your chance to pick up any deals on games you might’ve wanted this year! The Steam Exploration Sale doesn’t have any collectables or trading hooks like the (eventual) winter sale, but you can grab games like Far Cry 3, Gauntlet, Legend of Grimrock II, and Dishonored for really cheap! Plus, even newer games like The Binding of Isaac Rebirth are discounted! However, make sure to come back on the final day of the sale to see if anything you wanted will go up as a daily deal, which is when it’ll be at its cheapest! Happy shopping! Read more…

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Watch Wanderers, A Short Film About Living In Our Solar System

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 1, 2014 in Science


In the future, we hope to colonize other planets, right? Going to Mars is the next goal, but even that seems so far away. But our imagination can be quite effective at inspiring us and getting there quicker, which is why I have loved the recent boom in space-themed movies, such as Gravity, Interstellar, and others. This short film by Erik Wernquist is an amazing look at how humanity might expand and live in the rest of our solar system. Perhaps most exciting: none of these places are made-up — they’re all real places that we could potentially go someday. Check out the video below. Make sure to open it in full-screen! Read more…

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Nova Won’t Be In Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Everyone wants to ask James Gunn about Guardians of the Galaxy 2. So much so, he went on Facebook and posted about the movie and answered some comments! His post is mainly about his desire to make a good movie first, rather than constantly try to create a shared movie universe. “I know George Lucas, Kevin Feige, John Favreau, etc, had ideas where their films would potentially lead in the face of success. But I don’t think it ever got in the way of making that first movie count as if it was the last, of making it something wonderful that people would love whether it led to other films or not.” He then went on to say, “I don’t want Nova right now because I think Quill being the only earthling is important.” Maybe Nova will get his own movie later! Read more…

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Someone Already Recreated The Star Wars Teaser In LEGO Form

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2014 in Fandom, Star Wars


Yes, the internet works fast. In under 24 hours, YouTube user Snooperking has put together a fun little video re-making the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser in LEGO form. It’s not as stunning as some of the other LEGO videos out there, but Snooperking gets majors props for creativity and speed. The new lightsaber with a cross guard is in there too, of course, and the villain maybe reveals why he’s finally in the forest waving his sword at nothing… Check out the full video below, and then dig your old LEGOs out of storage and start making your own! Read more…

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Game of Thrones Season 5 Teasing Begins

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 29, 2014 in Television


We’re still a ways off from Game of Thrones season 5 (it’ll be coming late March/early April of 2015), but you can never start teasing things too early! The Game of Thrones Twitter account recently tweeted out a short video featuring Arya, along with the hashtag #TheSight. If you visit their new website,, you can sign up to receive “visions of the future” via Twitter’s direct message feature, or text message. I assume this is just a way to get new images and trailers out to fans as quickly as possible, but who knows, maybe they’ll be doing something more interesting with it (and possibly more “in-universe” too).  Read more…



Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 28, 2014 in Cinema, Star Wars


Here it is, folks: the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. There’s not much footage there, but what is there looks pretty great. You’ll get some classic trilogy vibes from this, trust me. There’s still plenty of new stuff — it’s not all old references and I’m honestly liking a lot of the elements they’re showing here. Plus, we finally get a good look at our two leads. I won’t spoil anything for you, aside from that yes, it ends with a fade to black and a lightsaber ignition sound, just like we all expected. Now get below the jump and watch it. You know you want to! Read more…

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Independence Day Sequel Is A Go

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 28, 2014 in Cinema


Long rumored, and almost forgotten, the Independence Day sequel is stumbling back into life. 20th Century Fox has greenlit the sequel and wants to begin shooting in May 2015. Will Smith is not returning, but almost everyone expects Roland Emmerich to return to the director’s chair (although a deal hasn’t been put in place yet, Fox is pushing for Emmerich to return). Their plan is to hit July 2016, right around the original film’s 20th anniversary, which is nice… but I’m not sure it’ll help the film much. I wonder if this can work out, or if it’ll be a mess like many other revivals. Read more…

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James Cameron Claims Avatar Sequels Will Make You “Sh*t Yourself”

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 28, 2014 in Cinema


His own words! In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, Cameron continued to hyped up his oncoming Avatar sequels (all three of them, which will be filmed simultaneously), but this time went above and beyond: “I can tell you one thing about them. They’re gonna be bitchin’. You will shit yourself with your mouth wide open.” Oh, well, alright. If you say so! He also spoke about higher frame rates for film, and confirmed he’d be filming in 48 frames per second (there was speculation that he’d film in 60 or 120). You can thank Peter Jackson for that, I assume. You can read the rest of the details here. Read more…

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That ReBoot, Uh, Reboot Is Still Happening

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 27, 2014 in Animation

Reboot: The Guardian Core

For those who remember the classic CG cartoon ReBoot, you may have heard of a new series in the works. Rainmaker Entertainment is still working on the reimagining, and they just updated their website. The new series will now be called ReBoot: The Guardian Core, and it has a shiny new logo to prove it. The show is reported to have all the classic characters return in a format similar to the first two seasons of the original series. Hopefully one of these days, Rainmaker will have something more substantial to show us, since little else is known as of now. Read more…


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