Idris Elba’s Heimdall Figure is Pants-Optional

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 13, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Idris Elba as Heimdall

Idris Elba plays Heimdall in Kenneth Branagh’s upcoming Thor movie, and like any good superhero movie, Thor has its fair share of merchandising. At its Toy Fair yesterday, Hasbro showed off its line of Thor figures, including Elba’s Heimdall, which brings back a feature action figures have really been missing since the 80s — strategically-placed loincloths. That’s not even bringing up the figure’s Captain Morgan pose. It must be strange to have action figures made of you for a film; when Jeff Goldblum was asked about his Jurassic Park action figure, he said “Well, the main difference is the muscles. Mine are much bigger in real life.” Read more…


Another Transformers Game on the Way

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 13, 2011 in Animation, Cinema, Videogames


Licensed games, especially those based on kids’ properties, tend not to be so great, and Transformers games are no exception. Thankfully, Hasbro had the gumption to let High Moon Studios release a non-tie-in, fully canon Transformers game — War for Cybertron — in 2010, and that gamble paid off in the form of a fun, beautiful game. Now it seems Hasbro is banking on High Moon to produce another Transformers title, but this time it’s a tie-in for the upcoming movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon. High Moon’s Sean Miller assured IGN that they got the franchise because they’re all big Transformers fans, and that since the game acts as a prequel to the film, they’re not beholden to a particular script or scenario for their set pieces and gameplay. Can High Moon one-up themselves and make not only another good Transformers game, but a good Transformers movie game? Time will tell. Read more…



Heroes of Space and All That Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Stuff

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 12, 2011 in Dr. Who, Star Trek, Television

Star Trek vs. Doctor Who

Sure, one crew travels in Starfleet’s best ship, and the other travels in a phone booth, but they’re both credited for saving the universe several times over. And now, here they are, together at last: Kirk, Spock, the Doctor, and Amy Pond, ready to kick some Klingon tail! And Dalek tail, and Cyberman tail, and Romulan tail. What, only four evil races? Against these guys? The bad guys don’t stand a chance. Great work from Summerset over at DeviantArt. Read more…

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Wait, No, They Want THIS Guy to Star in Akira

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 12, 2011 in Animation, Cinema, Comic Books

James Franco

We had heard a rumor several months back that the forces behind the American live-action Akira remake wanted Zac Efron, of all people, to star as Kaneda. It’s bad enough that they’re remaking Akira with no Japanese people, but Zac Efron? Let’s get real, people. Apparently the original rumor was or is now false, because the newest rumor says that James Franco is being courted for the role of Tetsuo’s biker pal. Well, it’s better than Zac Efron, and dude looks good in a leather jacket, though, you know, still not an Asian person. Maybe we can hope for a sequel, Akira 2: Tokyo Drift. Read more…



X-Men: First Class Trailer is Magnetic

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 11, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Finally, the first trailer for X-Men: First Class has been released. Apparently filming is still ongoing, or was up until recently, even though the film has a release date of just four months from now. You wouldn’t know that from the trailer, though, which actually looks pretty good! We see Magneto and Xavier being pals, Azazel bamfing around, Emma Frost going all diamond on us, and some short shots of other X-Men like Beast and Havok (the latter mysteriously present in the 1960s). The movie’s plot seems to revolve around the Cuban Missile Crisis, which would definitely be a compelling point in history for mutants to reveal themselves. Here’s hoping the movie can be completed in a satisfactory manner before June. Read more…

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The Robocop Toy We’ve All Been Waiting For

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 10, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Robocop Figma

Last weekend marked Tokyo’s 2011 Winter Wonder Festival, a show dedicated specifically Japan’s booming toy market. There, skilled artisans are allowed to sell their custom garage kit models while companies like Kotobukiya and Max Factory show off their upcoming product lines. One of the more popular lines would be Max Factory’s Figmas. The big selling point on these figures, in addition to being incredibly affordable, is their small joint sizes, allowing for good amount of articulation. They also tend to come with interchangable parts — such as heads, or arms — and accessories to match each figure.

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Russell T. Davies Just About Ready to Call Sci-Fi Quits

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 6, 2011 in Dr. Who, Television


The man responsible for reviving Doctor Who and bringing its companion series Torchwood to the airwaves may soon leave the sci-fi genre behind. He tells BBC News that he’s “saved the world and blown up the world too many times” now and that he feels like he’s coming to the end of his stay in the realm of sci-fi. Given Torchwood’s recent acquisition of US funding and broadcasting through Starz, it would certainly be a good time to leave, knowing that the show has a bright future ahead of it. But sci-fi TV would certainly be a little less, err, Davies-y without him. Read more…

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Mind-Boggling Unreleased 80s DC Superhero Action Figures

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 6, 2011 in Comic Books

Superman "Anti-Hero" concept art

Well, ComicsAlliance hit the jackpot here — sometimes you just find something so ridiculous it makes Electric Superman look like a good idea. A reader sent them concept art for an unreleased 1985 superhero action figure line from Kenner, only these aren’t just any action figures. These are grim, bizarre “anti-hero” versions of five beloved DC Comics heroes.  Well, four beloved heroes and Firestorm, anyway. Each has a “Road Warrior” version, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like; Batman’s Road Warrior outfit, for example, is straight out of Mad Max, with a helmet that looks suspiciously like Humungus’, and knives for ears. The other variations are “futuristic” and “robot” versions, which can get downright bizarre when you’re dealing with someone like Cyborg, who is already half-robot to begin with. Wonder Woman probably gets the worst treatment of the bunch. Read more…

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Greedo Sewed First

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 5, 2011 in Star Wars

Greedo Crocheted

He may come from a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but this crocheted Greedo figure is adorable! Just look at him. He wouldn’t shoot Han first. He wouldn’t shoot anybody. He probably just wants a piece of chocolate or a saltine. Loofah Your Life has him and other Star Wars characters, like Yoda and an ewok, in crochet doll form available on their website, and reasonably-priced, at that. Make sure you get your order in before everyone else does! Read more…

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Captain America Poster Shows Off His Star-Spangled Barrier

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 5, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Captain America poster

Captain America hype is building, folks! Yesterday saw the release of several set photos from the film, and the first trailer will be unveiled on Super Bowl Sunday. It’s only fitting that we see the first official movie poster today! The colors are muted except for the bold red and blue of Cap’s outfit and shield, which is noticeably dinged up. His pose mimics a classic pose from the comics, and the costume certainly looks great with this palette. And, of course, Chris Evans is Steve Rogers. High hopes for Sunday. I hear there’s a football game, too. Read more…



Check Out Cap’s Pals in these New Set Photos

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 4, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Cap and Bucky

We’re so close to Super Bowl Sunday, when the Captain America trailer will premiere and we can all truly make our first informed judgement about the film’s quality. But until then, you can feast your eyes on these all-new Captain America set photos. We see our first glimpses of Cap’s pal Bucky, played by Sebastian Shan and looking like a total sociopath. We see the lovely Hayley Atwell, playing Cap’s main squeeze Peggy, and the also-lovely Natalie Dormer, playing Private Lorraine. Tommy Lee Jones is even in these photos! I didn’t know he was in the movie at all. I’m about at critical hype mass for Captain America, so I hope the trailer leaves me with that patriotic feeling.

Michael Sacco is a freelance editor and writer, currently working as senior editor at WoW Insider.



Who’s Gonna Be Nick Fury’s Sidekick in The Avengers?

Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 4, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Nick Fury

Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury is sort of the glue that holds the Marvel film universe together, having cameoed in pretty much every Avengers-universe film so far. According to the man himself, he’ll also have post-credits cameos in the Thor and Captain America movies too. But he also confirmed, via the Jimmy Fallon Show, that he’ll have a new “sidekick” in The Avengers, and a female one at that. The Hollywood Reporter, er, reports that a handful of actresses are already in consideration for the role, including Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Cobie Smulders, and Morena Baccarin. If the character is either Maria Hill or Janet Van Dyne (aka Wasp, one of the original Avengers) and Baccarin’s schedule is clear, then it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll get the role, given her long history with Avengers director Joss Whedon (and her resemblance to both of the characters). But anything can happen! One thing’s for sure — it’ll be nice to see a female hero amidst the male-dominated Avengers team, even if the role is small at first. Read more…

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Read Roddenberry’s Original Pitch for Star Trek, Complete with “Satanic” Spock

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 30, 2011 in Star Trek

Star Trek pitch excerpt

Before Star Trek became a worldwide phenomenon, it was just a pitch to NBC. We know that the show ended up being quite different from its original pilot, but even the pilot is pretty removed from Roddenberry’s recently-unearthed original pitch. Roddenberry describes the show as a “Wagon Train” analog in the future, starring Robert April, captain of the SS Yorktown. He describes Mr. Spock, April’s first mate, as having a reddish complexion, pointed ears, and an overall look “so satanic you might expect him to have a forked tail.” Most of the beloved characters are absent, and some character archetypes never made it into the show at all; Chekhov, for example, is replaced by hotshot South American navigator Jose Ortegas. In fact, Spock is really the only character who made it completely into the actual series mostly intact, though Phillip “Bones” Boyce kept his nickname even if his full name is quite different now. It’s a fascinating look into what might have been. Read more…



Plug in to This Evangelion Hotel Room (For a Price)

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 30, 2011 in Animation

Evangelion hotel room

Japan’s Fuji-Q Highland amusement park is ready to unveil their…well, it’s a life-size replica of Evangelion Unit 02’s head. Which is definitely something you can’t find in the US. Another thing you can’t find in the US: the Highland’s Eva-themed hotel room, open for booking in March. It’s got a replica Eva entry plug to sleep in, a touch-panel telephone that talks with Ayanami’s voice, and Eva art all over the walls. You can even have Ayanami give you a wake-up call! After all, she’s right there by your bed, in statue form. It’s more than a little weird, but so is Evangelion. Should you be in Japan in March, you can book the room for around $450 USD a night. Read more…

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Battlestar Galactica’s Twelve Colonies in Map Form

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 29, 2011 in Battlestar Galactica, Television

The Twelve Colonies

Ever wonder how twelve habitable planets could exist in the same solar system? So did Jane Espenson, showrunner for Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica prequel series. So she and science advisor Kevin Grazier went to work on a star map where it would all fit. In the end, they settled on a double-double-binary star system, giving each planet a home with a few other local planets to keep them company while still falling under the “solar system” category. Also on the map (above, click to embiggen): lore tidbits for each planet, some information on the spacefaring history of the Kobol colonists, even what colonies support universal health care. No, really. Check it out. Read more…

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Axe Cop: The Movie Will Chop Your Head Off

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 29, 2011 in Comic Books

Axe Cop is a webcomic collaboration between artist Ethan Nicholle and his brother Malachai. The twist here is that Malachai is 6 years old. Axe Cop is….well, an axe-wielding cop who chops heads off of dinosaurs, fights aliens, teams up with Flute Cop, and other bizarre situations only a little kid could dream up. It’s glorious. The comic just celebrated its first anniversary, so it’s only fitting that director Peter Muehlenberg release his live-action Axe Cop fan film today. It’s short,  but it pretty much nails the Axe Cop aesthetic. “I’ll chop your head off!” Read more…



Learn Advanced Dungeons & Dragons with Community

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 28, 2011 in Television

NBC's Community

NBC’s Thursday night comedy Community isn’t just one of the best shows on TV, it’s also one of my favorite shows of all time. So when I hear that the show is ready to tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time — Dungeons & Dragons, of course — I have to tell everyone on the internet. According to the press release, Jeff and crew encounter a fat loner on campus, and Abed suggests that they invite him to a friendly game of D&D to help raise his spirits. Of course, their plan is thwarted by Pierce, who takes over as DM when he discovers he wasn’t invited. The episode, appropriately titled “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons,” will air next Thursday, February 3rd. Read more…



This Year’s Best Picture Nominees in Lego form

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 28, 2011 in Cinema

127 Hours in Lego form

Oscar season is upon us, and you know what that means: a dozen or so self-serious award-bait films competing with each other for Best Picture. So what can you do to bring a little levity to these proceedings? The answer, of course, is “render scenes from the Best Picture nominees in Lego brick form.” And that, incidentally, is just what Alex Eylar has done. From 127 Hours’ Lego James Franco anguishing over the loss of his arm to Lego Joseph Gordon-Levitt fighting in a zero-G rotating Lego hotel hallway, it’s all here. Just Lego-fied. Read more…



Red Dwarf Returning to Orbit

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 23, 2011 in Television

Red Dwarf

Good news for fans of the classic sci-fi comedy series Red Dwarf — it’s coming back! Craig Charles, its original star, confirmed that the show will return to UK channel Dave (yes, that’s the channel’s name) this fall with six new episodes.  Apparently the ratings success of the TV special Back to Earth helped along the process, though fans weren’t quite as impressed with the special as they were with the classic series. Charles made note of this, saying that they hope to recapture the feel of the series in its prime. Cat and Kryten are appearing in the series along with the obviously-returning Lister, but Charles notes that other casting decisions haven’t yet been made. Read more…



The Mug That Gives You The Energy to Jump Through Boss Doors

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 23, 2011 in Videogames

Energy Tank Mug

Start your morning the Mega Man way — fill up this awesome energy tank mug with some piping hot joe and foil whatever dumb plan Dr. Wily cooked up this time. Fangamer, makers of lots of other fine video game-themed merchandise, created these hefty glazed mugs from the ground up. If you want one, you can order one now and receive it in February. And of course, you definitely want one. How else are you going to refill that meter? Read more…

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On a Bicycle Built for Dredd

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 22, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books


Karl Urban’s new Judge Dredd film (spartanly titled “Dredd”) is filming in South Africa even at this very moment. Some set photos have inevitably started to appear, including the titular Judge in full judicial kit riding the Lawmaster, his souped-up motorcycle. Reasonably-sized, yet ostentatious and ominous. A perfect for He Who Is The Law. All in all, I’m hopeful that the new film will be a little more faithful to the source material than the Stallone vehicle from the 90s. Less Batman and Robin, more Mad Max. Read more…

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X-Men: First Class Set Photos Give Me Hope

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 21, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

X-Men First Class Cast

I really want to like X-Men: First Class, but past news about the film had me worried that it would meet even my lowest expectations. A badly-photoshopped and unauthorized pic of the film’s cast in their X-Men uniforms had me even more concerned. It appears that Fox agreed, releasing three new promotional stills showing the cast in their ’60s duds in response. It didn’t really strike me until the seeing the image above just how well-suited Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy are to play Magneto and Xavier, respectively.  And yes, that’s January Jones in the catsuit as Emma Frost. As to how the movie will actually turn out, who knows? They’re still filming, which hardly bodes well for a movie that’s supposed to come out in June, but Matthew Vaughn is a good director, so I have faith. At least the film got me to utter one phrase I once thought impossible — “and Azazel is in this movie.” Read more…

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This TARDIS is Somewhat Smaller Than I Remember

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 21, 2011 in Dr. Who


And so is the Doctor inside! Mateo’s graphic designer dad made him this miniature TARDIS out of corrugated cardboard. I’m not sure if he can travel through time and space with it, but it probably makes a great hide-and-go-seek spot. At the very least he’s probably going to have some jealous friends — once they’re old enough to appreciate campy British sci-fi adventures, anyway. And I thought my Power Wheels fire truck was cool. Read more…

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That is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lounge

Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 16, 2011 in Pulp Fiction


If you’re like me, while strolling through your local Ikea, you’ve thought to yourself “this black leather chair is nice, but if only it had an enormous octopus built into it…” Maximo Riera clearly feels the same way, as he’s designed this downright Cthulhuesque…Cthulhoid…Cthonic…Cthulhu-lookin’ chair. Perfect for not being dead, but lounging eternally. Alternatively, reading the writings of the mad Arab Abdul Al-Hazred and summoning horrors from beyond space and time. Really, the world is your oyster with this thing. Or at least the chair is your octopus. Read more…

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