Skyrim Glitches; Now With More Horse

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 16, 2011 in Videogames

Oh Bethesda, I had such high hopes. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the game to death. I’ve been having an blast venturing across the winter wonderland that is Skyrim, and slaying the occasional Dragon that seemingly pops out of nowhere, but it’s been five years, so I just have to ask — why haven’t they fixed their horse physics? You’d think that at some point someone might stop and say “Hey, this is something people might care about.” Obviously it wasn’t high on their to-do list, but that’s okay. I can overlook it, after all, it’s still hilarious and makes for great videos. Don’t you think?

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Daleks Don’t Care if You’re Naughty or Nice

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 16, 2011 in Dr. Who

Tee Fury Dalek Snowman t-shirt

Seeing as the next Doctor Who Christmas special is just a month away, now’s a great time to get into the spirit of things with this ridiculously cool Snow-lek shirt. I never really thought of building a Dalek snowman, but after seeing this, I kind of want to try. Of course, I’m sure nobody else will get the reference unless they’re fans, but I guess that’d be the point of doing it in the first place. The shirt, designed by artist Malcassairo, is currently being sold at TeeFury, and like every other design they print, will only be available for the next 24 hours. Their shirts are usually decent quality, and should only cost you $10 + shipping, but if you’d rather pass, there’s always a chance the shirt could pop up on a site like RedBubble, though it would be significantly more expensive to order it from there.  If you’d rather just see more of Malcassairo’s work, a larger portfolio is available at their Deviant Art page.

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Yo Dawg, We Put Some Star Wars Into Your Star Trek…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 15, 2011 in Star Trek, Star Wars

Star Trek Crew watches Star Wars IV

Shown below is a fan video which features the crew of the Enterprise from the Next Generation enjoying a Star Wars marathon: Read more…



Our First Actual Look at TNG in HD

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 15, 2011 in Star Trek

Here’s the latest trailer for the upcoming Star Trek: the Next Generation – The Next Level Blu-ray sampler set to be released on January 31st. The trailer starts with the teaser footage released a few months back, and the new content starts around a minute and seventeen seconds in, detailing the restoration process, and showing clips from the episodes included on the disc. You’ll probably notice that the episodes are still in 4:3 format, rather than 16:9, but that’s actually intended. They haven’t really said why, but there could really be any number of reasons, such as unintended crew or equipment being present in the shots, etc. That said, the show is still being completely recomposited from scratch using the original negatives and transferred to 1080p, so it’ll still look amazing.  Once again, the sampler will retail for $21.99 and should include five full episodes. It’s been confirmed that the rest of 178 episodes will eventually follow.

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Community Gets a Mid-Season Snub

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 15, 2011 in Television

Troy and Abed

Earlier today, NBC decided to tout their new mid-season lineup. Rather than the awkward sound of crickets or the occasional tumbleweed associated with such an announcement from the fourth-place network, my twitter-feed exploded with the hash tag #savegreendale. I immediately re-examined the press release only to discover that, sure enough, Community was nowhere to be found. As you can imagine, I freaked out. It’s only natural, after all, it’s one of the few NBC sitcoms I still enjoy on a regular basis. Thankfully, it turns out the show isn’t cancelled, per se. It’s just “on the bubble,” so they’re just thinking about it. So, what can you do to save it? Read more…

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Why It’s So Hard to Read Your Stormtrooper Buddy

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 14, 2011 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Why It's So Hard to Read Your Stormtrooper Buddy

Contrary to popular belief Stormtroopers have feelings too — and here’s a handy chart to spot those imperial moods! Found via Sean Bonner.



The Best Skyrim Glitch I’ve Seen All Day

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 14, 2011 in Videogames

So, Skyrim hit stores last week and I’ve been glued to it ever since. So far, I’m about twelve hours in and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of the game in terms of content. There’s just so much to do; so much to explore. I haven’t really seen enough of the world to know if it’s as repetitive and drab as any of Bethesda’s other titles in recent years, though from what I’ve seen so far, I don’t expect it to be. Almost every experience I’ve had, from fighting Dragons, to exploring different types of ruins, has been a relatively fresh experience. That said, it hasn’t been without its fair share of glitches.

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Persona 4 Stage Adaptation Underway

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 14, 2011 in Anime, Videogames

Marvelous AQL Persona 4 Live poster

I have to hand it to Atlus. Just when you think they’re ready to move on, they find a way to surprise us. After they announced the Persona 4 anime, and fighting game, I seriously thought that would be the last we saw of the series. It wasn’t long before they announced a port of the original for Sony’s Playstation Vita, which will launch stateside next year. Now, they’re even discussing plans for a stage adaptation of the game to debut next March. The show’s being produced by Marvelous AQL, who some of you might recognize from games like Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory. They also happen to be involved in musical theater, television series, and other forms of media, so they’ve had experience with this sort of thing in the past. In fact, they recently produced a popular musical based on the anime Prince of Tennis.

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A Lost Philip K. Dick Interview from 1979

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 14, 2011 in Fandom

Philip K. Dick

What follows is an amazing in debt audio interview with science fiction author Philip K. Dick from 1979 — the interviewer is Charles Platt. The author goes into amazing detail about his life story and books that inspired him: Read more…



This Papercraft Gundam is 7 Feet Tall!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 13, 2011 in Animation, Fandom

Papercraft Gundam that is 7 feet tall

Oh sure any fanboy can buy a mere Mobile Suit Gundam model kit and put it together — but only a hardcore fanboy like Taras Lesko can hand craft a seven foot tall Gundam out of paper! Shown below is the step-by-step assembly and a video that he made: Read more…

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I Don’t Care if He’s Dark Lord of the Sith, He’s Still Your Dad!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 13, 2011 in Star Wars

Star Wars: It's Take Your Son to Work Day

It’s “Take Your Son to Work Day” at a Death Star near you. Found via D.J. Coffman.



This Millennium Falcon Takes the Cake

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 13, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Millennium Falcon Cake

This amazing Millennium Falcon cake features green LEDs — almost too good to eat! Found via Joseph Lee.



Skyrim Reigns Supreme on Steam

Posted by Michael Sacco on Nov 13, 2011 in Videogames


The Elder Scrolls series is pretty much the embodiment of the western RPG, so it’s no surprise that the latest entry in the series, Skyrim, has been one of the most anticipated games in recent memory for genre fans worldwide. What’s slightly more surprising is the fact that it’s overwhelmingly the most popular game on Steam two days after its launch. Why is that such a surprise? Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but there’s this other game that came out recently called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and it had the biggest launch of any video game, ever. But no, Skyrim is thoroughly trouncing it, with roughly five times the number of concurrent players as MW3. Steam gamers: people of taste. Read more…


Red Shirt Bunny is Expendable, Spock Bunny Less So…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 12, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Expendable Star Trek Bunny

An average bunny can live for over ten years — however sadly a Star Trek red shirt bunny might not last more than ten seconds if beamed down to the wrong planet! This cute creature is the handy work of Jennifer Hugon who has a shop on Etsy called Woolykins. Logically her collection also includes a Spock bunny as well: Read more…

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These Fashions Have a Little Something X-tra

Posted by Michael Sacco on Nov 12, 2011 in Comic Books

Emma Frost Couture

Project Rooftop is a blog dedicated to superhero fashion, but it’s usually more about costumes than couture. In this case, though, artist Kevin Wada has taken several X-Gals and converted their costumes (and powers) into high fashion. All of them are pretty out-there, but then again, so is pretty much every single superhero costume ever conceived, and this is high fashion, so that’s hardly Wada’s fault. He definitely brings the color of these outfits to life, with Phoenix’s crazy hair and Lady Deathstrike’s kimono as highlights in an already-stellar lineup. I’d love to see some of these superpowered supermodels work it on the runway. Read more…



Dessert Inspired Anime Characters

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Anime, Hobbies and Collections

Dessert Inspired Anime Characters

This collection of illustrations reminds me of an anime take on those Strawberry Shortcake characters from the 80s: Read more…

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A Beautiful Boba Fett Star Wars Body Paint Project

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Fandom, Star Wars

A Beautiful Boba Fett Star Wars Body Paint Project

If you’re offended by slightly risqué cosplay please don’t look below — but on the other hand if your inner Star Wars fanboy has ever wondered “What would a Boba Fett body paint job look like?” you want to take a look below: Read more…



A Small Damn Ship for Big Damn Heroes

Posted by Michael Sacco on Nov 11, 2011 in Television

QMx LDH Serenity maquette

You might remember that Quantum Mechanix released a pretty huge (1:160) scale replica of Firefly‘s famous starship Serenity. You may also remember that it costs like a million dollars. For those among us who want the old bird in their home without getting a second mortgage, QMx is now offering another option — this time, it’s a 1:400 scale replica, at about 1/25th the price of the big version ($99). It’s built with highly accurate parts as small as a millimeter across, and QMx used the show’s actual CG files to build it. So, pretty cool. Ship like this, be with you ’til the day you die. Or until the dog chews on it, I suppose. The LDH Serenity goes on sale in December. Read more…

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One Piece x Hello Kitty: Manga Pirates Go Pink!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

One Piece x Hello Kitty

At long last the One Piece x Hello Kitty goodies are hitting the shelves in Japan for all of those kitty pirates who want something cool for Christmas! This collection includes a line of phone charms, ear buds, a notebook and of course and iPhone case which can be purchased online (of course your ill need to know how to read Japanese): Read more…

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An Amazing Zoo of Steampunk Animals from Vladimir Gvozdev

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Fandom

Steampunk Animal Illustration by Vladimir Gvozdev

This collection of beautifully crafted steampunk animal illustrations are the work of Vladimir Gvozdev, who is a Russian artist known as Gvozdariki. In many ways his work reminds me of those wonderful ink drawings by Murray Tinkelman which go back to the 70s: Read more…

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Rockets of the World Drawn to Scale

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Science

Rockets of the World drawn to scale

You know nothing so far quite beats a good old fashioned Saturn V rocket! Found via and Jet Tan.



A Breathtaking Blade Runner Fan Film: XXIT

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Cinema

A Blade Runner Inspired Fan Film: XXIT

I just came across this amazing short film made by Stargate Studios which is a tribute to Blade Runner. If they had done nothing but the opening animation here I would have been blown away, but they took it to the next step and work with some live actors. If you’re a film snob it’s too easy to forget that the original film was done on a budget of $28 million, but just remember that what you’re seeing here was done with no budget and you’ll be impressed: Read more…

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Everyone Needs a Sonic Screwdriver

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 10, 2011 in Dr. Who

Sony likes to joke that their PS3 can do everything. Clearly, they’ve never seen a Sonic Screwdriver. I always thought the Doctor seemed a little too quick to pull one out, but after sitting through this hilarious short, maybe I should give him more credit. After all, if he were to just “sonic” everything in sight, Doctor Who would become the least climatic show on television. You may as well just watch paint dry. Still, the video makes a good point, even if they never really intended to — Sonic Screwdrivers are awesome, and science needs to make them happen, ASAP. Read more…

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Buy Avenging Spider-Man, Get a Digital Issue Free

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 10, 2011 in Comic Books

Avenging Spider-Man #1

Marvel has a special treat in store for any true believers looking to pick up the first issue of the upcoming series Avenging Spider-Man. For the first time ever, you’ll be able to purchase a physical copy of the issue and receive a digital copy absolutely free. Fans will be able to access the free issue through either the Marvel online store, or via their official app for your iOS or Android device. Hopefully this will be the start of a new trend but for some reason I have a feeling that this will only be a one-time offer. Still, if you’ve never given digital copies a shot, this is a great opportunity. Personally I find the format to be rather organized and clutter-free, but nothing really beats thumbing through those pages. On the other hand, it can also be a great opportunity for collectors who want to keep their first issue pristine without having to worry about missing the story.

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