The Walking Dead is an interesting beast of a show to me. I both love and hate it simultaneously. There were long stretches of, honestly, very little happening the first half of season 2, but whenever they kicked up the action it was clear they could still handle the show competently. So forgive me if I’m a little more optimistic for the second half of season 2 due to the amount of action featured in this trailer. Decide for yourself after the break. Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 28, 2012 in Dr. Who
As seen in this breaking headline The Daily Beast has confirmed that not only isn’t Dr. Who a fictional character but that he played a key role in taking out Bin Laden. It’s about time that the lamestream media got honest about this sort of thing…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 28, 2012 in Star Trek
I’ve got to admit that I’ve never seen this shot before! It’s a photo from the set of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan featuring Ricardo Montalbán reacting to a small blow up doll that has the face of his Fantasy Island co-star Hervé Villechaize. For you younger Trek fans Fantasy Island was super popular in the 70s and from time to time veered into supernatural themes. Read more…
Need the perfect weapon for dealing with a few zombies? You’d need to have the foresight to own one of these things, but let’s face it, chances are you want one, zombie apocalypse or not. This gun combines an AK with a chainsaw – attempting to make all your Gears of War fantasies come true. It sure looks cool, but if zombies are getting close enough for you to need to use your chainsaw, you’re probably already screwed. And I wouldn’t put too much faith in it: that chainsaw sounds pretty cheap. Maybe you could slice some butter with it, though. Check out the video below. Read more…
Capcom and Namco recently announced that the PS3 and Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken would feature several exclusive characters. We already knew about Cole from Infamous, but let’s just say the rest of the bonus characters are very, uh, unique. Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Kuro and Toro (the Japanese Sony mascots). And it’s not the usual Mega Man, it’s the cheesy American boxart Mega Man – which is either hilariously awesome or incredibly disappointing, depending on your point of view. Read more…
What happens when a Korean cell phone company needs to advertise their new WARP feature? They use Darth Vader, of course! And a perfect allegory for data flowing through the intertubes is… Stormtroopers waiting in line for the restroom. Ok, we’ll go with it. Sure, maybe Vader should have his own personal restroom, but then we wouldn’t get to see his little “I need to use the bathroom” dance. Which is, frankly, the only reason you’re watching this anyway, am I right? Read more…
Wow, it’s been good recently for anime fans. Not only did Kunihiko Ikuhara recently complete a new anime, we’re also getting a new Leiji Matsumoto show as well. And on top of all that? News came out today that Shinichiro Watanabe, director of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, will be returning to the director’s chair to lead a new noitaminA show called Sakamichi no Apollo. It’s about three students who come together over jazz music. Given the focus on music, you may wonder who is handling it for the show, and the answer is none other than Yoko Kanno. Yup, you’re officially allowed to get excited now. A trailer is included after the break. Read more…
It’s been nearly two years since I first wrote about Star Wars Uncut, the full-length feature consisting entirely of 15 second homemade clips in an attempt to recreate Episode IV: A New Hope as it was meant to be told, complete with campy acting and low-budget special effects. Personally I found the film to be equally hilarious, and painful to watch, but the very concept remains brilliant. Recently, director Casey Pugh made a special directors cut available to stream online in its entirety. Funny, you’d think a film touting itself as being “uncut,” would, by definition, be the directors cut — I wonder how that works. You can watch it here, but for more information on the project, check out their official site here. Read more…
If you happen to be living in New Zealand, and want a chance to be an extra in Peter Jackson’s upcoming live-action adaptation of The Hobbit, then you’re in luck. The production recently placed an ad on, looking for extras for a variety of roles. Large men, & women with “character faces,” and by that, I assume they mean “leathery,” or men & women under 5’4″ & 5′, respectively. I imagine they’ll be cast as hobbits. They’re also looking for people with slim builds between 5’5″ & 6’4″ to play elves. Finally, they’ll take any men with large biceps of any height. Again, it’s just work as an extra, but you have to admit that of all the films to be cast in, you could do worse. If its something you just have to do, keep in mind that you’ll have to be a resident of New Zealand, or obtain a valid work permit before they’ll even consider you for a part. For more info, check out the job listing here.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 25, 2012 in Comic Books
I’ve never been fond of collage work myself, mostly because I associate it with stalkers and psychopaths. That said, if I were going to make a collage, it’d have to be of something awesome — like my favorite comics. I imagine some of you can probably get past the whole stalker thing, but wouldn’t know where to find one of these awesome collages. Well, you’re in luck. Meet Mike Alcantara, an artist who spends his free time crafting these awesome comic-themed collages. His canvas pieces range in size from 12″ x 12″ to 24″ x 36″ and vary in price between $100 to $400 each. That said, they’re all one-of-a-kind. Currently he only has one piece, featuring Green Latern, valued at $250, but plans on crafting more pieces for sale in the near future. To purchase the piece or keep up with his future releases, be sure to check out Mike’s Etsy store, as he plans to keep it updated.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 25, 2012 in Videogames
Last Monday, GameStop surprised many of their European customers by closing their shops throughout Northern Ireland and Portugal. Reports state that employees were only given a days notice, and were subsequently required to sign non-disclosure agreements until the retailer made an official statement. It wasn’t long before a spokesperson commented on the closures, stating that the move was part of an existing plan “to exit the UK market from a brick and mortar perspective…” Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 24, 2012 in Animation
If you grew up with Star Blazers, Captain Harlock and Galaxy Express 999 the new Leiji Matsumoto series Ozma will bring a smile to your face! This new show will have a science fiction theme (of course!) and will start airing in Japan on March 16th this year. Below is a look at some of the character designs which remind me a great deal of Captain Harlock: Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 23, 2012 in Comic Books
What were fanboys and fangurls reading fifty years ago? Well here’s a selection of over fifty comic books from January 1962. The first thing that’s interested about this selection is the variety of genres — superheroes only represent a percentage of the titles that were on newsstands: In 1962 you could find comic books that took place in the old wild west, World War II, outer space and there were also romance comic books for the ladies and quite a few cartoony kid friendly titles as well. Read more…
Here’s a few more awesome game-related prints for your perusal: David Anthony Wood recently posted 3 prints featuring some cool NES-inspired work, but with a little more dimension added to them. I’m sure something like this has been done before, but David did it simply and well. Boiling it down to the most iconic elements – I can appreciate that. You can find them on his Society6 page for order if you’re interested. Read more…
While the real Doomerhammer would probably be a little too heavy to wield normally, you can still settle for the next best thing with ThinkGeek’s Foam Doomerhammer Replica, now on sale at their website. It’s made from polyurethane and PVC piping, which ThinkGeek claims makes it “strong, yet lightweight.” It’s also 22 inches long, so you’re sure to be the envy of everyone at your next LARP. You can pick it up for $149.99, here. Read more…
I’ve been fascinated by the digital vs. film argument that’s been going on for a bit now. 24 frames per second or 48? Texture and grain or crisp and clean? Have we been too accustomed to film to appreciate digital cinematography? I personally love the look of traditional film, but it’s a very nerdy subject to be sure, as many people hardly can tell the difference (or don’t care). Yet, I still am incredibly interested in the topic – and so are Chris Kenneally and Keanu Reeves who are creating a documentary about the different perspectives in the film industry relating to digital and film cinema. Click through for the trailer, featuring interviews with George Lucas, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron, Martin Scorsese and more. Read more…
The third Riddick film has had some hard times. Financial problems and, you know, not having a studio supporting you can definitely negatively affect things when you’re trying to make a movie. Vin Diesel is certainly persistent though, and working with writer and director David Twohy they’re struggling to get this film off the ground. We heard production would start up again, sometime back in November, but I still had my doubts. Now it looks like things really are happening, as Vin Diesel posted an image on Facebook of him in full costume. Read more…
Now this is a pretty great looking tie, and it’s gaming-related. How often do those cross? It’s not too overdone, but still geeky in the right ways. Maya Pixelskaya recently posted this fantastic Duck Hunt-themed tie on her web site as well as Ebay for sale. Sadly, this tie is one-of-a-kind so you’ll have to out-bid everyone else if you really want it. Only 2 days left to bid! That said, this tie looks good enough for mass-production, so let’s get that rolling – please? Read more…
Looking for a little action? A new trailer was released recently to promote a documentary from D & E Entertainment focusing on the life of Bruce Lee. It features many interviews with the man himself, as well as many people who knew him. It’s getting a limited release on February 9th and 15th only, in select theaters, so if you’re interested in catching it, I recommend checking the full listing of showings here. Click through for the trailer! Read more…
Last night marked the season 3 premiere of the animated FX series, and cult-favorite, Archer. For those of you who don’t watch, the series follows Sterling Archer, an over-the-top, self-absorbed spy who works for organization named ISIS, similar to MI-5, ran by his own mother. It often plays like a raunchy spoof of every Bond film ever made. Any way, it’s hilarious and definitely worth checking out. While you can find the first season readily available on Netflix, many viewers might want to play catch up. A lot can happen over the course of a season, so missing an one might leave you a bit dazed and confused. Fortunately, Amazon is having an amazing deal right now. You can get season one and two of Archer on Blu-ray for just $20 — that’s half off.
Volkswagon uploaded a teaser for their 2012 Game Day commercial entitled “The Bark Side.” The short features a group of adorable pups barking out John Williams’ “Imperial March,” with complete with some ATAT-cosplay at the end. The whole commercial is beyond adorable, and while I’m not sure what it has to do with selling cars, there’s no denying how awesome it is. In the span of a few short hours, the clip has attracted 50,000 views. To learn more, check out Volkswagon’s official game day invite page here. Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 18, 2012 in Videogames
On January 18, 1982 the cover of Time magazine proudly proclaimed “GRONK! FLASH! ZAP! Video Games are Blitzing the World”. The article went on to give an interesting picture of a new industry that was coming of age: Read more…
Released only for the Japanese Sharp X68000 computer in 1991 from MNM Software, here’s a unique adaptation of the classic Star Wars arcade game rendered in vector graphics: Read more…