Back in December, YouTube user KinectFAAST showed off his Kinect-enabled Skyrim mod. Part of a larger series of mods in which he combines PC games with Microsoft Kinect functionality, the video made its rounds, eventually ending up on popular gaming blogs like Joystiq and Destructoid. Not too long after, KinectFAAST posted a follow-up showing off some of the enhancements he had made since his initial post. In addition to swapping through his favorites via simple voice commands, and simply interacting with the world, newer commands allow him to choose just how many potions he drinks, select weapon presets on the fly, determine the strength of his shouts by the word, and even use a bow and arrow with ease. Needless to say, it’s really impressive work. Be sure to check out more of his videos by visiting his YouTube channel, and let him know what you think by leaving a comment on each video.
For those in need of a Doctor Who fix, 2011 Christmas special, The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe, is set to hit stores on February 14th, just in time for Valentines day. Some of you might have caught my mini-review back in December, and while I felt it wasn’t the Doctor at his best, the special certainly had its moments. For some of you it’ll make an awesome alternative to flowers or chocolates, and for others it might just serve to hold you over till the Doctor returns to BBC later this year. For those of you who want to pre-order it, Amazon is selling the Blu-ray for $15.99, or if you’d rather have it on DVD, just $10.99. Amazon prime members can select free 2-day shipping to receive their copy on the 14th instead of having to wait.
Not too long ago, AICN reported that Directors Bryan Fuller and Singer — conveniently, also named Bryan with a ‘y,’ — were considering pooling their resources in an attempt to sell CBS and Paramount on a new Star Trek series. Since both directors are currently busy with their reboot of The Munsters, and the Trek film franchise still in full swing, it might be a while before the project sees any momentum. So how would you want to see it? A new franchise in the Abramsverse? A return to the prime universe with the history we all know and love? Read more…
Following last month’s announcement of the latest installment in Capcom’s Ace Attorney series, and the release of Ghost Trick for Apple’s iOS, Japanese fans were pleasantly surprised to hear that the first three titles from the series would also be released in HD. While Capcom USA hasn’t made any announcements regarding the localization of either Ace Attorney 5, or the HD iOS collection, some recently posted screenshots show just how beautiful the games can look in high definition.
This awesome animated short has been floating around the net for a few weeks now, but hasn’t garnered a fraction of the views it deserves. Space Stallions was created by a group of students from The Animation Workshop attempting to capture the essence of 80’s cartoons like Voltron, Thunder Cats, and so on. Personally, I think they hit the nail on the head. The music was dead on with everything from sequenced arps and laser toms to its poorly written chorus. Visually, they touched on everything you’d expect to see like several of the characters rocking a mustache, Unicorn space-bikes, oh and a keytar sword. While I don’t think I’d ever want to sit through an actual episode should they ever make one, I have to applaud their awesome efforts here. Oh, and if you want to buy a copy of that theme song, you’re in luck. It’s available via BandCamp. Read more…
IRL – In Real Life is a warmhearted look at one fanboy’s journey from being a non-stop World of Warcraft addict to getting a real life. What I loved about this film is that it’s a video diary of how one fan fall in love with game — leaves his non-virtual friends behind — meets the fangurl of his dreams — is then dumped by the fangurl of his dreams — and then, well here is the result: Read more…
I think its safe to call The Princess Bride a timeless classic. I’ve always been fond of it, and I don’t believe I’ve ever met anyone who felt otherwise. That said, I never thought I’d ever see any merchandise based off the film, or book for that matter, and certainly not a collectible figure. Fortunately, that didn’t stop Factory Entertainment from delivering. Introducing their 1/5th scale Dread Pirate Roberts. This 15″ statue features the Man in Black as he appears during his infamous duel atop the “Cliffs of Insanity.” It actually has a companion piece featuring Inigo Montoya which you can view below. The two statues are designed to attach to each other, allowing you to capture the scene properly.
It’s been nearly a week since Final Fantasy XIII-2‘s North American release, and gamers are just now finishing their first play-throughs. While some have labeled the game too short, many fail to realize the game actually has multiple endings since it isn’t explicitly stated during the gameplay. In addition, the message “too be continued,” appears during the final moments. This has led some to speculate that the title may be part of a proposed trilogy, but recent comments by director Motomu Toriyama offer a different explanation. Read more…
With the success of Minecraft, it appears a whole new sub-genre of games has sprouted up: cube/pixel based worlds. Terraria took on the 2D aspect of this, Brick Force is focusing on guns and combat, and Cube World is dropping you into the RPG side of things – a bit like if Minecraft fell into a melting pit and emerged as a cubic, sword-wielding monster with better shadows and draw distance and then someone sprinkled some Zelda on top. A fan recently created a trailer for the game (which will hopefully be arriving soon) to show off how the game is coming, and it looks great! Read more…
The Mario Bros. theme song has been done over and over again by every instrument ever (even banana). In fact, most Mario songs have received this treatment, including the Super Mario World theme, so you have to be really unique to stand out now. The latest? Tap-dancing! Scott Bradlee takes to the piano while his buddy Alex McDonald taps out the rhythm to one of the catchiest game tunes, giving us a short and sweet tribute to Mario. Classy! Read more…
ForrestFireFilms is back with a new stop-motion LEGO short film, and this time it features Captain America beating the crap out of some Nazis – and then some. The violence here is just ridiculously over-the-top and gory, with LEGO minifigs being shot point-blank in the face, sliced in half, and… well, I’ll let you see what else happens yourself. Let’s just leave it at this: this is not your usual LEGO film. Great work Forrest! Read more…
Good news for PC gamers: you can now get games that have already been out for a while! Ok, joking aside, PixelJunk Eden and Mortal Kombat Kollection are now on Steam at great prices ($7.99 and $8.49 respectively). Both are great games, but I understand Mortal Kombat features Games For Windows Live DRM on it, which may be a dealbreaker for some. Eden has a few new features added as well, and the Steam page claims “completely re-imagined controls for the mouse.” Sounds great!
Yup, you read that right. Only downside is it’s an auction. And for that you need money, and lots of it. But here’s the details: as I’m sure you know, Bill Watterson is a very private guy. He keeps to himself and very few pieces of original art from Calvin & Hobbes exist in the public realm. This is a 13″ x 10″ watercolor and ink piece that was once owned by Rick Marschall. Bidding goes until February 22nd online and is currently at $17,000. Worth it? That’s up to you. Read more…
Digital comics have been growing fast and both DC and Marvel have had to make many changes to adapt to changing technology. How do they do it? MashUp Radio, hosted by Peter Biddle, will be featuring Marvel’s Ryan Penagos (the Editorial Director for Marvel Digital Media Group and, and they’ll be discussing it in-depth on their podcast. It’ll go live at 3pm, so if you can, be sure to tune in for what is sure to be an interesting discussion!
Posted by Chris Sobieniak on Feb 2, 2012 in Animation
At a time when animation was still being looked at as funny little shorts, one man tried to prove them wrong! Produced with the help of Edgar Rice Burrough’s son John Coleman, animation director Bob Clampett (Looney Tunes, Beany & Cecil) produced this short pilot to a potential theatrical cartoon series he tried to sell to MGM during his off hours from “Termite Terrace”. Unfortunately several divisions of the studio felt the project was a little too weird for the audience’s taste and suggested a rather tamed approach based on something else. Needless to say Clampett’s enthusiasm dropped very quickly and he was back to the same ‘ol grind for many years to come, but still gave us good laughs every time. Read more…
This Lego Cuusoo project has been around for awhile, but has remained a bit of a hidden gem. Cuusoo user MaxVF1 threw together these amazing VF-1 Valkyries — or Veritechs depending on your preference — in hopes of convincing Lego to license them for retail. As you can see from the video above, they’re pretty easy to snap together and make pretty good display models. They even let you shift between gear-walk, battloid, and fighter modes with ease. The problem, at least from Lego’s standpoint, is that they appear a bit fragile. Of course, that issue alone is just one of many hurdles to overcome.
This has got to be one the most unique Smartphone accessories we’ve come across yet. Introducing the XAPPR pistol, a $30 peripheral that fits most Android and iOS devices. You’re probably wondering how it works. First you mount your phone to its stand, then the device connects to your phone with the trigger sending its signals via the headphone port. Currently, there are only a few apps that support the device, most of which require the use of augmented reality. It works well with iOS titles likeSpray’Em, or AR Warsand AR Invaders. There’s also an Android app, ATK, currently in open beta that supports it. If you’re interested in picking one up, you can currently pre-order one from the official website via Paypal, but it won’t be ready to ship ’til June.
I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to board games. Recently, I banded together with a group of friends for a weekly game and while we’ve no shortage to choose from, my friends are always in the market for more. With HBO’s second season of Game of Thrones around the corner, this little gem caught my eye. Fantasy Flight’s A Game of Thrones the Board Game. Read more…
Last year we heard about MGM’s plans to reboot the Robocop franchise. While I wasn’t adverse to the idea, I truly hoped they would just craft a new sequel. It might not have worked out so well for Singer’s Superman Returns, but the original Robocop was quite good for its time, claymation aside. That said, I can’t fault director José Padilha for wanting to place his own stamp on the iconic series. Now it seems he’s found just the man to make that happen. Read more…
Here’s a quick teaser for Lego’s Lord of the Rings product line. Why does Lego taunt me with such awesomeness? They knew I outgrew my building phase years ago, yet they’ve waited until now to land this epic license. While I’m sure I won’t have nearly as much fun as I would have if I were still eight years old, I’ll definitely consider picking one up when they hit stores, and judging by how great the characters look, I’m sure they won’t disappoint. I do wonder if this also means we’ll be seeing some Hobbit-themed sets this holiday season. Be sure to visit the official site for more info on the upcoming sets. Read more…
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 31, 2012 in Dr. Who, Fandom
For anyone visiting or living in London, the clock is ticking for the Doctor Who Experience. The exhibit will be closing its doors next month, but before that happens, they’ve planned several special events leading up to the last day. On Saturday, February 11th, series choreographer Ailsa Berk will be on hand offering lessons on how to move like your favorite aliens from the show. That following Monday, the effects team responsible for sculpting some of the show’s fearsome creatures will show off some of their techniques. Read more…
I know it’s a few months off, but Calgary Expo made a huge announcement yesterday. This April, the entire principal cast will be appearing at Calgary Expo in Alberta, Canada. It’s a bit of a huge deal for fans, as its been over two decades since the cast appeared together at such an event. I imagine the impending release of Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Next Level, and the show’s 25th Anniversary might be the reason they’ve agreed to it.
Nevertheless, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some of you, and if anyone is hoping to be attend from abroad, I suggest getting your passport in order as soon as possible. Depending on where you are, the approval process can be lengthy and its always better safe than sorry. For more information on the event, check out the Calgary Expo website. Star Trek: The Next Genertaion – The Next Level hits stores this week and for those of you who ordered your copy through Amazon, it should already be in the mail, so expect your packages as early as Monday or Tuesday.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 30, 2012 in Videogames
Square Enix dished out their latest trailer for Final Fantasy XIII-2 this weekend, hoping to hype the title a little more before it hits North American stores this week. The demo has been available to download for several weeks now, and so far has met with mixed reviews. While some have praised the game for its fast-paced action, and improved mechanics, others feel that the introduction of quick-time events, or QTE, has ruined it. As far as the story is concerned, the addition of time travel seems interesting enough, but like Final Fantasy XIII, this sequel is littered with similar sounding pronouns like fal’Cie and l’Cie that are sure to confuse anyone who isn’t paying close enough attention. Still, as far as fans of the series are concerned, this may be the entry you’ve been waiting for. If you’re expecting Final Fantasy Versus XIII instead, keep waiting — Square Enix only really started working on it back in September. Read more…
Check out these awesome necklaces from Land of Rapture, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Yeah, that’s coming up soon, and chances are you’re going to want to get a special something for your special someone. So how about this cute Space Invaders Heart cameo? I’m sure there’s some clever joke about Space Invading your heart or something along those lines hidden somewhere. Space Invaders not your thing? Try Doctor Who, R2D2, or Portal! There’s a little bit of everything on their site. Read more…