Not even the Doctor’s too old for Legos. Thanks to the guys at Entertainment Earth, even you can your favorite Timelord to the set of your choice. While its not an official Lego product, these Doctor Who minifigures are fully compatible and come ready to join any set right out of the box. In addition to bearing the likeness of all eleven doctors, each comes with their own unique sonic screwdriver to match. Pretty sweet, right? On top of that, the box itself comes shaped like a Tardis, making it that much harder to throw away. I have a bad habit of keeping a boxes, but I imagine if every toy I came across were like that, I’d practically horde them. The Doctor Who Eleven Doctors mini-figure box set retails for $39.99 and is currently in stock, so go ahead and pick yours up today.
I’ve been wanting my own sonic screwdriver for awhile but I’ve been having trouble deciding on which model to go with. While I love slick silver design of Eccleston and Tennant’s model, it lacks the nifty little claw grip. On the other hand, Smith’s has a bit too much bronze for me. I suppose I could have just bought the interchangeable model that Michael mentioned the other month, but then it dawned it on me — what good is a sonic screwdriver if it doesn’t actually work? It won’t stop a Christmas tree from spinning out of control, or open a locked door at the touch of a button, but this sonic screwdriver screwdriver might do the trick! In addition to being a perfect replica of the Eleventh Doctor’s screwdriver, it comes with an interchangeable phillips and flat-head attachments, allowing you to actually use it to fix things. Brilliant, right? The best part, is that it only retails for $30, that’s only $5 more than the standard replica. Better yet, it still lights up and buzzes. Head over to ThinkGeek to order yours today.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 25, 2011 in Anime, Dr. Who
It doesn’t feature Matt Smith, and might lack in the production department, but this fan-made 80’s style Doctor Who anime has its moments. The artist responsible for the video also noted that if you’re the least bit confused about the Cybermen and their use of the word “excellent” or The Doctor’s martial arts, then you’ve been missing out on the classics. Of course, they also insist that sitting though those classics will instantly make you more handsome, but I’m pretty sure there’s nothing handsome about sticky celery or poorly knit scarves. Nevertheless, the video’s a nifty idea. Now, if only Japan would make a proper Doctor Who anime. That’d be awesome.
Doctor Who — a worldwide phenomenon. A genre classic. A pop culture treasure. It only makes sense that, eventually, someone would convert all of the series main characters to cats. I think it’s some kind of fandom law nowadays. These particular cats come from artist Jenny Parks, who’s recreated all of the eleven Doctors in eerily accurate feline form. The Tom Baker Cat is particularly spot-on, I think. I think I’ve met that cat. And the Christopher Eccleston one is, of course, the black … er, cat of the family. Read more…
It’s a scary prospect for fans, but it looks as though Torchwood may be coming to an end sooner than we thought. No, the fate of the show won’t be determined by its ratings, or contractual disputes, but rather the whim of series creator Russell T. Davies. Recently, Starz CEO Chris Albrecht stated that their development deal wouldn’t guarantee a fifth season and that ultimately it would be up to Davies himself as to whether he intends to continue with production after Miracle Day concludes later this year. Davies has previously stated that he may move on having recently grown tired of Science Fiction in general. While I feel its safe to say that Doctor Who will continue regardless of his involvement, the same can’t be said of Torchwood — a property that he himself created. I had really hoped that moving production of the series stateside would lead to great things, but I have to admit that as a recent fan of the show, it feels as though the carpet is being pulled out from under my feet. I would hope that many of you feel the same way, and thankfully this isn’t set in stone. The fate of the series remains to be seen. If the end is near, at least we’ll see it coming.
Oh sure any average Dr.Who cosplay fan can order a stock model sonic screwdriver — but this sweet goodie allows up to 80 possible combinations so you can be unique! Apparently this customizable sonic screwdriver also includes multiple sound effects to astound your co-workers and fellow geeks, however batteries are required… Read more…
Though I was never a huge fan of Doctor Who, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it’s more recent spin-off Torchwood. Series four, Miracle Day as they’re calling it looks to move the production of the show stateside, no doubt due to the nature of its mixed cast. It had been rumored that the show would end up as a reboot airing on Fox but that deal seems to have fallen through, and the series will instead continue its previous plot where it left off on Starz and BBC Worldwide starting July 8th. To help promote the show, the studio has developed an iOS app that’ll pack in an interactive motion comic with “some gameplay elements”. The comics will tell a parallel story featuring the voices of Eliza Dushku, John Barrowman, Eve Myles. Personally, I can’t stand Dushku, but Barrowman’s great so I’m psyched. An additional nine episodes will be available in packs of three for $1, or as an entire pack for $3. The app will be made available prior to the premiere on July 8th.
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jun 19, 2011 in Dr. Who
Artist Larry Wentzel has a whole bunch of Peanuts-themed Doctor Who art on his Flickr page, but I think this one is probably my favorite. Wentzel says “I imagine after the 11th Doctor was put in the Pandorica, the villains broke out into a little celebratory dance.” I bet they did, too, or at least I hope they did after seeing this picture. Seriously, these guys are just getting down. I didn’t know Daleks could bend that way, much less play piano. Maybe that one’s a special model. Vince Guardalek?
Michael Sacco is a freelance editor and writer, currently working as senior editor at WoW Insider.
The latest incarnation (literally) of Doctor Who has been its most successful yet, with Matt Smith proving a popular Doctor and his lovely companion Amy Pond acting as his impulsive foil. It looks like their duo (now trio, with husband Rory) may be coming to an end, though — actress Karen Gillan, who plays Amy, has signed on for a role in BBC’s drama We’ll Take Manhattan, and its filming schedule conflicts with Who‘s. Arthur Darville, the man behind Rory, also signed on to play Mephistopheles in Dr. Faustus, which runs throughout the summer and fall. Where does that leave the Doctor and his companion? Well, it’s not the first time he’s picked up a new companion in his travels. But somehow I feel a little more attached to Amy than others we’ve met. Read more…
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 12, 2011 in Dr. Who, Lost
Dr.Who Lost crossover t-shirt
I can’t really say this would make for an awesome t-shirt but I really can’t pass up a chance to comment on this nifty work by artist and designer FFTKrazee. A clever little crossover between two of our fanboy favorites, Lost and Dr. Who, the design depicts Desmond, Faraday leaning up against a DHARMA-brand TARDIS. I never really thought about it until someone mentioned it in the comments for the shirt, but Jeremy Davies always looked like a sad Keanu Reeves. Read more…
Cosplay isn’t a new phenomenon — for pretty much as long as there’s been fandom, there’s been cosplay. These retro cosplay photos, posted on 4chan’s cosplay board, prove it! We’ve compiled the best here for your perusal, from events ranging from WonderCon to WorldCon from the 70s to the 80s. You’ll notice some patterns — Red Sonja was a very popular cosplay choice for ladies back then, and Vulcans and Elric of Melnibone were popular for men. You can even see cosplay mainstays like Orion slave girls. It’s almost comforting to know that people have been dressing themselves up like fantasy and scifi characters for this long — it means that there have always been incredibly nerdy people in the world. Read more…
Fans of Doctor Who may be quite pleased to hear that a free-to-play MMO based on the Doctor’s exploits is in development! Called Words in Time, it’s set to be a “fun and easy” online game for fans of all ages in which you assist you the Time Lord himself, going on missions and vanquishing classic foes. Those with software engineering skills may be even more interested in the game, because its developer, Three Rings, is hiring! The catch is that you have to live in Madison, Wisconsin. Maybe it’s not as bad as it sounds, though — their office is pretty darn cool. Read more…
Sure, one crew travels in Starfleet’s best ship, and the other travels in a phone booth, but they’re both credited for saving the universe several times over. And now, here they are, together at last: Kirk, Spock, the Doctor, and Amy Pond, ready to kick some Klingon tail! And Dalek tail, and Cyberman tail, and Romulan tail. What, only four evil races? Against these guys? The bad guys don’t stand a chance. Great work from Summerset over at DeviantArt. Read more…
The man responsible for reviving Doctor Who and bringing its companion series Torchwood to the airwaves may soon leave the sci-fi genre behind. He tells BBC News that he’s “saved the world and blown up the world too many times” now and that he feels like he’s coming to the end of his stay in the realm of sci-fi. Given Torchwood’s recent acquisition of US funding and broadcasting through Starz, it would certainly be a good time to leave, knowing that the show has a bright future ahead of it. But sci-fi TV would certainly be a little less, err, Davies-y without him. Read more…
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 21, 2011 in Dr. Who
And so is the Doctor inside! Mateo’s graphic designer dad made him this miniature TARDIS out of corrugated cardboard. I’m not sure if he can travel through time and space with it, but it probably makes a great hide-and-go-seek spot. At the very least he’s probably going to have some jealous friends — once they’re old enough to appreciate campy British sci-fi adventures, anyway. And I thought my Power Wheels fire truck was cool. Read more…
There are those of us out there, myself included, who haven’t watched a single episode of Doctor Who. I know, blasphemy, right? It’s not that we don’t want to watch it — okay, some of us just don’t want to — but the series has been running for over a quarter of a century. I honestly wouldn’t even know where to begin, and please don’t tell me we would have to watch them all because I’m sure most of you would agree that’s simply unrealistic. Maybe this little gem might be able to help us figure it all out. Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary, avisual reference guide to everything a Whovian would want to know. I’m sure it’s not the most comprehensive guide, it seems pretty straight forward and might serve as a decent introduction to the series itself. ThinkGeek currently has it in stock for $25, though ordering it through Amazon can save you nearly $8 on top of that.
Posted by Michael Sacco on Oct 25, 2010 in Dr. Who
Karma Orange posted these awesome Doctor Who fan posters, using very little visual real estate to convey some major themes from the show, from Daleks to the sonic screwdriver to the spoilery bits from this latest season of the classic sci-fi series. It’s pretty neat how much information is conveyed with so little. Read more…
Come this September you’ll be able to get the Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor TARDIS Playset shown above. The funny thing to me about this TARDIS interior is just how steampunk it feels, although it has always been that quirky quality that has made Dr. Who feel different from all of the other shows out there. This playset is designed to work with 5″ action figures — and of course if you’re any kind of silly fanboy you’ll have the original crew of the Enterprise visiting the good doctor.
I recently read about some new Street Fighter sneakers from Nike, only to be disappointed by how little the shoes seem to resemble the characters they’re supposedly “inspired” by. I can understand Nike’s desire to aim for subtlety rather than an out-and-out declaration of geekdom, since they could sell plenty of these shoes by “accident” and still probably hit a few sales among the Street Fighter fans, but that Chun Li shoe looks like it could have been sold by them for years and just decided to slap Chun Li’s name on the tag. BORING.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 16, 2010 in Dr. Who
The funny thing is that when Dr. Who was being developed in 1963 the iconic police-boxes could be spotted all over London and where very commonplace — however in 21st Century England where cell phones are commonplace there are that many to be found anymore. So ironically the TARDIS itself is as much a celebration of a bygone British era as it is a prop from a well beloved science fiction series. This TARDIS-Soap is a great way to keep the series close to your heart every day while giving you a slight caramel-apple smell — and best of all for this fanboy the soap uses all vegan materials. Read more…
Standing at ten inches tall this crafted doll of David Tennant is perhaps the first Time Lord that you’d want to adopt and take home! Although it should be pointed out that this is a collectable art toy and sadly not for the kids. The crafty Time Lord was created by GirlCalledRic who has a nice geeky shop on Etsy. Read more…
K-9 made his first debut on Dr. Who in 1977 and he’s been beloved ever since. This Doctor Who Remote Control K-9 pays tribute to our cybernetic canine companion and includes flashing lights and speech. Judging by the fact that he runs on AA batteries I think the only flaw that I see with this K-9 unit is that he’s not life sized which would make him the perfect cosplay accessory (or ultimate office toy). Read more…