Doraemon Your iPhone

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 4, 2010 in Animation, Tech

It’s always the silly things that amuse me: In this case it’s an iPhone application that turns your icon set into a grinning Doraemon. Apparently this is a free set of applications from Yahoo! Japan — which include Doraemon manga as well! Here are screen shots and there are iTunes links on this Japanese page: Read more…

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Vint Cerf Scares Web Dudes by Mentioning Time-sharing

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 4, 2010 in Tech

When everyone started talking about the cloud my first thought was “isn’t this a throw back to mainframe computers from a pre-PC era when dumb terminals always needed to dial in?” So I was blown away to watch this video of Vint Cerf (who has been credited as the father of the Internet) suddenly mention mainframe time-sharing in the middle of a chat on cloud-to-cloud operability. It’s also interesting to hear that Cerf feels that it will take about five years for real standards to occur that allow one cloud to share data with another. By the way it’s interesting to note that Google now employs Cerf which is quite a coup. Read more…

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Android Mini Collectibles: Google Beats Apple at Urban Toys

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 3, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Tech

Android mini collectibles series 01

I’ve seen tons of iPod themed goodies on Etsy but as far as I can tell Google has beaten Apple to the punch in the urban toys market with this set of Android Mini Collectibles Series 01. Frankly the thing that find heart warming about the Android logo is that it’s so darn cute which makes it an ideal collectable, and mind you that this is something that Tux the penguin logo for Linux could never pull off (it was the far body and eyes that made it look so doofy). This set was designed by the artist Andrew Bell and there are a dozen different designs each of which stands at three inches tall and features a rotating head: Read more…

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Microsoft Knows How to Market Smartphones in Korea

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 1, 2010 in Tech

Everywhere you look everyone is talking about Apple iPads or Google Nexus phones, but sadly Microsoft seems to be off the radar with their mobile offerings of late. Well maybe just off the radar in the United States because as you can see in the video above in Korea they seem to be having fun getting their message out. I love how the Microsoft icons follow the couple on their date and aren’t afraid to shake it up on the dance floor. Read more…

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Why Flash is Doomed: Warnock is Afraid to Call Jobs

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 31, 2010 in Tech

Flash is Doomed

So I started to think: What would it take to get Flash on the iPad? Seeing that it’s a political situation the clear answer is that the CEO of Adobe needs to make nice with Steve. And then it hit me: Who the hell is the CEO of Adobe? Back in the day THE guy at Adobe was Warnock but that was eons ago — so who is running Adobe today? And much to my shock after doing a Google search I came across the page below and it tells you everything that’s wrong with this picture: There is no strong CEO at Adobe — the company is still in the shadow of Warnock. Read more…

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The Beginning of the End for Flash?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 30, 2010 in Tech

Macromedia Director 5 from 1996

During the CD-ROM era of the 90s the only real game in town was Macromind Director. The program first started life out as an animation program bit with the boom in multimedia Director gained a programming language called Lingo and had a loyal following. Then the damn web came along and ruined it all: There was a web version of Director called Shockwave, but due to the overhead of bitmap graphics another program called Flash started to build rapid momentum. Macromedia would acquire Flash and rumor has it that Director is still around but the notion of getting a Lingo gig is history. And now that it’s the year 2010 I’m seeing the same thing slowly start to happen to Flash all over again. Read more…

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The Elusive Quest for an iPhone

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 20, 2010 in Comic Books, Tech

PvP #43 - cover

The latest issue of Player vs. Player features the epic quest for the Apple iPhone. Being an Apple fanboy I love it when geeky tech things find their way into comic books, and Scott Kurtz has scored a hit in my nerd zone: Read more…

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Prediction: Palm Will Switch to Android (and Then Fade Away)

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 11, 2010 in Tech

Palm Pre Android

On paper it was a good week for Palm — they announced at CES that they’ve struck a deal with Verizon and the next day their stock price ticked up. However the whims of the stock market can be a poor predictor of how a company does in the long run and can miss the big picture. Frankly the company that owned this week was Google with the announcement of the Nexus One: And that spells the death knell of Palm. Read more…

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The First YouTube Comic Book

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 8, 2010 in Comic Books, Tech

Forgetless #2 - The first comic book to use an youtube interface

Not so long ago I started to notice a few comics were incorporating either Twitter or IM interface elements into their page layout in an attempt to be hip. Well Forgetless #2 takes this trend a step further by having three pages that are done as a faux YouTube video. Just to make sure they’re hitting the right demographics the story features the exploits of a failed t-shirt maker — now if it had been me, I’d have an Etsy craft nerd in the lead role: Read more…

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My Move Into the AT&T Hate Club

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 7, 2010 in Tech

Moving into the AT&T Zone

A little bit over a year ago I purchased my iPhone — I was slightly late to the party so just a little bit after getting my first generation phone, Apple rolled out the next version. For the most part it was a speed bump so I didn’t resent AT&T for the two year contract lock in at that point. However by the end of 2009 still being stuck on the Edge network was wearing a bit thin for yours truly, but I still hadn’t entered “the hate club”. Read more…

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Obama Introduces Steampunk Decor to the White House

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 5, 2010 in Tech

An early telegraph

President Obama has been slowly redecorating the Oval Office at the White House — and of course there are the usual bits of history and family photos, but this geeky gem caught my eye:

“Also new to the Obama bookshelves are three mechanical devices on loan from the National Museum of American History’s patent collection: models for Samuel Morse’s 1849 telegraph register, John Peer’s 1874 gear-cutting machine and Henry Williams’ 1877 feathering paddle wheel for steamboats.” Read more…



What Will the Apple Tablet Will Look Like? Here’s a Prototype from 1968

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 31, 2009 in Tech

2001: A Space Odyssey - a flat screen TV

I’ve been following the soap opera of all of those tech blogs think they know what Steve Jobs will produce next for his tablet device. However my gut feeling is that science fiction is always the best inspiration for Jobs, and in his case my gut tells me that his inner hippy will bring him back to the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Jobs stole the 3.5″ disk from Star Trek so Kubrick seems to be even better source material. So my prediction is that the tablet will function like the flat-screen tv sets that are seen in the Discovery. In addition to video and graphic displays for monitoring the vital signs of our world I also bet that we’ll see iPhone functionality with potential video conferencing: Read more…

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Hewlett-Packard: The Gray Giant of Silicon Valley

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 27, 2009 in Tech

Hewlett-Packard was the original flagship company of silicon valley — in fact along with Stanford University this amazing company really put the valley in a tech leadership position eons before the era of the personal computer. In fact it’s by no mistake that Woz was working there as Apple was being founded — and he didn’t want to leave until he was prodded because HP was a geek’s geek institution. Yet what’s amazing about HP is that it hasn’t faded with time; this video explores how the company has reinvented itself time and time again.



What Was the Hardest Book for Isaac Asimov to Write?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 12, 2009 in Pulp Fiction, Tech

Isaac Asimov

Talking to my old friend Marc Thorner I got an interesting insight on legendary author Isaac Asimov: It seems that as a younger fanboy he was professing his admiration to Asimov for one of his lesser known treasures An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule which was written in 1965. Asimov then confided to my friend that it was the hardest book that he ever wrote. This is somewhat shocking given the sheer range of subject matter that Asimov tackled — every subject from Lecherous Limericks to a complete guide to the works of Shakespeare! Asimov’s reason for the difficulty? It seems that the book was very graphics intense and required a great deal of input into the illustrations. Here are two covers from this classic: Read more…

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Clever Google Animation Showcasing Chrome OS

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 10, 2009 in Animation, Tech

I’ve got to say that when Google wants to they can be very creative, even doing things that are more interesting than Apple. This video is an example of this: It’s a stop motion animation to promote their Chrome operating system and it’s fun to look at even if you don’t care about the technology. Read more…

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The Biggest Problem With the 21st Century? No Flying Cars! So Far…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 4, 2009 in Tech

As a child of science fiction shows from the 20th Century I have to admit that my biggest disappointment is how pathetic technology is in the 21st Century. A classic example of this is the lack of flying cars which is why this video of the ICON A5 caught my eye. It’s not quite a flying car, but you can fold up the wings of this aircraft and store it at your house. And while it isn’t as cheap as a typical car, at about $140k it’s pretty cheap. Here are some photos: Read more…



Gundam vs. Gundam

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 1, 2009 in Animation, Fandom, Tech

This video of two Gundam robots slugging it out is from the recent 2009 International Robot Exhibition. I like how the decapitated Gundam continues to dance after defeat…

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iTimeLapse Pro: A Cute iPhone App Makes Timelapse

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 23, 2009 in Tech

This demo of iTimeLapse was shot in Japan — the software allows an iPhone user to make a timelapse film. You can purchase iTimeLapse Pro for about $3, although buying a fancy tripod could add to that price. Here’s a screenshot of the Japanese version of the software (which is also available in English): Read more…

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How DEC Failed to Enter the PC Market: A 1982 Documentary

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 23, 2009 in Tech

Digital Equipment Corporation LogoThis is an amazing promotional film produced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) documents their attempt to enter the PC market in 1982. DEC owned a major chunk of the mini-computer market and to their credit they got the idea that the PC was the wave of the future and they knew they had to compete. Although in retrospect by 1982 it may have already been too late to get into the game when you think about the fact that the Apple II hit the market in 1977 (not to mention the fact that they were hitting the market after IBM defined it). Here’s the DEC Rainbow Triple Boot Computer which DEC introduced in May of 1982: Read more…

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How To Kill Serial Retweeters

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 22, 2009 in Tech

How to Kill Retweets

Anyone who uses the Twitter retweet functionality to do anything but share something of value is spamming your tweetstream. In fact I’d even go further and say that anyone who retweets more than once a day is a spammer. But sadly there are so many newbies on Twitter that common sense can be lacking, so here’s my tutorial on how to shut off serial retweeters: Read more…

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Techies Shouldn’t Underestimate Rupert Murdoch

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2009 in Tech

Right now every techie in the universe has watched the above clip and drawn the conclusion that Rupert Murdoch “just doesn’t get it”. My thinking is that not only does Murdoch understand very well the business of the net, but he also has the money to back up his vision. The reason is that unlike most other newspapers the Wall Street Journal is one of those rare properties which is a must read publication in its field. In other words like Bloomberg he has one of the few sources of content which is so high in quality that people will be willing to pay for it. Read more…



LaCie: It’s French for Lemon

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 9, 2009 in Tech

 LaCie is the best designed coffin you can put a harddrive into.

Tech Rant du Jour: Once upon of time LaCie made reliable external harddrives that looked great on your desktop. Sadly for yours truly that day came to an end today when not one, but two of my LaCie Porsche model drives went to heaven. The odd thing is that both were different models from different years. With some luck and skill and I was able to salvage one, but the other may be history. So that other may learn from my mistakes here’s what I learned today: Read more…



Mark Cuban Taunts Techies With an Online Video Timetable

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 3, 2009 in Tech

Mark CubanThis above video from the Web 2.0 Summit was given the sensational title TV and Movies Still Trump Online Video but I think that oversimplifies a bit much what Mark Cuban is saying. First the key word to focus in on is the word “still” which is the truth if you’re in online video. Because it’s still a medium that’s in the shadow of traditional media. This reflects the world that I work in where even after all of these years online video is the tail and cable TV is still the dog. Read more…



Viral Video Maker Mocked by His Apathetic Cat

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 2, 2009 in Tech

Keyboard CatNo I didn’t swipe that headline from The Onion: The subtle genius of this video is that it’s the perfect “man bites dog story” and speaks volumes about social media — if you’re willing to look under the surface. I’m a big believer that humor actually can sometimes tell us more about what’s going on than a straight news story: And this is why I always make it a point to never ignore what Loren Feldman has to say about the tech scene. Read more…



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