Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 28, 2014 in Fandom, Videogames

Basketball trick shot videos and, well, trick shot videos in general have been incredibly popular — because hey — it’s fun to see people do crazy things dramatically. But suffice to say, they’ve kind of gotten a little long in the tooth, so what if someone gave it a twist? And by a “twist” I mean putting a Portal gun in it. Corridor Digital have created a silly video featuring two scientists dunking with the aid of a Portal gun, bro-ing it up with high-fives and screaming at the camera, just like you’d expect. Check out the video below, then imagine using a Portal gun for your own “sick dunks.” Read more…
Tags: Portal, Portal 2
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 27, 2014 in Videogames

Star Citizen continues to lumber along with it’s ridiculous amount of crowdfunded money and collection of alpha and beta modules. Who knows if it will ever be the game it promises to be, but it’s been a fascinating journey so far. I sure hope it all works out. The latest two videos from Roberts Space Industries are a dubstep-infused trailer and another fake advertisement for a new ship, the Consolidated Outland Mustang. Or, you know, the Mustang, as everyone will probably call it. It’s more of a single-pilot craft, armed to the teeth and very stylish with lots of hard angles. Check out both videos below for lots of accents and “epic” scenes. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 26, 2014 in Videogames

Every year, Valve puts out a holiday update for Team Fortress 2, usually with a bunch of goodies and sometimes new gameplay additions. This year, they’re keeping in that trend and releasing three new weapons (two for Demoman and one multi-class item for Heavy, Solider, Pyro, and Engie), along with something really neat: a beta game mode. This new mode is called Mannpower, a CTF variant that features power-ups and grappling hooks. Yes, you read that right: every player has a grappling hook that will be able to help them traverse the map. It’s suitably silly and fun, and you can play it right away in game without any beta-participation shenanigans. Check out the full update details here. Read more…
Tags: Team Fortress
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 25, 2014 in Tech, Television, Videogames

Sony and Samsung may be rivals in the TV business, but apparently that won’t stop them from trying to make more profit together. PlayStation Now is coming to Samsung Smart TVs in the US and Canada. The service, which allows streaming rentals of PS3 games (and hopefully PS1 and PS2 games down the line), will be made available in the first half of 2015. Samsung TVs don’t have the horsepower to render PS3 games, but that doesn’t matter, because all the processing is done on Sony’s side and streamed to the TV. All Samsung owners need to buy is a DualShock 4 controller (since, you know, TVs don’t normally come with controllers). Now if only Sony would adjust PlayStation Now prices to be more attractive, because I’d rather buy the game for cheap than bother with the overpriced rentals. Read more…
Tags: PlayStation 3, Samsung, Sony
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 25, 2014 in Anime, Videogames

So far, all the games that use Amiibo, the Skylanders-like toys that unlock in-game bonuses, are published by Nintendo. But the upcoming One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X for 3DS will be the first third-party game to include Amiibo support. The toys will unlock costumes for the various fighters that transform them into the same Nintendo characters. So tapping the Mario Amiibo will give main character Luffy a Mario outfit. These aren’t simple reskins, but fully-designed costumes that look more creative than I’d expect. The trailer below shows off the Smash Bros.-like fighting action, with the Amiibo details showing up near the end. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Amiibo, New 3DS, One Piece
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 24, 2014 in Videogames

For a small company, Atlus is usually pretty good at rewarding fans who buy their games at launch. Like many previous games, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2, a 3DS update to the original DS game, will include a bonus. All pre-order and first-run copies will come bundled with a soundtrack CD; it’s not clear if the disc is a full soundtrack or just a music sampler, but either way, it’s a nice freebie for fans. And considering Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker comes with pretty much double the content of the original release, anyone buying this is getting a great deal.
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Tags: 3DS, Atlus, shin megami tensei
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 24, 2014 in Videogames

Yakuza feels like Sega’s obligation in the West. The games don’t sell that hot, they’re certainly niche, but damn if they are not interesting games with a dedicated fanbase. But it seems like fans have to fight tooth and nail for every release to get translated. (Case in point: 2012’s Yakuza 5 is just getting a translation in Q3 2015.) Most spin-offs or merchandise are destined to remain in Japan. So forgive me for talking about these awesome limited edition Yakuza Zero PS4s when we likely won’t ever see them in the US or Europe. They come in glacier white or jet black, with the choice of a tattoo design from protagonists Kazuma Kiryu (above) or Mashima Goro. PS4s are region-free, so if you feel like importing one, be prepared to part with ¥41,980 on March 12. Read more…
Tags: PS4, Sega, Yakuza
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 23, 2014 in Videogames

Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been plagued by bugs since launch, mostly affecting players’ ability to play online matches. To be fair, the multiplayer, which mixes in modes from different Halo games, is ambitious; but at the end of the day, the game should be working. As an apology to fans, 343 Industries is giving out several freebies for anyone who has played online between launch and December 19. While one free month of Xbox Live Gold, an exclusive in-game nameplate, and an exclusive avatar are small gifts, the other gifts will take more time. Based on fan requests, 343 plans to remaster Halo 3: ODST‘s campaign (despite Master Chief not appearing in it) and give it to the players for free. Read more…
Tags: Halo, Microsoft, Xbox One
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 21, 2014 in Videogames

Road trip! Road trip? There’s a fair amount of driving going on in Final Fantasy XV, but of course, there’s plenty of the “fantasy” stuff that you know and love too. There’s some story bits here, gameplay footage, and both English and Japanese versions of the trailer. I’m impressed they got voice actors set up this early, but hey, maybe the game is further along than expected. I’m also impressed by the visuals on display here. I hope that the final product runs well in addition to being stunning graphics-wise. There’s also a demo on the way in the near future! Check out both English and Japanese versions of the trailer below and take your pick! Read more…
Tags: Final Fantasy
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 20, 2014 in Videogames

Miyamoto has been a spree recently, doing hype interviews for the holiday season and getting folks excited for Nintendo and their latest product: Amiibos. If you’ve been following the Amiibo story (or, even worse, trying to collect them all), you probably know that several Amiibos have already become nearly impossible to find, with no reprints or restocks in sight (Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, and Villager are the main culprits here). Prepare to pay $50 and up if you want them now! However, Miyamoto did mention in a recent AP interview that Nintendo has a way to cover this problem: trading cards. “[…] we have the option, if certain Amiibo figures are no longer available in stores, to release an Amiibo in card form with the same functionality.” This way, you can still get the unlocks and in-game content an Amiibo provides… but without the cool action figure part. Well, it’s something, I suppose. Read more…
Tags: Amiibo, Shigeru Miyamoto
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 19, 2014 in Videogames

Uh, ok. File this one away in weird news: Notch, the creator of Minecraft, has bought an enormous mansion in Beverly Hills for $70 million. Why? Because he can. I mean, the place has a built-in candy dispensary! It’s the most that’s ever been paid for a house in Beverly Hills, making it a record-setting sale, as well. Had you ever considered we’d be hearing about this kind of excess in the video game industry… from the creator of Minecraft? Notch seems like a pretty chill guy, all said, though. You could host some pretty intense game jams, there, couldn’t you? Check out the property’s branded website for more images and if you want to dream a little. Read more…
Tags: Minecraft, Notch
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 19, 2014 in Videogames

It’s that time of the year, and Steam has officially begun their holiday sale. This’ll be running from now until January 2nd, with new deals each day. If you haven’t been around for a Steam sale in the past, always wait for a game you want to show up on the daily deal, as that’s where it’ll be cheapest. Voting in community choice polls and buying sale items will net you holiday cards with adorable little elves on them, which can create a 2014 Holiday Badge for your Steam profile. Anything to get you to spend more money, eh? Check it out here! Read more…
Tags: Steam
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 18, 2014 in Videogames

It may be a niche series outside of Japan, but that doesn’t mean Western Disgaea fans will miss out on the next entry. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance is headed to North America and Europe in Fall 2015. The game is exclusive to PS4, but with a few exceptions, it’s always been a PlayStation exclusive, so no surprise there. Unlike the last game, which brought back characters from the first game, this one once again has an all-new cast. The game is temporarily listed without a subtitle in Europe, so it’s possible the game may receive a different or no subtitle when it eventually releases. Either way, expect quirky dialogue and ridiculously-high numbers as with previous Nippon Ichi games. Read more…
Tags: Disgaea, Nippon Ichi, PS4
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 17, 2014 in Videogames

When Grand Theft Auto V launched in 2013, the heists in the main game were praised as one of the best aspects of the game. However, they weren’t present in Grand Theft Auto Online, the multiplayer mode. The game has been rereleased on PS4 and Xbox One, but the heists still aren’t in. But they’re coming! And despite the long delays — reportedly due to how implementing them in a fun, online way was much more complex than expected — Rockstar is clearly poking fun at themselves and their fans at the start of this trailer. Maybe it’ll all be worth it when they finally arrive as a free update for all versions of the game in early 2015. Read more…
Tags: Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 17, 2014 in Videogames

If you’ve already run out of stuff to do in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, take note: the first DLC expansion is now available for $9.99 (or as part of the season pass). The Lord of the Hunt adds more beasts to ride, as well as new quests, nemeses, and other bits. It seems to take place in a separate mode than the main game, but that could possibly work to its advantage. And there’s a new skin to dress Talion in, so use that to cover up his stupid face. Read more…
Tags: Lord of the Rings, Warner Brothers
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 16, 2014 in Videogames

Though Final Fantasy Versus XIII was reannounced for PS4/Xbox One and renamed Final Fantasy XV back in 2013, it’s still not ready for release. Who knows when this game is actually coming out? I’d say that 2015 looks to be a safe bet, but considering that the game was announced long ago in 2006, there’s honestly no telling when it will be done. This latest trailer is basically the trailer from this year’s TGS, but with new, English voices. There’s nothing really wrong with the voices, and it’s hard to get a read on them in a short trailer. But whatever happened to the people in charge of Final Fantasy XII’s fabulous localization? Even if this game didn’t have British accents, it would help elevate the usual localization. Read more…
Tags: Final Fantasy, square enix
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 16, 2014 in Videogames

The generation of remasters continues — not that I think that’s a bad thing, mind you. (It’s always a good thing when old games, even more recent old games, are kept available on newer systems.) Capcom has announced that on March 17, 2015, it will release DmC: Definitive Edition on PS4 and Xbox One for $39.99. The port of Ninja Theory’s Devil May Cry reboot will feature enhanced graphics (running at 1080p and 60fps), all previously released DLC, a bunch of new difficulty modes (many of which can be combined with other difficulty options), and other additional content. But for those who still can’t get over the changes to their precious Dante, Capcom is also planning to release Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition in Summer 2015, also on PS4 and Xbox One. Read more…
Tags: Capcom, Devil May Cry, PS4, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 11, 2014 in Videogames

Square Enix had previously expressed interest in broadening Theatrhythm Final Fantasy to other franchises they own, like Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts. So after having no need of further Final Fantasy music collections after the last Theatrhythm, it just makes sense to see Square Enix announce Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. As with the past two Theatrhythm games, this one’s on 3DS, with a release date of March 26, 2015 in Japan. As usual, we don’t yet know if this will be localized for other countries; Theatrhythm has done well in the US, but Dragon Quest has a much smaller fanbase here, with Square Enix often declining to localize both major and minor entries alike. If they do release it outside of Japan, I’d say to pick it up right away, as there’s no telling if the game would perform well enough to justify a sequel like the first Theatrhythm.
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Tags: Dragon Quest, square enix
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 10, 2014 in Videogames

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse launched on 3DS this fall, but was delayed on Wii U. However, a tweet from developer WayForward states that the game is in final testing at Nintendo of America. He thinks a 2014 may still be possible, which would be great for those who get a Wii U for Christmas to play. Hopefully it happens, but in the meantime, here’s the latest Wii U trailer. Enjoy those pretty sprites, because the next Shantae game, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, is using hand-drawn 2D graphics instead of traditional sprites. It’s still pretty in its own way, but it’s not the same. Read more…
Tags: Shantae, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 10, 2014 in Videogames

So Paul McCartney wrote a song for Bungie’s Destiny, since he worked on the soundtrack for the game. It’s called “Hope for the Future,” and it’s the ending song for the game. It is a bad, generic song about wanting a better tomorrow, but it can get worse. There’s now this official music video, and it’s really bad. Ghost projects a hologram of McCartney singing the song and just looking ridiculous, as Guardians sit and listen for some reason, while the rest of the imagery tries its best to sell the game. If I didn’t already pass on buying Destiny, this certainly wouldn’t have helped persuade me. Read more…
Tags: Destiny, Music, music videos
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2014 in Videogames

The Playstation Experience 2014 also featured the debut of a new trailer for No Man’s Sky. This game has been a bit of an enigma, promising incredible worlds and tons of space to explore, all randomly generated and unique to each player. It’s a pretty bold statement, if you’re a AAA developer, and Hello Games (makers of No Man’s Sky) employ 10 people. So it’s definitely going to be impressive if they pull off all that they’re promising. Visually, it looks pretty good, with lots of neon colors and bright, saturated skies. And spaceships! It all tickles my sci-fi bone, I just hope they can deliver. I want nothing more than for this game to succeed! Read more…
Tags: No Man's Sky, PS4
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2014 in Videogames

At Sony’s Playstation Experience, they pulled out all the stops. Lots of great games to play, see, and announce (of course). One of the biggest items shown that evening was gameplay footage of Uncharted 4, featuring Drake jumping across rocky cliffs and shooting up a bunch of enemies. I’ve enjoyed the Uncharted series in the past, but I’ve grown a bit tired of it since 3. I would prefer more adventuring than shooting, mainly. There’s a lot of cool things going on in this gameplay trailer, especially the gorgeous graphics, but I basically tuned out once gunfire started going off. The new grappling hook does look like a lot of fun, though! Check it out below. Read more…
Tags: PS4, Uncharted
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 7, 2014 in Videogames

Fullbright, the impeccable group of people behind Gone Home, one of 2013’s best games, period. Critics derisively called it a “walking simulator” due to its focus on story rather than immediate game play feedback, but I found its methodical pace and realized area (an empty house you explore) incredibly compelling. At The Game Awards, Fullbright teased their next project, titled Tacoma. The teaser trailer doesn’t show much, and the game isn’t scheduled to arrive until 2016, but I’m already intrigued, as the plot appears to be about a woman exploring some sort of space station or base. More space games is always good in my book! Read more…
Tags: Fullbright, Tacoma
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 7, 2014 in Videogames

Surprising just about everyone, Nintendo brought several big announcements and trailers to Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards. They’re really opening up, aren’t they? At the TGAs, Nintendo showed off new Mario Maker footage, a new Project S.T.E.A.M. trailer, and lastly, brand new footage of the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U (and Miyamoto casually confirms that Star Fox will arrive before it in 2015). This new footage finally gives us an in-game look at the world, and it looks very impressive. It’s still pretty early though (those copy-pasted trees), but with a year left to go, I’m certain we’ll see even more amazing visuals once it’s out. Big props to Nintendo for showing a game this early! Check out the footage below. Read more…
Tags: Legend of Zelda, Wii U