Brock Baker Dubs Star Wars

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 28, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars

YouTube voice-over extraordinaire Brock Baker recently uploaded his abridged dub for Star Wars: Episode IV. It’s mostly silly, but hilarious at times and definitely not safe for work. While I chuckled here and there throughout, nothing really beats his Chewbacca. I’m not sure why it’s so good, and I’m not even sure you’ll love it too, but I can promise it’s not what you’d expect. Still, he must be doing something right because after 8,200 people “liked” the video, he only managed to rack up 150 “dislikes.” Most impressive, considering the material. If you dig it, check out his YouTube Channel for more.

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Watch Someone Fix the Phantom Menace in 12 Minutes

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 26, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars


I saw this video on Topless Robot earlier and simply had to share: one guy at Belated Media shares his way of fixing Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. He makes a fair amount of tweaks to the story – some minor and silly, others incredibly astute. But he shares the opinion of the Clone Wars creators that Darth Maul should’ve lived, something I strongly agree with. Check out the full video below the break! Read more…



Zelda Hylian Shield Earrings Won’t Protect Your Ears

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 19, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


Ever wished you could hang the Hylian Family Crest on your ears? Or maybe a metal shield? Thankfully, these satisfy both requirements but won’t weigh as much as a real shield: Hylian shield earrings! The fantastically-named Bohemian Craftsody has created a bundle of cute Hylian shields in several different form factors. Not up for dangle earrings? There are stud versions available, as well as a ring or pin version. Check them out! Read more…



World of Warcraft Addiction: The Definitive Documentary

Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 6, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames

A Documentary on World of Warcraft Addiction

IRL – In Real Life is a warmhearted look at one fanboy’s journey from being a non-stop World of Warcraft addict to getting a real life. What I loved about this film is that it’s a video diary of how one fan fall in love with game — leaves his non-virtual friends behind — meets the fangurl of his dreams — is then dumped by the fangurl of his dreams — and then, well here is the result: Read more…



Tap-Dance Version of the Super Mario World Theme? Sure

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 5, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


The Mario Bros. theme song has been done over and over again by every instrument ever (even banana). In fact, most Mario songs have received this treatment, including the Super Mario World theme, so you have to be really unique to stand out now. The latest? Tap-dancing! Scott Bradlee takes to the piano while his buddy Alex McDonald taps out the rhythm to one of the catchiest game tunes, giving us a short and sweet tribute to Mario. Classy! Read more…

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Captain America Seems a Bit More Violent in LEGO Form

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 4, 2012 in Fandom


ForrestFireFilms is back with a new stop-motion LEGO short film, and this time it features Captain America beating the crap out of some Nazis – and then some. The violence here is just ridiculously over-the-top and gory, with LEGO minifigs being shot point-blank in the face, sliced in half, and… well, I’ll let you see what else happens yourself. Let’s just leave it at this: this is not your usual LEGO film. Great work Forrest! Read more…

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The Doctor’s Leaving London Next Month

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 31, 2012 in Dr. Who, Fandom

Doctor Who Experience

For anyone visiting or living in London, the clock is ticking for the Doctor Who Experience. The exhibit will be closing its doors next month, but before that happens, they’ve planned several special events leading up to the last day. On Saturday, February 11th, series choreographer Ailsa Berk will be on hand offering lessons on how to move like your favorite aliens from the show. That following Monday, the effects team responsible for sculpting some of the show’s fearsome creatures will show off some of their techniques. Read more…



Entire Star Trek TNG Cast to Reunite at Calgary Expo

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 30, 2012 in Fandom, Star Trek

Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1 Cast

I know it’s a few months off, but Calgary Expo made a huge announcement yesterday. This April, the entire principal cast will be appearing at Calgary Expo in Alberta, Canada. It’s a bit of a huge deal for fans, as its been over two decades since the cast appeared together at such an event. I imagine the impending release of Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Next Level, and the show’s 25th Anniversary might be the reason they’ve agreed to it.

Nevertheless, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some of you, and if anyone is hoping to be attend from abroad, I suggest getting your passport in order as soon as possible. Depending on where you are, the approval process can be lengthy and its always better safe than sorry. For more information on the event, check out the Calgary Expo website. Star Trek: The Next Genertaion – The Next Level hits stores this week and for those of you who ordered your copy through Amazon, it should already be in the mail, so expect your packages as early as Monday or Tuesday.

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A Space Invaders Valentine’s Gift for Your Special Someone

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 29, 2012 in Fandom


Check out these awesome necklaces from Land of Rapture, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Yeah, that’s coming up soon, and chances are you’re going to want to get a special something for your special someone. So how about this cute Space Invaders Heart cameo? I’m sure there’s some clever joke about Space Invading your heart or something along those lines hidden somewhere. Space Invaders not your thing? Try Doctor Who, R2D2, or Portal! There’s a little bit of everything on their site. Read more…



Star Wars Uncut, For Fans by Fans

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 26, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars

It’s been nearly two years since I first wrote about Star Wars Uncut, the full-length feature consisting entirely of 15 second homemade clips in an attempt to recreate Episode IV: A New Hope as it was meant to be told, complete with campy acting and low-budget special effects. Personally I found the film to be equally hilarious, and painful to watch, but the very concept remains brilliant.  Recently, director Casey Pugh made a special directors cut available to stream online in its entirety. Funny, you’d think a film touting itself as being “uncut,” would, by definition, be the directors cut — I wonder how that works.  You can watch it here, but for more information on the project, check out their official site here. Read more…

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Duck Hunt Tie Needs to Be Mass-Produced

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 20, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


Now this is a pretty great looking tie, and it’s gaming-related. How often do those cross? It’s not too overdone, but still geeky in the right ways. Maya Pixelskaya recently posted this fantastic Duck Hunt-themed tie on her web site as well as Ebay for sale. Sadly, this tie is one-of-a-kind so you’ll have to out-bid everyone else if you really want it. Only 2 days left to bid! That said, this tie looks good enough for mass-production, so let’s get that rolling – please? Read more…

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Bronycon II: A First Hoof Account of My Little Pony Fandom

Posted by Joe Strike on Jan 16, 2012 in Animation, Fandom

Bronycon II

Talk about growth spurts. Close to 900 people crowded into a midtown Manhattan hotel ballroom at last weekend’s Bronycon II, vs. perhaps 1/3 that number at its September predecessor. The new venue – a long corridor and ballroom at NYC’s Hotel Pennsylvania (the fading epitome of 1940’s swank) – might’ve been bigger than the Chinatown loft where the September con was held, but was nonetheless instantly overcrowded. After one made their way past the undermanned registration desk, the next bottleneck to brave was a narrow doorway leading to the ballroom. (When you have dealer’s tables, an autograph line and random attendees all trying to occupy the same space at the time, traffic can’t help but gum up a bit.) Read more…



Darth Vader Helmet Art Contest to Benefit Charity

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 15, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars

Luke, buy this helmet...

You may remember me mentioning an awesome Skeletor/Darth Vader mask a while back. It was part of’s Vader Helmet Art Contest, and guess what? Now you have a chance to own it, or one of many other fantastic Vader helmets that are going up for auction. 24 artists were selected to create a custom Darth Vader helmet, and on February 7th, they’ll go up for auction on HalloweenCostume’s site. All proceeds will be going to the Midwest Art Catalyst and The Miracle League of North Mankato. Click through for a gallery of some of the helmets! Read more…

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Modern Day Skyrim Adventurers Still the Same As In the Past

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 13, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


Some things never change. The internet will always create parody videos of pop culture, and some of them end up being funny, too! And in this video, Skyrim is still the same in the year 2012. Sure, technology has advanced, but pickpocketing and placing baskets on people’s heads are still the preferred way of doing business, apparently. I’ll let the the Gro Pro Bros explain. Read more…



The Sonic Screwdriver Mark VI

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 10, 2012 in Dr. Who, Fandom

Sonic Screwdriver Mark VI t-shirt

Every once in awhile, I come across a TeeFury design that I just can’t pass up. More often than not, they relate to Doctor Who, due to the lack of awesome Doctor Who merchandise we get here in the States. For example, today’s design features an beautiful ad for the Sonic Screwdriver Mark VI, which you might recognize as the model used by Tennant and Eccleston throughout the 2005-2009 seasons. While I love how classy it looks, especially against that background, I’m not so sure I’d look good in it — cream really isn’t my color. Girls, on the other hand, will luck out with a white alternative. Why only two colors? Great question. All I know is that the shirt will only be on sale for the next 24 hours, so if you really want one, don’t wait.

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Droids Have Feelings Too!

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 8, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars

Probe Droid Art Print

Ever wonder if droids felt things too? In the touchy-feely way? Paperbeatscissors, aka Chris Gerringer, wondered that too and recently made a series of 8 prints featuring iconic Star Wars droids and some thoughtful type. These are pretty unique, and I love the solid bright, saturated colors. Looking for something a little more introspective to hang on your wall? These might be the ticket. Read more…

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Hyperion Battle Cruiser from Starcraft II Recreated in LEGO Form

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 7, 2012 in Fandom, Videogames


What have you been doing for the past 6 months? Working? Saving? Well Sven Junga has been building an enormous replica of the Hyperion battle cruiser from Starcraft II. In my opinion? Totally worth it. It’s incredibly detailed, all the way down to the small windows on the front. Tons of “greebles” (the LEGO builder term for the small technical details all over the surface of the ship) cover the body of the vessel to help make it look authentic. Amazing job, Sven. Read more…

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Feel Like a Jedi Knight With This Skywalker Coat of Arms Shirt

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 1, 2012 in Fandom, Star Wars


Looking for another quirky t-shirt for your already large collection? 6amCrisis brings us an excellent Star Wars shirt with a great coat of arms design featuring the most important members of the Skywalker family. Some might ask where Padme is – to them I respond: who? Ok, joking aside, this is a pretty great shirt, and a nice plus is you can choose which color you prefer. You can also get it as an iPhone case or baby’s clothing (huh?). Check his redbubble profile for more awesome work! Read more…

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Fan Gives Wrath of Khan a CG Makeover

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 27, 2011 in Fandom, Star Trek

It might not be the same quality you’d expect from a major studio like Pixar, but this is worth checking out. Using a mix of CG and footage from the original film, YouTube user Mylex67 recently tried his hand at recreating some of the battle sequences from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. While it’s my instinct to complain about the lack of accuracy, he notes that the clip is not meant to be a shot for shot recreation, but rather just an alternate take on the battle in the Mutara nebula from the film. Needless to say, I’m a bit impressed, and I hope there’s more to come.

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Why Didn’t I Think of That: Portal Christmas Tree

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 25, 2011 in Fandom

Portal Christmas Tree

Here’s a little treat for your Christmas morning: Reddit user Tmyakal took his artificial tree and with a little cleverness, gave it some pizzaz. I might have to steal this idea for myself next year. Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you endure any more Portal jokes. I only have one question: where do the presents go? Read more…

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Combine Minecraft and Skyrim? Sure, Why Not!

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 24, 2011 in Fandom, Videogames

skyrim minecraft header

If you’re looking for a recipe for internet success, face it, you’ve been beat. Avemagnadude created a trailer that combines the two most popular video games this holiday season: Minecraft and Skyrim. Using a combination of in-game footage from Minecraft and custom CGI he recreated the Skyrim trailer in all it’s glory, and also brought to a conclusion this whole silly Mojang vs. Skyrim silliness. It’s really quite stylish, although the name ‘Minerim’ doesn’t exactly sound too pleasing. Click through for the full video. Read more…

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Watch The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Sweded, Still Can’t Understand Bane

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 24, 2011 in Fandom


There’s a certain charm to “sweded” versions of films. Adding a dash of home-made ingenuity in trying to recreate big-budget scenes along with a little bit of child-like fun makes for entertaining videos. Dumb Drum recently created their own version of the Dark Knight Rises trailer that’s been hyped up quite a bit recently. There are some fairly creative bits in here, especially with the zoom out of the Batman logo and the football stadium! Click through to check it out. Read more…

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Last Minute Stocking-Stuffers for Geeks

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 22, 2011 in Fandom

R2D2 Ice Cubes

Being a geek myself, I’ve received my fair share of Geek-themed stocking-stuffers over the years. Some have been awesome, and others not so much, so I’ve decided to throw together some quick suggestions for those of you in a rush. Don’t worry, we’re all guilty of a little procrastination every once in awhile.

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Who Doesn’t Want to be a Jedi Ninja?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 19, 2011 in Fandom, Star Wars

This falls into that category of “too cool not to post.” Ever want to see a bunch of Jedi ninjas battle to the death? Well, thanks to directors James Mark, Justin Lovell, you’ll get to. Featuring the martial arts performance squad Team 2X, this awesome short aims to recreate some of the stylized lightsaber combat featured in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It’s very reminiscent of those over-the-top lightsaber battles from the latest trilogy, but you have to admit those lightsaber duels were probably the best part of the films. Be sure to watch the clip all the way through, as there’s a pretty funny reveal around two minutes and twenty seconds in.

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