Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 16, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Evan Daugherty is slowly crawling his way up in Hollywood, writing films like Snow White and the Huntsman and the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. His most recent project was directing and writing 4 shorts that were a gritty reinterpretation of Super Mario Bros. Yes, I know. Roll your eyes, as this has been done many times already by many other people. Daugherty definitely comes away with some differences though, especially in Toad’s video which feels heavily inspired by Guillermo del Toro’s monsters for Toad’s design. Mario and Luigi’s videos are equally interesting and silly, but Peach’s definitely feels like it’s all over the place. Still, it’s a fascinating attempt, and I did really like Toad’s film. Check out all four below! Read more…
Tags: Mario Brothers, Short Films
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 20, 2013 in Fandom

Is Batman really that great of a superhero? Or is he better than Superman? Sure he might not have any special powers, but at least he’s not wearing his underwear on the outside, right? Well, Zack Snyder ditched those anyway, so no worries! Anyway, Pete Holmes’ Batman is a little bit of a jerk. Ok, maybe he’s a really big jerk. His Batman parody videos are the only ones I’ve really enjoyed, but maybe it’s just the dumb voice and lip movements he does. If you want to see how “Badman” behaves when he meets the Man of Steel, just click through. Read more…
Tags: Batman, Comedy, Superman
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 19, 2013 in Fandom

Here’s a great little video for your weekend: HELL NO. It’s a faux trailer for your typical horror film… expect the people in it are sensible. That terrifying house? Yeah, let’s not spend a week there. Especially with no cell phone signal. There’s a monster in the water? Ok. Let’s not go in the water — problem solved! There’s a couple clever jokes in there that made me chuckle. But it makes me want to see what would happen if we got a horror film with people who actually weren’t written like complete idiots. Maybe there’s one I’ve missed out there? Watch the video below! Read more…
Tags: Horror
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 18, 2013 in Fandom

The Bad Lip-Reading guys are at it again — and this time they’ve taken Game of Thrones, rearranged its scenes, and dubbed it over, turning it into a trailer for a fictional film in which Ned has to save a medieval fair. Yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds, and since they have to match the words to the character’s lips, sound really weird things are said (although they pan away enough to make things seem coherent). There’s also some pretty creative editing and added-in props in the world to make it seem like a renaissance fair. That extended fart joke at the end, though… that might’ve been unnecessary. Read more…
Tags: Game of Thrones
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 13, 2013 in Fandom

New York Comic Con 2013 is in full swing and there is cosplay everywhere! If you look carefully in this photo essay you find a Miley Cyrus cosplayer in between the usual comic book and anime favorites. Photos by Christian Liendo: Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 11, 2013 in Anime, Comic Books, Fandom

It’s time of year in New York City and as usual the Javits Center is packed with fans at this year’s New York Comic Con. This collection of cosplay photos is by Christian Liendo: Read more…
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 21, 2013 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

Talk about cool – Volpin Props, the dude responsible for tons of crazy awesome replicas (which you can see on his site), was commissioned by Tested to make a replica of a Needler from Halo. Of all the guns from Halo, I always found the Needler to be one of the most distinctive weapons, and it looks great in physical form as well. In the video below are roughly 1400 pictures of the process behind making this piece. And if you want to see the in-depth step-by-step blog about it, check out Tested. Now, if only I could make things like this… Read more…
Tags: Halo, volpin props
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

If there’s an electronic device with a display, someone is going to try to get Doom, the landmark 1993 FPS game, running on it. An everyday piano isn’t even electronic, and yet someone has tried to get Doom running on it — with the help of a monitor, of course. The different sets of keys perform different tasks, as labeled above. It doesn’t look easy to control (I’m not sure that I’d be able to finish the first level), but for novelty sake, it’s amusing. And hey, the cacophonous notes seem almost fitting! Read more…
Tags: Doom, Music
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 17, 2013 in Dr. Who, Fandom

In 2011, I began a journey to watch through every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the very first episode in 1963 and even including fan-reconstructions of missing episodes. I still haven’t quite finished it — I just got to the Sixth Doctor! — but I could have saved myself a lot of time by visiting an upcoming show in Sydney, Australia. Comedian Patrick “Doublethreat” Magee has created a show he calls “Every Episode of Doctor Who Ever Live on Stage,” which is pretty self-explanatory. That means he’s condensing 798 episodes into a one-hour show! Read more…
Tags: Doctor Who
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 16, 2013 in Fandom, Television

The Mortal Kombat web series is a pretty unique success. Rarely do you seem game-based videos that not only look good but also translate the material well. While nothing is perfect, Mortal Kombat: Legacy was one of the most impressive online shows around. And now, they’re back for season 2. Mortal Kombat: Legacy II will continue the story, but you’ll also get to see it all at once! Taking a page from Netflix, Machinima is releasing all the episodes simultaneously so if you’re a binge viewer, you’re in luck. Check out the trailer below, and get ready for the series debut on September 26th. Read more…
Tags: Mortal Kombat
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 6, 2013 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

I think in the future, everything will be made out of LEGOs. Not just our silly online videos recreating a movie trailer or the crazy space ships from our favorite films, but LEGOs will form everything. Our cars, our buildings, the air we breathe, maybe even your children will be LEGOs. It’s really the only path I see towards the future. So the first step is to recreate everything from the past with LEGO bricks first — starting with Thriller. Annette Jung has created the opening scene of Michael Jackson’s iconic music video, Thriller. I’m gonna bet it took a long time to make this, because it looks amazing. Read more…
Tags: Lego, Michael Jackson
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 17, 2013 in Cinema, Fandom

This video calls itself 8-bit, but trust me, this is way closer to 16-bit than 8. Now with that out of the way, feel free to check out this cool video from CineFix that takes the world of Blade Runner and transposes it into a video game. Well, a video game with lots of dialogue. There’s not a lot of action, instead it adapts iconic scenes from the film into simple vignettes made from pixels. I’d be interested in seeing some of these scenes laid out as hi-res wallpapers, too. Check out the video below! Read more…
Tags: Blade Runner
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 13, 2013 in Comic Books, Fandom, Television

Arrested Development is about a dysfunctional family and the way they bounce off of each other’s mistakes and schemes. So it’s natural to extend that same metaphor to a messed up family of gods — in this case, Marvel’s Asgardians. In this fan video, Thor, Loki, and Odin are mixed with scenes and lines from Arrested Development to create a funny look at this strange royal family. Take a look! Read more…
Tags: arrested development, fan videos, Marvel, thor
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 13, 2013 in Fandom, Star Trek, Television

Last night’s Breaking Bad Season 5.5 premiere — the second half of the final season — was a tantalizing look into where the rest of the season could go. But we’re not here to talk about that, we’re here to talk about a comedic scene that helped break the tension in the middle of the episode. There are no storyline spoilers here, so those with spoiler-conscious constitutions can safely watch, though I suppose hearing this scene out of context could spoil the surprise if you wanted to go in completely cold. Regardless, if I hadn’t seen the episode last night, I’d have been okay with watching this animated version of the scene. Read more…
Tags: fan videos, Star Trek
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 4, 2013 in Animation, Fandom

I’m gonna bet Pixar playing cards already exist. But you know what? They’re probably nowhere near as classy as these, by Chris Anderson. He has put together a very nice looking set of retro-style, 3 color playing cards focusing on Pixar’s various films. Emblazoned with the Pixar lamp on the front and the Toy Story ball on the back, these would be a fitting coffee table item in anyone’s home. I really love his renditions Remy and Woody – and they all fit together in a nice wooden carrying case. Pixar? Contact Chris and make these real. I’d buy these in a heartbeat. Check out more images below the jump and on his website! Read more…
Tags: Pixar, playing cards
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 25, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Sometimes fans do crazy things. This time, it concerns Kanye “Yeezus” West. They’re making Kanye Quest 3030, a PC game made in RPG Maker VX that sends Kanye West through a wormhole to a future ruled by Lil B, The Based God, another rapper. To get back, Kanye West must fight and team up with clones of other rappers like 2Pac, Jay Z, Eminem, and more. Battles play out in RPG style, with rappers dissing each other to do damage. It’s as ridiculous older fan-RPG Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, but I’d imagine this one depends more on a love of hip-hop. Still, it’s worth checking out the trailer below, or grabbing the free PC download here. Read more…
Tags: Music, RPG
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2013 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

If you were a child of the late 70s chances are that you may have owned at least one or two books in the Terran Trade Authority series. These coffee-table books were crammed with amazing spaceship art from the Star Wars era all illustrated with airbrushing and too much detail! This amazing fan video shown below shows a 3D take on this beloved classic. Sadly I was reading that the books are out of print and there are no plans to republish them. Read more…
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 26, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

I love vintage travel posters. I also love Pokemon. So how would it look if vintage travel posters tried to entice travelers into visiting locations in Kanto, the region of Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow? Something like this, I’d imagine. A storefront called Little Pixel Posters has designed such posters, and I want to decorate a room with some of these. It’s a shame you can’t actually visit, but with the way vintage travel posters inspire the imagination for a given city or country, this is the next best thing. Well, besides playing the games and exploring the region virtually. That’s always good too. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Pokémon
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 18, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Announcing new characters in a Super Smash Bros. game is a strange mix of excitement, nostalgia, and a touch of self-mockery. 2008’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl had a very successful website called the Super Smash Bros. Dojo that gave out daily updates on the game, and some of those updates echoed through gaming communities — “Diddy Kong confirmed for Brawl” or “Sonic confirmed for Brawl.” When Nintendo announced some new characters for the upcoming Wii U/3DS entry, they started a new style of character announcements that many fans have already adopted for their favorite or joke characters. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2013 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

Custom shoes are apparently really big, but given that I hardly ever dip my toes in those waters, I usually don’t get a glimpse of that world until something surfaces – like these fantastic custom Nike MAGs, inspired by Iron Man. Looking closer to Iron Man’s actual boots than sneakers, these custom jobs by Mache light up at both the base and the buckle. Since each of his customs are completely unique, sadly there’s no way to get these. If you’re willing to drop some serious cash, though, you could try ordering your own. Check out more images below! Read more…
Tags: Iron Man, sneakers
Posted by Bob Muir on May 22, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

It should go without saying, but this alternate ending to the critically-acclaimed BioShock Infinite is full of spoilers. I’m not even mentioning the title of this video, as it could contain spoilers. I only just finished the game last week, and I’d have been very upset if I saw this. Needless to say though, it’s an interesting take on how differently it could have ended, taking inspiration from The Office and mixing it with a slightly more fast-paced brand of internet humor. Anyone who has completed the game will enjoy seeing the characters in a more relaxed, parodic context. Read more…
Tags: BioShock: Infinite
Posted by Ben Huber on May 20, 2013 in Comic Books, Fandom

Forget the new Spider-Man movie coming out, this is how Spider-Man should really look, right? Well, it’s definitely more impressive since it was made by only one guy, and he detailed the entire process as well! So if you’re a very flexible person, you could fit into this outfit too. MoonSpider does a good job of selling the character with his poses too. Check out a few images below and then take a long journey through the process he went through the make it here, in this photoset. Read more…
Tags: cosplay, Spider-man
Posted by Ben Huber on May 12, 2013 in Fandom

What happens when your drawings fight back? You amp up the stakes! Jonny Lawrence has created a great little video in which “Marker,” his drawing, battles against the “Maker,” a human hand. Obviously it takes a lot of inspiration from Street Fighter, but people have also been enjoying the Master Hand comparisons, from Super Smash Bros. It’s a pretty impressive animation, so check it out below and be sure to look at his other work on his YouTube page. Read more…
Tags: Animation
Posted by Ben Huber on May 4, 2013 in Fandom, Television

Weird dubbed-over lip readings of existing content has been a long-living subset of internet content, pioneered mainly by the brilliant and also terribly NSFW group, Dayjob Orchestra (apple juice!). Now, newer and uh, more “marketable” YouTube channels have come along singing a similar tune. Bad Lip Readings has been doing content like this for a while, but nothing really caught my attention until now, with their latest video which dubs over the Walking Dead. It’s better than the season 3 finale! Although, I guess that’s not saying much. Read more…
Tags: The Walking Dead