The Gundam Café in Akihabara: A Photographic Tour

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 2, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

Gundam Café in Akihabara

Gundam Café in Akihabara opened back in April and is a living shrine of all things Gundam. Shy of traveling to Japan this amazing photo essay by kozika gives you a feeling of what it’s like to hang out there, order dessert, buy some goodies and yes even visit the loo: Read more…

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Darth Vader Shows Off Some Imperial Designer Fashion

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 23, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

John Woo's Star Wars Designer Fashion Illustrations

I wasn’t sure what I should title this post, but I was toying with the idea of calling it Abercrombie and Sith. I’m sure some of you are staring at these fantastic water-colored illustrations and wondering what exactly you’re staring at. Believe me when I say that I’m still kind of wondering about it myself. The various illustrations feature a variety of masked villains from the Star Wars Universe — and Jar Jar, regrettably — posing in designer clothing from labels like Viktor & Rolf, A.P.C., Band of Outsiders, Thom Browne. New York and more. The artist responsible, John Woo, not to be confused with the film maker, is actually quite a talented guy. If you want to check out more of his work — and trust me, you do — visit his website. Read more…

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Sci-Fi Airshow Pays Homage to Our Favorite Ships of the Line

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 23, 2010 in Battlestar Galactica, Fandom

Battle Star Galactica Viper

We’ll probably never have the opportunity to travel back in time to visit the sets of our favorite Sci-Fi movies and TV shows. However, thanks  fanboys like Industrial Light and Magic’s Bill George — who, by the way, has a number of major film credits that including six Star Trek and two Star Wars films — many of the ships and models from those classic series have finally found a home of sorts. George has spent the last several years building a website, the Sci-Fi Airshow, which  preserves many of the vehicles and ships designed over the years using a combination of digital photography and  photoshop. In addition to some fantastic images, he provides semi-fictional accounts of the whereabouts of each ship since their Hollywood debut.  Some of the ships to have been featured include Battlestar Galactica’s Viper and transport shuttle, and 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Orion space plane. Check out the his site for more information, and if you’d like, you can follow his group on FacebookRead more…

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Lose Weight Fast by Fleeing Zombies

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 20, 2010 in Fandom

No, I’m not talking about Left 4 Dead 4 Wii– I’m talking about ZombieFit, a new program at a gym in St. Charles, IL where you basically learn how to be a movie badass by assigning yourself an even harder target: be able to survive a zombie apocalypse. Read more…

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Want to Be the Next Pirate King? You’ll Need a Pair of These First

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

One Piece Jeans 1

It’s so rare for me to come across wearable Otaku-oriented clothing. I use the term wearable in that I’ve seen more than my fair share of lounge shirts plastered with gaudy designs — be it the choice of the color or the anime inspired prints themselves. These jeans, however, are hardly an eye-sore. With the words of Monkey D. Luffy gracing your rear-end, you too can aspire to rule the high seas and collect the ultimate treasure — that is, if you can manage to fit in them. Read more…

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Google Gags Goth Lolita Video

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 14, 2010 in Fandom, Tech

La Carmina

La Carmina is one of my favorite subculture bloggers, so I was a bit upset to see that YouTube had censored one of her videos by claiming that it violated their community guidelines. But I’ll let you be the judge — shown below is her video. Now before you watch this clip I will warn you that there is some fetish footage at the end. However some of you may be a bit disappointed as the model in question is clothed (she’s wearing underwear), and that may be hard to see as the scene is shot in a low light situation: Read more…

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Video Game Syndrome and Boss to Minion Progression

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 12, 2010 in Fandom, Videogames


In certain video games, there’s a phenomenon I’m going to call “Boss to Minion Progression” (or you may know it on TVTropes as Degraded Boss) in which an early level’s boss reappears– weaker, and perhaps a different color –as a regular-occurring baddie in a later level. Nearly every Final Fantasy has had this, along with games like Castlevania, beat-’em-ups like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage, a bunch of the Legend of Zelda games…it’s pretty common. Read more…



A Fanboy Follow-up; Obishawn, the Man Behind the H-Wing

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 10, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

Shawn "Obishawn" Crosby

The other week, we posted some photos of this amazing Star Wars-themed car mod known as the H-Wing. Shortly after that,  I was contacted via Facebook by the man who built it, Shawn “ObiShawn” Crosby, who provided some additional info about the vehicle and his work. ObiShawn works as a toy, prop and game designer, and had constructed the car’s modifications himself — an effort he attributes as the culmination of these interests. So what was it that really impressed me?

Read more…

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Optimus Prime Meets Guan Yu, the Chinese God of War

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 8, 2010 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

Guan Yu Transformer

Some of you might recognize the man above as Guan Yu, the 3rd century General of Shu, who was later deitized as the god of war, and brotherhood. However, I’m sure most of you noticed that he looks an awful lot like a certain Autobot — and not just any Autobot, but the big man himself, Optimus Prime.  Recently, some students at China’s Central Academy Of Fine Arts claim to have created this 9.7 meter monster out parts from an an old truck, costing them roughly $4,500 USD. Supposedly, the only original parts are the face and blade. While I have my doubts, you have to admit that it still looks pretty cool. Now if only someone made a toy out of this, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Read more…

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Custom Iron Man Shoes That Only Tony Stark Could Afford

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 3, 2010 in Comic Books, Fandom

Diversitile Iron Man Custom Shoes

Well, Tony Stark and anyone else who happens to have at least $400 to spend on designer shoes. That’s right, these incredible custom sneakers are currently being auctioned on ebay by Diversitile, a company that just so happens to specialize in, you guessed it, designer footware. The shoes apparently come with built-in arc reactor lights that mimic the designs of the Iron Man and War Machine armor featured in Iron Man 2. Don’t get me wrong, this shoes look absolutely stunning but considering the price, I think I probably buy a pair of Bapes, and have some cash left over and at least I know those would be comfortable.  If you’re interested, check out the ebay listings here, or head over to their official blog for more information. Read more…

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Introducing the H-Wing; the Very First Honda With a Hyperdrive

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 1, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

Star Wars Car Modifcation - H-Wing Front

A few months back, the guys over at Woa2 stumbled across this insane Star Wars themed Honda while attending the Anime L.A. convention. According their post, the car is modeled after an X-wing, though I’m pretty sure the paint job alone looks closer to that of an A-wing — aside from the R2 unit in the back, of course.  The interior of the car is just as impressive, featuring a custom wheel, dashboard, leather interior, a passenger-side computer console, and more. It’s obvious a lot of work went into this. Read more…

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A Tea Sampler That’ll Speak to Your Inner-geek

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 27, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek

Timmy's Tea Sampler

Who hasn’t made a cup of Earl Grey, and imagined themselves ordering it from a replicator? It might not be as instantaneous, but ThinkGeek’s Timmy the Monkey now has his own tea sampler set that features, among others, Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. I’m not even kidding — that’s what they’re actually calling their Earl Grey. It’s even labeled with the iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation typeface. Other flavors include Timmy’s 1UP Jasmine Green, Zombie Blood Orange, and Pirate Chai, but honestly, I’m sold on the novelty of the Earl Grey alone. Each of the four containers hold enough loose-leaf tea to make 10 cups. It’s a bit steep for $17.99, but given the fact that it’s all loose-leaf and not the cheap stuff you find in modern teabags, at least you know you’re going to be getting some quality tea out of it. For more info, check out their site here. Read more…

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R2-D2, B9 and Johnny-5 Show Us How the Robot is Back in Style

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 27, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

I’m sure it’s not every day that you come across house music featuring robots — famous ones, at least. The video here features some of our favorites lending their robotic talents to Eclectic Method’s latest release entitled, you guessed it, “Robots.” Clever name, right? Yeah, I thought so too. I was really hoping they’d throw in some Mechagodzilla, but I suppose it was just wishful thinking. Still, it’s a pretty cool video and if you’d like a copy of the song or more info about the group, check their official website. Read more…

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Have Star Trek Magazine Beamed Straight to Your PC, Mac or iPad

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 26, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek

Star Trek Magazine

Star Trek Magazine is finally available for digital download. Since 1995, Titan UK has been publishing this fantastic magazine overseas, and while we have a decent equivalent here in the States, Star Trek: The Magazine, I’ve always wondered what I’ve been missing.  Now, thanks to the folks over at Zinio, we can find out without having to spend the extra cash to import it. Starting with June, each issue will cost $4.89 each.  Alternatively, you can opt for a subscription, offering 8 issues for $40. Considering what they usually charge for the print, this is a real steal of a deal.  Check out the Zinio website for more information. Read more…



Cosplay in the Garden Brooklyn Style

Posted by Christian Liendo on May 24, 2010 in Fandom

Sakura Matsuri 2010 at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden - photo by Christian Liendo

There’s nothing like cosplay to put a bit of spring into your Spring! This photo essay shows off the fashion in action at Sakura Matsuri 2010 which was held at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden at the beginning of May: Read more…

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Partying Cosplay Style at the Japan Society

Posted by Christian Liendo on May 20, 2010 in Fandom

Japan Society Cosplay Party 2.0 Event - photo by Christian Liendo

Cosplay Party 2.0 was a special event held at the Japan Society in New York City last Saturday, May 15th, The event included a screening of Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone. Here are some photographic highlights of the gala: Read more…

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Improv Everywhere Busts Some Ghosts at the New York Public Library

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 20, 2010 in Cinema, Fandom

I’m not one for flash mobs, but when it comes to paying cinematic homage to a classic like 1984’s Ghostbusters, then I think I can make an exception. The guys over at Improv Everywhere recently decided to cause a bit of a scene in the New York Public Library on 42nd street, near Bryant Park. As some of you may recall, the library itself was used during the opening sequence of the film. Dressed in bed sheets and off-color Ghostbuster uniforms, the actors managed to score plenty of laughs and a decent applause, though you can tell from the video that a few people weren’t too pleased. I, for one, thought it was pretty funny. Read more…

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Premakes: The Empire Strikes Back as a Fifties 3D Flick

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 19, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

This fan video stars Luke Starkiller in a faux fifties styled trailer for a 3D version of The Empire Strikes Back. Of course this is very fitting as Lucas owed a great deal of his inspiration to the chapter films of a previous era, although those films were from the 30s and 40s. I like the fact that the editor of this fan video made it a point to go the extra mile and use footage from films from that era instead of just using the Star Wars footage on black and white. Read more…

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Budget-less Star Trek Spoof Is Fantastic, But Needs More Lens Flare

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 12, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek


This little video might spoil J.J. Abram’s Star Trek for you, but if you haven’t seen the film, you deserve to have it spoiled by now. While I was reading Simon Pegg’s (Scotty) tweets, I stumbled upon a link to this hilarious, albeit short, spoof of the 2009 sci-fi blockbuster. Push It Films, known on YouTube for their various low-budget spoofs, really went all out with this one — though I have to admit I a bit disappointed by the lack of lens flare, because if anything about has yet to be spoofed to death, it’s that. Read more…

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Street Fighter Fan Film Puts Hollywood to Shame

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 11, 2010 in Fandom, Videogames

How is it that fan films have gotten to be so good? I’m at a loss as to how this trend came about, but I’m not about to complain. Street Fighter: Legacy by Streetlight Films, is one such project. After years of witnessing Hollywood butcher my favorite games, its really refreshing to see fans take matters into their own hands. While it’s not quite feature length, the production is top notch and really worth your time. Read more…

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Babbage and Lovelace: A Space:1999 Tribute to the Pioneers of Computing

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 10, 2010 in Fandom, Tech

As both a tech geek and a Space:1999 fanboy I loved this fan made video tribute to Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace. I also found the entire steampunk look of the video quite pleasing: Read more…

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To Boldly Throw: The Enterprise RC Airplane Takes Off!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 29, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek

John Krietzer assembled this stunning radio controlled version of the Enterprise A! When I first looked at this video I expected a brief voyage at best, but I was quite tickled to see the Enterprise taking a full tour of the galaxy — err the park: Read more…



Take Your iPad to the Next Generation With the LCARS Reader App

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 19, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek, Tech

When I first laid eyes on an iPad,  I knew I had to have it. Sure, I didn’t really have a practical use for one, aside from using it to read e-books or check my mail, but the hipster in me just couldn’t resist. Besides, it was the closest thing to a Star Trek padd I could get, and now, thanks to the LCARS Reader app, it’s even closer than before. Let’s just hope that CBS keeps their grubby hands off of it. Read more…

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If Only Jabba Bothered to Use Soap

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 18, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

Han Solo soap

The guys over at Luxury Lane Soap really blew me away with what could easily be the coolest bar of soap I’ve ever seen — so much so that it would pain me to have to use it rather than keep it on display in my own sand-scarred palace. I’m not even sure how they got the idea to make soap out of Han Solo’s carbonite tomb, but it’s pretty fantastic if you ask me. Of course, I’d find it a bit morbid to wash myself with poor old Han, but I think the coolness factor easily makes up for that. Luxury Lane is currently out-of-stock, but you can still place one on a four to six week back-order for around $6.50 a piece.  Read more…

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