First Trailer for Amazing Spider-Man 2 Swings In

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 6, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


After teasing fans with posters of the villains and even releasing a teaser trailer for a trailer, the actual honest-to-god Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer is out. It features lots of footage of the Green Goblin, and a surprisingly tame amount of Electro. I thought he was supposed to be the main villain, but apparently we really are getting three baddies in the film. I hope they’re thought this through, as the last Spider-Man film with three villains didn’t really go so well. It definitely feels a bit cheesier to me, oozing a bit more “comic bookyness” that the first one. Spider-Man is one of my favorite superheroes, so I’d really like for this to be good… although I’m not counting on it. Read more…

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Posters Tease Next Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 4, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 posters

There are blurry posters and trailers out there for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, so it makes sense that Sony is putting out the official posters and trailers this week. That image up above is all three posters, showing off Rhino, the Green Goblin, and Electro; click the image to check it out full-res, because they do look great. The trailer is coming out Thursday, so that’s something for fans to look forward to. In the meantime, Sony also released four stills of the movie. Check them out below while you wait for the trailer. Still, I doubt this movie will be as good as the original Spider-Man 2. Read more…

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Amazing Judge Dredd Cosplay is Part Make-up, Part Costume, All Awesome

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2013 in Comic Books, Fandom


What does into making a really good cosplay? A costume you’ve slaved over making? Finding the right tool or piece to bring it altogether? What about some make-up and latex prosthetics? If you’re going to make your lower jaw look like Judge Dredd’s lower jaw… then go all the way, like these guys did. It’s an amazing combination of latex and clever make-up that eerily replicates the distinctive shape of Dredd’s face. Combine that with a pitch-perfect helmet and the rest of the costume, and you’ve got one of the best Judge Dredd costume’s I’ve ever seen. I’ve included a video below of the process behind making it. Read more…

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New Amazing Spider-Man 2 Poster Reveals Villains

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


We’ve known about Electro being in Amazing Spider-Man 2 for a while now, and we’ve seen set photos of The Rhino, but one other certain villain that might show up in the film has popped up on a new poster. If you’ve been paying attention to various reports, leaks, and set photos it’s not too big of a surprise, but I wasn’t sure they’d really bring a third villain into the film. Hopefully it can avoid the mess that was Spider-Man 3! If you don’t want the third villain spoiled for you, don’t click through. Otherwise, bombs away! Read more…



Naruto Gets Ready To Enter ‘Final Phase’

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 27, 2013 in Anime, Comic Books


It looks like the Naruto manga is getting close to ending. Author Masashi Kishimoto recently gave a message to TV Tokyo’s Sakiyomi Jan Bang!, which often covers manga from Weekly Shonen Jump and its related magazines. In that message, Kishimoto implied things were getting close to the end, though he didn’t say exactly how much longer things would last. Fair warning, there are spoilers in his message, especially if you only watch Naruto Shippuden, which is further behind in the story than the manga. Read more…

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AMC Has Ordered a Preacher Pilot

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 18, 2013 in Comic Books, Television


In their search for the next big thing, AMC is looking in places you might not expect. Badass Digest is reporting that they’re hearing from multiple sources that AMC has ordered a pilot of Preacher, a TV adaption of the crazy comic. A lot of people out there are big fans of Preacher, and many have tried to get it made into a film before. Then, to add to the hype, Seth Rogen tweeted that he might get to bring one of his “favorite stories ever” to life. Following which he then said “Arseface. John Wayne, The Saint of Killers,” referencing two characters in the series. Could Preacher become AMC’s next big thing? I have my doubts, but who knows that the future holds? Read more…

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This is The Amazing Spider-Man With a Firefighter’s Helmet On

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 10, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Yup. Some new promotional images were sent out to hype up The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and while most of them were pretty standard, one really stood out to me: Spider-Man wearing a firefighter’s helmet. It appears he’s putting out a fire, yes, but why would he take the time to put the helmet on? Maybe we’re getting a bit more of that goofy, snarky Spider-Man I love? That’d be nice! Otherwise, there are also images of Electro (aka electric blue Jamie Foxx) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). We’ll also see Harry Osborn this time around ( Dane DeHaan), so I wonder if they’ll be introducing the Green Goblin soon? Read more…



Wonder Woman and Nightwing Rumored to be in Superman vs. Batman Film?

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 10, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Looks like it’s time to start up the rumor mill for Superman vs. Batman! After Zack Snyder announced that Man of Steel 2 would be a crossover feature with Batman (who was then announced to be played by Ben Affleck), fan’s minds ran wild. Would anyone else show up? Could this film set up the Justice League? There were tons of possibilities. Well, the rumors are starting to leak in and the first two are that Wonder Woman and Nightwing will also feature in the movie. Adam Driver is rumored to be up for the part of Nightwing, while the studio is choosing between Gal Gadot, Elodie Yung, and Olga Kurylenko for Wonder Woman. It could definitely broaden the scope of the movie a lot, and Warner Bros. has been looking for a way to utilize Wonder Woman correctly, so this may be the way! Read more…

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See Sneak Peak Of Captain America 2 When Watching Thor 2 In 3D

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

With short previews for upcoming films attached to current films becoming more and more popular, Marvel has decided that stingers at the end of films just aren’t enough. If you decide to drop the extra cash to see Thor: The Dark World in 3D (out November 8), you’ll be able to enjoy five minutes of footage from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which won’t be out until April 4, 2014. It’s just a shame the footage won’t be attached to 2D showings, since I make a point of avoiding “3D” movies that were shot in 2D and converted in post (as opposed to the 3D cameras used in movies like Avatar). But if that doesn’t bother you and you want more Cap after that recent trailer, you’ve got the option. Read more…

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First Trailer For X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 30, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

X-Men: Days of Future Past

We’ve finally got a trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past, the sequel to X-Men: First Class that promises to unite the cast of the original trilogy with their younger selves (and probably create a new unified timeline without those pesky contradictions). Bryan Singer, the director of the first two films as well as a producer/story contributor of X2 and First Class, is again directing and producing the film, which should give some hope to those burned by X-Men: The Last Stand. The plot involves Wolverine being sent back to his younger self (still played by Hugh Jackman, on account of the whole “not aging” thing) to help ensure the survival of both time periods. It’s looking like a fun flick that hopefully won’t go up its own ass with time travel nitty-gritty. Read more…

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Justice League: War Is Next DC Animated Movie

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 29, 2013 in Animation, Comic Books

Justice League: War

It looks like Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox really was a way for DC to reboot their animated universe, which has lately been a way for them to just animate movies of whatever storylines they want without much care for overall continuity or consistency. But just like Flashpoint led into The New 52 in the comics, it’s leading into a new origin story for the Justice League in Justice League: War, their next animated movie due out sometime in 2014. Read more…

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The Ex-Men: Maybe They Aren’t So Great

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 25, 2013 in Comic Books


Some superpowers are really silly. We all joke about Ant-Man or Squirrel Girl, but in the end, we like those heroes because of their character, not necessarily their superpowers. But what if you saw someone hating on a popular superhero’s powers. Like say, Wolverine. I’m sure you could come up with some ways to make fun of even fan favorites, like Gambit! Well, that’s exactly what the Pete Holmes Show is doing, with their Ex-Men series. I feel like Holmes is trying to own the “geek humor” market. At least he seems to have a genuine appreciation for the original works! Watch the clips below. Read more…

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Superman Short Celebrates 75 Years Of The Man Of Steel

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 16, 2013 in Animation, Comic Books

Superman 75 Anniversary

Zack Snyder (Man of Steel) and Bruce Timm (Superman: The Animated Series) teamed up to create this fantastic short highlighting how Superman has changed and also stayed the same throughout the past 75 years. Watch as Superman jumps off the pages of his debut comic and journeys through various eras: the Fleischer Studios cartoons, The Adventures of Superman (George Reeves), the Super Family, the Super Friends, his motion picture debut (Christopher Reeve), the Death of Superman, Superman: The Animated Series, Smallville, the New 52, and eventually Man of Steel, with even more events and references thrown in along the way. The best part is the way the art style shifts to reflect how Superman was portrayed at that time, not just in terms of costume or face design, but art styles too; the Fleischer cartoon style looks totally different from Bruce Timm’s animated series. Check it out, read this list of annotations, and then watch it again! Read more…

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Hear Troy Baker As The Joker In Batman: Arkham Origins, Plus A New Villain

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 15, 2013 in Comic Books, Videogames


Despite being a prequel and switching developers away from Rocksteady, Batman: Arkham Origins is actually shaping up to be an awesome entry in the Arkham series of videogames. One major cause for concern was Mark Hamill retiring from the role of the Joker, but Troy Baker sounded pretty good in recent trailers. If you want to completely erase your concerns, watch this clip from New York Comic-Con of Baker reading aloud a monologue from Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke, one of the best Joker-focused comics. Baker sounds right on the money, sounding natural and evoking Hamill’s performance. I’d say we have a worthy successor of voice actors here. Read more…

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New York Comic Con 2013: Cosplay Everywhere!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 11, 2013 in Anime, Comic Books, Fandom

New York Comic Con Cosplay 2013

It’s time of year in New York City and as usual the Javits Center is packed with fans at this year’s New York Comic Con. This collection of cosplay photos is by Christian Liendo: Read more…


Firefly Returns — As a Comic Book Series

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 11, 2013 in Comic Books


It might not be the revival you wanted, but you can get some of your Firefly fix again! This time though, it’s via a comic book series, titled Serenity: Leaves on the Wind. It’ll be a six-issue series written by Joss Whedon’s brother, Zack Whedon. It’ll be out January 29th, so you still have a bit of a wait until it comes out. Story details are vague but you can catch a bit more info on Nerdist, where they have a full article about the new series, including some discussion with Whedon. Read more here or check out some pics below the jump. Read more…

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US Military Commissions Iron Man-Like Suit

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 10, 2013 in Comic Books, Tech

Iron Man

I think we can all agree that the Iron Man suit is pretty cool. But we’re still somewhat far away from being able to make them ourselves, right? Apparently not, because the US Army has commissioned a Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (which I’m going to abbreviate to “TALOS” because it sounds cool). It’s basically a flightless version of Tony Stark’s suit, possessing features like super strength and night vision. An onboard computer instantly responds to problems, enhances awareness, monitors vitals, and provides life support. And of course, it will protect you from bullets, with full-body ballistic protection that lets the user “walk through a stream of bullets.” Yes please! Read more…



Samuel L. Jackson Leaks: Elizabeth Olsen is Scarlet Witch

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 5, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Oops! Samuel L. Jackson let some news about Avengers: Age of Ultron slip a little early. In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, he casually mentioned that he’s excited to be working with James Spader (Ultron) and Elizabeth Olsen. The only thing is, Elizabeth Olsen hadn’t been announced for Avengers yet. So I guess now we know who Scarlet Witch is! She should be a good choice for the role. In related news, Latino Review is reporting that according to their sources, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is signing on for Quicksilver. If that’s true, then we might just have everyone cast for the next Avengers! Read more…



Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man Is Actually Filming

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 3, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Ant-Man set

I’m still having a bit of a hard time believing that Ant-Man is actually becoming a movie (set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe). I admittedly haven’t ever read any Ant-Man comics, but I know the concept of the character and some story beats through the years, and it seems like a weird choice to follow up The Avengers: Age of Ultron from a mass-market perspective. But god dammit, I’m happy that something comparatively smaller and weirder can be made into a big movie in this day and age! And because Edgar Wright is directing it, it has my attention. Wright even tweeted this picture to show that, yes, his long-in-production movie is finally filming, making this the first picture from the set. Read more…

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Avengers: Age of Ultron Title Reveal Finally Online

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 27, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Remember back when we first heard the title for Avengers: Age of Ultron? Yeah, that was great wasn’t it. But like most fans online you probably weren’t age Comic-con, and you probably weren’t in Hall H, so chances are you didn’t see the video reveal. This kind of stuff usually doesn’t show up online except in blurry handycam format, so seeing this clearly in HD is nice. It was made available through the Iron Man 3 Jarvis app, oddly enough. So here it is, in crystal clear form. It also gives a little look at the prep work for the panel, with Joss Whedon saying “it’s like Christmas.” Read more…



WB Making Pre-Batman ‘Gotham’ Police Series For Fox

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 26, 2013 in Comic Books, Television

Commissioner Gordon

With the success of Arrow, the upcoming Flash series, and the continuing popularity of the Batman franchise, it was only a matter of time before some sort of Batman TV series was made. The only wrinkle is that like 2002’s Birds of Prey, this series will have no Batman. Yes, Warner Bros. is making Gotham, a police procedural centered on a younger Commissioner Jim Gordon before he meets Batman. And despite WB making it, Fox has won a bidding war for the series, committing to the series without even asking for a pilot. Gotham is being created by Bruno Heller, who has also created The Mentalist for CBS. Read more…

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PS3-Exclusive Batman: Arkham Origins Costumes, Featuring Adam West

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 25, 2013 in Comic Books, Videogames

Adam West Batman outfit

Okay, the costume you see above isn’t literally Adam West. The Batman in Batman: Arkham Origins is still being voiced by Roger Craig Smith, and the costume won’t change that. But it’s definitely Adam West’s Batman outfit from the ’60s live-action TV show. And though this Batman is bigger and more ripped than Adam West was, I think it’s cool how the outfit makes him look slightly pudgy and soft, just like the TV series. But if this alternate costume doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about Azrael’s Batman outfit from the Knightfall storyline? It looks positively demonic, and perhaps almost too badass for my first playthrough of a game that’s supposed to be about Batman’s early days. If you’re liking these outfits, you may want to consider buying Batman: Arkham Origins on PS3, as they’ll be exclusive to that console. You also get five challenge maps, but aside from people with an unhealthy obsession for this game’s combat like me, the main thing I’d be worried about missing out on is these awesome costumes. Read more…

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Joss Whedon Helped Fix Thor: The Dark World

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Joss Whedon and Chris Hemsworth

The latest issue of SFX magazine has an interview with Alan Taylor, director of several Game of Thrones episodes as well as Thor: The Dark World. He says that when certain scenes just weren’t working in the film, he called in the director of The Avengers, Joss Whedon. Whedon had previously helped fix some of Captain America: The First Avenger, so since he’s in charge of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the next big team-up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it makes sense that he’d be the one to turn to. Read more…

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Watchmen’s Movie Ending Changed Because Of 9/11

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 4, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Watchmen Squid

Were you one of the many people upset by the changed ending in the movie version of Watchmen? Personally, I thought that the new one worked rather well and tied Dr. Manhattan into it to boot. But I did miss the squid, and I forgot just how graphic the original ending was in comparison. It turns out there was a reason it was changed besides studio executives thinking that a giant squid might be a little out there. When David Hayter was asked about writing the script, he explained that the studio was very sensitive to 9/11-esque imagery that may offend viewers in such a big budget film. It makes sense, and the Hiroshima shadows were a good way to underscore how many people died without showing their bloody corpses. Read more…

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