Thriller Will Return As a 3D Film

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 4, 2014 in Cinema

THRILLER, (aka MAKING OF MICHAEL JACKSON'S THRILLER), Ola Ray, Michael Jackson, 1983, © MCA/Universa

John Landis, the director of Michael Jackson’s iconic music video, Thriller, has been stuck in a legal dispute with the singer’s estate for several years (it started prior to Jackson’s death), over the video itself. Now that the dispute has finally been resolved, Landis says he plans on re-releasing the music video on Blu-ray as well as in theaters — in 3D. He hasn’t elaborated too much, aside from saying, “It is going to reappear in a highly polished and three-dimensional way that is very exciting on the big screen.” I wonder if this will be on its own, or as part of a larger compilation of music videos. Although, Thriller on Blu-ray, restored, will be a sight to see. Read more…



Joaquin Phoenix Will Not Be Doctor Strange

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 3, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


We had heard plenty of rumblings that Marvel was heavily courting Joaquin Phoenix to play Doctor Strange (there were even reported sightings of Phoenix buying Strange comics). Alas, it is not to be, as it seems Phoenix’s careful and picky nature has left Marvel without a Doctor, and the company is moving on to find another lead. They need to find one fairly soon, too, as they used up a fair bit of time waiting on Phoenix to decide. Now who’s up, instead? We’re not really sure. There was a rumor of Ethan Hawke, but Deadline says that’s unfounded. Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, and Jared Leto have recently been mentioned, but not in any solid sense. We’ll probably have to wait for news to leak out of Marvel’s next pick! Read more…



DC’s Next Animated Movie Stars Aquaman In ‘Throne Of Atlantis’

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 2, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Throne of Atlantis

Now that DC has sorted out their animated movie universe to be more in line with The New 52 comic initiative they’ve had going on, it’s time for more New 52 adaptations! Justice League: Throne of Atlantis is the sequel to Justice League: War from earlier this year, the movie that basically adapted the origin of the new Justice League in The New 52. Aquaman is going through his own origin in this movie, as he didn’t appear in the previous one. It seems they’re going with the more “bad-ass” version of Aquaman from recent years instead of the joke everyone remembers from the Super Friends. Good on ’em, but I still can’t stand the bright orange and green outfit. (It clashes!) No date on the movie yet, but the release date shouldn’t be far off. Read more…

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Last ‘Interstellar’ Trailer Raises Excitement To Dangerously High Levels

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 2, 2014 in Cinema


In one month’s time, we’ll all be able to enjoy Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi epic Interstellar, a story about leaving a dead Earth to find a new home for humanity outside our solar system. If you’ve been watching the previous trailers, you’re likely already hyped up about what looks to be an excellent, gripping sci-fi movie. If you haven’t seen them yet, do yourself a favor and check out the ideas presented in this final trailer. Interstellar premieres November 5, so get your tickets now! Read more…

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Someone Is Actually Making A Tetris Movie

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 1, 2014 in Cinema, Videogames


As Hollywood runs out of viable properties to remake, reboot, and sequelize the past, it has expanded to brands that don’t even really have stories. Perhaps spurred by the ludicrous existence of the Battleship movie, Threshold Entertainment has announced that they are producing a Tetris movie in conjunction with The Tetris Company. The movie will be live-action, described as “a very big, epic sci-fi movie” by Threshold CEO Larry Kasanoff. Kasanoff has adapted videogames in the past; he produced the cheesy Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Meanwhile, Threshold is most notable for Foodfight!, an ugly CGI monstrosity where the product placement are the characters. Read more…



SoftBank In Talks To Buy DreamWorks Animation?

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 29, 2014 in Animation, Cinema


Here’s an odd tale for the day: SoftBank, as in the Japanese telecom, is in talks to possibly acquire DreamWorks Animation SKG. Apparently DreamWorks has been looking for new funding for a while now, but most companies haven’t been interested. DreamWorks films has been having a certain issue since it went public: its movies would open soft and then build up a huge final gross. Great, right? Well, investors don’t like soft openings, and shares would frequently plummet when a film would open. Sadly, shareholders don’t understand the movie industry, it seems. Thus, getting additional funding could help DreamWorks Animation quite a bit. No paper has been signed yet, but it’ll be interesting to see how this whole affair proceeds. Read more…

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Watch Batman’s Parents Die In Every Incarnation — All At Once

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 27, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Let’s be honest: we’ve seen Batman’s parents die too many times now. We all know the story. So let’s squish them together into one video and watch them all at once, to experience maximum childhood tragedy. There are plenty of dark alleys, gunshots, screaming Bruce Waynes, and trigger-happy criminals to go around. Vulture put this video together after seeing the opening of Gotham, making them ask “how many times do we have to see this?” At least nine, apparently. Possibly more. Watch all nine below in one deathly supercut. Read more…

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Here’s A New Jupiter Ascending Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 26, 2014 in Cinema


It might be hard for the Wachowskis to strike gold again, but they sure are trying. Jupiter Ascending has a new trailer out, and it looks deliciously sci-fi — drenched in fantastic visuals and over-the-top creations. I’m positive it won’t be for everyone. It might not even be that good, story-wise… but I think at the very least it’ll be impressive visually and stylistically. In addition, the new poster evokes an 80s sci-fi novel cover. It’s kind of endearing, although it could be too cheesy for some. Jupiter Ascending is showing up on February 6th. I wonder if its style will grab people’s attention? Check out the trailer and poster below. Read more…

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Hear The English Dub Of Princess Kaguya

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 25, 2014 in Anime, Cinema

The Tale of Princess Kaguya

The previous US teaser trailer for The Tale of Princess Kaguya sure looked stunning, but we didn’t get to hear the movie’s English dub. But this new trailer fixes that problem, letting us hear the voices of Chloë Grace Moretz, James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Darren Criss, and Lucy Liu. This is currently the second-to-last film from Studio Ghibli, with just one more film awaiting international release; after that, any future movies are currently uncertain as the studio has winded down production for now. Read more…



Fox’s Deadpool Movie Is Happening, But Will Be PG-13

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 23, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Hey, remember when Fox leaked that Deadpool test footage, but it wasn’t really them? Well whoever leaked it, it must have kicked Fox into gear, because director Tim Miller’s film is finally getting greenlit at Fox. Happy days! Now for the somewhat more iffy news: the movie is reportedly aiming for a PG-13 rating. Many fans assumed that a Deadpool movie would be a good fit for an R rating, allowing the character to slaughter enemies with as much cursing and gore as necessary. But considering how many superhero movies get an R (almost none), this shouldn’t be a surprise. And considering that Miller, a huge fan, has reportedly approved of a script that supposedly is PG-13 while managing to “not lose its soul,” I wouldn’t expect a PG-13 rating to negatively effect the film’s production. Read more…

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Fantastic Four Delayed Slightly, Assassin’s Creed Too

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 21, 2014 in Cinema


Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four is getting a slight delay: it’ll be moving from June 19th to August 7th, 2015. Now, the movie was going to make its release date no matter what, but this is interesting because Fox is clearly moving it out of the way of the biggest June releases and instead putting it into the same slot as Guardians of the Galaxy from this year. I imagine they hope to replicate the same success. Apparently, as long as you have a good movie, people will come to see it anytime, not just during the peak summer months. Surprise! Also, in related news, Fox has taken the Assassin’s Creed film off its August 2015 release date and move it to “to be determined.” Only time will tell if this is a minor scheduling change or a sign of a film stumbling already. Read more…

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Three New Posters For Interstellar

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 19, 2014 in Cinema


Not long now — Interstellar will be arriving in theaters November 7th (and we’ll be getting a new trailer soon), but here are some new posters to make the wait a little easier. This trio of promotional posters aren’t crazy special (aside from that space ship one, above), but they definitely drive home the themes of the film: hope, exploration, and survival. I’m hoping that the film can deliver on all the hype, as Nolan has faltered before when things get too bloated (e.g., Dark Knight Rises). Yet, despite the grandeur, this movie appears to be a bit more personal, so with any luck, that’ll come through. Two more posters below! Read more…

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Theon Greyjoy Kills Keanu Reeves’ Dog in John Wick

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 13, 2014 in Cinema


I don’t know how else to describe this movie, really. Keanu Reeves is back in a Taken-esque film, but instead of a daughter being kidnapped, it’s his dog getting killed and his car getting stolen. Yes, Alfie Allen kicking Reeves’ dog and jacking his car is all it takes to yank this hitman out of retirement. Granted, it is a really cute dog (and a final gift from Reeves’ dying wife, of course). But perhaps this could be a fun romp — Reeves can definitely do the stoic badass role, but I’m not sure if the tough-guy quips always land here. And is Allen getting typecast as “guy who acts like he’s awesome but then gets beat up horribly?” Because it sure seems like it. Check out the trailer below. Read more…



Get A Better Look At Batman v. Superman’s Batmobile

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 11, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Batmobile 2

DC and WB are trying to keep the Batmobile that will appear in Batman v. Superman under wraps. But the thing about shooting out in public is that leaks are going to happen. Some shots have surfaced, as collected on /Film, and while they’re currently unverified, it’s hard to imagine what else this would be from. It seems that the Batmobile has fins that raise up, allowing the driver to enter. It looks like an interesting fusion of the Tumbler from The Dark Knight trilogy and the more stylized, older designs (but in a different way than the similar fusion Batmobile appearing in Batman: Arkham Knight). Check out some more designs below for what we’ll likely be seeing in 2016. Read more…

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If They Make A New Dredd Movie, It Might Be A Prequel

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 9, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Despite “only” earning $41 million (from a $45 million budget), 2012’s Dredd has a good amount of fans eagerly awaiting a sequel. Lead actor Karl Urban agrees and has been encouraging efforts to push a new film into production. But if that time does come, it may not be a sequel, but a prequel. Speaking at Chicago Comic-Con, Urban suggested that the film might explore how the Judges were established. “It’s more likely that we’ll do the Origins story, with Dredd trekking through the Cursed Earth to find the first Chief Judge Fargo,” Urban said, referring to a 2006 storyline that was meant to tie up various loose threads from previous comics. Read more…

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Here’s Your First Official Look At Vision in Age of Ultron

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 8, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Whoops, someone hung up some promotional artwork a little too soon. A new poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron has been circulating thanks to Instagram user YeongJip (who, it seems, has had his account taken down by now), and it features a full shot of Paul Bettany’s Vision. And yes, his costume is quite comic-accurate, although it looks like the yellow has been toned down a good deal. He still has his cape, though! We’re in full comic books mode now, folks — getting closer and closer to the final Avengers lineup. Age of Ultron will release next year on May 1st. Read more…



Director of Mama Tapped For Shadow of the Colossus Film

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 5, 2014 in Cinema, Videogames


It looks like that Shadow of the Colossus film is still staggering along. Josh Trank has previously been up to direct the film, but he’s got some other stuff on his plate now that’s a bit more important. Something about Wars in the Stars? Anyway, Sony has now found a new director: the man behind Mama, Andy Muschietti. He could bring an interesting perspective to the movie, so I’m curious how it’ll turn out. There’s still no solid date on the film, but if Muschetti sticks around (he’s also apparently on for The Mummy reboot), we might start seeing solid progress soon. Read more…



The Hateful Eight Shoots in January, Opens in Fall 2015

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 4, 2014 in Cinema


After all the insanity, take-backs, and lawsuits, Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight will begin filming in January 2015. The Weinsteins also announced that the film would release in the fall of 2015, and that (just as the teaser said) the movie will be shot on 70mm film, and it’ll be the widest roll out of 70mm in 20 years. Impressive! It’ll also show up on 35mm and DCP later, but it’s the 75mm we’re all here for. I’m excited to see how this finally turns out! Read more…

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The Rock Confirms He Will Play Black Adam In Shazam Film

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 4, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


While Warner Bros. have yet to even officially confirm a Shazam film is in development (but it’s almost a given), The Rock has already announced that he’ll be playing Black Adam. Yup. What’s an embargo?? Dwayne Johnson confirmed this on Twitter earlier, adding the hashtag “#antihero” implying that he won’t be a straight-up villain like older incarnations and will stick closer to the recent comics. Shazam has not been cast yet either, but I imagine we’ll start to hear more about the film now that people are being cast.  Read more…

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Escape From New York Remake Looking For Its Snake

Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 2, 2014 in Cinema


Yeah, that Escape From New York remake is still rolling around in the depths of Hollywood. Who knows if it’ll ever actually happen, but then a rumor like this pops up and you wonder if this time they’ll make good on their threats. Currently, three actors are being eyed for the part of Snake Plissken, in order: Charlie Hunnam, Jon Bernthal, and Dan Stevens. Yes, Charlie Hunnam is at the top of that list. He’s not a bad actor, but I don’t see him as Snake. I might be okay with Jon Bernthal though. We’ll have to wait and see how this all works out. Read more…

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Here’s Your First Clip From Pixar’s Short Film, Lava

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 29, 2014 in Animation, Cinema


It’s not coming out until next summer, but when Pete Docter’s INside Out arrives in June, you’ll be seeing Lava before it. James Ford Murphy, the short film’s director, was inspired to create the short by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s version of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” Thus, the whole short is told through song. It features a jolly volcano looking for love… over millions of years. It sounds adorable. Check out the clip below, along with the previously-released poster for the short film. Read more…



Josh Trank Confirms Leaked Ben Grimm Photo

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 25, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


A little while ago, a photo leaked out from the upcoming Fantastic Four film set, featuring a model of The Thing — a bust used for choreography and to give the actors something to look at when using green screens. Josh Trank, the director, has now confirmed that yes, that’s Ben Grimm. Sometimes it’s better own leaks and make them your own promotion, even if it is a little late. So: how does Ben look? Not bad! I mean, his classic eyebrows have definitely been subdued a bit, but he doesn’t look too bad. The green lighting makes him look more sickly, but I’d bet in normal lighting he’ll look more brown. Read more…



Funko Debuts Dancing Groot Bobblehead

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 24, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Everyone seems to want a dancing Groot figurine now. But it’s a little bit of a spoiler to talk about with folks if they haven’t seen the movie, so I’ve put it below the jump, just in case. Suffice to say, it’s adorable. It’s Groot, his head bobbles, and it’s by Funko. Sadly, he doesn’t technically dance — but he’ll still rock some solid head-bobbing. I think fans will still clamor for a “true” dancing figurine eventually in addition to this one. I just won’t understand if Marvel doesn’t have several dancing Groot figures come out. It’s practically free money! Kind of! Read more…



See The First Trailer For Automata Featuring Antonio Banderas

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 23, 2014 in Cinema


New original sci-fi films are always worth a look (like Oblivion), even if they don’t quite end up very good (again, Oblivion). So I’m very interested in director Gabe Ibáñez’s new film Automata, which stars Antonio Banderas as an insurance agent for a robotics corporation who discovers that some robots are gaining what we’d call sentience. It definitely has some unique vibes coming off of it, and I like the variety in robot design: some clunky, some old, some sleek and designed to look like humans. You won’t have to wait long either — surprise! Automata will arrives in theaters and on demand on October 10th. Watch the trailer below. Read more…


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