RZA’s The Man With the Iron First Looks… Ridiculous

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 30, 2012 in Cinema

When I say ridiculous, I mean it in a good way. RZA will be directing a new film that looks to be equal parts insane and awesome – and it’s being produced by Quentin Tarantino. Co-starring with Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu, The Man With the Iron Fist is set in 19th century China as a blacksmith must protect his village from traitorous threats. Who knows if the film will be good, but I will bet on one thing: it’s sure to be entertaining. No news on a specific release date yet, but hopefully we’ll see the film come out sometime this year.

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Marvel Studios to Announce Guardians of the Galaxy At Comic-Con?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 30, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


News has been slowly tickling out of Marvel, hinting at a possible feature film of Guardians of the Galaxy, and the most recent tidbit from Latino Review seems to confirm it. We may indeed see Marvel announce the film at Comic-Con in July – and if this happens, will we get to see Rocket Raccoon on the big screen? That’d be my number one request. Will this be the 2014 mystery film from Marvel? We’ll have to wait till their panel to find out. Read more…

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Total Recall Remake Trailer Confirms That, Yes, It’s Total Recall

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2012 in Cinema

There’s not a whole lot to say here. The (probably unnecessary) remake of Total Recall has a new trailer, and while it doesn’t show off much more than our first looks, it still looks more solid visually than most needless remakes. Still no word on if it’ll actually be good, though. However the question on your minds, I’m sure, is whether the woman with three breasts makes a return, and of course, the answer is yes. What film wouldn’t use that in their marketing?



Surprise, Iron Man 3 Coming to SDCC

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 28, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Iron Man 3 Patriot

Like you’re even surprised — If you’re planning on going to San Diego Comic-Con International next month, you’ll want to save the date. Marvel will be holding its “Hall H Comic Con Panel” on Saturday, July 14th from 6:00 PM  to 7:00 PM. The description for the event? “Marvel Studios presents Iron Man 3. Join Producer Kevin Feige and special guests as they provide an inside look at the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.” So there you have it, mark your calenders and show up early. Read more…

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Catch the First Trailer for Dredd

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 21, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Here’s our first good look at Lionsgate’s upcoming Judge Dredd reboot — though, I hesitate to use the term. Dredd 3D looks as though it’ll take on a more serious tone than the previous film, and I don’t think anyone could argue that the lack of Rob Schneider could possibly hurt it. However, as some fans have pointed out, the film’s plot seems awfully close to that of The Raid — the martial arts blockbuster Ben mentioned on our podcast the other week. Of course, The Raid is just over-the-top action with little substance in terms of plot, so that might be where Dredd has an edge. Just how much of one? We’ll have to wait until this fall to find out. Dredd 3D hits theaters September 21st.

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Apes Writers to Pen Jurassic Park 4

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 21, 2012 in Cinema

jurassic park trex attack

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen any news surrounding a proposed fourth installment of Jurassic Park, so I thought it might be worth mentioning that the project might still be in the works. Word has it Rise of the Planet of the Apes writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver have signed on to pen the sequel for Universal, and while I’m not sure how I felt about Rise of the Planet of the Apes, anything they write will probably be better than the mess that was Jurassic Park 3. However, seeing as they successfully revived the Planet of the Apes franchise — at least, enough to sell tickets — we should probably have a little faith that they can deliver a script worth filming. Of course, the project could still fall flat down the line. Sadly, it might be the closest thing anyone will get to a second season of Terranova, so keep your fingers crossed.

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Saving the Lars Homestead

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 20, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

I’m surprised it was still standing after all these years, but recently some fans took it upon themselves to raise the money necessary to restore the Lars Homestead — Luke’s home which he shared with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in Episode IV A New Hope. It’s amazing to think what fans can accomplish when they set their mind to it. As you can see from the clip above, it wasn’t an easy task, but after battling with the blistering heat of the North African desert, they finally managed to finish the job on the igloo and as you can see from the end of the video and the photo below, they might have made it look too good. Given the harsh nature of the environment, that might not last for long, however. I’m just glad fans still exist who will be willing to preserve such a historic location. For more info, check out the project homepage here.

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Live-Action Ace Attorney Film Coming to Blu-Ray This August

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 20, 2012 in Cinema, Videogames


An official Japanese street date has been announced for the home video release of the Ace Attorney live-action film. From all of the trailers I’ve seen, the film looked pretty amazing, having accurately depicted the events as they occurred throughout the game, from the over-the-top costumes and special effects, to the ridiculous dialog and plot twists. Set for release on August 22nd, both the Blu-ray and DVD release will feature the full 135 minute film, audio commentary with both directors of the game and film. They’ve also included a bonus disc with promotional and behind-the-scenes footage. Unfortunately there probably won’t be any English subtitles on the discs, but at least you expect to see a version of the film fan-subbed within a month or two of the release, as that’s usually the case with films like this. Just do yourself a favor and buy a copy anyway. Read more…

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New Batman TV Spot Comes in Black

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 17, 2012 in Cinema

Here’s a new television ad for The Dark Knight Rises that sheds a little more light on how the film starts. We see Bruce getting back in the game and building up his armoury to take on Bane, as well as the return of Lucius Fox. He offers up the new hovercraft to Bruce, reminding him that yes, “it does come in black.” A nice little callback to the first film, for sure, and while this does make me a little more excited for Rises, I still hope it stands on its own and doesn’t fall back on the previous films too much.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reboot Vaguely Put On Hold

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 17, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books, Television


Movie studios have been a little wishy-washy lately, haven’t they? No surprise, I suppose, given the economy, but here we go again: Paramount Pictures has reportedly halted work on Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot. You know, the one in which they weren’t teenage mutant ninja turtles, but were just ninja aliens that kind of looked like turtles. But maybe they were at least still teenagers. Or something. It was originally planned as a 2013 holiday release but with Paramount tossing out the pre-production staff and pushing the date back to May 2014, it looks less likely for the film to happen anytime soon. Who knows what’ll happen – perhaps it’ll start back up to meet the May 2014 date, or maybe it’ll just fade away till the next inevitable reboot. One can only hope!

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Abraham Lincoln Battles Vampires on a Train: What More Do You Want?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 16, 2012 in Cinema

Our strange fascination with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter continues. This new clip from 20th Century Pictures gives us a straightforward look at some of the action scenes in the upcoming film – and yup, it still looks ridiculously silly. But despite all this coverage I can’t quite seem to pinpoint exactly how I feel about this. I’m neither turned off nor enamoured by the over-the-top action. It works fine and is choreographed well enough that you can see what is going on, but while the idea of fun is there, I still get a sense of emptiness to the whole affair. I guess we’ll find out on June 20th when the film releases!



LEGO Inception Collects Bricks and Dreams Into One Excellent Video

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

After watching this video, I really want some Inception LEGO sets. Especially if you could rotate the famous hallway around to best replicate the bizarre gravity changes? You know you’d buy it. Or an exploding snow hospital building. Ok, I shouldn’t get carried away. This CGI LEGO trailer for Inception made by a cool bunch of people at VFX is pretty fun, and it has a few clever LEGO jokes in there too. I’m enjoying this recent resurgence in LEGO-themed videos because it really gets my creative juices going!

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Red Letter Media Has a Few Questions for Damon Lindelof

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

I’m going to guess most of you have probably check out Prometheus by now, and you’ve probably taken in the beautiful scenery, amazing sets, and simply awesome world Ridley Scott created on-screen. You’ve also probably got enough questions to choke a small animal, because Damon Lindelof’s vague script detracts from all the good elements in the film. Red Letter Media, the always hilarious bunch of folks who made the incredible 90-minute Star Wars prequel reviews, starring the creepy murderer Plinkett, have returned to ask a few questions about Prometheus’ story. Mike and Jay, from the Half in the Bag series, usually do insightful and dorky movie reviews, but it seems Prometheus has taken its toll on their brains. Check out the brain-melting question video above, then watch their full review here.

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Star Trek 2 Panel at SDCC? Probably Not

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 13, 2012 in Cinema, Star Trek

Star Trek Panelists Comic-Con 2007

We’ve all been on the edge of our seats, hoping to catch a small glimpse of Bad Robot’s next Star Trek film at San Diego Comic-Con International. Although Prometheus butcher — yeah, I said it — and Star Trek 2 producer Damon Lindelof had stated that they hoped to have something to show us by SDCC,  chances of that happening are now slim to none — the safe bet being none. According to various sources, and subsequently confirmed by TrekMovie, Abrams and company have decided to wait until they’ve polished their project a bit more before showing it off to fans. It’ll be interesting to see if they opt instead for a WonderCon panel next year, but who knows. Abrams could just want to keep things under wraps for the foreseeable future. Read more…

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So, You Want a New DeLorean?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 12, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Delorean Bicycle

Well, if we’re talking about a brand new DeLorean car, then you’re out of luck. If you’re a bit more environmentally conscious however, we have an alternative, and no, it isn’t cheap. Check out these official DeLorean bicycles! At with the first model retailing for $5,500, this classy one-of-a-kind bike features an 11-speed internally geared hub, a slick Italian-made Columbus XCR frame, and high-end front and rear hydraulic disc breaks. It also comes with a comfy Italian gel saddle so you won’t need to bother with a custom seat. Finally, the wheels feature a special coating that creates a luminescent effect when headlights hit them during low-light conditions in order to keep you visible on the road.

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Joel McHale Makes Fun of His Job in Prometheus Parody

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2012 in Cinema, Fandom

You remember the ‘David’ viral videos for Prometheus? Telling you all the features of the wonderful android known as David? Well, here’s a little parody video featuring Joel McHale (from The Soup and Community) making fun of his own job and other clip show hosts’ jobs. It’s kind of clever and makes me wonder if many people really did catch on to the viral promotions for Prometheus – as in, will we see people continue to talk about them in the future? Still, I’ll take it anyway, as I will use any opportunity to bring up Ryan Seacrest jokes… and this video has them.



What in the World is Going On With DC’s Justice League Film?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


The Justice League is an interesting beast to tackle. Mainly because Warner Bros. can’t seem to make up their mind one way or the other what they want to do with the property. Most recently, news came out that Warner had picked Will Beall to script the Justice League film, and in fact it’s implied that this was last year this happened. So with a script finally on the way, and a new Superman film from Zack Snyder peeking over the horizon, what will Warner’s strategy be? Read more…

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Django Unchained Trailer Features Guns, Jokes, and DiCaprio Laughing It Up

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 8, 2012 in Cinema

Have I told you I’m really excited for Quentin Tarantino’s latest, Django Unchained? Because I am. And this trailer just shot up and cemented its position as one of my most anticipated films this year. Jamie Foxx plays Django, a slave in the south who partners up with a German bounty hunter (the always enjoyable Christoph Waltz) to track down the man who took his wife. Leonardo DiCaprio plays an insane plantation owner and honestly, it just looks like he’s having the time of his life hamming it up. It’ll be worth it just to see DiCaprio play a villain for once! Django Unchained arrives Christmas Day – so it looks like I’ll be up late Christmas Eve checking this out.

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Warner & Weta team for Hobbit Merch

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 6, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections


If you’re big on memorabilia, props or other great collectibles, you’ll be pleased to know that Warner Brothers has partnered with the award winning Weta Workshop for their upcoming Hobbit franchise. With the first pieces set to debut at San Diego Comic Con next month, Weta will begin selling a line of props, replicas and more, from and inspired by the upcoming film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey set for theatrical release this holiday season. Read more…

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Making it Happen; Space Command

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 5, 2012 in Cinema, Pulp Fiction

I don’t often write about Kickstarter projects. It’s not that I don’t support independent artists, or productions, but within the last year, we’ve seen a proliferation of mediocre projects that often over-promise and under-deliver.  There’s, of course, those projects out there which could easily be produced on shoe-string budget, but for whatever reason, the artist or individuals responsible would rather take a chance with other peoples money. Fortunately, Space Command is not one of them. No, instead, it’s an effort by insanely talented individuals who have an extensive background in creating science fiction for television and film to bring us a brand new science fiction saga, while Hollywood sits on its proverbial thumbs. So what sets this project apart from the rest? Find out after the jump.

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An Avengers Worthy Xbox Mod

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 2, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

An Avengers Worthy Xbox Mod

Major League Mods has done it again with this very nice looking Xbox 360 slim Avengers edition. This ever so cool hack a really sharp looking avengers logo with controllers that feature matching Avengers colors: Read more…


Sneak Preview: The Art of Brave

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 31, 2012 in Animation, Cinema

The Art of Brave book

The kind folks at Chronicle Books have supplied us with two amazing bits of preproduction art for the upcoming Pixar Disney film Brave. Make sure to click on each illustration to see it at full size: Read more…

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Why Can’t Ridley Scott Be More Like Stanley Kubrick?

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 29, 2012 in Cinema

Ridley Scott on the set of Blade Runner

And now Ridley Scott wants Harrison Ford for Blade Runner II? The saddest thing an artist can do is to be forced to go back to their past to amuse the masses. This was the trap that poor George Lucas fell into: Try-and-try as he did to remake Star Wars he couldn’t pull it off. The result? Of course we all stood in line and watched Jar Jar Binks, but now that it’s been more than a decade since The Phantom Menace and today fanboys still yearn for the real thing — Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. And sadly I fear Ridley Scott is going down the same path to schlockdom. Read more…

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Red Band Trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Is Over-the-Top

Posted by Ben Huber on May 27, 2012 in Cinema

Tim and I have had a strange fascination with the upcoming film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It looks pretty ridiculous, but I’m in the camp that it needs to be fairly tongue-in-cheek. This red band trailer, though, looks to be pretty serious in tone. I mean, a shotgun-axe is pretty silly, but they’re handling it pretty casually. But maybe that heavy-handed seriousness will add to the hilarity. We’ll find out when Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter arrives in theaters on June 22nd.



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