Oblivion – New Original Sci-fi Film from Tron: Legacy Director

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 10, 2012 in Cinema


I’m always up for an original sci-fi film. Anything new to combat the endless remakes and licensing parties that Hollywood seems to love. I suppose I should be careful what I wish for, though. Joseph Kosinski, the director of Tron: Legacy, has a new film coming out starring Tom Cruise called Oblivion. Visually, it looks pretty interesting, in that “fake vision of the future” way. The designs of the ships and creatures are neat and it has Morgan Freeman in it along with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (aka Jaime Lannister). While it looks cool, the story seems a little generic. Will the film be any good? We’ll find out April 12th, next year. Read more…

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Third Tron Film in the Scripting Stages

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 7, 2012 in Cinema


The moderate success with Tron: Legacy seems to be pleasing Disney, as they’re looking to continue the series. While it had seemed fairly likely that Disney would at least attempt to make a third film, much was still up in the air. Now, The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Jesse Wigutow is scripting the whole affair. Justin Springer is returning to produce, and director Joseph Kosinski is slated to return as well. I hope that they can improve on the shortcomings of Tron: Legacy and make an excellent sequel. And Daft Punk should come back for the soundtrack. And more Jeff Bridges. Lots of Jeff Bridges!

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2015 Justice League Movie May Feature Darkseid As Villain

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 4, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


Talk about blowing your load right away. So The Avengers 2 will feature Thanos, an intergalatic villain that seems natural for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to build up to. DC wants some of that superhero team-up money, so enter Justice League, a film from Warner Bros. coming in 2015. Justice League‘s Big Bad will reportedly be Darkseid, an intergalactic villain that is a horrible choice for a newly-launching franchise.
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New Django Unchained Trailer to Get You Excited for Christmas

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 1, 2012 in Cinema


Perhaps I’m a terrible person, but I may just be excited for Django Unchained a teensy bit more than actual Christmas. Quentin Tarantino’s latest film opens Christmas Day, and to me that might just be the best gift a film fan could ask for. Recently I’ve been wondering who many more films we’ll be getting out of him, given that he’s been talking about retirement. He says he wants to quit while his filmography is still good and never produce a stinker like many other directors who continue past their prime. That’s such a Tarantino thing to say (and by extension, a film fan thing to say), so I’m really not surprised by his remarks like so many other people. Till then, his work still looks solid! Watch the trailer below. Read more…

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Rumor: Warner Bros. Eyeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Batman?

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


Christopher Nolan is finished with Batman now, and Warner Bros. is surely hunting for the best way to continue or reboot the franchise. Nolan’s open ending was intended for the viewer to imagine their own continuation, but not doubt Warner Bros. will use that to their advantage: HitFix is reporting that they’re already lining Joseph Gordon-Levitt up to play Batman in the upcoming Justice League movie. What a shocker! Read more…



Viral Marketing for Del Toro’s Pacific Rim Begins

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2012 in Cinema


Are you excited for Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim? I know I am. Giant robots, giant monsters, and epic battles! If you haven’t heard, in the near future, giant monsters begin emerging from the oceans, so the nations of the world begin building giant robots to combat them – obviously! It’s very Evangelion and Gundam-esque, which is why I’m so excited to see a major Hollywood picture with this theme! Now, the viral marketing has begun! Images of robots and peeks at the monsters below! Read more…

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Kick-Ass, X-Men Director May Be On Board For Star Wars VII

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 29, 2012 in Cinema, Star Wars

Matthew Vaughn

File this one under “rumor,” but at least it has some evidence to justify its existence. We’ve heard about the writer for Star Wars VII (and rumors of writers for VIII and IX), but no director is yet attached, and considering the difference that directors made in the original trilogy (compare A New Hope to Empire), that could very well be the major deciding factor of how much we love or hate the new films. Now Matthew Vaughn, who directed Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class, may be directing the movie for Disney, based on several things. Read more…

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The Hobbit Post-Production Video

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 26, 2012 in Cinema


The amount of work that goes into feature-length films these days is really incredible – you only need to look at all the names in the credits to realize that. The series of videos that the documentary team has been putting together following the making of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey have been a great look into the whole creative process. This latest one focuses on post-production, and how the concept artists, audio tech, CGI artists, and all the other crew composite everything into the finished product. While it looks stressful (only 8 weeks left in the video) they also seem to be enjoying themselves. Watch the video below. Read more…

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Titles for New Ghibli Films, GKIDS Grabs Grave of the Fireflies

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 23, 2012 in Anime, Cinema


Things have been quiet on the Studio Ghibli front, with Up On Poppy Hill out and all. We’ve known that Isao Takahata has been working on an adaption of the folk story The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, but we recently got confirmation of the title via domain name registrations from Ghibli. It’ll be titled Princess Kaguya Story (Kaguya-hime no Monogatari) and should be released sometime next year (summer, if Ghibli’s release schedule holds up). Hayao Miyazaki has also been hard at work, and his film about the man who made the Japanese Zero fighter plane has gotten a name as well: The Wind Rises. Lastly, GKIDS has picked up the distribution rights for Takahata’s Grave of the Fireflies and will re-release the film next year, just in time for the 25th anniversary. Exciting times for Ghibli fans! Read more…

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Fans Recreate Movies And Games In Scribblenauts Unlimited

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 22, 2012 in Cinema, Videogames

Scribblenauts Unlimited - Ghostbusters

Scribblenauts Unlimited is out, and if you’re unfamiliar with the series, it involves a boy solving simple puzzles by generating objects with his magic notepad. The dictionary includes a ton of nouns, so you can summon pretty much anything. What is new in Unlimited is the ability to create your own objects, and since the series typically avoids anything copyrighted (beyond some cameos like Mario in the Wii U and 3DS versions), gamers can now recreate their favorite characters and creatures in Scribblenauts‘ adorable style, as seen in the Ghostbusters screenshot above. Read more…

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Could ‘Empire’ And ‘Jedi’ Scribe Write Star Wars VIII And IX?

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 21, 2012 in Cinema, Star Wars

The Empire Strikes Back

We know that Toy Story 3 writer Michael Arndt is writing Star Wars Episode VII, but it’s never too early to look ahead to VIII and IX. After all, Disney didn’t pay $4 billion for Lucasfilm to half-ass a new Star Wars trilogy. So who is getting scouted by the Mouse? There are two guys the company has in mind, and if you’re holding out hope for these movies, you definitely want one over the other.

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Listen to The Hobbit’s Credits Song Now

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 16, 2012 in Cinema


Interested in hearing the final song that’ll play over the credits for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey? It’s better than you might expect, as it’s spun off of the dwarves’ song from the beginning of film. And, it’s done by New Zealand artist (surprise!) Neil Finn. Perhaps songs based off movies are a bit passé now, but something like this is always welcome in my book. If you want to take a listen, you’ll have to visit Rolling Stone’s site and use their music player. Take a moment and check it out!

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See Nines Minutes Of Star Trek Into Darkness With The Hobbit In IMAX

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 15, 2012 in Cinema, Star Trek

Star Trek

It’s been done before with The Dark Knight and I Am Legend, and again with The Dark Knight Rises and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. So since it worked out so well for those films, it’s being done yet again with Star Trek Into Darkness and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. What is it they’re doing, you ask? Giving a little preview of a movie when you see the other one in IMAX! Read more…

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Darth Vader Rumored To Return In Star Wars VII

Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 13, 2012 in Cinema, Star Wars


I’ve been mostly optimistic about Disney taking control of Star Wars. It’s not like they could screw it up worse than the prequels, right? Those movies focused on expanding Darth Vader’s life in a way that didn’t need to be explained. The concept of a fallen, yet still honorable knight that finally finds redemption is a powerful one that doesn’t require pointless insight into how he fell. So with Darth Vader dead and Force-ghost-ed, we should be in the clear for Disney and Toy Story 3 writer Michael Arndt to tell new stories, right? Or not. Read more…



Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Gets its First Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 12, 2012 in Cinema, Videogames


I’ve always had a love for the Angry Video Game Nerd. James Rolfe does a great job with the character and you can really feel his love for games shine through all the rage and excitement. His fundraiser to create a movie based around the AVGN was a big success, and after a ton of filming, they finally released the first trailer for the project. I hope you were expecting something as campy and hilarious as his usual stuff, because the 80s B-movie style shines through wonderfully here. The Nerd looks to be investigating one of gaming’s best-known urban legends: the Atari E.T. cartridge burial grounds. A perfect subject for the movie, I’m really excited to finally see it when it’s done. Watch the trailer below! Read more…



World War Z Trailer Seems… Interesting…

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 10, 2012 in Cinema


I really enjoyed the book World War Z, by Max Brooks, so when I heard it got optioned for a movie, I was interested. However, it spent so much time in development hell and so many changes seemed to be happening, I was worried. Not all movies can be exactly like the book, though, so I tried to remain optimistic. The trailer is finally out now, and it seems all my hope was in vain. The zombies roll around in a huge mass, clobbering busses and climbing walls, and the main character seems to have become a bit of an action hero. Not an interview in sight! Read more…

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Get Your First Look at Mandarin in Iron Man 3

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 4, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


Ok, your first clear look at Mandarin. There were hints of him in the first trailer for Iron Man 3, but now we have a nice clear image of him. And you know what? Ben Kingsley looks pretty awesome all dressed up like that. I’m impressed how well they adapted the character for the screen – although, is he wearing a graphic tee underneath all that? I’m interested if Shane Black (the new director) can pick the series up after the generally disappointing Iron Man 2, given his close relationship with Robert Downey Jr. Perhaps the magic of the first movie will never be matched, but at the very least I bet we’ll get an awesome villain. Click the image above for a larger version! Read more…



Castle Wolfenstein Writer To Also Direct?

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 3, 2012 in Cinema, Videogames


It’s been quite a while since we heard anything about the Castle Wolfenstein movie. Last news was, Roger Avary, who worked on Silent Hill and Pulp Fiction’s scripts, had been working on a script. Now it seems that Panorama Media and the producer, Samuel Hadida, have gotten sick of waiting and threw their hands up in the air. “You know, Avary, why don’t you just direct it?” He’s directed plenty in the past, so I can see why they’d go this way. However, will a Castle Wolfenstein movie really be a hit with audiences at this point in time? I kind of feel like its relevance has gone way down. Maybe they’re just interested in doing a pulpy, violent action film with no rules or guidelines? Read more…



Sony Wants Jamie Foxx to Play Electro

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 3, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


Sony is revving their engines for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and of course they’re out hunting down their villain. Given the implied ending of the first movie, people guessed that Electro would be the main villain. Sony hasn’t even bothered keeping it a secret, and they’re apparently looking into having Jamie Foxx play the shocking (haha, no) villain. Foxx certainly didn’t help matters by tweeting that he dressed up as electro for Halloween, saying the “costume fits well.” Is Electro a good fit for the next Spider-Man film? I’m sure there are better villains out there, but I’m still curious to see how they tackle the character. Read more…



George Lucas Donating the 4 Billion Disney Dollars to Education

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 2, 2012 in Cinema, Star Wars

Still reeling from Disney buying Lucasfilm earlier this week? Yeah, me too. There’s a lot of good news here, some uncertainty, but most of all I’m excited. I’m feeling a little like a fanboy again at the prospect of new Star Wars films – or should I say, the prospect of new Star Wars films that could be good. More good news? George Lucas has made all of us who ever complained about the prequels looks like whiny children. He announced that he’ll be giving the majority of the money from the 4.5 billion dollar Disney deal into a foundation to support education and education issues. Do you think he dropped the mic and strutted offstage after the announcement, too? Read more…

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Disney Buys Lucasfilm, Plans Star Wars Episode VII for 2015

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2012 in Cinema, Star Wars

Disney Star Wars

In news that took me a while to wrap my head around, today the Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in cash and stocks. Disney now owns not only Lucasfilm, but also Industrial Light and Magic, Skywalker Sound, and LucasArts, as well as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and numerous other properties. This is a pretty big deal, and I’m not entirely sure how to take it. What conflicts my opinion even further is the news that Disney is planning a new trilogy of Star Wars movies. Read more…

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is Back As Conan

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 27, 2012 in Cinema


Poor Jason Momoa – he was a good Conan, stuck in a bad movie – and now he’ll never get a second chance. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed on with Universal Pictures to return and play Conan in a new film called (to everyone’s surprise, I’m sure) The Legend of Conan. I’m sure Arnold has been missing the cameras, but this whole situation seems hilarious to me. This movie better be amazingly terrible or actually good, because no one wants another middling Conan film. Funnily enough, the producer went out of his way to say this new film skips the second Conan (1984). Just smile and nod, I suppose. Read more…

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Evangelion 3.0 Finally Has A Real Trailer!

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 18, 2012 in Anime, Cinema

Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo

After months of teasing, Studio Khara has finally released a trailer with actual footage from Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo. This is the latest in the exciting Rebuild of Evangelion, the remake/reboot/possible-sequel (?) to the seminal deconstruction of mecha anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion. With the film coming out on November 17 in Japan, it’s good to know that actual footage exists, considering how long fans have been waiting for this movie! Read more…



New Captain America: The Winter Soldier Casting Rumors

Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 15, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books


Excited for all these new Marvel movies? Now that all the build-up to Avengers is complete, we get to do it all again with Avengers 2. We have Guardians of the Galaxy peeking over the horizon, and Thor: The Dark World is scheduled for November 2013, but recently news has been dropping in regards to the Captain America sequel, The Winter Soldier. We found out that Black Widow will show up in the film a few weeks ago, but the role of the leading lady in the film has been up for grabs. Who’s on the list? You might be surprised. Read more…

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