Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar Confirmed for 2014

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 9, 2013 in Cinema


A while back we heard rumors that Christopher Nolan had chosen his next film, and that it would be a sci-fi adventure about interstellar voyage across the reaches of space. Appropriately titled Interstellar, it seemed like solid news but hadn’t been confirmed until now. Nolan also stated that the film would arrive on November 7th, 2014, in a joint release between Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures. His brother and frequent co-conspirator, Jonathan Nolan, will be writing the script and Emma Thomas will produce along with Chris. So: get your hype engines ready! This will be a huge film for 2014. Read more…

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300’s King Leonidas Is In God Of War: Ascension

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 7, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames


After ending the trilogy in God of War 3, anything else seems a little…unnecessary. I’m thinking specifically of the upcoming God of War: Ascension, yet another prequel, but this time with multiplayer. Still, in the absence of necessity, just toss whatever in and hope it creates necessity. Case in point: adding King Leonidas from 300 to multiplayer. Read more…

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Carrie Fisher To Return As Leia In Star Wars Episode VII

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 6, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Carrie Fisher

Despite Mark Hamill being a downer about rumors that he, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher would return as Luke, Han, and Leia in Disney’s Star Wars Episode VII, the rumors continued to circulate. They may have been in talks, but I guess at least one of them has wrapped up, as Carrie Fisher has quite definitively confirmed that she will return as Leia.
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Latest Iron Man 3 Trailer Shows Army Of Iron Men

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 6, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Iron Man 3 new suits

The latest Iron Man 3 trailer is out, and as predicted by last week’s poster, Tony Stark and Rhodey will have plenty of help. This movie is going to be bursting with new suits, and it looks like they’ll be providing back-up for Tony instead of being worn. It’s not clear if anyone else is wearing them, but I could see the movie explaining them as controlled by A.I. Read more…

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Superhero News: Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 1, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Here’s a few tidbits for your weekend: Man of Steel, the Warner Bros. latest attempt to reboot the Superman franchise, is getting some good buzz. JoBlo mentions that their source says the upcoming movie has “tons of action” and “it’s not nearly as dour and serious as the trailers suggest.” This is great news, and I hope it turns out to be true. I’m hoping the combination of Snyder and Nolan can result in a good movie. Check out JoBlo for more details.  In other superhero news, Marvel has released a new Iron Man 3 poster that shows off more than a few Iron Man armors flying around. Perhaps we’re getting an Iron Army? Check out the poster below. Read more…

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Chris Cooper Is Norman Osborn In The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 28, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Chris Cooper

Time for another casting confirmation for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Marc Webb’s sequel to his reboot of the Spider-Man franchise. But first, let’s recap the cast as it stands. We have: Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Shailene Woodley as Mary Jane Watson, Dane DeHann as Harry Osborn, Jamie Foxx as Electro, Paul Giamatti as the Rhino (yeah, I know, it’s weird), and Felicity Jones as someone (possibly Black Cat). And now, toss another potential villain into the mix… Read more…

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Film vs. Digital – Side by Side Now On Netflix

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 25, 2013 in Cinema


Have you seen The Hobbit in 48fps and wondered, “What’s going on here?” Or perhaps saw Avatar and thought about the visual feel on the movie? If you’ve ever wondered about the differences between film and digital, then there’s an exciting new film on Netflix: Side by Side. Keanu Reeves speaks with some of the best and most visionary modern directors to find out their opinions on the raging film vs. digital debate. It’s really quite fascinating, and something I’ve been interested in for some time, so it’s exciting to see this arrive on Netflix. Check it out here! Read more…

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Megan Fox Will Star in Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 23, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


No no no no no! It looks like Michael Bay and Megan Fox have gotten over their previous quarrels (or perhaps there was a little money involved in this movie making thing), because Bay confirmed on his website that Fox will be back into his “family” for his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. The first poster will also reportedly run with the catchphrase “Abandon all hope, ye who enter,” or something to that extent. The obvious assumption is that she’ll be April O’Neil, but I think they should cast her as an all-new TMNT character: Megan Fox. Because I just can’t see her as April. Read more…

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Check Out Mandarin in This New Iron Man 3 Poster

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 23, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


He’s still a little shadowy, but what villain isn’t? Here’s a great look at Mandarin, the villain in Iron Man 3, in this brand new poster. Ben Kingsley looks great in this role, for sure, and I can’t wait to see him in action. While the costuming on Mandarin seems to be suitably eastern, he also seems to be channeling a dictator-esque fashion sense as well. Will he be enough of a villain to really kick Tony Stark to the curb? Going by all the trailers and media we’ve seen so far, the answer appears to be ‘yes.’ The Empire Online version of the poster seems to have a certain helmet in it… Check out the full poster below! Read more…



Mark Hamill Cools Expectations On New Star Wars Trilogy

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 21, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Mark Hamill

Surely you’ve heard all the rumors lately about which classic Star Wars actors are or aren’t returning to Disney’s new trilogy (or spin-off films). Well, don’t get your hopes up, because Mark Hamill is ready to be a complete buzzkill about them. Read more…

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Prepare For Next PlayStation With The Evolution Of PlayStation

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 19, 2013 in Cinema

PlayStation Family

On February 20, Sony will announce the next PlayStation, widely believed to be the PlayStation 4. In the days leading up to the event, Sony has been releasing videos recapping the history of the PlayStation brand, with the latest focusing on their handheld excursions. Read more…



Attend Monsters University in This New Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 18, 2013 in Animation, Cinema


Actually, it’s not even a trailer! Pixar has released a new video that’s a faux university commercial, with a message from the school dean giving a message to prospective students. It’s great to get a look at the upcoming Monsters University film, and I love how committed the marketing has been to the whole project. There’s been all kinds of marketing that acts as though MU is an actual place, and there’s even a website made for it! I always prefer that style of advertising. Check out the video below to see the dean’s message. Monsters University arrives June 21st. Read more…

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Danny Boyle’s TRANCE Looks Delightfully Messed-Up

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 16, 2013 in Cinema


Here’s a new red band trailer for Danny Boyle’s next film, TRANCE, and man, does it look crazy good. Given that it’s a red band trailer, be aware it features content a little more graphic than usual, particularly an amazingly “mind-blowing” final clip that surprised me. I’m super excited to see Boyle return to some more mind-bending antics, especially in such a unique-sounding story. An art thief forgets where he hid a valuable painting, so he’s hypnotized to try and remember where he left it. Of course, it only becomes more insane from there. Watch the trailer below. Read more…

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Batman Movie Reboot May Come Before Justice League Movie

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 14, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Batman and the Justice League

Since Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is finished, Warner Brothers needs to take the Batman franchise in a new direction, and that means a reboot. The previous plan was to introduce a new Batman in the upcoming Justice League movie, which itself will be shaped by the success of Zack Snyder’s Superman movie Man of Steel. But now, things are uncertain, and we me see a new solo Batman film even sooner.
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Thousands Of Images From Aliens Make Up This Aliens Poster

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 14, 2013 in Cinema

Aliens Mosaic Poster Preview

Looking for something to wash that awful taste out of your mouth now that Aliens: Colonial Marines is out and apparently sucks? Let’s return to the days when the Alien franchise was always good, specifically the original Aliens. In a “Hey dawg, we heard you like Aliens, so we put Aliens in your Aliens” move, Annapurna Pictures has recreated the Aliens movie poster with images from the film. Read more…

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Bad News: New CGI Grinch Film On the Way – Also a Farmville TV Show

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 11, 2013 in Cinema


Good news everyone! Wait, no, bad news. Very bad. The people who made the CGI Horton Hears a Who and The Lorax movies are getting their hands on another Doctor Seuss tale, perhaps his most well-known aside from Cat in the Hat: the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Universal, why? I don’t see the need. Then again, it has a certain amount of guaranteed sales just due to the name. But while we’re on the topic of unnecessary entertainment, let’s also mention that Brett Ratner is making an animated Farmville TV show. He reportedly said “Farmville is one of the most exciting brands out there today,” which probably translates to “money? This is money, right? I could go for some of that.” Read more…

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Bryan Lee O’Malley & Kevin Tong Cover Battle Royale for Mondo

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 10, 2013 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections


Like Battle Royale? How about Scott Pilgrim? Or Kevin Tong? What about ridiculously cool posters? Throw them all together and Mondo has the movie screening for you. On February 16th at the Alamo Drafthouse, in partnership with Mondo, will be showing Battle Royale. Buy a ticket, and not only do you get to see the film, you also get a sweet print by Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, and renowned print artist Kevin Tong. The poster will be 24 x 36 inches. Supplies and tickets are limited though, so act quick! Read more…

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J.J. Abrams and Gabe Newell Want to Make Things Together

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 8, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames


The other day at DICE, J.J. Abrams and Gabe Newell got up on stage together to give a presentation about their discussions on storytelling in games and film. If you’ve been paying attention, you may know that Gabe and J.J. have been buddies for a while, and have frequently mentioned their love for each other’s works. So now, on the cusp of Abrams getting the Star Wars gig, they have announced that they’ll be working on creating content together. Namely, Abrams wants to create Portal and Half-Life movies, and Newell wants Abrams to collaborate on a game with Valve. Pretty exciting stuff, but Abrams said that they’re only in the “early stages” of the talks, and are going to hire a scriptwriter soon. So who knows what could change in that time. Read more…

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Han Solo And Boba Fett Spin-off Films Coming From Disney

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 7, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Han Solo and Boba Fett

It seems like Disney is definitely set on making some Star Wars spin-off films to be released between official episodes of the sequel trilogy. Yesterday we heard about a Yoda movie, but Entertainment Weekly is claiming that Han Solo and Boba Fett will be getting their own stand-alone films. Han Solo’s will explore the smuggler’s origins, set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, perhaps with an older Harrison Ford as a framing device for a new actor younger than Han Solo’s original portrayal. Meanwhile Boba Fett’s will be a bounty hunter adventure, set either between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back or between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Read more…

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Could The First Star Wars Stand-Alone Film Center On Yoda?

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 6, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars


Here’s a juicy rumor about the fate of Star Wars in Disney’s hands. We all know about the sequel trilogy, and everyone is pumped about J.J. Abrams directing Episode VII. But while these sequels will be released every two-to-three years, not as much attention has been paid to Disney’s plans for additional stand-alone films. Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are writing two stand-alone films, so what’s the deal with them? At least for one of them, there’s one word: Yoda. Read more…

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New Images Make Up For Lack Of Pacific Rim Super Bowl Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 5, 2013 in Cinema

Pacific Rim 1

Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim may not have had a trailer during the Super Bowl — for that matter, no Warner Brothers movie did — but at least we have a bunch of fancy new images to share. If buzz from the recent test screening is anything to go off of, this is going to be a giant robot movie you don’t want to miss. Plus, Looper director Rian Johnson has seen it, and he loves it!

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World War Z Super Bowl Ad Does Not Assuage My Fears

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 3, 2013 in Cinema


So, how about that World War Z? After a long and troubled production cycle, it’s finally coming out. The first trailer didn’t look very appeal, at least to fans of the book, and sadly I’m here to report that the new Super Bowl ad will do nothing to change your mind. It seems even the marketers are aware that people are sick of zombies, as they don’t even clearly show the zombies, and when asked about what’s happening a character simply says “we don’t know.” Sounds like a motto for the whole movie. Watch the clip below. Read more…

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Iron Man 3 Gets New Poster and Teaser

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 2, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Here’s a sweet new poster for Iron Man 3, along with a new teaser clip, all leading up to a new trailer during the Superb Owl this Sunday. Not interested in football? That’s ok, because I’m sure it’ll be online mere minutes after the fact, if not beforehand. This new Iron Man film looks to be beating up Tony quite a bit now, even more so than Avengers. Will Shane Black be able to make an awesome film after Favreau’s mess of Iron Man 2? I sure hope so, especially with his buddy-buddy relationship with Robert Downey Jr. I’d like Iron Man 3 to blow my socks off. Watch the preview below. Read more…



Warcraft Movie Gets a Director

Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 1, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames


Remember way back when Sam Raimi was going to direct a Warcraft movie? Those were the days, right? Well no longer! He dropped out a while ago for some Oz-related adventures, and now Legendary Pictures has picked a new director: Duncan Jones. Does that name sound familiar? It’s because he’s David Bowie’s son and the director of the absolutely amazing sci-fi film, Moon. His last project, Source Code, was also a pretty interesting endeavor. Warcraft will be a huge leap up for him, especially in terms of budget, given that Legendary is expected to be spending roughly $100 million on it. Given that Jones’ films are usually a bit more thoughtful and plodding, who knows how this will turn out! Read more…



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