Ratchet & Clank Get Animated In A Feature-Length Film

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 24, 2013 in Animation, Cinema, Videogames

Ratchet & Clank

Insomniac’s Ratchet & Clank franchise has been a beautiful cartoony series of games for a while now. So as news breaks that there is a Ratchet & Clank movie in the works, I’d like to say that I’m completely surprised, but really, it makes sense. Insomniac has some established, likable characters, and considering how the game already looks like a cartoon, this isn’t too much of a stretch. The only surprise is that this will be theatrically released instead of just releasing direct-to-DVD.

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Star Trek Into Darkness Preview Puts Spock In A Bad Situation

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 23, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek

Star Trek Into Darkness

Some of you may have seen this clip from Star Trek Into Darkness if you saw the IMAX prologue released with The Hobbit, but for many of you this will be new. There’s stuff going down on a planet with a volcano, and the young Captain Kirk must grapple with the Prime Directive as he makes a decision. Of course, there’s no resolution in this clip, but that’s why you’re going to go see the movie on May 17, 2013, right? Consider this another little morsel to tease your appetite. Read more…



R.I.P.D. Trailer Has Jeff Bridges Shooting At Ghoulies

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 18, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


On July 19, Universal will release their movie adaptation of the comic R.I.P.D., a story about an afterlife police force. Ryan Reynolds plays a man who has just died and is assigned to the Rest In Peace Department, an organization that makes sure dead things stay dead and don’t interfere with the living world. To this end, he’s teamed up with Jeff Bridges to help him learn the ropes.
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Latest Man Of Steel Trailer Looks Amazing

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 17, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Man of Steel

As much as I wanted to remain cautiously optimistic, bordering on disbelieving, of Man of Steel, this new trailer has won me over. Sure, I’m still not confident in Zack Snyder’s ability to direct, and I’m not the biggest Superman fan, but now I’m immensely interested in what this movie may do with Superman. And though it was in the first trailer, that shot of Superman taking off still gives me chills. Watch it now! Read more…

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General Zod Teases Man Of Steel Via Garbled Video

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 16, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

General Zod

Though this ad for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel is a “viral” video, it requires some suspension of disbelief. The idea is that General Zod is trying to contact our world to turn over Superman, or get Superman to turn over himself. Normally, I’d think this would be done on TV, and this ad was shown during the MTV Movie Awards. But it premiered online first, and this video is on YouTube. So I suppose I’m expected to believe that General Zod recorded this with the intent to put it online, where people might see it. Read more…

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Be Iron Man at Disneyland

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 14, 2013 in Cinema


Now you can finally live out the act of having Iron Man’s armor fly onto your body in dramatic fashion. This weekend marks the beginning of a new Iron Man Attraction at Disneyland as part of the Innovations exhibit. There will be Iron Man suits on display, as well as a Kinect look-alike system of having an Iron Man suit track your body so it looks like you’re in the suit. Pretty nifty, but I think I’d rather look like a dork in the comfort of my own home. Would be cool to see all those suits though. Read more…

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First Trailer for District 9 Director’s New Film, Elysium

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 12, 2013 in Cinema


District 9 was one of the best recent sci-fi films, both for its message and its excellent use of a low budget (it looked fantastic, visually). It looks like Neill Blomkamp is finally back now, and I couldn’t be more excited. It starts Matt Damon as a man who lives on the devastated Earth, looking upward at all the disease-free rich folk living in the orbiting space colony, Elysium. To save his own life, he plots to secretly make his way onto Elysium and use their advanced tech, while wearing a powerful suit. Sharlto Copley shows ups as a bounty hunter tracking Damon down (which is awesome). The film arrives August 9th. Read more…

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Watch Batman & Robin’s Crew Tear The Movie Apart

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 10, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Batman & Robin

io9 dredged up this making-of featurette for the notorious Batman & Robin. What’s surprising is that mixed in with the usual interviews and behind the scenes footage is a lot of frank criticism of the film from the very people making it. Director Joel Schumacher, often vilified for taking the movie in a more kid-friendly direction, seems quite aware of the trainwreck the film is becoming. (You can see the terror in his eyes.) Chris O’Donnell is also particularly harsh. Read more…



Visit Jurassic Park By Way Of Minecraft

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 9, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames

Jurassic Park in Minecraft

Are you pumped about Jurassic Park‘s rerelease in theaters, but don’t want to pay money to rewatch it? Then gather round and check out this Minecraft recreation of the movie that made every kid fascinated by dinosaurs (well, even more fascinated than kids usually are). A few liberties are taken, but hey, I recognize a lot of those places! Read more…

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Going to See Jurassic Park 3D? Now You Don’t Have To

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 8, 2013 in Cinema


I try not to post too many of these web series videos, because YouTube is flooded with them and you already see the deluge of regurgitated Let’s Play-ers and “Everything Wrong With The Hobbit in 60 Seconds” videos everywhere. But every once in a while there’s some clever content out there, and this recent Honest Trailers video is pretty great, not just because it’s about Jurassic Park 3D, but because it takes ample time to appreciate Jeff Goldblum in sexy poses. And why Sam Neill will always be “that Jurassic Park guy.” Watch it below. Read more…



Weird Al and Huey Lewis in American Psycho Parody

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 6, 2013 in Cinema


Yes, I’m not making that up. Weird Al and Huey Lewis reenact one of the most iconic scenes in American Psycho, when Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman rambles on about the purportedly amazing music of Huey Lewis and the News. It’s an intense scene with a deeper meaning, that results in a man getting hit in the head with an axe, but most people come away only with the disturbing but hilarious Huey Lewis and the News line. So now Lewis is getting his revenge. And poor, poor Weird Al is stuck in the middle of it. Watch the video below. Read more…



Red Band Trailer for Only God Forgives (from the director of Drive)

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 5, 2013 in Cinema


After I saw the cult-hit Drive in theaters, I became a big fan of director Nicolas Winding Refn’s work. And now I’m very excited for his next film, Only God Forgives. There was a small teaser a few months ago, but now we’ve got a full red band trailer to get a real taste of the movie – and it looks intense. Set in Bangkok, the official synopsis is a “police lieutenant and a gangster settle their differences in a Thai-boxing match” but you know it’s way more in-depth than that. Refn’s visual style is present in full force, and the heavy focus on music seems to be back as well. We also now have a confirmed US release date: July 19th. So get ready! Trailer after the jump. Read more…

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Leaked Plot Of Disney’s Tomorrowland Actually Sounds Interesting

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 3, 2013 in Cinema

Tomorrowland Box

It’s easy to be skeptical when Disney talks about making a movie out of a theme park attraction. Sure, Pirates of the Caribbean turned out to be surprisingly great, but the rest of the films weren’t so hot, and the less said about The Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy the better. But when Brad Bird supposedly has an idea for the upcoming movie Tomorrowland based on a box of Disney memorabilia labeled “1952,” you start to wonder if it could possibly be intriguing. A supposed plot leak only piques interest further. Read more…

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Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar Slowly Coming Together

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 1, 2013 in Cinema


Slowly but surely more details are falling into place for Christopher Nolan’s next big film, Interstellar. While we already have a general idea of the synopsis (interstellar space travel), we haven’t heard much in the way of casting until now. Rumors are now swirling that Nolan is looking at Matthew McConaughey to star as the main character. While the deal isn’t finished, I think it’s safe to say McConaughey will accept if the offer is there. But mostly I’m just wondering how many of Nolan’s favorite actors will return for this film. Read more…

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New Details About Pacific Rim

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 31, 2013 in Cinema


At Wondercon 2013, director Guillermo del Toro showed up to promote the upcoming Pacific Rim, which is one of the films I’m most excited for this year. Giant robots and huge monsters duking it out? What’s not to like? Thankfully, del Toro took some time to drop new details about the film, like Ron Perlman playing a kaiju organ dealer, or neon sci-fi city landscapes. Gypsy Danger’s pilots load into it’s head and then the head launches into the main body (that sounds familiar). Also confirmed by del Toro was the extensive use of real sets and props – they built several blocks of Hong Kong just to destroy, and used an actual 4-story tall Jaeger head as well. Impressive work! A short video from the con is below. Read more…

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New Kick-Ass 2 Trailer Focuses on Hit-Girl

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 29, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Here’s a new international trailer that takes a bit of a closer look at Hit-Girl’s story in the upcoming Kick-Ass 2. She’s trying to take a break from the crime-fighting business, maybe even “retire,” but it looks like no matter what she’s getting pulled back in. The second movie definitely feels cheaper than the original, but we’ll have to see the final film to judge everything. I also appreciate that they’re just simply titling it “Kick-Ass 2,” and not including some silly subtitle like “Kick-Ass 2: Kick Harder!” or “Kick-Ass: The Reckoning.” Simplicity is nice. Read more…



First Trailer For The Wolverine Takes Us To Japan

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 28, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

The Wolverine

I feel like this movie has been in production forever, but here it finally is, the first trailer for The Wolverine, the new Logan-centric X-Men movie that will hopefully make people forget about X-Men Origins: Wolverine back in 2009. It seems Wolverine is now mortal (whatever that means), but he’s still capable of slicing up ninjas and the Silver Samurai. Does this make up for the bad X-Men films, or are people still putting their hopes on X-Men: First Class follow-up X-Men: Days of Future Past? Read more…

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Fresh G.I. Joe: Retaliation Clip To Convince You or Turn You Off

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 23, 2013 in Cinema


Here’s a brand new clip from the upcoming G.I. Joe Retaliation film via Paramount International’s YouTube account. If you’ve been following this at all, you know that G.I. Joe has been through reshoots, a delay, and a 3D post-conversion. Not exactly the best situation, and it’s still hard to tell how the full film will turn out. However, this new clip shows plenty of overly-dramatic ninja battles and super-silly cliff fighting. Running up walls and riding ziplines all over the mountain scenery – I think this might end up being entertainingly cheesy. Or perhaps “good” bad. Maybe. Decide for yourself after watching the clip. And yes, this movie comes out next week, March 28th.  Read more…



Here’s the Latest Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 22, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek


Are you excited yet for Star Trek Into Darkness? We’ve got another new international trailer showing up today, and while some of it is recycled footage that you’ve seen before in other trailers, much of it is new. The more I see of this movie, the more comfortable I feel about JJ Abrams taking over Star Wars. But as for Star Trek, it looks pretty impressive. I sure am hoping that the Enterprise crashing isn’t the climax of the movie, because that’d be a terrible thing to spoil. I hope Kirk can hold up against Sherlock Holmes! Watch the new trailer below. Read more…

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Watch That Comic-Con Ant-Man Footage In Glorious Fuzz-O-Vision

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 21, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Ant Man

Remember last summer’s San Diego Comic Con, when there was test footage shown from Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man film? Well, it’s finally leaked out online. Granted, it’s shot from a balcony and some guy’s head is in the shot, but you can still see a dude shrinking, getting bigger, and taking out two other dudes. Read more…

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Jurassic Park 4 Gets a Director

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 16, 2013 in Cinema


Universal and Steven Spielberg are continuing to press forward on creating a fourth Jurassic Park film! And while they have a script from Rise of the Planet of the Apes writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, they hadn’t yet picked out a director. But now it looks like they’re going with a fresh face out of Sundance, in Colin Trevorrow, director of Safety Not Guaranteed. It’s an interesting choice to say the least, and one I’m not sure of, but Jurassic Park is Spielberg’s baby, so I bet that he saw something in Trevorrow’s work that he thought would be a good fit. Then again, you can argue about even having a Jurassic Park 4. How will it turn out? Read more…



Kick-Ass 2 Promises Tons Of Vigilante Superheroes

Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 14, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Kick-Ass 2

Well this is a pleasant surprise, kind of just like the first film. MTV premiered a trailer for Kick-Ass 2, the sequel to 2010’s adaptation of Mark Miller’s comic. And it’s looking pretty nice! Everyone seems spirited, and Jim Carrey’s inclusion doesn’t seem too forced. My only concern is that it is directed by some no-name instead of the talented Matthew Vaughn, who is only producing this time around. Still, it may turn out good. Check out the trailer below, but be warned it’s a red band trailer full of naughty words that are potentially NSFW. Read more…

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A Fresh Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 10, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek


I doubt this needs much introduction at this point: here’s the latest Star Trek Into Darkness trailer that’s running in front of Oz the Great and Powerful. It looks fantastic, and they’re still keeping Benedict Cumberbatch and his definitely not known, so very secret character to the background. He certainly looks imposing and threatening for the 5 seconds he’s in the trailer, though. It also looks like there will be plenty of falling in this film. Very very fast falling. From space. I must also say, I love the visual look of the first scene shown – I can’t wait to see that on the big screen. Check out the trailer below. Read more…

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New After Earth Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 9, 2013 in Cinema


So I haven’t seen much hype for After Earth, and I can understand why. Let’s just say that post-Airbender, M. Night Shyamalan does not have much cred. I remember seeing Inception in theaters and when the trailer for Devil mentioned that it was produced by Shyamalan, the theater burst into laughter. I’m being honest here. But I’m willing to give him another chance, as some parts of his latest film, After Earth, do look interesting. I think going with a simpler story about a father and son is a good start, and having a script by Gary Whitta is a great booster. Hopefully the film won’t become an overblown tale about saving the Earth, and instead just focus on the relationship between Will Smith and his son – then I think people might start paying attention. Read more…

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