Wreck-It Ralph Deleted Scene Shows Unused Game World

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 3, 2013 in Animation, Cinema, Videogames

Wreck-It Ralph Storyboard

By now it’s known that Disney had considered featuring additional game worlds in Wreck-It Ralph, but cut them for various reasons. The world farthest along in the planning stages was Extreme Easy Living 2, an open-world game (Grand Theft Auto) with a Sims vibe and lots of modern social gaming aspects (think Facebook-like interactions). It was cut both for pacing and logistical reasons — Ralph ended up on the arcade owner’s computer, since this sort of game is not something that would be found in an arcade — but it was storyboarded. Check out this clip showing what might have been had it made it into the finished film. Read more…

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Karen Gillan Cast as Lead Villainess in Guardians of the Galaxy

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 2, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Here’s some awesome casting news: one of the most popular companions of Dr. Who, Karen Gillan, will be joining Marvel’s upcoming space opera adventure, Guardians of the Galaxy. This movie’s cast is basically a fanboy’s dream team: Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax), Glenn Close (head of the Nova Corps), Michael Rooker (Yondu), John C. Reilly, Lee Pace, and (inhales deeply) David Tennant is rumored to be playing Rocket Racoon. Holy crap, that’s a lot of awesome actors. I’m starting to get very excited for this movie! Read more…

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A Giant Robot Head Was Built for Pacific Rim

Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2013 in Cinema


Guillermo del Toro never backs down from making his movies right. And if his latest “giant robots vs. giant monsters” movie Pacific Rim needs a real giant robot head built, then by golly they’re going to make one! A new featurette went up on Yahoo detailing the process behind using such a big set piece, as well as why he wanted to make it in the first place. The added work is clearly worth it, giving the actor something real to work with and adding realism to the film. There’s also a bunch of new promotional images and interviews out and about. Some links and videos below! Read more…

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How Bright Does A Franchise’s Star Burn? Movie Grosses Ranked

Posted by Bob Muir on May 28, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek, Star Wars

Movie Franchises as Stars

With the recent release of Star Trek Into Darkness and the constant buzz surrounding 2015’s Star Wars: Episode VII, the franchises continue to be big in the public eye. But if these two franchises were stars, how bright would they be? The New Yorker has charted the two franchises, as well as several other prominent franchises throughout the past few decades, to see which franchise has raked in the most money. Unsurprisingly, James Bond wins that, due to there being 24 films in the franchise. But when ranked by what a franchise’s average film earned, Star Wars was the clear winner, as well as in franchise profitability. (Even the prequels couldn’t ruin that!) Since we can’t embed it, you can see the full chart here and find where your favorite franchise wound up. Read more…

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Star Trek Into Darkness Had a Deleted Cumberbatch Shower Scene

Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek


Recently there were a few complaints about Alice Eve’s scene in Star Trek Into Darkness, in which she abruptly shows up in her underwear. Conan didn’t have any complaints about it, but J.J. Abrams went on his show to assuage any concerns about it, and also show off a deleted scene from the film in which the UNTITLED VILLAIN, Benedict Cumberbatch, takes a shower. I know he’s very popular with the ladies out there, so I’m a little surprised they cut this, but you can get a glimpse of his very angry shower below. Conan takes the liberty of adding his own musical choice over it, as well. Read more…



Trailer Party: The World’s End and Man of Steel

Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2013 in Cinema


We’re in the thick of the summer movie season, so trailers are getting pumped out left and right. First up is Edgar Wright’s The World’s End, the third film in his Cornetto “trilogy,” featuring a group of buddies returning to their old hometown and re-visit all their pubs – but it seems their entire town has been replaced by robots. Kind of annoying when that happens, isn’t it? Also up is Man of Steel’s latest (possibly final?) trailer, which shines a lot of light on the story and characters, making it much more clear where they’re going with the film. If you were on the fence about it, this trailer will probably push you onto one side or the other. Check them both out below. Read more…

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Assassin’s Creed Film Gets a 2015 Release Date

Posted by Ben Huber on May 19, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames


Remember how Ubisoft has been pushing to get an Assassin’s Creed film made? Well, it’s slowly becoming more of a reality. Last year we heard that Michael Fassbender would star and Michael Lesslie would script the affair. Then in last October 20th Century Fox and New Regency put their weight behind it, making it appear much more likely that this would happen. Thus, a date has been assigned: May 22nd, 2015. Now to simply find a director, the rest of the cast, and make the movie! Simple, right?  Read more…

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Brad Bird Talks About Maybe Doing Incredibles 2, Star Wars Episode VII

Posted by Ben Huber on May 17, 2013 in Animation, Cinema

Brad Bird

Brad Bird recently did an interview and talked about a ton of projects he either passed up or still wants to do. Being asked about the always-wanted Incredibles sequel, Bird said that he “would probably wanna do that” and that he has ideas floating around in his head for the next film if the opportunity ever arises. That gives me some hope! He also spoke about Star Wars Episode VII, and mentioned that Kathleen Kennedy offered him the director’s chair for the movie, but he had to pass it up to finish Tomorrowland. Too bad, I think it would’ve been a good fit, but with a new Star Wars film every year starting in 2015, he has a much higher chance of doing one sooner or later! Read more…

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New Pacific Rim Trailer – Now With More Robots

Posted by Ben Huber on May 17, 2013 in Cinema


I bet you thought they couldn’t fit more robots in, right? Well, they can, as well as some more Kaiju to beat up as well. Some of the set pieces in this film look really neat, and I’m loving the designs for the various Kaiju. I guess about all else this shows me that a giant robot movie can be done well (go away, Michael Bay), and I kind of want to see a live-action Neon Genesis Evangelion or Big O movie now. Perhaps one day! Until then, this is a wonderful replacement. Check out the trailer below. Read more…



Riddick Slaughters His Enemies In Trailer For ‘Riddick’

Posted by Bob Muir on May 16, 2013 in Cinema


Vin Diesel is back in a new Riddick film, and it seems like it’s practically Pitch Black with a bigger budget. Simply entitled Riddick, the film trailer depicts Riddick tearing up monsters, making cool poses, and just basically acting like you’d expect. This looks like a very effects-heavy film, but you know what? We need those now and then, and this looks to fill that need nicely. I have to wonder though if there will be a marginally-related video game released in conjunction with the film that turns out to be higher quality and more fondly remembered. I think many will agree that The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was better than the second movie. Read more…

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First Pic of Paul Giamatti as the Rhino in Amazing Spider-Man 2

Posted by Ben Huber on May 13, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Well there you go. We were all wondering a bit how Paul Giamatti would fit into The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as the Rhino, and how much they would play up the “rhino” aspect of his character. At the very least I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have a horn coming out of his forehead. He does have a tattoo there, though! This time the Rhino will just be a simple Russian merc, Aleksei Sytsevich. Maybe he’ll still have super-strength? Or perhaps he will get some sort of crazy suit later in the movie. On the other end of things, if you haven’t seen Jaime Foxx as Electro yet, you might wanna take a peek below to see what you’re missing. I think he may have blue himself. Read more…



First Teaser for Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity

Posted by Ben Huber on May 11, 2013 in Cinema


Children of Men is one of my favorite films ever – definitely in my top 10. So hopefully you can understand why I am so excited to see the director of that film, Alfonso Cuarón, return to the big screen finally. His new film is titled Gravity, starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as two astronauts working on the International Space Station when tragedy strikes. Aside from the setup, many details about the movie are vague, but I’m expecting an intensity not exactly common in theaters right now. There’s also a possible 17-minute long shot, which also has me very intrigued. Check out the trailer below! Read more…

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Jurassic Park 4 On Hold: Spielberg Says Script Was “Crap”

Posted by Ben Huber on May 11, 2013 in Cinema


We heard a few days ago that Jurassic Park 4 had been put on hold, but Universal’s reasoning was unclear. However, now we have a rumor coming out saying the Steven Spielberg himself asked the film to be halted after he stated that the script was “crap.” I feel bad for the scriptwriters, but then again – this is the guy who supported the mutant dinosaurs with guns in the original script. Not trying to rag on Steven here, but while I love his movies, sometimes his decisions are a bit bizarre. We’ll wait and see if the script gets re-written into an acceptable state, or if JP4 remains on ice for now. Read more…

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Get Smashed In The World’s End Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on May 9, 2013 in Cinema

The World's End

The World’s End is out on August 23 in the US, and it’s looking good, if this hot new trailer is anything to go by! This is the third and final film in Edgar Wright’s loosely-related “Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy,” featuring actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This movie starts out with old friend’s trying an epic pub crawl again, but soon turns into something out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Judging by the quality of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, this will definitely be one to watch this summer! Read more…



Visual Effects Pioneer Ray Harryhausen Passes Away

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 7, 2013 in Animation, Cinema

Ray Harryhausen

Ray Harryhausen didn’t invent stop motion animation, but he certainly made it into an art form. Unlike computer graphics today stop motion animation was a painful art: You had to plan and pose puppets, and shoot them frame by frame. And there are 24 frames per second in film, so you can imagine how painful that sort of work was. Yet Harryhausen turned that tedious work into screen magic with a careers that lasted from the 1930s until very recently. Read more…



Marvel Regains Movie Rights To Blade, Ghost Rider, and Punisher

Posted by Bob Muir on May 7, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

Punisher and Blade

I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe is awesome, and I love where Marvel is trying to take it. Unfortunately, well before Marvel came up with their own shared universe, they had licensed out rights to certain properties to other studios. That’s why Sony keeps making Spider-Man movies and why Fox definitely won’t be quitting on X-Men anytime soon — they want to keep holding on to these money-making rights in an environment where superhero movies are thriving. But what about some of those other Marvel properties that aren’t being exploited? Read more…

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Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar Cast Grows

Posted by Ben Huber on May 6, 2013 in Cinema


The first name I’m going to throw at you will be no surprise: Michael Caine. Christopher Nolan’s “good luck charm” will be returning to act in his next film, Interstellar. That’s not surprising at all, given that he’s been in almost all of Nolan’s recent films. However, a new face in the Nolan-verse is Jessica Chastain, off of Zero Dark Thirty. She seems like a great pick, especially as she’s been recently showing up in a bunch of big films. So now the two new cast members sit with Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway – I want to hear more about the story now. But we’ve got a long wait till November of next year. Read more…

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Lloyd Kaufman and The Angry Video Game Nerd Play Toxic Crusaders

Posted by Ben Huber on May 5, 2013 in Cinema, Videogames


Yes, THAT Lloyd Kaufman. The master of shlock and shock, director of Toxic Avenger and Tromeo and Juliet, Lloyd Kaufman, is featured in the latest episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd. Apparently Kaufman is also making an appearance in the AVGN’s upcoming movie, so perhaps he was in town and did this as well. But holy crap, this is an insane episode. Mostly just to see Kaufman hamming it up and pretending he knows how to play a video game (the overactive hand motions had me laughing). And as you can expect, it’s terribly NSFW, and ends in the grossest way possible (puke and feces are involved), but what else would you expect from these two teaming up? Watch the video below. Read more…

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First Footage of Ender’s Game

Posted by Ben Huber on May 4, 2013 in Cinema


Here you go, guys, the first footage of Ender’s Game. It looks alright, I suppose. They kind of drop a spoiler in there, but I guess they’re just running with it. I’m not incredibly excited nor against an Ender’s Game movie, but simply along for the ride. I’m sure someone else has said this too, but dang, Harrison Ford is getting old. He looks so odd juxtaposed with Asa Butterfield. Ford sounds like he hated even saying the word “YouTube.” This is only a short clip to whet your appetite, as the full trailer will be arriving on May 7th. Check it out! Read more…



Chronicle Star Michael B. Jordan up for Human Torch Role?

Posted by Ben Huber on May 3, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


A short while ago we heard that the director of Chronicle, Josh Trank, would be helming the upcoming Fantastic Four film. And it seems like Trank might be dipping into his pool of actors from Chronicle for his first big-budget blockbuster – he’s reportedly getting Michael B. Jordan for the part of the Human Torch. While no formal offer has been made yet, it seems like a solid bet, given their previous history working together. I think this could be a great casting choice too, and would help freshen up the Fantastic Four, as it’s been a very stale property to me in recent times. Here’s hoping that this movie turns out well! Read more…

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Rumor Party: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in Avengers 2?

Posted by Ben Huber on May 3, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Here’s a messy story floating around the internet right now: recently Joss Whedon teased that a certain brother/sister duo would show up in Avengers 2. Everyone jumped up in excitement at the idea that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver could show up, and then EW claims a source confirmed that this would be happening. So far so good, but the messiest part will be the rights. Fox owns the rights to X-Men, but Disney with the Avengers rights puts these two companies in the odd position of both being allowed to use the characters. Will Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver simply never mention their past or father? Or is Disney playing the game for the long-haul, hoping to somehow strike deals with Fox eventually? Like I said, it’s messy, and will probably only get worse as time goes on. Read more…

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Latest Pacific Rim Trailer Is Boat-Smashingly Cool

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 30, 2013 in Cinema

Pacific Rim

If you’re like me, you’re wary of watching too many trailers for an upcoming blockbuster film, because with the way trailers are cut these days, you don’t want every plot point spelled out. (I remember seeing The Dark Knight, whose early trailers I had burned into my memory, and being pleasantly surprised when the Joker was caught and the movie wasn’t even close to finishing.) And yet, when the movie is like Pacific Rim, you can’t help but watch, because it’s simply awesome. This is one of those trailers. Read more…

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Six Minutes of New Clips from Only God Forgives

Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 29, 2013 in Cinema


I am so very excited for Only God Forgives. Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive is one of my favorite recent movies, and his next film looks to be more moody, atmospheric, and stylish content. To promote the film, they’ve release 3 new clips that total roughly 6 minutes altogether. They’re thankfully not very spoilery, but if you want to go into the film unjaded, go no further. Trust me, they’re good. However, if you’re ready for some violence and NSFW action, click through and check out the clips. Read more…

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Watch Studio Ghibli’s ‘Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo’ Short Film

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 25, 2013 in Anime, Cinema

Studio Ghibli's Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo

This short film was commissioned by Hideaki Anno for The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo in 2012 as part of a special Tokusatsu exhibition. The film is directed by Shinji Higuchi and marks the first time that Studio Ghibli produced a live action film: Read more…

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