Shane Black Is Doing A Predator Sequel

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 27, 2014 in Cinema


You may have heard the news that Shane Black is “rebooting” the Predator series. However, Black has come out and started to talk about the project, saying he really doesn’t think of it as a reboot, and that it’s honestly more of a sequel. “Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?” said Black to Collider. It sounds like they’ll be going their own way with the movie, but not overwrite previous installments. Seems like an alright idea! Plus, would Black want to wipe his own character? Right?  Read more…



Latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer Doesn’t Look Completely Awful

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 25, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Okay, so there’s a lot of horrible things about the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Michael Bay is producing it, the CGI turtles’s faces look creepy, and the whole thing looks very overblown. But you know what? The turtles themselves still look like a fun crew of outcasts, and ideally, they’ll be the heart of the film. I’m skeptical that they will be with the way Bay tended to make the Transformers guest stars in their own film series, but at least it doesn’t seem like you can keep the turtles down. And at least it seems like they’ve got a sense of humor about the original concept for the film, where the turtles were aliens instead of, you know, mutants, because they mock that idea at the end of the trailer. Read more…

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Rumors Point To Harrison Ford’s Injury Delaying Star Wars Episode VII

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 24, 2014 in Cinema, Star Wars

Han Solo and Luke Skywalker

It sounds like Harrison Ford’s recent injury may be worse than initially reported. The man who plays Han Solo was injured by a hydraulic door over a week ago while shooting Star Wars Episode VII. While initial reports stated it was a sprained ankle, it turns out that his leg was broken. That’s bad news, considering the actor is rumored to be the main lead in Episode VII, or at least to play a major part. Now rumors are swirling at Pinewood Studios of an emergency meeting to discuss what to do with a film that is due for release on December 18, 2015. Reportedly, the options being considered are rewriting Ford’s scenes, rewriting the whole script to reduce his role, or delaying the film. Read more…

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Here’s Your First Look At The LEGO Ninjago Movie (Not Really)

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 23, 2014 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections


The special features from The LEGO Movie keep on pouring out, and this latest one features some self-aware humor in regards to the next LEGO film in production, Ninjago. The ninja-based series of sets has proved popular with kids and has gotten its own TV show already, so a movie isn’t that surprising. However, the cartoon features CGI with the flexible cartoony LEGO figures, rather than the more realistic take that The LEGO Movie featured. I hope they change to the latter. The promo features the “President of Hollywood” selling Emmett on some minor ninja-related changes to the current film. Check it out below! Read more…

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Prometheus Writer Jon Spaihts To Script Doctor Strange

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 22, 2014 in Cinema


Looks like Doctor Strange is rolling right along! Jon Spaihts (who wrote the first draft of Prometheus before a certain someone came along and changed it a fair bit) has been tapped to script the film. Originally Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer had been lined up to script the affair, but Spaihts is one the way to fast-track this one and get it made pronto. Hopefully he can bang out a solid script for Marvel! Oh yeah, and in Doctor Strange casting news, Jared Leto is also apparently being eyed for the lead role as well. Who will eventually get it? No idea, at this point. Read more…

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SHOCKING NEWS: Transformers 5 Announced

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 21, 2014 in Cinema


In a press conference, Paramount Pictures announced something no one would ever guess: Transformers 5 will be coming. In 2016, no less. Yes, the money train will continue to barrel onward, leaving a trail of mutilated robots in the dust behind it. Obviously, no word on who will be directing it, acting in it, or write it yet. No release date either, just a beautifully nebulous “2016.” I want to say “when will it end?” but the overseas market is booming, so I don’t think we’ll see this Transformers series slow down anytime soon. I’d rather see a new iteration, closer to the roots of the series in design language, but for now, we’re stuck with Bay’s vision.  Read more…

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Tarantino Co-Writing Django Unchained & Zorro Crossover Comic Book Series

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 20, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


It looks like Quentin Tarantino will be dabbling in the comic pages soon. Django, from Tarantino’s last film, Django Unchained, will leap into a comic book series in which he meets up with Zorro. Dynamite Entertainment will release the comic book series, which (along with Tarantino) will be written by Matt Wagner, and yes, Zorro and Django is the oddest crossover ever. I think it’s weird enough to work though, as they’re both very “pulpy” characters that could play well off of each other. Django previously was adapted as a 7-issue series by Dynamite, so it’s no surprise to see them bringing it back in a new way. I wonder how it’ll turn out! Read more…

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First Good Look At Shredder In Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 19, 2014 in Cinema


I’d say expectations are pretty low for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, since we’ve already seen how Michael Bay handled the Transformers franchise. Still, it would be nice if it were good, and so TMNT Fansite posted a good look at Shredder’s armor in the new movie. On the positive side, it looks very imposing and still retains the Japanese armor look used in previous designs. But I can’t help but feel that the armor is very over-designed, like the concept artist started drawing and never stopped adding things. There’s too much going on, when a simpler design would have sufficed, but this looks too over-the-top. I guess this isn’t surprising after seeing Bay’s Transformers movies; each Transformer is an intricately-animated combination of thousands of moving parts that looks like a jumbled mess of technology anytime there’s an action scene. Read more…

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Latest Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer Keeps Building Hype

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 18, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books

Guardians of the Galaxy

What more is there to say about Guardians of the Galaxy at this point? Until the film releases on August 1, we’re stuck rewatching trailers and gleaning any additional bit of information from interviews. Thankfully, those trailers are awesome, including this latest UK trailer. I think the reason why I’m running out of things to say is that “This movie looks really fun” pretty much sums it up. This later trailer features lots of Rocket Raccoon, and thankfully it looks like the actors are fairly comfortable holding a conversation with CG characters inserted after the fact. I’m trying not to hype myself up too much, because there are so many blockbusters these days that build up hype to critical levels and then fail to deliver. But despite being the riskiest film Marvel has released so far, I’d say they’ve got a real chance to knock it out of the park and open up that crazy cosmic side of their comic universe. Until then, let’s hit play on this trailer again! Read more…

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The People Vs. George Lucas Episode II Enters Production

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 17, 2014 in Cinema, Star Wars

The People vs. George Lucas Episode II

If you haven’t seen the 2010 documentary The People vs. George Lucas and are a Star Wars fan, you’re missing out on a great examination of the lack of relationship between George Lucas and his fans. I thought it covered its bases pretty well, but apparently the filmmakers think there’s more to say, so they’ve announced The People vs. George Lucas Episode II and scheduled its release for December 2015, just in time for Star Wars Episode VII. In this documentary, they hope to examine further developments in the relationship between George Lucas and his fans, including the sale of Star Wars and Lucasfilm to Disney, as well as the future of the franchise without George Lucas. Read more…

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Jason Momoa Is Aquaman in Batman v. Superman

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


It’s official, folks, after months of rumors and frequent denials by Jason Momoa, HitFix has confirmed that he’ll be playing Aquaman in the upcoming Batman v. Superman film. Momoa even recently complained about everyone bothering him as to whether he’d play the watery hero, but it seems he’s just sworn to secrecy by Warner Bros. and DC. It looks like all that destruction by Superman in Man of Steel will be a springboard for the story, as HitFix claims that both Batman and Aquaman will be pissed about the damage done. Aquaman still won’t have a huge part, but they’re definitely setting him up for the eventual Justice League film. Plus, at the very least, this is going to be the most badass incarnation of Aquaman yet! I think a Khal Drogo-style Aquaman would be very entertaining. Read more…

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Whoops: Did The DC Comics Movie Lineup Leak?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 14, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


DC and Warner Bros. have been working on a Justice League movie for a long time. A very long time. But a recent report from Nikki Finke says that the company may be closer to realizing its vision — or a the very least, they have a map laid out. According to Finke, the current plan is to lead up into a Justice League movie with the Batman v. Superman film (something we all expected), and not have standalone Wonder Woman or Green Lantern/Flash films until after it releases. An interesting idea. Below is a full list of the upcoming films. Obviously, everything is in flux and things can change, but this looks like DC’s roadmap for their future superhero films. Read more…

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Here’s The First Photos From Jurassic World

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 13, 2014 in Cinema


Curious how the next big Jurassic Park film will turn out? Jurassic World has some really interesting ideas behind it and a solid cast. Plus, Colin Trevorrow seems to understand what made Jurassic Park special, so hopefully he can direct a solid picture too. So: here are some of the first pics from the set of Jurassic World straight from Universal to AV Club, featuring Chris Pratt, Dallas Bryce Howard, Nick Robinson, that kid from Iron Man 3 (Ty Simpkins), and no dinosaurs at all. I suppose that’s to be expected though. Perhaps some of the characters are looking at dinosaurs, as evidenced by their scared expressions! Read more…

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The LEGO Movie Spoof Trailer History Cops Hits YouTube

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 13, 2014 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections


In the run up to the DVD and Blu-ray release of The LEGO Movie, you’ve got to get people excited, right? That’s why Warner Bros. and the crew behind the film have released one of the silly special features on the disc: a spoof trailer featuring Abraham Lincoln and Michelangelo as History Cops! This appears to be goofy side project made by the crew with all the extra LEGOs they had sitting around, and while it reuses a joke or two from the film itself, it’s still pretty funny. Also, I hope it encourages you to pick up The LEGO Movie, because it’s worth every penny. Check out the trailer below the jump! Read more…

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Marvel’s Doctor Strange Moves Forward – Who Will Play Strange?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Doctor Strange has been a film that Marvel has been plugging away on slowly, but it seems like the ball is finally rolling. A few days ago, Scott Derrickson announced that he would be directing the film, working off of a script by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer (although there were some rumors of rewrites). Now the question is: who will play Doctor Strange himself? Well,  Deadline caught wind of Marvel’s most recent wishlist for the film, which is basically just their dream choices without any realistic vetting. They are: Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Those two join the previous rumored choices of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Johnny Depp (but chances are those two have passed the role up by now). Sorry Marvel, but these are some boring choices! Try picking someone more unique! Read more…

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Ant-Man Gets A New Director – And He’s a Yes Man

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 8, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Ok, ok, maybe that’s a bit cynical of me. But Peyton Reed did direct the movie Yes Man, so it’s an easy joke to make, especially given that Marvel seems to want one of those right now. Adam McKay, who was in the running to direct Ant-Man previously, will be contributing to the script, but the directing is all Reed. Now it’s up to them to steer this project back to safety. I’m just not sure if you can save this movie in the eyes of the hardcore fans now — they are the ones most upset by Edgar Wright’s departure. But as long as the mass audiences like it, that’s all the matters now. Read more…

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Madman Sorts Star Wars Alphabetically

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 5, 2014 in Cinema, Star Wars

Star Wars

Someone has managed to sort all of Star Wars alphabetically. No, it’s not a wiki or database of some kind, and we’re talking about Star Wars the first movie, not Star Wars the franchise. This guy has alphabetically sorted every word spoken in the film and cut a video of the words in order. The original film is 121 minutes, while this edit runs for a mere 43 minutes. The most common word is naturally “the,” but interestingly enough, the word “lightsaber” is only uttered once in the entire film. Strange, huh? Read more…

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Terminator 2 in 3D Could Happen

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 2, 2014 in Cinema


James Cameron is making the rounds again, and in addition to talking about his next 3 Avatar movies (yes, a sequel trilogy to the original film), he’s also talking up the benefits of 3D. One thing he mentioned was the possibility of re-releasing Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 3D. He said, “Terminator 1 I don’t think so because you could upgrade it to 3D but it’s still pretty gritty, available light photography, low budget filmmaking. […] But Terminator 2 is a more polished film and, I think, it has a kind of timeless appeal.” He theorizes that releasing it in China (a market that hasn’t seen the film on theater screens yet), could pay for the conversion cost and release costs in the US. It seems like it’s still early, but 2016 is the 25th anniversary of the film, so the timing could be just right! Read more…

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Josh Brolin is Thanos

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 1, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


It looks like we finally know who our Thanos will be: Josh Brolin. That’s a pretty impressive secret to keep locked up, Marvel! Thanos will first show up in Guardians of the Galaxy, and then presumably in Avengers 3 as the final “big bad.” I think Brolin is a pretty good choice for this part, especially given that square jaw of his. No prosthetic needed! Marvel is doing their best to thread Thanos throughout the Marvel universe, getting him ready for his big debut, so I think it’ll get fans excited when he finally shows up. Let’s hope Brolin does a good job! Read more…

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Who Will Direct Ant-Man?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 1, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


So who have Marvel found as their replacement for Edgar Wright? It’s hard to tell. AICN was reporting the Adam McKay (the director of Anchorman) was directing it early yesterday, but then McKay claimed it wasn’t happening. Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland) and Rawson Thurber (We’re The Millers) were also in the running. Whoever they pick will need to appease Paul Rudd, as a director leaving a film 8 weeks before shooting isn’t exactly a good thing. I’m sure whoever they hire will do an alright job on the film, but I still can’t help but wonder what Wright’s original vision would’ve looked like, completed. The Marvel film I was probably most excited for is now the one I’m most cynical about. What a shame! Read more…



First Trailer for The Book of Life Shows Off Vibrant, Dia de los Muertos World

Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2014 in Animation, Cinema


I’ll be honest, I hadn’t been paying much attention to The Book of Life until this trailer. I had heard Guillermo del Toro was producing an animated film, but hey, he’s producing a million things all the time. Anyway, del Toro is the producer, but Jorge R. Gutierrez is the director, whose previous work on El Tigre and Mad was pretty unique. Now he’s getting a shot at a CGI animated feature, and it looks really impressive. The story revolves around the Day of the Dead, a love triangle, and the main character’s attempt to get back to the world of the living. Some of the musical choices in the trailer are questionable, but I suppose that’s the marketing team making those choices. I love the visual style though, and I hope the film turns out well! It’s arriving in theaters this Halloween. Read more…

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Jurassic World Plot Details Straight From the Director

Posted by Ben Huber on May 30, 2014 in Cinema


A few weeks ago plot details were swirling around the internet for Jurassic World, the 4th film in the Jurassic Park series. Colin Treverrow, the director, decided to squash the rumors right away and talk about the story details — and, well, the rumors were true. Skip out now if you don’t want to know the general plot ideas behind Jurassic World! Okay, so Colin confirms that World is set in a fully functioning park on Isla Nubar, 22 years after the first film. The park is running wonderfully, but in their search for bigger thrills, the park management decides it’d be a good idea to created a modified dinosaur made from the DNA of other various species to create a new, more exciting park attraction — and of course it all goes wrong from there. SlashFilm has it all in a longer interview with Colin here, if you want even more juicy details. Good on him for owning the rumors! Read more…

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If H. Jon Benjamin Voiced HAL 9000

Posted by Bob Muir on May 29, 2014 in Cinema

HAL 9000

The confrontation with HAL 9000 in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is a tense, somewhat frightening scene. So why not have H. Jon Benjamin, voice of Sterling Archer on FX’s Archer, voice HAL instead? Late Night Basement did just that, and the results are hilarious. Watch as David freaks out while talking to the most laid-back computer system ever. This version of HAL also taunts David, which is amusing. Now I wish that I could hear Benjamin’s voice as the computer on Star Trek. Read more…



Uh Oh: Drew Goddard Leaves Daredevil

Posted by Ben Huber on May 25, 2014 in Cinema, Comic Books


Something is definitely going on at Marvel this weekend. Latino Review has broken a story, reporting that Drew Goddard (director of Cabin in the Woods and writer on Cloverfield and many TV shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has left the Daredevil series. Daredevil was part of Marvel’s deal with Netflix to debut several heroes on streaming TV series via the service, and Goddard was intended to write and direct the first episode. He’s also no longer the showrunner. Instead, THR is reporting that Steven S. DeKnight (another Buffy writer) will be taking over the project. Weird stuff is happening at Marvel… I just can’t help but wonder what. Perhaps it was just Goddard’s upcoming film, the Sinister Six, that got in the way? Read more…

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