Medicom’s Kirk & Uhura Be@rbricks

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Kirk and Uhura Be@rbricks

Medicom’s at it again with their ever-so-popular Be@rbrick line — this time, featuring characters from Star Trek’s original series. While I’m sure most of you were probably hoping to see Spock and McCoy along for the ride, Kirk’s instead joined by Uhura. A bit of a surprise, but definitely nothing to complain about. Being sold as a set, they’re current listed for 2604 yen, which comes out to about $28 USD. No word on when they’ll be available for order, though I’m sure we’ll end up seeing them for order via Hobby Link Japan in no time.

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Gothic and Lolita Psycho Trailer Comes Packed With Lace and Blood

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 10, 2010 in Cinema, Horror

I absolutely love Japanese action films — more often than not, they’re a total tongue-and-cheek gore-fest filled with over-the-top acting and ridiculous special effects. While I admit that some of them can be a bit exploitative, I’m remarkably good at stomaching it and trying to enjoy the films for what they are. Needless to say, Go Ohara’s upcoming film looks to be no exception. Gothic and Lolita Psycho features the beautiful Rina Akiyama, popular gravure model, who plays a young woman who finds her mother murdered by assassins, and exacts revenge while dressed in gothic lolita fashion. There’s plenty of blood, women and a parasol loaded with bullets ala The Penguin in Batman Returns. Sounds awesome right? Watch the trailer and see for yourself. Read more…

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A Fanboy Follow-up; Obishawn, the Man Behind the H-Wing

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 10, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

Shawn "Obishawn" Crosby

The other week, we posted some photos of this amazing Star Wars-themed car mod known as the H-Wing. Shortly after that,  I was contacted via Facebook by the man who built it, Shawn “ObiShawn” Crosby, who provided some additional info about the vehicle and his work. ObiShawn works as a toy, prop and game designer, and had constructed the car’s modifications himself — an effort he attributes as the culmination of these interests. So what was it that really impressed me?

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Optimus Prime Meets Guan Yu, the Chinese God of War

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 8, 2010 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

Guan Yu Transformer

Some of you might recognize the man above as Guan Yu, the 3rd century General of Shu, who was later deitized as the god of war, and brotherhood. However, I’m sure most of you noticed that he looks an awful lot like a certain Autobot — and not just any Autobot, but the big man himself, Optimus Prime.  Recently, some students at China’s Central Academy Of Fine Arts claim to have created this 9.7 meter monster out parts from an an old truck, costing them roughly $4,500 USD. Supposedly, the only original parts are the face and blade. While I have my doubts, you have to admit that it still looks pretty cool. Now if only someone made a toy out of this, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Read more…

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A Stormtrooper Bust That Feeds On Rebel Brains

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 8, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Horror, Star Wars


Awhile back, Del Rey published the novel Star Wars: Death Troopers, and ever since I’ve been wanting to sit down and read it. The concept sounds absolutely fantastic, take Star Wars and mix in a bit of good old fashion horror — how could you go wrong? I’ll be honest, I’ve been holding out for the paperback which is due out in October, but after seeing this fantastic bust, I’m about ready to just give in and by a copy of the hardcover. The bust is actually a 1/6th scale model of the zombie Stormtrooper as depicted in the upcoming graphic novel, based on the book.  If you’re looking to obtain one of these bad boys, Entertainment Earth has them for about $75 and is currently taking preorders and will ship in November. Read more…

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Custom Iron Man Shoes That Only Tony Stark Could Afford

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 3, 2010 in Comic Books, Fandom

Diversitile Iron Man Custom Shoes

Well, Tony Stark and anyone else who happens to have at least $400 to spend on designer shoes. That’s right, these incredible custom sneakers are currently being auctioned on ebay by Diversitile, a company that just so happens to specialize in, you guessed it, designer footware. The shoes apparently come with built-in arc reactor lights that mimic the designs of the Iron Man and War Machine armor featured in Iron Man 2. Don’t get me wrong, this shoes look absolutely stunning but considering the price, I think I probably buy a pair of Bapes, and have some cash left over and at least I know those would be comfortable.  If you’re interested, check out the ebay listings here, or head over to their official blog for more information. Read more…

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A Working Lego Printer That Would Make Even McGuyver Proud

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 3, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Tech

Every once in awhile someone does something awesome with legos that makes me wish I still had my box of spare parts. I always end up regretting the fact that I sold the majority on eBay so many years ago, with the exception of a few sets that I’ve managed to keep sealed away in their original box. Still, it really amazes me when someone creates something that’s actually somewhat useful. Sure, it’s neat to see someone construct a robot or a Valkyrie, but creating something a bit more original always manages to impress, and that’s exactly what B3ta user, Squirrelfantasy, did with his felt-tip lego printer. It might be a bit crude, but it looks pretty neat and gets the job done. Read more…



Hulu Heading to Xbox 360? Now a Subscription Doesn’t Sound So Bad

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 2, 2010 in Tech

Hulu Logo

I suppose this should still be labeled a rumor, but at least it’s a plausible one that I feel I can weigh in on. Gear Live is currently reporting that a reputable source has informed them that Microsoft is set to announce the lauch of Hulu’s subscription-based service via Xbox Live at E3 later this month. The plan for a subscription based service has actually been common knowledge, though most people expected it to launch with the upcoming iPad app that has been in development for months already.  Read more…

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It Just Won’t Stay Dead; Resident Evil Afterlife Gets a Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 2, 2010 in Cinema, Videogames

Here’s the first full trailer for the latest addition to the Resident Evil film franchise, Resident Evil: Afterlife.  I’m sure some of you might be cringing after reading that headline, after all, Resident Evil: Extinction — the last entry in the series — failed on so many levels. After its predecessor ended with so much promise — at least, as much promise as a Hollywood video game adaption could — Extinction  simply delivered more of the same, and as a result, many people, myself included, weren’t exactly looking forward to a fourth. Read more…

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A Japanese Magician Shows us Some iPad Street Magic

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 1, 2010 in Tech

David Blaine, eat your heart out. Today I stumbled across this awesome video, complete with subtitles, of a Japanese street magician playing with Apple’s iPad. Sure, he’s no Lance Burton, and it’s a pretty neat little presentation in terms of viral marketing. I also hate to say it, but aside from using it as a glorified ebook reader, this video has probably demonstrated the most practical use of an iPad I’ve seen to date.  Kind of sad, huh? Read more…

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Introducing the H-Wing; the Very First Honda With a Hyperdrive

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 1, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

Star Wars Car Modifcation - H-Wing Front

A few months back, the guys over at Woa2 stumbled across this insane Star Wars themed Honda while attending the Anime L.A. convention. According their post, the car is modeled after an X-wing, though I’m pretty sure the paint job alone looks closer to that of an A-wing — aside from the R2 unit in the back, of course.  The interior of the car is just as impressive, featuring a custom wheel, dashboard, leather interior, a passenger-side computer console, and more. It’s obvious a lot of work went into this. Read more…

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A Tea Sampler That’ll Speak to Your Inner-geek

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 27, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek

Timmy's Tea Sampler

Who hasn’t made a cup of Earl Grey, and imagined themselves ordering it from a replicator? It might not be as instantaneous, but ThinkGeek’s Timmy the Monkey now has his own tea sampler set that features, among others, Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. I’m not even kidding — that’s what they’re actually calling their Earl Grey. It’s even labeled with the iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation typeface. Other flavors include Timmy’s 1UP Jasmine Green, Zombie Blood Orange, and Pirate Chai, but honestly, I’m sold on the novelty of the Earl Grey alone. Each of the four containers hold enough loose-leaf tea to make 10 cups. It’s a bit steep for $17.99, but given the fact that it’s all loose-leaf and not the cheap stuff you find in modern teabags, at least you know you’re going to be getting some quality tea out of it. For more info, check out their site here. Read more…

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R2-D2, B9 and Johnny-5 Show Us How the Robot is Back in Style

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 27, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

I’m sure it’s not every day that you come across house music featuring robots — famous ones, at least. The video here features some of our favorites lending their robotic talents to Eclectic Method’s latest release entitled, you guessed it, “Robots.” Clever name, right? Yeah, I thought so too. I was really hoping they’d throw in some Mechagodzilla, but I suppose it was just wishful thinking. Still, it’s a pretty cool video and if you’d like a copy of the song or more info about the group, check their official website. Read more…

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Japan’s Answer to a Struggling Economy? Try Credit Cards

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 26, 2010 in Japanese TV

These commercials for the Japanese credit firm, JCB, feature J-Pop vocalist Ninomiya Kazunari miraculously saving the struggling Japanese economy with a simple swipe of his JCB issued credit card. The commercials are pretty hilarious, but at the same time I’m a little confused. In fairness, they’re technically encouraging some form of economic stimulation, but that’s only assuming people are actually going to pay off the balance they borrow on those cards, which, in part, is the reason behind the current global financial crisis. A bit ironic, don’t you think? Read more…

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Have Star Trek Magazine Beamed Straight to Your PC, Mac or iPad

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 26, 2010 in Fandom, Star Trek

Star Trek Magazine

Star Trek Magazine is finally available for digital download. Since 1995, Titan UK has been publishing this fantastic magazine overseas, and while we have a decent equivalent here in the States, Star Trek: The Magazine, I’ve always wondered what I’ve been missing.  Now, thanks to the folks over at Zinio, we can find out without having to spend the extra cash to import it. Starting with June, each issue will cost $4.89 each.  Alternatively, you can opt for a subscription, offering 8 issues for $40. Considering what they usually charge for the print, this is a real steal of a deal.  Check out the Zinio website for more information. Read more…



Love Plus Stick Cushions, Because Even Your Neck Gets Lonely

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 25, 2010 in Videogames

Love Plus Stick Cushions

Konami’s Love Plus, the ever-so-popular dating sim, has spawned even more merchandise for those of us lonely enough to want — this time, in the form of a cushion. I know what you’re probably thinking, “it’s a body pillow, isn’t it?”  Well, at first glance, it sure looked that way, but after reading the description, stick cushion actually seems more apt. The cushion is about 5 ½ inches in width by 1.3 feet in length. That’s big enough for maybe your neck, or wrist at best, and while it may seem small, I’m sure that won’t stop certain people from getting creative. Perverse thoughts aside, the cushions are kind of cute. If you’re looking to pick one up, they retail for around $20. HLJ should have them in stock, though they’ll probably sell out fast. Read more…

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Anime and Papercraft, a Marriage Made in Heaven?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 25, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

Anime and Papercraft 4

Some of you may know Danny Choo, he’s a pretty popular guy among otakus and fanboys alike. As such, I tend to share many of the same passions, such as Japanese anime and figures. Recently he uploaded these amazing photos to his flickr account, showing off some fantastic anime papercraft. I especially loved the Asuka he posted, as it actually looks better than some of the low-end PVC statues I’ve seen floating around. Pretty crazy considering it’s just paper. Check out his flickr stream if you want to see some more. Read more…

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This C-3PO Backpack Shows Us the Perfect Use For a Protocol Droid

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 20, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

c3po backpack 3

This is yet another example of why I love The Empire Strikes Back so much. I’d point out how Shakespearean the film was — being a tragedy and all — but plot aside, it’s inspired so many awesome products. Take this amazing backpack for example. Sure it was sad to see C-3PO strapped to Chewbacca’s back, but whoever thought to turn him into a portable storage device was a genius. The backpack actually comes with light up eyes and the ability to reassemble the droid, should you feel the need. Read more…

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Improv Everywhere Busts Some Ghosts at the New York Public Library

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 20, 2010 in Cinema, Fandom

I’m not one for flash mobs, but when it comes to paying cinematic homage to a classic like 1984’s Ghostbusters, then I think I can make an exception. The guys over at Improv Everywhere recently decided to cause a bit of a scene in the New York Public Library on 42nd street, near Bryant Park. As some of you may recall, the library itself was used during the opening sequence of the film. Dressed in bed sheets and off-color Ghostbuster uniforms, the actors managed to score plenty of laughs and a decent applause, though you can tell from the video that a few people weren’t too pleased. I, for one, thought it was pretty funny. Read more…

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Softbank’s Gundam Cellphone Has All the Newtypes Drooling

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 19, 2010 in Animation, Tech

Gundam Cellphone

Why is it that Japan gets all the cool phones? I’m serious. Sure we all have our Blackberries and our iPhones, but none of those come with model Gundams, or high resolution cameras. Well, Softbank’s upcoming Gundam Cellphone 945SH G certainly does. In addition to being a Sharp 945SH with a built in OLED display,  and 12.1 mega pixel anti-shake autofocus camera — yes, their phones have better cameras than ours — the limited edition phone will be packaged along with a model RX-78-2 Gundam and charger stand. Read more…

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Transformable Kanji Are More Than Meets the Eye

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 19, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections

Mojibakeru kanji transformers

Get a load of these upcoming Mojibakeru kanji transformers from Bandai. Each one’s an animal such as a tiger, dragon or dog, that’s capable of transforming into its kanji, the Chinese and Japanese character for which it belongs. I’m not sure why I’ve always loved transformable toys so much, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to buy them all. I should probably note that these are just trading figures, so they’re not made of fancy PVC or anything and they’re certainly not an Autobot or anything, but for $1 how can you go wrong? I haven’t been able to locate a vendor for pre-orders, but you’ll probably be able to pick them up from AmiAmi. Read more…

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Nothing Warms a Rebel Base Quite Like Your Very Own Wampa Rug

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 18, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Wampa Rug & Leia

It’s probably not as warm as the insides of a Tauntaun, but now you can own your very own Wampa rug straight from the icy caverns of Hoth. Sure, it might be synthetic fur, and have claws of vinyl, but what would you expect for a fictional beast? Besides, it’s not like your friends have ever encountered one in person and lived to tell about it. The rugs will start to ship out this August, retailing for $99.99 each.  I’m not really sure how fast they’ll sell, but if you want, is currently taking pre-orders — now, if only they’d toss in Leia. Read more…

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Download Portal Free of Charge For a Limited Time via Steam

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 18, 2010 in Videogames


Have you spent the last few years wondering what the big deal was about Portal, but didn’t want to spend your hard-earned cash?  Perhaps you just own a Mac, and haven’t been able to join in on the fun. Well, for a limited time, none of that shouldn’t be an issue. In order to celebrate the recent release of Portal for the Mac, Valve has made both the PC and Mac versions of the game available as a free download via Steam. What’s the catch? Well, there is none really. You’ll need a free Steam account, and the offer only runs through May 24th, but that’s about it. Read more…

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Why We Need To Keep Legos Out of the Hands of Skynet

Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 13, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Lego Terminator 1

When I was growing up, I absolutely loved my legos — so much so that I actually fancied myself a structural engineer of sorts. Of course, I never really built anything without a set of instructions but at least I did a good job of it. Needless to say, I was in complete awe of this fantastic creation by lego enthusiast Brickshelf. Using a simple image of a T-800 exoskeleton, he was able to recreate a bust of James Cameron’s metallic killing machine with stunning detail. Maybe it’s not as nostalgic for me as say… a Valkyrie, but its still way too awesome for me to ignore. Check out Brickshelf’s gallery for more photos. Read more…

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