Still Lost? Maybe This Encyclopedia Can Help

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 8, 2010 in Lost

Lost Encyclopedia Cover

It’s been months since the series finale aired, and yet we still find ourselves trying to make sense of everything that occurred over the course of Lost‘s six seasons. If you’re looking for answers however, you’ll just have to keep waiting until this book hits shelves in late August. Coinciding with the DVD and Blu-ray release of the sixth and final season, this encyclopedia claims to feature over 400 pages of information, from the characters and plot, to the mythologies surrounding the hit the series. Along with that, the book will also contain roughly 1,500 images from various episodes. Needless to say, if you’re a fan of Lost, you’ll want to have this book handy next time you decide to watch from start to finish. It lists for $45, but pre-order from Amazon now, and you can save $15 off the MSRP.

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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge Special Edition Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 7, 2010 in Videogames

You’ll have to forgive me, but with the release of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge Special Edition only a day away, I felt it was probably a good time to show you exactly what to expect. The trailer above is a perfect example of the quality you can expect from LucasArts upcoming remake, in terms of voice acting, as well the visual enhancements. While I talked a little about that last week, I could only really illustrate so much with the screenshots. So, please take some time and check out this fantastic trailer — you won’t regret it.

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There’s a 68.71% Chance You’ll Miss This Tron Be@rbrick

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 7, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections


Okay, maybe that’s a pretty high estimate, but if you want to prove the Master Control Unit wrong, you’ll need to go to San Diego Comic-Con later this month and be one of the lucky 1,500 to people in line. Why only 1,500? Well, like so many other toys premiering at the event, it’s a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive. Rendered with in a translucent purple, this Be@rbrick features the famous circut design of the outfits from the sci-fi classic.  For those of you fortunate enough to be going, you’ll want to head over to the Diamond Comics booth to pick yours up. No word on the price as of yet.

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Can the Next Silent Hill Live Up to it’s Namesake?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 6, 2010 in Horror, Videogames


I know it’s been a few weeks since E3, but if you haven’t seen the latest trailer for the latest installment of  Silent Hill, then here’s your chance. Konami seems intent on staying true to the formula we’ve seen in previous entries into the series by focusing on twisted puzzels, and their usual brand of dark, thought-provoking, mystery. While that much sounds promising, this will mark the first entry into the series that lacks series composer Akira Yamaoka, who many fans hold largely responsible for creating the terrifying atmosphere that the series has been known for. Not all hope is lost however, as Dan Litch, composer for television’s Dexter, has stepped in. He has some big shoes to fill, but I have high hopes. Expect to see the game hit shelves sometime in 2011. Read more…

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Show Some Support For Your Favorite Android Lovechild

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 6, 2010 in Star Wars

Tee Fury's Star Wars Lovechild T-Shirt

You know, it seemed inevitable. C-3PO and R2D2 always seemed so inseparable, so it would stand to reason that they may or may not have given birth to an illegitimate lovechild-droid. At least, web dev and caricature artist Jon Plante, seemed to think so — I just never imagined it’d be so hilarious or horrifying . That said, it sure makes for an awesome t-shirt. The shirt is currently available at for only $9 plus shipping, but if you want one, you’ll need to hustle. Due to the format of the site, the shirt will only be available for the next 24 hours and once they sell out, they’re gone forever. If you’re worried about the quality of the shirts, I can actually vouch for them as I order from the site quite often. For more of his work, you can also check out Jon’s infrequently updated web comic Celebrity Skinned. Read more…

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Monkey Island 2 Special Edition; Revenge is a Dish Best Served Undead

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 1, 2010 in Videogames

 Monkey Island 2 Special Edition Logo

Monkey Island is a series that has always held a special place in my heart, as it was one of the first point-and-click adventure games that I truly fell in love with. Unfortunately, the genre has fallen by the wayside in recent years. Developers have shifted their focus to first-person shooters, mmorpgs and casual gaming. We can’t really blame the developers, though — World of Warcraft and Bejeweled practically print money. Adventure games, on the other hand, don’t come with a monthly fee. As a result many developers lack the incentive to develop the games we all grew to love so many years ago. Thankfully, the guys over at Lucas Arts haven’t forgotten us just yet.

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What If Luke Skywalker Was An Incompetent Moron?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 1, 2010 in Star Wars

Ever wonder how things would have turned out if Luke Skywalker’s cocky attitude during the mission briefing ended up causing his trench run to fail miserably? Well, now you can see how that would have probably played out in this hilarious short. As you’ve probably guessed, a fan edited together the final moments from Episode IV: A New Hope, re-cut to tell a slightly different storyInstead of saving the day, Luke shows up late to the party, ignores the force, and ends up missing his shot while trying to destroy the Death Star. Han, on the hand, has much better luck having managed to shoot down Vader. In the end, Luke’s a bit of a poor sport, but at least the good guys still prevail.

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Predators Japanese TV Spot

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 30, 2010 in Cinema, Horror, Japanese TV

How sad is it that I found the Japanese TV spot for Robert Rodriguez’s Predators more enticing than the TV spot airing here in the states. Sure, Japan edited the spot to feature the Yakuza character a bit more, but that’s not really the point. I tried to put finger on it and finally I think I’ve figured out why — the edits they did make feature some actual action. While our own TV isn’t exactly boring, we’re given a number of second-long clips that feature explosions and gun fire. The Japanese TV spot, on the other hand, shows off the slightly longer initial clash between a Predator hunter, and the katana-wielding Yakuza. Needless to say, it was enough to seal the deal for me — I’ll be buying ticket opening day. Read more…

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Kirk and Scotty Join DST’s Latest Star Trek: The Original Series Action Figures

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 30, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

DST Series 5 Star Trek: TOS Kirk in green

Diamond Select recently announced the latest individual additions to their “”Series 5” Star Trek: The Original Series action figure line. This time around, Kirk sports his seemingly comfortable season 3 Green Dress shirt –I’ve always suspected it was a result of Shatner complaining about the standard tunics being way too stuffy. He’ll be joined by Scotty, whom I believe was previously released as part of a Spock/Scotty two-pack, and a random Romulan officer, all of which should retail for about $15.99 each. Read more…

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Ex-Sumo Champ’s Predator Cosplay

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 29, 2010 in Cinema, Horror

With the upcoming release of Robert Rodriguez’s Predators a little over a week away, many of us have been scouring the net for as much information as we could find regarding the upcoming sequel. It’s a shame that we had to wait so long for a proper sequel to the franchise, but whether or not it’s actually good remains to be seen. I have yet to see any marketing stunts for the film stateside. In Japan, on the other hand, marketing stunts seem to be a near daily ritual, so I wasn’t too surprised when I heard that former sumo grand champion Akinori Asashoryu showed up on stage dressed as a predator to promote the film.  In my opinion, he looks pretty awesome, and ridiculous at the same time — I can’t even imagine what Dutch would have done if he was confronted by that. Read more…

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Show Your Imperial Pride With This Stormtrooper Graphic Tee

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 29, 2010 in Star Wars


Check out this awesome “Super Trooper” graphic t-shirt from the guys over at ThinkGeek.  Based on the original stormtrooper helmet, it might seem a bit minimalist, but honestly, wasn’t that sort of the point of stormtroopers in the first place? Sure they were a bit too utilitarian, and seemingly incapable of actually hitting anybody they shot at, but you have to admit their armor looked pretty sharp — not to mention being color-coordinated. Then again, I guess it’s kind of hard to go wrong with black and white, it certainly makes for a great t-shirt at the very least.  You can pick one up for roughly $20-21. Click here for more details.  Read more…

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Melt Your Friends Faces With Your Very Own Ark of the Covenant

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 24, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Ark of the Covenant 1

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Raiders of the Lost Ark, after all, it was the film that introduced us all to one of the most beloved action heroes of all time. I have to admit, it’s been some time since I’ve seen the film but several of the scenes have stuck with me to this day. Of course, there was the swapping of the golden idol for a bag of sand, and the pit of snakes, but more than anything, the image of a nazi’s face melting upon gazing at the contents of one very swank looking ark.  It might not be the full-sized model, but this 1/4th scale replica of the Ark of the Covenant looks just as swank as the prop from the film. It’s a bit expensive, coming in at a hefty $249.99, but the details on the ark itself are immaculate. Sideshow Collectibles started taking pre-orders today through their official newsletter, but I can only imagine that they’ll be opening the pre-orders up to everyone else in due time. You’ll want to keep an eye on their website for additional information. In the meantime, you can sign up for the newsletter here.

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Okamiden; the Sequel We Never Thought We’d See

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 24, 2010 in Videogames

Okamiden art

Back in 2006,  Clover Studios developed one of the most innovative and beautiful titles to have ever graced to the Playstation 2 — Okami. The studio, who had been funded by Capcom Japan, had been riding off the success of their Viewtiful Joe franchise. While their previous games had featured similar cell-shaded graphics, Okami received crtical acclaim for its combination of beautifully rendered visuals and innovative gameplay. Unfortunately the game failed to sell and ended up being a contributing factor in the studio’s subsequent dissolution at the hands of Capcom’s board of directors the following year. As a result many fans who had enjoyed the game were left wondering if a sequel would ever be possible. Read more…

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Darth Vader Shows Off Some Imperial Designer Fashion

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 23, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

John Woo's Star Wars Designer Fashion Illustrations

I wasn’t sure what I should title this post, but I was toying with the idea of calling it Abercrombie and Sith. I’m sure some of you are staring at these fantastic water-colored illustrations and wondering what exactly you’re staring at. Believe me when I say that I’m still kind of wondering about it myself. The various illustrations feature a variety of masked villains from the Star Wars Universe — and Jar Jar, regrettably — posing in designer clothing from labels like Viktor & Rolf, A.P.C., Band of Outsiders, Thom Browne. New York and more. The artist responsible, John Woo, not to be confused with the film maker, is actually quite a talented guy. If you want to check out more of his work — and trust me, you do — visit his website. Read more…

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Sci-Fi Airshow Pays Homage to Our Favorite Ships of the Line

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 23, 2010 in Battlestar Galactica, Fandom

Battle Star Galactica Viper

We’ll probably never have the opportunity to travel back in time to visit the sets of our favorite Sci-Fi movies and TV shows. However, thanks  fanboys like Industrial Light and Magic’s Bill George — who, by the way, has a number of major film credits that including six Star Trek and two Star Wars films — many of the ships and models from those classic series have finally found a home of sorts. George has spent the last several years building a website, the Sci-Fi Airshow, which  preserves many of the vehicles and ships designed over the years using a combination of digital photography and  photoshop. In addition to some fantastic images, he provides semi-fictional accounts of the whereabouts of each ship since their Hollywood debut.  Some of the ships to have been featured include Battlestar Galactica’s Viper and transport shuttle, and 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Orion space plane. Check out the his site for more information, and if you’d like, you can follow his group on FacebookRead more…

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Because Even Samurai Need Umbrellas

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 22, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections


It might not be the classiest umbrella I’ve ever seen, but it’s certainly one of the coolest. This samurai “busho” umbrella features a designed based on the armor and weapon carried by Kanetsugu Naoe, a famous samurai during Japan’s often romanticized Sengoku era. As you can see from in picture above, the Umbrella’s handle is actually a replica of the hilt from Kanetsugu’s blade and the umbrella itself is lined with his family crest. Personally, I could probably see myself taking one of these along with me to Baltimore next month. I usually attend Otakon each year, and I can’t remember a time when it hasn’t rained for at least one day. If you’re interested in picking one of these up, you can head over J-List and order one for roughly $34  plus shipping. Read more…

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Legendary Comic Artist, Al Williamson, Passes Away at Age of 79

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 22, 2010 in Comic Books, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars

Flesk 2009 Williamson Cover

Last week, famed comic-artist and illustrator Al Williamson passed away at the age of 79. I do find it difficult to sum up my feelings regarding his passing, but perhaps I can provide some perspective for those of you who may not already be familiar with the man. As both an artist and inker, Williamson’s work meant a great deal to both readers and fellow artists alike, and I feel it’s safe to say it has had a tremendous impact on comics as we know them today.

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Want to Be the Next Pirate King? You’ll Need a Pair of These First

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

One Piece Jeans 1

It’s so rare for me to come across wearable Otaku-oriented clothing. I use the term wearable in that I’ve seen more than my fair share of lounge shirts plastered with gaudy designs — be it the choice of the color or the anime inspired prints themselves. These jeans, however, are hardly an eye-sore. With the words of Monkey D. Luffy gracing your rear-end, you too can aspire to rule the high seas and collect the ultimate treasure — that is, if you can manage to fit in them. Read more…

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Japanese Star Trek: The Next Generation Action Figures

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Japanese Data Figure

Ever wonder what Data would look like if he were built in Japan? Well, now we know thanks to Dragon Models’ upcoming line of Star Trek: The Next Generation 1/6th scale action figures. The android is joined by Captain Picard and what appears to be Lieutenant Worf circa season 3 — you can obviously tell by the uniform and hair.  To be honest, I’m not loving what they did with Worf, but they managed to capture Sir Patrick Stewart’s visage quite nicely. As for Data himself? Well, the tilt of his head was a nice touch. Read more…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer Gives Me A New Hope

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 18, 2010 in Star Wars, Videogames

I really can’t get behind massive multiplayer gaming, at least when it requires large portions of my free time and an exorbitant monthly fee. Occasionally, however, a title catches my eye long enough for me reconsider that stance, and it would seem Electronic Arts and BioWare may have accomplished that very feat here. Their upcoming installment of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic saga, Star Wars: The Old Republic,  will be the first MMORPG in the series.  I thoroughly enjoyed the first game — I wish I could say the same for Obsidian Entertainment’s second installment of the franchise — and this recently released E3 trailer definitely looks promising, but now I’m left wanting more. Until then, I can only the game ends up being as good as its cinematics might lead us to believe.

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Boom! Studios Explodes On to the App Store

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 18, 2010 in Comic Books, Tech

Boom! Ipad App

Sure it’s not Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or even IDW, but if you haven’t read any of Boom! Studios’ comics since its inception back in 2005, you’ve really missed out on some amazing work. With licensed works based on films like Die Hard and 28 Days Later you really can’t go wrong — not to mention their outstanding line-up of original content that spans a variety of different genres.  However, missing out can be easily remedied thanks to their recently released iPad app which promises to deliver roughly 50 titles straight to your iPad for a reasonable price. The app itself is built on the comiXology engine, the same engine used by other publishers such as Marvel and IDW.  To download the app, or to learn more, check out the app store website. Read more…

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Square-Enix, What Have You Done to My Space Invaders!?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 15, 2010 in Videogames


This is Space Invaders: Infinity Gene — Square-Enix and Taito’s latest attempt to revive the Space Invaders franchise. In all fairness, I haven’t actually had a chance to play this yet — though I might at this week’s E3 — and my first impressions are based on the video above. Still, I find myself completely confused by everything I saw. Sure it’s neat, and innovative, at least by comparison to the classic Space Invaders I knew and loved, but it’s as if the designers simply refused to draw a line. As a result, we’re left with a mess of lines and shapes which I really had trouble making heads and tails of. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen the formula work — Geometry Wars was a great example — but until I really get a hands on with it, I’m simply not sold on this and I’m left wondering if I’m the only one who feels that way. Read more…

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Super Shogun Stormtrooper is Super Huge

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 15, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Super Shogun Stormtrooper

This is probably the largest stormtrooper toy I’ve ever seeen. At 24 inches, Super7’s two-foot-tall take on the Imperial stormtrooper comes complete with a spring loaded rocket propelled fist, and wheels. Why it would even need those is beyond me, but I’m not one to complain about the extras. Still, it’s not like it really needed them. It’s a two foot tall storm trooper wielding an E-11 blaster rifle, and that’s more than enough reason to want one if you ask me. Here’s the kicker, though — it’ll cost you about $299. Crazy, right? At least the details are pretty stunning up close. If you’re still willing to empty your wallet or bank account, you can order one online via the Super7 website. For more info on the toy itself, check out the mini-site here. Read more…

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Mortal Kombat Finally Gets the Reboot We’ve Been Waiting For

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2010 in Videogames


I’m sure most of you were expecting to see the Mortal Kombat: Rebirth teaser that’s been floating around the internet the past few days. Well, instead we have a trailer for the upcoming Mortal Kombat game that, I could only imagine, would have been announced at E3 next week. This year however, everyone seems to have wanted to let their cats out of their proverbial bags, so we’re getting to see this stuff ahead of time — lucky us.

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