Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer is Epic

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 14, 2010 in Videogames

While I admit I’m equally excited about the recent announcements of Elderscrolls V: Skyrim, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, nothing had my jaw drop quite as fast as the debut trailer for Bioware’s upcoming Mass Effect 3. I’m sure what we’ve witnessed is a pre-rendered CG film clip, but if the visuals even come close to that, we’ll all be in for quite a treat. Read more…

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Better Late Than Never; Magic hits PSN

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 14, 2010 in Videogames

Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planes Walker

It’s been well over a year since this stripped down, arcade-friendly version of the popular Magic the Gathering videogame, Duels of the Planeswalkers, hit Xbox 360’s Live! online gaming service. Back in June, the game launched for the PC, giving those of us who were left out by the Xbox exclusive launch a chance to own the game. Well, now it would seem the game has finally launched on Playstation Network, complete with all three current expansions. Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved the original trading-card game but in addition to being incredibly addictive, it was also perhaps the most expensive hobby I’ve ever had — aside from music. I can’t fathom how much money I must have wasted in college trying to build decent decks. The nice thing about this scaled down version of the game is that it includes all the rules and gameplay of the original at a fraction of that cost. How so? Read more…

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Who Watches the Empire

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 9, 2010 in Comic Books, Star Wars

Who Watches the Empire t-shirt

Who watches the Empire? Aside from making for an incredible t-shirt, this design by artist Jonah Block draws a rather apt comparison between the Watchmen and the Galactic Empire. At first I didn’t really see how you could compare the Empire who, though acting at the behest of an evil sith lord, ruled through fear and the gritty and morally-questionable superheroes of Alan Moore’s world. However, the more I think about it, the more I get it. People who trust or fear the empire do so at the expense of personal responsibility and freedom, ignoring or living with their plight out of a false sense of security — much like the every day citizens of Moore’s reality. It’s a neat statement, and one I’m not really sure the artist may have intended, but it works for me. If you’re a fan of Star Wars or Watchmen and love the design too, you’ll be happy to know that TeeFury currently has a t-shirt available for the next 24 hours, so hurry up and order one while you still have the chance.

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Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Mother Boards

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 9, 2010 in Cinema, Tech

Back to the Future USB Hard Drive 1

I know what you’re thinking. “This doesn’t look anything like a portable hard drive,” and you’re right, it doesn’t, but that’s kind of the point. Rather than simply taking an existing model and slapping a logo on it like Buffalo and Warner Brothers did with their recent Harry Potter portable drives, the guys over at FlashRods specialize in making portable hard drives with some serious flare and attention to detail. The Doc Brown’s iconic Delorean just happens to be one of their most recent projects. This amazing little hard drive connects externally via usb and stores up to 500 GBs worth of data. In addition to sitting and looking pretty, both the hood and the trademark gull-wing doors open up for a better view. Like most customs, these babies will end up costing you $250, so if you have the cash to spare, head over to FlashRods and order yours today.  Read more…

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Voltron: Defender of the Universal Serial Bus

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 8, 2010 in Animation, Tech

Voltron USB Drive

When I wasn’t watching Robotech, or Starblazers, I’d try to catch an episode of Voltron: Defender of the Universe. It wasn’t quite as cool as a convertable aircraft, but I admit I still loved watching the five guardians form their giant sword wielding lion mech to battle the evil King Zarkon and his minions whenever I’d get a chance, and this nifty little USB drive’s definitely triggering that nostalgia.  I do wish it was a little bigger, seeing how it’s only three and a half inches tall, but I imagine that’s about right for a USB stick — any larger and it’d probably be a nuisance.  At least the arms and legs can be articulated. The chest also lights up when plugged in and it just wouldn’t be complete without its own Blazing Sword which apparantly fits in both he hands and feet. 

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Spider-Man Reboot Shoots This Week, But Do We Really Need One?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 8, 2010 in Cinema, Comic Books

Control Alt Delete pillows

The film that would have been Spider-Man 4 has officially started shooting this week. I know some of you have mixed feelings about the prospect of rebooting the Spider-Man franchise, especially after three wildly successful outings featuring a cast we’ve grown familiar with. However, after the latest film failed to impress critics and fans alike, it probably came as no surprise when Sony decided to drop the proverbial axe. The director, Sam Raimi, had already left the project citing an inability to complete the film on schedule for May of 2011, but rather than simply replacing him, they figured it’d be easier to start from square one. Personally, I don’t mind rebooting the series but I’m starting to wonder if rebooting in general has become a little too prevalent in recent years.

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Eight Bits and Six Strings

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 7, 2010 in Videogames

NES Guitar 1

Not quite sure what to buy a musically-inclined gamer for Christmas? Well, this might do the trick — assuming you’re quick about it. The circut bending experts over at GetLoFi recently finished this sweet little mod that takes an original Nintendo Entertainment System and creates a fully functioning electric guitar. Currently, they only have one left in stock and I have no idea if they intend on building any more in the near future. Still, if you’re interested, it wouldn’t hurt to visit their site. I would imagine the higher the demand, the more they may produce. The last one they have in stock is currently priced at $150 with an optional internal fuzz upgrade for an additional $40. Reasonable, considering the novelty of it all.

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The Hutt in the Hatt?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 7, 2010 in Star Wars

Adam Watson's Seuss Does Star Wars 1

Ever imagine what Star Wars would look like through the eyes of Dr. Seuss? Me neither, but cartoonist Adam Watson has. Recently, he posted a few pieces of this brilliant mash-up on his blog and frankly, they’re nothing short of amazing. While he claims that these pieces started as doodles for the most the part, he apparently has a few more planned. I’d love to see him strike a deal with Lucas Arts to publish a book, but I imagine  there’d be all kind of legal hurdles involved. Either way, I think I’ll just cross my fingers and hope for more. Also, wouldn’t some of these make for a nifty t-shirt?    Read more…

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Back in Black; Gantz Live-Action Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 2, 2010 in Animation, Cinema

I actually can’t remember the last time this has happened, but it looks like the upcoming live-action adapation of  Hiroya Oku’s action-packed manga, Gantz, will be hitting US theaters a week ahead of Japan. Unfortunately, if you’re one of those people who can’t take dubs, you may be out of luck. While the film will show on over 300 screens nationwide, none of them are currently scheduled to be subtitled. Still, it looks amazing and might be worth checking out. The film centers around a boy and his friend who end up dying, only to be revived for the sole-purpose of hunting hostile aliens. While there was an anime, the film itself will be based on the original manga and is currently set for release on January 20th.

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Where’s a Metron When You Need One

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 2, 2010 in Star Trek

Star Trek Seize the Fire Cover

Last month I mentioned the latest Trek mini-series to hit book shelves, Star Trek: Typhon Pact. Following its monthly release schedule, the second book in the series, Michael A. Martin’s Seize the Fire, continues the story arc focusing on the crew of the USS Titan, and their brush with the Gorn in an attempt to secure an ancient terraforming technology similar to Project Genesis, ala Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. While I doubt the book contains any poorly choreographed fight scenes involving rock wielding men in lizard suits — hey, it was awesome for its time — it definitely gives us a better understanding of the Gorn’s social hierarchy. I honestly didn’t even know they had one. Read more…

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Transformers, More That Meets the Ice

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 1, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

Optimus Prime Ice Statue 1

This is probably the coolest ice sculpture I’ve ever seen. In case it’s difficult to make out — it is ice, after all — you’re looking at a 28 foot tall Optimus Prime ice sculpture by Antti Pedrozo and Michel de Kok of Switzerland. While he doesn’t transform into a truck, I’m told frozen autobot makes a mean snow cone. I’m pretty confident than these guys won’t be outdone any time soon, but if someone wants to build an SDF-1, or a Valkyrie from Macross that’d probably do it for me. Until then, you can check out more photos below. And, if you like this work, follow Antti on Twitter.

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If the King of All Cosmos Owned a T-Shirt, This Would Be It

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 1, 2010 in Videogames

Katamari Evolution t-shirt

I love Katamari Damacy, so I couldn’t resist sharing this t-shirt with you guys. While I’m sure the designer didn’t intend to make a statement with his doodle — he admitted to doing it in class shortly after one of the games had been released — it’s actually quite profound. I can’t imagine the King of All Cosmos putting his prince at the short end of the evolutionary chain, I can see the young prince representing the concept of natural selection. Of course, I could be way off base, but who cares. It’s a neat design and it’s only available for the next 24 hours, so if you want one of these sweet t-shirts, head over to TeeFury and order yours while supplies last.

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I Wanna Introduce You to a Personal Friend of Mine

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 30, 2010 in Cinema, Horror

Aliens Pulse Rifle 1

So you want to be a bald space marine? If that’s the case, you’ll need one of these — that, and the $900 it’ll cost you to buy it. Sounds like a bit much, but when it comes to faithful replicas of our favorite hollywood props, it usually is. This particular prop happens to be a replica of the M41-A pulse rifle from the sci-fi classic Aliens.  Of course, you won’t stand a chance against a real alien, let alone one that bleeds acid, but at least you’d look pretty awesome carrying one of these around. Weighing in at a solid 15 pounds, it features a collapsible shoulder stock, pump action underbarrel, and a working LCD ammo display that requires some AA batteries. You’d think for $900 they’d make it a lithium battery, but I guess that’d be asking too much. At least it comes with a nice mount and plaque for when you’re done playing with it. If you’re crazy enough to drop the cash for this, ThinkGeek currently has them in stock.

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No Rest For The Wicked; Supernatural the Animation Official Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 30, 2010 in Animation, Horror

Last week I posted some of the character sheets from the upcoming Supernatural anime. While I liked the designs, I wasn’t quite sure how well they’d translate to the animation. Thankfully, there’s a short trailer that’ll illustrate it for us. Again, the series will be covering the first two seasons of its American live-action counterpart, and follows the story of two brothers bent on revenge against the demon responsible for their mother’s death. While the trailer has me a little worried — the animation certainly isn’t the best I’ve seen — they seem to have hit everything else about the show on the mark. Needless to say, I’m still excited and I’m looking forward to seeing what Madhouse and Warner Brothers have in store for us when the series hits shelves next year.

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The Supernatural Anime is Looking Scary Cool

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 25, 2010 in Animation, Horror

Supernatural The Animation

It’s been months since this was officially announced, but I recently stumbled across what appears to be some of the original character sketches from the upcoming anime based on the hit show Supernatural. Like the series, the anime will feature the story of the Winchester brothers and will consist of twenty four episodes which will feature the same story arcs from the first two seasons — namely their quest to find their father and avenge the death of their late mother. The first twelve episodes will go on sale in Japan in early January, and while there’s been no word on if Supernatural: The Animation will be licensed for distribution stateside, I imagine it won’t be long before someone does — if not Warner Brothers themselves.

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Family Guy It’s a Trap Official Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 25, 2010 in Star Wars, Television

Given the amount of time that passed between the previous installments of the Famliy Guy/Star Wars trilogy, I expected to be waiting until next season for the third and final episode. Family Guy: It’s a Trap, a reference to Admiral Ackbar’s most memorable quote. I’m impressed with the short turn-around, but I hope the episode doesn’t suffer as a result. I really enjoyed the previous two, Blue Harvest moreso, but I get the impression that someone was either holding an Imperial blaster rifle to the writing staff’s heads — either that or using thermal detonators. No word on when the episode will see a DVD or Blu-Ray release, but you can download the episode from iTunes on December 21st.

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Finally, Something That’ll Tell Me What a Jelly Baby is

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 24, 2010 in Dr. Who

Dr Who Visual Dictionary Cover

There are those of us out there, myself included, who haven’t watched a single episode of Doctor Who. I know, blasphemy, right? It’s not that we don’t want to watch it — okay, some of us just don’t want to — but the series has been running for over a quarter of a century. I honestly wouldn’t even know where to begin, and please don’t tell me we would have to watch them all because I’m sure most of you would agree that’s simply unrealistic. Maybe this little gem might be able to help us figure it all out. Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary, a visual reference guide to everything a Whovian would want to know. I’m sure it’s not the most comprehensive guide, it seems pretty straight forward and might serve as a decent introduction to the series itself. ThinkGeek currently has it in stock for $25, though ordering it through Amazon can save you nearly $8 on top of that.

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Harry Potter and the Accent of Freedom

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 24, 2010 in Cinema

The other week, we showed you Michael Cera and the cast of Scott Pilgrim vs The World attempting British accents. They weren’t so bad with the exception of Cera, but then again, it’s a difficult accent to master. This time, however, the shoe’s on the other foot as Daniel Radcliffe and the cast of Harry Potter try their hands at an American accent. Being American, I couldn’t imagine our accent is so difficult to emulate, especially when I listen to actors like Hugh Laurie pull it off with such ease — that was, until I saw this clip. Of all his castmates, the only one who had me convinced was Rupert Gint, but Tom Felton wasn’t so bad either. Emma Watson, who I thought would have it in the bad, seemed to struggle the most. In case you live under a rock, and haven’t seen it,or read it already, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 hit theaters last week.

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Light Bright-esque Mario Brothers Pixel Art

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 23, 2010 in Videogames

Mario Pixel Art 1

I’ve always been fond of pixel art, but I’ve never had the time to sit down and create some. I’ve always seen it as incredibly tedious, requiring a lot of precision and attention to detail. Of course, one could argue that it’s no different than playing with Lego blocks, but I beg to differ. Lego has always been, at least for me, a tangible experience. Well, it looks like someone decided to give pixel art some tangibility. J-List recently listed these sweet Super Mario Brothers pixel-art kits. How do they work? Instead of building blocks, you’re snapping them in place. like pins in a Light Bright — or so the product claims. It sounds neat, especially considering you can use the blocks to create the patterns provided, or whatever you feel like. You still have to import the product from Japan, but at $14, it might be worth the price of shipping.

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Even Vulcans Show School Spirit

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 23, 2010 in Star Trek

Starfleet Academy Hoodie

It’s not really the 22nd century, and I doubt anyone would buy a degree in Xenolinguistics, but there’s no reason you can’t dress the part. Recently CBS Studios opened their very own Starfleet Academy store, which carries pretty much everything you can think of — from the ever-popular Red Shirt cologne, to vanity license plate frames. They have plenty of t-shirts with fictional institute’s logos, but given the season, I thought maybe you’d be more interested in a hoodie. Adorned with block lettering, this one simply reads Starfleet Academy MMCLXI — in case you’re still wondering, that’s 2161 — and comes in two colors, grey and navy blue. Personally, I’d choose the latter. The hoodie is probably trekkie enough to get noticed, but still cool enough to wear in a casual setting. Best of all, it’s slightly more fashionable than the fleece vests they’re selling. Currently, they’re going for roughly $49 each. Read more…

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A Newtype of USB Memory Stick

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 18, 2010 in Animation, Tech

Gundam USB Memory Stick 2

It looks as though Japan’s getting another awesome anime-related memory stick. Similar to the Evangelion usb stick I talked about last month, these upcoming Gundam memory sticks will likely hit Japanese shelves some time next month. I’ve got more memory sticks laying around than I can count on two hands, but I think  anyone would want to make an for these — I just wish wouldn’t have to import it, and that it’d come in a decent size. GeekStuff4U currently has them available for pre-order, but the only size they seem to have is 4 GB. That’s not very big by today’s standards, but then again, I’m sure most of you probably don’t store many documents — save for full-length feature films — over that limit, right? 
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Keep a Fanboy Guessing With Your Very Own Sci-Fi Armory T-Shirt

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 18, 2010 in Fandom

 Sci Fi Armory T-Shirt

ThinkGeek’s prepping for the holiday season with a ton of new merchandise, and I noticed this little gem amongst a slew of new products. It might not be the most attractive t-shirt I’ve ever seen, but it’s certainly one of the coolest. The Sci-Fi Armory, as they’re calling it, boasts an impressive array of weaponry from 1936’s Flash Gordon through 2009’s District 9. They manage to cover quite a bit, any fanboy can probably list off a few notable exceptions — BSG, Stargate, and Predator to name a few. Still, the fact that the shirt doesn’t outright list the origin of each weapon provides you with the opportunity to quiz your friends and family. Just don’t count on it winning your any dates. Read more…

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Castlevania The Arcade Game?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 17, 2010 in Horror, Videogames

Believe it or not, this actually exists — in Japan. Back in 2008 Konami released a first person “on rails” coin-op entitled simply Castlevania: The Arcade. The game lets you play as a whip-wielding Belmont, a Witch, or a gun-toting Eastern wanderer and makes use of a motion-sensing light-wand for attacks. Players then swing it at enemies or pull the trigger depending on their character of choice in order to vanquish the monsters. Sounds pretty awesome right? As if that weren’t enough to sell you on it, Konami threw in a soundtrack of arranged music from previous games in the series. Sadly, the arcade machine was never formally released in the United States, and though Wikipedia mentioned something about a European release back in 2009, I haven’t heard any reports of it showing up. Hopfully with the recent boom in motion-related gaming, Konami might have a change of heart and port it to a console.  

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Affordable Star Wars Wall Art? A New Hope Indeed!

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 17, 2010 in Star Wars

 ThinkGeek Star Wars Wall Art

Back in August, Michael showed us some rather expensive Star Wars Episode IV wall art  — a massive 9 x 15 foot replica of the original Star Wars Episode IV movie poster. As awesome as it is, the $255 price tag seemed a bit much. Thankfully, the guys over at ThinkGeek seem to have a solution, and while you give up some footage — their wall art is only 10.5 by 6 feet — the $149 price tag is a much more reasonable. The art is supposed to be easy to apply and shouldn’t be very hard to remove should your signifigant other decide to complain. Now if only they’d make one for Empire Strikes Back. Read more…



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