I Don’t Care if He’s Dark Lord of the Sith, He’s Still Your Dad!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 13, 2011 in Star Wars

Star Wars: It's Take Your Son to Work Day

It’s “Take Your Son to Work Day” at a Death Star near you. Found via D.J. Coffman.



This Millennium Falcon Takes the Cake

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 13, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Millennium Falcon Cake

This amazing Millennium Falcon cake features green LEDs — almost too good to eat! Found via Joseph Lee.



Red Shirt Bunny is Expendable, Spock Bunny Less So…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 12, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Expendable Star Trek Bunny

An average bunny can live for over ten years — however sadly a Star Trek red shirt bunny might not last more than ten seconds if beamed down to the wrong planet! This cute creature is the handy work of Jennifer Hugon who has a shop on Etsy called Woolykins. Logically her collection also includes a Spock bunny as well: Read more…

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Dessert Inspired Anime Characters

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Anime, Hobbies and Collections

Dessert Inspired Anime Characters

This collection of illustrations reminds me of an anime take on those Strawberry Shortcake characters from the 80s: Read more…

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A Beautiful Boba Fett Star Wars Body Paint Project

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Fandom, Star Wars

A Beautiful Boba Fett Star Wars Body Paint Project

If you’re offended by slightly risqué cosplay please don’t look below — but on the other hand if your inner Star Wars fanboy has ever wondered “What would a Boba Fett body paint job look like?” you want to take a look below: Read more…



One Piece x Hello Kitty: Manga Pirates Go Pink!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

One Piece x Hello Kitty

At long last the One Piece x Hello Kitty goodies are hitting the shelves in Japan for all of those kitty pirates who want something cool for Christmas! This collection includes a line of phone charms, ear buds, a notebook and of course and iPhone case which can be purchased online (of course your ill need to know how to read Japanese): Read more…

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An Amazing Zoo of Steampunk Animals from Vladimir Gvozdev

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Fandom

Steampunk Animal Illustration by Vladimir Gvozdev

This collection of beautifully crafted steampunk animal illustrations are the work of Vladimir Gvozdev, who is a Russian artist known as Gvozdariki. In many ways his work reminds me of those wonderful ink drawings by Murray Tinkelman which go back to the 70s: Read more…

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Rockets of the World Drawn to Scale

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Science

Rockets of the World drawn to scale

You know nothing so far quite beats a good old fashioned Saturn V rocket! Found via dudelol.com and Jet Tan.



A Breathtaking Blade Runner Fan Film: XXIT

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 10, 2011 in Cinema

A Blade Runner Inspired Fan Film: XXIT

I just came across this amazing short film made by Stargate Studios which is a tribute to Blade Runner. If they had done nothing but the opening animation here I would have been blown away, but they took it to the next step and work with some live actors. If you’re a film snob it’s too easy to forget that the original film was done on a budget of $28 million, but just remember that what you’re seeing here was done with no budget and you’ll be impressed: Read more…

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Totoro + Chewbacca = Chewtoro!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 9, 2011 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Chewtoro t-shirt design

This cute little Chewtoro adorns this t-shirt which is created by riptapparel.com. Found via Takashi Akimoto.

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Star Wars Imperial March Recreated with Old School Floppy Drives

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 8, 2011 in Fandom, Star Wars

Disco Star Wars!

This is crude but brilliant — in the video below some talented computer science students from Poland recreate the Star Wars Imperial March with a set of floppy drives: Read more…

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Calling Bruce Willis: An Actual Asteroid Approaches Earth!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 8, 2011 in Cinema

Armageddon starring Bruce Willis

Today a giant asteroid is heading towards Earth — and sadly it won’t hit, which will deny us any entertainment value. And sadly this event mirrors the plot of the terrible 1998 film Armageddon which pretty much represents every terrible cliche that I hate about producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Bruckheimer was the polar opposite of the golden age of indie films that dawned but too quickly disappeared in the 90s — Jerry knew how to make a picture that looked great, kept your heart beating yet said absolutely nothing of any lasting value. Read more…



The Official Fanboy.com Google+ Page

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 7, 2011 in Fandom

The Google+ Logo

We’ve just opened up our official Fanboy.com page on Google+ — we’re just getting things set up, but please follow us!



My Little Pony — in Japanese!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 7, 2011 in Animation, Fandom

My Little Pony — in Japanese!

Friendship is magic — but even more magical in Japanese! Below is a very cute fan made Japanese dub of My Little Pony: Read more…



Humorous Disney Star Wars Weekend Posters

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 7, 2011 in Star Wars

Disney Star Wars Weekend Posters

This ad campaign for Disney Star Wars Weekend is simply stellar! Read more…

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Will Wallace and Gromit be Outsourced?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 6, 2011 in Animation

Wallace and Gromit Demotivational Poster

This is really bad news if you love old school claymation: Aardman the studio behind Wallace and Gromit is now talking about outsourcing their animation process. This BBC news article has this very depressing quote: “When a company like Aardman is considering offshoring stop-frame animation, which we are at the moment, something’s got to be wrong.”

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An Elegant Plea for Space Exploration

Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 6, 2011 in Science

Only 12 men have walked on the surface of the moon

The amazing video below (which is from The Sagan Series) uses audio from the Carl Sagan audio book The Pale Blue Dot and is a wonderful argument for a return to the moon:

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Ray Bradbury: A Rediscovered Interview

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 28, 2011 in Fandom, Pulp Fiction

Ray Bradbury on the TV show Day at Night, January 21, 1974

The public television show Day at Night ran in the 70s and featured in depth interviews with a wide range of people from nuclear physicist Edward Teller to legendary boxer Muhammad Ali. This wonderful interview with science fiction author Ray Bradbury is from 1974 and he goes into wonderful detail on what inspired him: Read more…



Knowledge Navigator Implications: Apple Further Explores the Future in 1988 with Ray Bradbury and Friends

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 24, 2011 in Tech

Knowlege Navigator Implications: Apple Envisions the Future in 1988

Many of us know about the 1988 video by Apple called Knowledge Navigator — well here’s the follow up video! This nice snapshot of history includes interviews clips from Alvin Toffler, Ray Bradbury, Steve Wozniak and Alan Kay (who really envisioned the iPad in the 60s): Read more…

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The Tardis Hipster Bag

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 23, 2011 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections

The Tardis Hipster Messenger Bag

I love the hand made quality of this Tardis Dr. Who Messenger Bag which I found on Etsy — while I like the new series it would go great with a vintage Tom Baker multi-colored scarf. Bag design by Rhonda Wojciak of Nani Originals. Read more…



Disney’s Dumbo is 70 Years Old Today

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 23, 2011 in Animation

Vintage Disney Dumbo poster

On October 23, 1941 the elephant who could use his ears to fly stepped onto the silver screen. Expectations were set low for the film as it was intended originally to be a short, and was done on a low budget to make up for the financial losses from Fantasia. Even though they weren’t trying to push the edge with Dumbo, the strong focus on storytelling and strong characters won over critics. What I love about this film is that Disney wasn’t trying to be realistic as with Snow White, so there’s a great deal of the silly cartoony look which harkened back to their shorts: Read more…

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A Classic Case of Space:1999 Envy

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 20, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Television

A Case of Space:1999 Envy - photo by Christian Liendo

Part of the joy of New York Comic Con is that it’s part party — but it’s also like running through a giant attic that’s filled with various bits of your childhood! I was really happy to come across this origional Mattel Eagle 1 Spaceship on display: the funny thing is that when I was a child it seemed so much larger. This wonderful Space:1999 display was the handy work of Geek box Display Cases who had a booth at the show — they’re based in Hillsborough, North Carolina and you can find their website here and their Facebook page here. Read more…

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Galaxion: A Manga Inspired by Star Blazers and Star Trek

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 19, 2011 in Anime, Comic Books, Fandom

Tara Tallan author of the manga Galaxon at the New York Comic Con 2011 - photo by Christian Liendo

As a retro anime fanboy my heart warmed up when I came across the table of Tara Tallan at the New York Comic Con — her webcomic Galaxion is very inspired by Star Blazers which happens to be one of my favorite shows in the universe. Unlike most science fiction stories this manga isn’t dark and gritty, if you love indie comics you can show Tara your support by buying the first two volumes of the series: Read more…

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A Comic Con Wedding Proposal

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 18, 2011 in Fandom

A New York Comic Con Wedding Proposal

I’ve seen some cool things at conventions, but this is just wonderful! From the YouTube description: “My friend Marq proposed to his girlfriend at New York Comic Con 2011. He knew she was the one when she enjoyed Comic Con as much as he did. So he made an ellaborate plan to surprise her with a flash mob and propose to her as Ash holding a Pokeball, and inside of it is the ring!” And here’s the video: Read more…


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