Is Pluto a Binary Planet?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 16, 2012 in Science

Is Pluto a Twin Planet?

A few years ago Pluto suffered the public humiliation of being demoted from being a planet, but perhaps things are looking up for the little guy: Last week a fourth moon was discovered to be orbiting around Pluto and Charon which is starting to make some folks feel that Pluto may in fact be a binary planet. Although there is still a larger debate on where to draw a line between double-planet and a planet–moon system, so poor Pluto may have to wait a bit longer…



Lego Cthulhu Knows How to Throw an Awesome Block Party

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 12, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections

Lego Cthulhu Throws a Block Party

You know I have to wonder what H.P. Lovecraft would have thought if he could see his beloved mythical creation Cthulhu recreated in Lego? Imagine Rigney did a smashing job of bring this scene to life — I really love the level of detail that was put into this project: Read more…

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Danboard: A Cult Cardboard Character Captured in Plastic

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 12, 2012 in Anime, Hobbies and Collections

danboard plastic model kit

If you aren’t familiar with Danboard he’s a cardboard action figure who is based on an issue of the Yotsuba&! manga. The original model kit that became popular in Japan was produced by Revoltech, but this newest kit caught my eye because it’s made out of plastic! What;s nice about this new kit is that the cover features an illustration by the japanese artist Hidetaka Tenjin who is famous for his beloved illustrations of Mobile Suit Gundam and Macross. Shown below are a number of examples from Japan of local hobbyists who had fun with this kit: Read more…

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The Original Star Trek Exploration Set Recreated in Lego

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2012 in Star Trek

Original Star Trek Exploration Set Recreated in Lego

Growing up as a child one of my prized possessions was my AMT Star Trek Exploration Set — a full scale model kit which included a tricorder, phaser and a communicator. Fanboy Tommy Williamson has done amazing job of recreating this set in LEGO! I really love how the Tricorder has moving parts: Read more…

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Tatooine Headgear: A Cute Knitted Tusken Raider Hat

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

A Knitted Tusken Raider Hat from Etsy

This very nicely crafted Sandy Person Hat was designed by Michigan based artist BeeBeeKins and is available on Etsy. Below is an additional photo which shows off the attached scarf: Read more…

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A Preview of William Shatner’s Documentary on Star Trek Fans

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 4, 2012 in Star Trek

This is a new trailer for William Shatner’s documentary on Star Trek fandom called “Get a Life”. This film looks quite sweet and touching from the clip. “Get a Life” can be seen on Xbox Live Wednesday July 25, 2012 and on EPIX TV on Saturday July 28, 2012 at 8PM ET.



Hello Kitty is Chun-Li: Street Fighter Meets Sanrio

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 4, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Street Fighter vs. Sanrio t-shirt has just released a very cute series of t-shirts that combine Street Fighter with beloved Sanrio characters like Hello Kitty and Badtz-Maru: Read more…


The Outer Light: The Latest Chapter

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 4, 2012 in Star Trek

The Outer Light: The Latest Chapter

The latest chapter of The Outer Light has just been posted at For those of you Star Trek fans not in the know The Outer Light is a wonderfully done graphic novel sequel to the ST:TNG episode The Inner Light and is well worth checking out (previous chapters are posted).


An Avengers Worthy Xbox Mod

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 2, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

An Avengers Worthy Xbox Mod

Major League Mods has done it again with this very nice looking Xbox 360 slim Avengers edition. This ever so cool hack a really sharp looking avengers logo with controllers that feature matching Avengers colors: Read more…


The Long Lost Duet of R2-D2 and Jon Bon Jovi

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 31, 2012 in Star Wars

The Lost Duet of R2-D2 and Jon Bon Jovi

I have to say that I’m shocked to have never known that this existed! Here is the very first professional song that Jon Bon Jovi recorded — a duet with R2-D2 singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas: Read more…


Sneak Preview: The Art of Brave

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 31, 2012 in Animation, Cinema

The Art of Brave book

The kind folks at Chronicle Books have supplied us with two amazing bits of preproduction art for the upcoming Pixar Disney film Brave. Make sure to click on each illustration to see it at full size: Read more…

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This Cute Cthulhu Doorstop Keeps the Monsters Away

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 30, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Pulp Fiction

Tentacle Doorstop

Ah yes this clever doorstop brings the Call of Cthulhu to mind — as if the evil ones were at your front door but you didn’t want them to come in. The Tentacle Doorstop is available from the Neatshop. Read more…



New York Comic Con Finds One Last Way to Humiliate Otaku

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 30, 2012 in Anime, Comic Books, Fandom

konata from lucky star

New York Comic Con just announced that they will no longer have a side show which was called the New York Anime Festival. And adding insult to injury their press release no longer refers to cosplay, but instead uses the mundane term “costume contest”. It’s been hard watching what’s happened to the show over the last few years — but you just get the feeling that New York Comic Con is embarrassed by anime. Read more…


Why Can’t Ridley Scott Be More Like Stanley Kubrick?

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 29, 2012 in Cinema

Ridley Scott on the set of Blade Runner

And now Ridley Scott wants Harrison Ford for Blade Runner II? The saddest thing an artist can do is to be forced to go back to their past to amuse the masses. This was the trap that poor George Lucas fell into: Try-and-try as he did to remake Star Wars he couldn’t pull it off. The result? Of course we all stood in line and watched Jar Jar Binks, but now that it’s been more than a decade since The Phantom Menace and today fanboys still yearn for the real thing — Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. And sadly I fear Ridley Scott is going down the same path to schlockdom. Read more…

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Sorry NASA: Pirates Will Plunder Apollo

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 29, 2012 in Science

Bodacious Space Pirates

With the advent of Google’s Lunar X Prize NASA has sent out the word that they don’t want anybody messing with the historic sites from the Apollo era: However sadly history proves that over the long term that just may not happen. Read more…



Your Chance to Send Captain Picard AND Captain Kirk into Outer Space

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 30, 2012 in Star Wars

Send Captain Picard to Space

There’s a very cool project on Kickstater which aims to send a Captain Picard and a Captain Kirk action figure into outer space via weather balloon. While I’d prefer an overpowered Estes rocket the idea of a weather balloon is a tad more legal if not less fun. In addition to Kickstarter you cans how your love for the project on this Facebook page as well. Read more…

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A Sad Day for NASA Fanboys

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 27, 2012 in Science, Tech

Loren Feldman nails it in this video — we’re watching what’s left of NASA go on display in museums while China is working hard at go back to the moon. Read more…



Apple = IBM

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 26, 2012 in Tech

Steve Jobs in front of the IBM building

There’s a really sad article by George Colony which assumes that with the death of Steve Jobs that Apple will follow the fate of companies like Sony and Disney and fade out into oblivion. While I agree that nothing lasts forever, it’s also important to note that nothing is certain: And thus I give the example of the company that Steve Jobs hated in his youth — IBM. Read more…



If It’s Original It’s Just Not Android…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 26, 2012 in Tech, Videogames

The JXD S5110

So what you’re looking at above is the Sony PSP — right? Wrong! It’s the JXD V5200 which is of course powered by Android, the preferred OS of uninspired industrial designers. Although I have to admit that there is something cool about ripping off poor ignored Sony, and I can only hope that duo screen faux Nintendo DS comes next. Although if you’re an old school Nintendo fanboy check out the JDX 100 which reminds me slightly of a Game Boy from back in the day: Read more…



Before the Mac There was the Alto: An Amazing Commercial from the 70s

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 25, 2012 in Tech

Xerox Parc - Office Alto Commercial

Shown below is an amazing commercial from the 70s for the Xerox Alto: This amazing computer was first released in 1973 and featured all the cool features we associate with the PC today like a graphic user interface, a mouse and desktop publishing. While the the computer was a commercial failure, it went on to inspire the Macintosh in the the 80s and Windows in the 90s. Read more…

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Super Best Friends Forever: Second Clip Leaves You in Stitches

Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 10, 2012 in Animation, Comic Books

The last time I looked at a show with comic timing this good was when I was watching Ren & Stimpy back in the day. I have no idea if an entire episode of Super Best Friends Forever can keep up this sort of pace — but if it can it may be the best thing in a long time!

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An Otaku Musical Seeks to Kickstart Production

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 25, 2012 in Anime, Fandom

Maison Ikkoku

Joe Vecchio has been working diligently to create a musical based on the romantic comedy manga Maison Ikkoku which was created by Rumiko Takahashi. When I first heard about this project I had my doubts, however at Anime Central in 2011 Joe managed to get a read through of his play for his fellow otaku. And now he’s on a quest to take his dream to the next level via the website Kickstarer: Read more…



Prometheus: This Extended Trailer is Making Me Want to Stand On Line

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 18, 2012 in Cinema

Prometheus: Extended Trailer

I have to admit that as a jaded fanboy the idea of revisiting the Alien universe leaves me feeling a bit jaded — but this trailer that Ridley Scott could pull this thing off: Read more…

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The New Dark Shadows Trailer

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 16, 2012 in Cinema

This film looks like a great deal of fun — they could have made it super serious, but my first impression is that by setting it in the early 70s and having fun that Tim Burton did the right thing.

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