Hubble Rescued from Muddle

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 16, 2008 in Science |

Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

Do you realize that Hubble has been in orbit since 1990? Hubble pre-dates Windows 95, Nirvana’s first hit and is older than Miley Cyrus! I just find the state of NASA depressing — and making matters worse the the final Presidential debate we get McCain yammering on YET AGAIN about funding a planetarium while his Vice Presidential pick thinks cavemen rode dinosaurs to work in the morning while picking up breakfast at Sonic. But I guess we have to be grateful that Hubble is less flakey than some of the powers that be:

NASA approves Hubble revival plan
Circuit switchover could get data flowing again by Friday, managers say

“NASA is going ahead with a plan to restart the flow of science data from the Hubble Space Telescope by routing around circuitry that failed a little more than two weeks ago, officials said Tuesday. The unprecedented switchover is due to begin early Wednesday, and if all goes well, the telescope should be beaming imagery back down to Earth by Friday, said Art Whipple, manager of the Hubble Space Telescope Systems Management Office at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.”

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