Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Now Out, Free On PS Plus
After the repulsive, outdated mess that was Duke Nukem Forever, maybe it’s best that 3D Realms merely rerelease older Duke Nukem games until they, Gearbox, or whoever is making the next game have a good way to adapt Duke for a modern audience. It’s not that Duke Nukem 3D isn’t crude as well, but contextualized within the 90s mindframe and technology, it’s much more digestible. (Well, as digestible as the 90s could be.) With that in mind, check out Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, which includes an enhanced version of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, three originally-user-created expansions, and the usual new bells and whistles. It’s out on PC, PS3, and PS Vita, the latter two offering Cross-Buy; if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you can grab it for free right now!
Source: Destructoid