Broken Age Act 2 Is Now Releasing In 2015
Double Fine may have helped pioneer game development funded by fans, earning over $3.3 million back in 2012 for Broken Age, then titled Double Fine Adventure. After making much more than they originally expected, the studio were able to increase the scope of what they had planned, even hiring voice actors like Elijah Wood. But as a result, the game was split into two halves, so they could sell the first half to finish funding the second half. Now even Act 2 has been pushed back to early 2015, but at least the game looks to have its alpha done by the end of 2014, as both characters’ stories are in alpha and only the finale remains, with one character already on the way to beta. It’s been a strange release process, but at least Broken Age is finally getting out there, even if many later crowd-funded games have already released in the interim.
Source: Double Fine Productions