Madman Sorts Star Wars Alphabetically

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 5, 2014 in Cinema, Star Wars |

Star Wars

Someone has managed to sort all of Star Wars alphabetically. No, it’s not a wiki or database of some kind, and we’re talking about Star Wars the first movie, not Star Wars the franchise. This guy has alphabetically sorted every word spoken in the film and cut a video of the words in order. The original film is 121 minutes, while this edit runs for a mere 43 minutes. The most common word is naturally “the,” but interestingly enough, the word “lightsaber” is only uttered once in the entire film. Strange, huh?

And while we’re on the subject of Star Wars, Episode VII director J.J. Abrams tweeted a sarcastic reply concerning the recent leaked photos from the set. His note is straightforward, bemoaning both the leak of the photos and the rumors about the Millennium Falcon being the in the film. However, fans will note that the table it’s on is a Dejarik table — a chess-like hologram game played on the Millennium Falcon in the original film. Of course, with Harrison Ford returning to play Han Solo and Peter Mayhew returning to play Chewbacca, was there ever a doubt that we’d see one of the most iconic spaceships ever return as well?

Millennium Falcon irony

Source: YouTube

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