AMC Has Ordered a Preacher Pilot
In their search for the next big thing, AMC is looking in places you might not expect. Badass Digest is reporting that they’re hearing from multiple sources that AMC has ordered a pilot of Preacher, a TV adaption of the crazy comic. A lot of people out there are big fans of Preacher, and many have tried to get it made into a film before. Then, to add to the hype, Seth Rogen tweeted that he might get to bring one of his “favorite stories ever” to life. Following which he then said “Arseface. John Wayne, The Saint of Killers,” referencing two characters in the series. Could Preacher become AMC’s next big thing? I have my doubts, but who knows that the future holds?
Looks like about seven of years of hard work are about to pay off. I may get to bring one of my favourite stories ever to life.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 16, 2013