Final Fantasy XII Could See HD Remaster (If You Buy FFX HD)

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 18, 2013 in Videogames


HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 are due out on the PS3 and PS Vita this fall. In typical fashion, Square Enix is taking forever to finish them — an HD remaster of two Kingdom Hearts games was announced and will release before these two — but the results look promising. Since they look so good, what are the chances of the PS2’s other single-player FF game, Final Fantasy XII, getting an HD remaster? Actually, it could happen. Read more…

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Gaze Into A Smash Bros. Game Filled With Unusual Characters

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 18, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Fake Smash - Groose

Announcing new characters in a Super Smash Bros. game is a strange mix of excitement, nostalgia, and a touch of self-mockery. 2008’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl had a very successful website called the Super Smash Bros. Dojo that gave out daily updates on the game, and some of those updates echoed through gaming communities — “Diddy Kong confirmed for Brawl” or “Sonic confirmed for Brawl.” When Nintendo announced some new characters for the upcoming Wii U/3DS entry, they started a new style of character announcements that many fans have already adopted for their favorite or joke characters. Read more…

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New Massive Sydney Opera House LEGO Set Revealed

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 17, 2013 in Hobbies and Collections


It seems like every other week LEGO is upping the ante and revealing a huge new model. This time around is a gorgeous rendition of the Sydney Opera House. It’s nearly a foot tall, 25 inches wide and 15 inches deep, and features 2,989 pieces. They did a good job capturing the sloped and curved shape of the whole building, and their press release even brags about having a bunch of new colored pieces and baseplates. I suppose if you’re a die-hard collector that matters! If you want it though, you’ll have to wait until September when it releases for $320. Check out more images and a creator video below! Read more…



New Only God Forgives Trailer and Posters

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 17, 2013 in Cinema


I’m so glad this film is almost here, because I don’t know how much longer I would be able to wait. It got booed at Cannes, which, aside from being incredibly immature, is a great sign, as many wonderful films got booed there. I realize this kind of film isn’t for everyone, but I hope people will at least give it a chance. Try watching Drive in the meantime – and enjoy the silence. Anyway, God Only Forgives arrives July 19th in theaters and VOD. Check out the three new posters and trailer below. Read more…

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Octodad: Dadliest Catch Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 16, 2013 in Videogames



This sweet little indie game was featured in Sony’s E3 press conference last week, but I want to make sure it didn’t get passed over! Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a sequel to the indie hit Octodad, in which you play as a wonderful loving father and husband living in suburbia… who happens to be an octopus. And no one has noticed. Yet. So your task is simple: control Octodad as he maintains the illusions, and struggle to do the simplest of tasks. It’s a virtual slapstick comedy, and it’s looking fantastic. It’s arriving on PC and PS4 in late 2013 or early 2014. Check out the trailer below! Read more…

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Going to be the Terminator Again

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 16, 2013 in Cinema

Schwarzenegger Holds Press Conference On California Budget Crisis
Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again.

Arnold Schwarzenegger will be returning to play the Terminator again in a new film. It’ll start filming in January, and so far there are no other details on the project. I hope you all are happy with what you’ve wrought. Actually, who knows, maybe it’ll be great, hammy fun – but I have very serious doubts about that. Man, I am just a bountiful fountain of positivity about film reboots and franchises this week. Let’s change that: I can’t freaking wait to see Arnold stumbled around his lines while explosions go off everywhere. It’s going to be hilarious! Read more…



New Lengthy Elysium Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2013 in Cinema


If you’re like me, you’ve been clamoring for new details about Neill Blomkamp’s latest topical sci-fi film, Elysium. Starring Matt Damon as a man trying to escape Earth to reach the floating, luxurious sanctuary called Elysium. Of course, he’s stopped at every opportunity by Jodie Foster and Sharlto Copley. It looks incredible so far, but if you’re looking for more details about the movie, this trailer certainly offers them up. Beware: it may offer up a few too many details. Watch at your own risk! The trailer is embedded below. Read more…



Rumor: Star Wars Land Coming to Disney World?

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 15, 2013 in Star Wars


While this is listed as a rumor, I think we can all agree that this is more just a matter of time. Rumors are flying around that Disney is planning a major expansion for Disney World in Orlando, Florida, in the near future of 2018. This would include a Cars Land (based off the Pixar series), and of course, a Star Wars Land. While this has been rumored for just about every Disney park worldwide, I’m certain that this is a huge priority for Disney and will happen at one of them eventually. They’ve probably been talking about this for a while and sooner or later we’ll hear something legit. The real question is: what kind of rides or attractions would you want at this supposed Star Wars Land?  Read more…

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300: Rise of an Empire Trailer

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 14, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


Calm down people, I know you’re excited. Everyone has been clamoring for a 300 sequel for ages, and despite the studio not wanting to ruin the artistic integrity of the first film, they finally caved to fans’ demands… ok. I’m sorry, this is rude of me. I’m sure there are 300 fans out there. This is the first trailer for 300: Rise of an Empire, and sadly I cannot seem to get excited or interested in it. It seems like more Spartans battling without armor against Xerxes. If that’s what people want though, I guess it’ll be here soon. Check out the trailer below. Read more…

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The Longest Day: E3 2013

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 14, 2013 in Videogames


Have you ever wondered how journalists make it in between all the huge E3 conferences? Hooking up video feeds, running cable, getting everywhere on time, and making sure people have the latest news is complicated work. Giant Bomb’s Drew Scanlon has put together a nearly hour-long video covering day one of E3 2013 from the perspective of him and Vinny Caravella, the video crew. It’s more of a documentary than a news video – we already know all the E3 news. But seeing the behind-the-scenes look at all the conferences and the effort that goes into getting video content rolling is great (it also has a brilliant ending). Grab a drink, pull up a chair, and check out this great video. Read more…

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Castle Of Illusion Remake Gets New Footage, Looks Faithful

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 13, 2013 in Videogames

Castle of Illusion

While WayForward is busy remaking the NES’s DuckTales with Capcom, Sega is also reviving a classic Disney game: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse. E3 brings us the first footage of the remake, and it’s looking sharp. There may be a few more fans of Magical Quest on SNES, but this HD remake seems like a fun romp through a dark children’s fantasy world. My only question is whether or not the original game will be included as well; I always think that’s a nice touch. Read more…

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Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z Looks Delightfully Ridiculous

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 13, 2013 in Videogames

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Since Team Ninja’s Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo Koei, his baby Ninja Gaiden has been going through a rough patch. Ninja Gaiden 3 was critically panned, and while a Wii U version fixed some things, it still didn’t match up to the first game in the revived series that had justified two updated versions since its original Xbox release. Enter Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega Man, who has left Capcom and is now working on new projects, including Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. Read more…

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Watch Quantic Dream’s Full PS4 Tech Demo: The Dark Sorcerer

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 12, 2013 in Videogames

The Dark Sorcerer

One of the most impressive tech demos of the week was Quantic Dream’s The Dark Sorcerer on PS4. It’s not supposed to be a game, but it could be expanded sometime in the future. In the demo, the titular dark sorcerer tries to summon a demon using dark magic while his goblin helper looks on. Soon it is revealed that the scene is being directed (with partial green screen in the background) and the characters are acting, though the goblin is really a goblin. Only a few stunning minutes were shown at Sony’s E3 press conference, but now the entire 12-minute demo is available to watch, and it’s pretty stunning. Read more…



Atlus Confirms Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl For US

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 12, 2013 in Videogames

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl

With all of the major press conferences out of the way (thanks for nothing, Square Enix), E3 is starting to stabilize as journalists get their hands-on impressions. But there are still some announcements trickling out, especially for games that may have been a bit too small to trumpet from the heavens (er, stage). One such game is Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl, a 3DS remake of the first Etrian Odyssey game. Atlus made and published the game in Japan, but not every game makes it over. However, since the series does rather well for Atlus USA, they’ve announced that they will be publishing The Millenium Girl in the US this fall. Read more…

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Nintendo Announces Super Mario 3D World, New Smash Bros., New Donkey Kong Country

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 11, 2013 in Videogames

Super Smash Bros. Wii U / 3DS

Both Microsoft and Sony announced a lot of major exclusives yesterday, which leaves Nintendo in a catch-up position with its already underperforming Wii U. With the 3DS finally taking off, what did Nintendo have to show during its first online-only E3 press conference? Click to find out! Read more…

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Square Enix Confirms Final Fantasy Versus XIII Is Now FFXV, Teases Kingdom Hearts III

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 11, 2013 in Videogames

Final Fantasy XV

This was briefly covered in Sony’s press conference, but the footage has now surfaced online. After years of waiting and many empty promises, Square Enix has finally revealed a full trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, with new cutscenes, new graphics, and lots of gameplay showing its completely revamped combat system. Furthermore, the game is now known as Final Fantasy XV; it’s no longer a spin-off, but the next installment of the long-running series. The online excitement right now is palpable, as people are practically cheering in the streets. The game has so far been revealed for PS4, with no word of an Xbox One or PC release. Read more…

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Sony Brings The Big Guns, Offers The PS4 For $399

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 11, 2013 in Videogames

PlayStation 4

Microsoft came out strong today, showcasing 13 console exclusives and even showing off multiplatform games playable on Xbox One. Sony, however, has an advantage in that it doesn’t have a horrible used game/online DRM policy, as far as we know so far. With that said, let’s get into what they announced during tonight’s last conference. Read more…

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Ubisoft Debuts The Crew, Tom Clancy’s The Division At E3 Conference

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 10, 2013 in Videogames


Just like last year, Ubisoft got Aisha Tyler to host their E3 press conference. Wearing a shirt with the hashtag #girlwood on it, Ubisoft didn’t have much to show, but there were a few major new reveals. Click through to see what was said about hot games like Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Rayman Legends, and Watch Dogs, as well as all the new games. Read more…

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EA’s E3 2013 Presentation Features Dragon Age III, Mirror’s Edge 2

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 10, 2013 in Videogames

Dragon Age III - Morrigan

The E3 press conferences from non-platform makers generally have fewer announcements than their Big 3 friends, often retreading a few announcements, but there’s still some worthwhile news. With a new console generation about to happen (or already happening, if you’re satisfied with a Wii U), Electronic Arts has more than usual to show, for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Read more…

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Microsoft Kicks Off E3 With Xbox One Blowout, Releases This Fall For $499

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 10, 2013 in Videogames

Xbox One

Microsoft just finished their Xbox One press conference, and we’ve covered all the important game reveals at the event. Much was revealed, but the conference was lacking in many details, so if you see something below that interests you, be sure to wait for more info that is sure to be revealed as E3 2013 begins fully tomorrow. Click below and let’s see if Microsoft can make up for their disappointing Xbox One reveal a few weeks back! Read more…

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First Gameplay Footage Of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 10, 2013 in Videogames

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Even though it’s not an Xbox One exclusive, Microsoft led the start of its E3 2013 press conference with the first footage of the anticipated Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Since the game is an open world game set in a wide-open desert region, the implementation of stealth has been dramatically redesigned. It looks like a very unique experience with stunning graphics. Naturally, the game is also coming out on PS4, though Microsoft didn’t want to mention that. It’s all looking quite impressive, so watch footage from the stream below! Read more…

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Mache’s Amazing Custom Iron Man Nike MAGs

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2013 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections


Custom shoes are apparently really big, but given that I hardly ever dip my toes in those waters, I usually don’t get a glimpse of that world until something surfaces – like these fantastic custom Nike MAGs, inspired by Iron Man. Looking closer to Iron Man’s actual boots than sneakers, these custom jobs by Mache light up at both the base and the buckle. Since each of his customs are completely unique, sadly there’s no way to get these. If you’re willing to drop some serious cash, though, you could try ordering your own. Check out more images below! Read more…

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Set Pics from Captain America: Winter Soldier Arrive

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 10, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books


A lot of cool images have shown up recently showing the filming of the next Captain America film, subtitled Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier himself will be a new antagonist in the movie universe, but comic fans will know him well already. If you don’t, and want to keep some surprises in store for yourself, don’t Google him. But below you can get some ideas of the new modern tone of Captain America, as well as a glimpse at Cap’s new suit. They’ve done a great job with the Winter Soldier’s suit, and Black Widow and Nick Fury showing up is a good sign as well. Consider me slightly more interested in this film! Read more…

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Indie Game Notice: Gunpoint

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2013 in Videogames


Every once in a while I simply have to recommend a new indie game. Especially since the market is flourishing so much right now. Gunpoint is a new release from Suspicious Developments, and it’s a great take on the stealth genre. Mainly because you can rewire all the electronics in the game to do your bidding. Want to make a light turn off as the elevator arrives? Or even have a guard’s gun malfunction and trigger a trap door? There’s tons of room for creativity and it’s all wrapped up in wonderful pixel art and a stylish soundtrack. And it also has a level editor. You can also tackle guards to the ground and punch them – and at no point are you required to stop. Check out the trailer below and then pick it up on Steam! Read more…

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